口译ceremonial speech汉译英中需要注意礼貌问题_第1页
口译ceremonial speech汉译英中需要注意礼貌问题_第2页




1、汉译英中需要注意的礼貌问一、中国人见面时喜欢问:吃过了吗? Have you had breakfast (lunch, supper)?到哪去?Where are you going?这都不是外国人在见面问候时会问的问题。如果见面就“你好吗?”HowareyouHowdoyoudo? How have you been doing? Hello! Hey! 等。用哪一句来表达你的问候,取决于你I wasratherdisturbedbyandconcerned about your illness.但这样翻译会使感到病情很重,只能加重病人的顾虑,达不到安慰病人的目的。按照英文的表达习惯,可译

2、为:I am sorry to hear about your illnessandwishyouaspeedyrecovery.这样翻译既表达了讲话者的难过心情,又表做的。”或者,“哪里,哪里,我还做得很差。”如果直译:It is nothing.This is my duty. This is what I should do. Well, I have not done very well. There is still much to be improved.所有这些谦恭的话,在外国人听起来,都会显得做作。西方人通常会说:Its my pleasure. Thank you for y

3、our kind words. I feel flattered.翻译这些话时,宜根据西方的习惯来译。been tired after the long flight(journey)而外国人喜欢在别人面前显果不好,可译成:Howwastheflight?Haveyouhadapleasantflight?Youhave had a long flight.二、1 中国可作为贵国资源性产品的稳定市场,同时中国的许多工业产品可满足直译:Your resource-based products can find a stable market in China and Chinese indust

4、rial products can meet the needs of your market.这么直译也许会让人担心,You may find a stable market in China for yourprimary products and may also get a number of industrial products from China to meet some of your needs.2 直译:I wish to talk on Chinas economic development in which you are interested.更好。可译为:I wo

5、uld like to brief you on Chinas economic development, which might be of interest to you.1974年,加拿大“白求恩纪念委员会”访华代表团中有一位团员对我接待官员说,我方翻译像警察,原因是那天早晨,翻译到他房间对他说:You have breakfast at 8, get your luggage downstairs at 8:30 and leave here for the airport at 9.OK? 语言Breakfastisat8.Wouldyou please get your lugga

6、ge downstairs at 8:30? We are going to leave here for the airport at 9.事情时总是:Attention please.而不是说:Ladies and Gentlemen, may I have your attentionplease.结果一位外宾对此感到不快,说:Idontwantto talktothatwild 如果英文译成:Can you tell me how to get to? Can you speak English?那将是很can 表示能力。如果改为could,Couldyouplease tell me

7、 how togetDoyou speak English?Youdbettertakeabus,Youdbetter这个句型含Youhaveadutytodosomething,Youhaveanobligationto如:Isuggestyoutakea It might be better to take a bus. Perhapsyoumightliketotakeabus. Why not take a bus?IthinkthebestwayisbyI have to disagree with you, but I would think或者Well, theres a poi

8、nt in what you said, but 对某件事表示不同意见时,可以说:Would it not be betterif请别人帮Couldyoudomeafavour, 或者ExcusemeIhaveaproblem,在绝别人要求时,可以说:I am itdoesntwork.或者IwonderwhetheritwillworkbutIlltry my As an experienced Minister with a distinguished record of service, we are confident thathehas all theattributes tobe

9、anoutstanding presidentofthis ConferencebutI have to place before you some of the reservations that we have about this nomination. If I may, I willshare with you some of our concerns. Such a presidency will be misread by those outside the ILO as signaling that”国际劳工组织以外的人误解为发出一个”这位团长既清楚地表达了反对意见,但又讲得非

10、常委婉、客气。Welcome 的用法WelcometoBeijingWelcometoInternationalWelcometoflyPeople from the business community in your country are welcome to make investment in ChinaWe are honored to host the dinnerthis evening in honorofhonorable guests fromwhohave come to China at the invitation of berememberedasashining

11、pageinthehistoryofAllow me , first of all, to express our hearty welcome to our distinguished guests coming from Onbehalfof,IwishtowelcomeourfriendswhohavecometovisitