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1、 中考资源网PAGE 中考资源网期待您的投稿!Evaluation Warning: The document was created with Spire.Doc for .NET.武隆县2009年秋期九年级英语目标教学检测题(十二)Topic 3, Unit 4(检测时间:45分钟满分100分)Classs: Namme: MMarkks: I. 单项项选择。(每每小题11分,共共15分)( ) 1.Caan sspacceshhipss reeachh thhe sstarrs _ thhe ssolaar ssysttem?No. So farr, nno sspacceshhip h

2、ass maanagged it.A. ouutB. aawayyC. upD. beyyondd( ) 2. Soomettimees yyourr chhoicce _ bby tthe amoountt off mooneyy yoou hhavee too sppendd.A. iss liimittedB. to limmitC. limmitiingD. limmiteed( ) 3. Thhe eeartth mmovees aarouund thee suun _ aabouut 1150 milllioon kkiloometterss.A. att a disstannce

3、B. forr a disstannce ofC. aat aa diistaancee offD. in a ddisttancce( ) 4.Hoow llongg haave youu beeen herre?It _ twoo yeearss siincee wee caame herre.A. waasB. werreC. havve bbeennD. hass beeen( ) 5.Coouldd yoou ttelll mee thhe ppopuulattionn off ouur ccityy?Moree thhan thrree milllioon, aboout _ aa

4、s _ ass thhat of Beiijinng.A. a quaarteer; mannyB. a qquarrterr; llarggeC. qquarrterr; mmuchhD. quaarteer; larrgerr( ) 6.Whhat _ tthe TV plaay HHomee Wiith Kidds _?Sorrry, I ddont kknoww. YYou cann seearcch tthe Intternnet forr heelp.A. arre; bassed onB. is; baase onC. aree; bbasee onnD. is; baasedd

5、 onn( ) 7. Thhis kinnd oof ffoodd _ inn a coool, cleean andd drry pplacce aaccoordiing to thee innstrructtionn.A. shhoulld ccarrryB. shoouldd bee keeptC. mmustt bee puutD. musst pput( ) 8.Thee maan llostt hiis jjob twoo daays agoo._, hhe llostt hiis hhousse aand felll iill thiis mmornningg.A. Whhats

6、 wworsse B. Whaatss moostC. WWhatts morreD. Whaatss woorstt( ) 9.Too exxploore thee unniveersee wiill takke llotss off tiime andd coost lotts oof mmoneey.But I tthinnk iit _.A. woorthh dooinggB. worrth itC. is worrthD. is worrth it( ) 100. WWe pput a sstroong stiick neaar aa yooungg trree _ makke ii

7、t sstraaighht.A. soo thhatB. in ordder thaatC. in ordder toD. so thaat( ) 111.“PPleaase wriite dowwn yyourr oppiniionss abboutt whhethher theere aree allienns, andd thhen _ iit _,”tthe teaacheer ssayss.A. haand; ouutB. hannd; inC. hannd; onD. hannd; oveer( ) 122.DDo yyou bellievve hhis stoory?_ Hee

8、allwayys ttellls lliess.A. Im aafraaid of it.B. Imm affraiid sso.C. Imm affraiid nnot.D. Imm noot aafraaid.( ) 133.II thhinkk thheree arre aalieens in spaace. _A. Whhat greeat!B. Whaat ffun!C. Howw a funn!D. Howw haappyy!( ) 144.DDid youu knnow thee teerriiblee accciddentt?Yeahh, II saaw iit _.A. wi

9、ith my ownn eyyesB. my eyeesC. witth eeyessD. in my eyees( ) 155.LLets ggo aand seee thhe mmoviie FFearrlesss._A. Coongrratuulattionns!B. Badd luuck.C. TThannk yyou.D. Souundss grreatt!II.完型型填空。(每每小题11.5分分,共115分)Scienntissts havve aalwaays wanntedd too knnow morre aabouut tthe uniiverrse. Thheyve se

10、nnt mmanyy sppaceeshiips to expplorre 11 pllaneets in thee soolarr syysteem.Yearss aggo ttheyy knnew 2 thhinggs aabouut tthe mooon. Theey kkneww hoow bbig it wass annd 3 it wass awway froom tthe earrth. Buut ttheyy waanteed tto kknoww moore aboout it. Thhey thooughht tthe besst wway wass 4 soometthi

11、nng tto tthe mooon.The mmoonn iss abboutt 3884 0000 killomeeterrs aawayy frrom thee 5 . AA pllanee caannoot ffly to thee mooon beccausse tthe airr reeachhes onlly 2240 killomeeterrs aawayy frrom thee eaarthh. BBut sommethhingg caan ffly eveen 66 thheree iss noo aiir. Thaatss a rocckett.How ddoess a

12、rocckett flly? Theere is gass inn thhe rrockket. Whhen thee gaas 77 veery hott innsidde tthe rocckett, iitlll rrushh ouut oof tthe endd off thhe rrockket, 8 itt caan mmakee thhe rrockket flyy upp innto thee skky.Rockeets cann flly ffar outt innto 9 . RRockketss wiith menn inn thhem havve bbeenn too

13、thhe mmoonn. SSeveerall roockeets 10 mmen in theem hhavee fllownn too annothher plaanett muuch farrtheer aawayy thhan thee mooon. Onne dday roccketts mmay be ablle tto ggo tto aany plaace in spaace. ( ) 1. AA. aanottherrB. othherC. othherssD. thee ottherr( ) 2. AA. mmuchhB. litttleeC. mannyD. a llot

14、( ) 3. A. hoow llonggB. whaat ffarC. howw muuch farrD. howw faar( ) 4. AA. ssenttB. to senndC. senndinngD. sennd( ) 5. A. eaarthhB. sunnC. MarrsD. plaanett( ) 6. AA. wwhennB. ifC. whiileD. as( ) 7. AA. mmakeesB. maddeC. wass maadeD. is madde( ) 8. AA. ssoB. orC. bbutD. beccausse( ) 9. A. skkyB. unii

15、verrseC. spaaceD. plaace( ) 100. AA. wwithhB. witthouutC. fforD. froomIII. 阅读理理解。根根据短文文内容,选选择正确确的答案案。(每每小题22分,共共20分)AThe pplannetss arrent tthe onlly wwanddereers (漫游游者) of thee skky. Theeyrre ssomee thhinggs tthatt waandeer eevenn faarthher andd loongeer. Lonng aafteer ppeopple werre nno llongger f

16、riightteneed oof pplannetss, ttheyy sttilll thhougght thee coometts (彗星) werre bbad beaastss (野野兽) thaat wwanddereed iin tthe skyy. TTheyy weere afrraidd thhat thee coometts wwoulld ssudddenlly llandd onn thhe eeartth aand hurrt tthemm.But, in facct, eveen iif aa coomett diid hhit thee eaarthh, nnot

17、hhingg muuch happpenned. A commet is reaallyy a harrmleess thiing.Cometts hhavee rooundd heeadss annd llongg taailss, aand theey aare verry bbrigght. Soomettimees ttheyy loook likke hheadds wwithh loong haiir fflyiing witth tthemm. TThatts whyy thheyre callledd coometts. Commet meaans lonng-hhairred

18、.Like thee sttarss annd pplannetss, ccomeets aree faar aawayy. BBut we cann knnow itss siize. Thhe hheadd off a smaall commet is as widde aas tthe Paccifiic OOceaan. Andd a bigg coometts heaad iis tten timmes as bigg ass thhe eeartth. Itss taail is milllioons of killomeeterrs llongg. TThenn whhy wwo

19、ulldnt tthe greeat bigg thhingg huurt us if it hitt thhe eeartth? Beccausse iit iisnt ssoliid. Its tthinn liike clooud. Itts ttaill iss noothiing butt brrighht ggas. Annd iits heaad iis mmadee off smmalll piiecees tthatt coouldd noot hhurtt thhe eeartth.Some commetss caan bbe sseenn foor aa feew mmo

20、ntths. Thhen theey ggo aawayy. SSomee off thhem comme bbackk inn a cerrtaiin nnumbber of yeaars. Soome aree neeverr seeen agaain.Perhaaps theese commetss thhat nevver retturnn haave brookenn innto pieecess. FFor somme aastrronoomerrs (天文学学家) thiink thaat sshoootinng sstarrs (流星) aree piiecees oof bb

21、rokken commetss.( ) 1. Peeoplle wweree affraiid _.A. coometts aare diffferrentt frrom plaanettsB. commetss waandeer iin tthe skyyC. coometts aare mucch bbiggger thaan tthe earrthD. commetss coouldd hiit tthe earrth( ) 2. Coometts aare harrmleess beccausse _.A. thheyre farr frrom thee eaarthhB. theey

22、 llookk laargee buut tthinnC. thhey alwwayss diisapppeaar qquiccklyyD. theeyrre mmadee off clloudds( ) 3. Coometts hhavee loong taiil llikee _, sso wwe ccalll thhem commetss.A. loong haiirB. rouund heaadsC. rouund dissksD. widde wwinggs( ) 4. Frrom thee paassaage we knoow tthe taiils of commetss arr

23、e mmadee off _.A. waaterrB. sollidC. gassD. smaall stooness( ) 5. Whhichh off thhe ffolllowiing is TRUUE?A. A commet is a kkindd off pllaneets.B. Commetss arre aabouut tten timmes as bigg ass thhe eeartth.C. Peeoplle ccan harrdlyy seee ccomeets.D. Shoootiing staars mayy bee piiecees oof bbrokken com

24、metss. BThe ssearrch forr liife outtsidde tthe earrth mayy haave movved to a nnew andd exxcittingg leevell. AA teeam of asttronnomeer ssaidd thhey havve ffounnd aa neew pplannet thaat hhas manny iimpoortaant parrts simmilaar tto tthosse oof tthe earrth.The pplannet, whhichh trraveels arooundd a redd

25、 dwwarff sttar(红红矮星)called Gliese 581C, has the right size and temperature. Most importantly, the planet lies in the suitable living area of the star, which makes the planet not too hot or too cold.Scienntissts sayy thhe nnew worrld, Glliesse 5581CC iss fiive timmes larrgerr thhan thee eaarthh. IIt

26、mmay havve wwateer ssincce iit iis iin tthe rigght plaace forr thhe rred dwaarf staar tto ssurvvivee inn sppacee.Swisss sccienntisst MMichhaell Maayorr saaid it is an impporttantt sttep on thee waay tto ffindd poossiiblee liife in thee sppacee annd ttherre aare stiill lotts oof qquesstioons.For mmor

27、ee thhan tenn yeearss, aastrronoomerrs aand sciienttistts hhavee beeen keeepinng ttheiir eeyess onn thhe sspacce iin ssearrch forr annothher earrth, annothher worrld thaat ccan suppporrt llifee orr allreaady hass itt.Accorrdinng tto rrecoordss, tthe firrst disscovveryy off exxtraa soolarr pllaneet g

28、goinng aarouund a nnormmal staar wwas madde iin 119955. SSincce tthenn, tthe nummberr off neewlyy diiscooverred worrldss haas iincrreassed to aboout 2000. BBut theey aare jusst llifeelesss bbodiies.Gliesse 5581CC caame intto oour eyees aand mannkinnd hhas reaasonns tto cceleebraate. Affterr alll, we

29、 mayy haave livvingg neeighhborrs. Thee diiscooverry ddoessntt prromiise mucch, butt itt offferrs hhopee thhat theere couuld be othher peooplee orr liivinng tthinngs outt thhe eeartth.( ) 6. Thhe nnew plaanett haas mmadee _. A. thee seearcch ffor liffe ooutssidee thhe eeartth nnew andd exxcittinggB.

30、 mmanyy immporrtannt ppartts oof tthe earrth neww annd ssimiilarrC. aa reed ddwarrf sstarr noot ttoo hott orr noot ttoo colld D. tthe asttronnomeers bellievve eeverrythhingg( ) 7. Thhe nnew plaanett gooes arooundd _.A. tthe sunn B. tthe earrth C. thhe rred dwaarf staar D. thee mooon( ) 8. Whhichh of

31、f thhe ffolllowiing is TRUUE? A. A nnew plaanett foor ppeopple to livve iin hhas beeen ffounnd.B. TThe redd dwwarff sttar is fivve ttimees llargger thaan tthe earrth.C. SScieentiistss haave a llot of queestiionss abboutt thhe nnew plaanett.D. SScieentiistss haave proovedd thheree iss soome watter in

32、 thee neew pplannet.( ) 9. Whhy ddo aastrronoomerrs aand sciienttistts kkeepp thheirr eyyes on thee sppacee? A. Theey hhatee thhe llifee onn thhe eeartth.B. Theey wwantt too suuppoort morre llifee.C. TTheyy waant to seaarchh foor aanottherr woorldd.D. Thheree arre ssomee peeoplle aand livvingg thhin

33、ggs ttherre.( ) 100. WWhatt woouldd thhe sscieentiistss moost likke tto ttelll uss inn thhe ppasssagee? A. Asttronnomeers firrst disscovvereed tthe exttra sollar plaanett inn 19995.B. MMankkindd waantss too ceelebbratte tthe disscovveryy off thhe nnew plaanett.C. TThe nummberr off neewlyy diiscoover

34、red worrldss iss abboutt 2000.D. MMankkindd maay hhavee liivinng nneigghboors in spaace.IV.根据据所给提提示,完完成句子子。每空空一词,含含缩略词词。(每每小题22分,共共10分)1. Yoou ooughht tto ssendd thhesee thhinggs tto tthe ownner on timme.(改改为被动动语态)Thesee thhinggs ooughht tto _ _ to thee owwnerr onn tiime.2. Thhis plaaygrrounnd iis f

35、fourr tiimess ass loong as thaat oone.(改为为同义句句)This plaaygrrounnd iis tthreee ttimees _ _ thaat oone.3. Thhey werre ggiveen aa loot oof aapplles by thee faarmeer.(改改为主动动语态)The ffarmmer _ aa loot oof aapplles _ thhem.4. I bellievve tthatt moore andd moore thiingss wiill be disscovvereed iin tthe futt

36、uree.(改改为否定定句)I _ bbeliievee thhat morre aand morre tthinngs _ bbe ddisccoveeredd inn thhe ffutuure.5. 这婴婴儿在医医院能受受到很好好的照顾顾。(完完成译句句)The bbabyy caan bbe wwelll _ _ iin tthe hosspittal.V.情景地地对话,从从方框中中选择正正确的应应答语填填空。(每每小题11分,共共5分)A. Whhat aree yoou ggoinng tto bbe, by thee waay? B. Wee booth neeed tto ww

37、orkk haard.C. Whhats iit aabouut? D. Itts harrd tto ssay. E. Itt sooundds wwondderfful.F. Too bee ann asstroonauut iisnt eeasyy. G. I thiink youur ddreaam wwilll coome truue.A: Haave youu evver wattcheed tthe CCTTV 110 pproggramm att 222:000?( ) B: Noo, II haavennt. 1 A: Itts aboout sciiencce. Its r

38、repoorteed tthatt Chhinaa maay ssendd upp Shhenzzhouu maanneed sspacceshhip intto sspacce iin 220100.( ) B: Reeallly? 2 WWho willl ffiniish thee taask theen?( ) A: 3 Thhe aastrronaaut is beiing sellectted. Id aalsoo liike to be an asttronnautt whhen I ggroww upp.B: Grreatt! BBut its nnot eassy.( ) A

39、: Thhats rrighht. Illl ddo mmy bbestt too maake me strrongg annd mmastter somme sskillls. 4 B: I wannt tto bbe aa teeachher.( ) A: Itts reaallyy coool. 55 VI.短文文填空。(每每小题22分,共共20分)One dday, whhen we werre hhaviing an Engglissh cclasss, Mr. Grreenn saaw aa booy 1 a piictuure-boook aand saiid, “ TTom,

40、whhat do youu ussuallly do 2 luunchh?”Tom nnervvoussly gott upp frrom hiss 3 , bbut he didd noot kknoww 44 too annsweer. He thooughht ffor somme ttimee annd tthenn saaid. “ 5 foor ssuppper.”Mr. GGreeen wwas 6 annd jjustt att thhat mommentt, hhe ssaw anootheer bboy 77 . Thee teeachher wass geettiing

41、a llitttle anggry noww, bbut he wass trryinng nnot to 8 hiim. Theen hhe aaskeed, “ AAnd youu, JJackk?” As Jacck wwas aslleepp, oof ccourrse, hee cooulddntt heear whaat MMr. Greeen hadd saaid . HHis dessk-mmatee wooke himm, JJackk sttoodd upp 99 aand ansswerred in a lloudd 110 , “sso ddo II!”. 1. _ 22. _ 33. 44. 55. 6. _ 7. _ 8. 9. 100. = 8 * ROMA


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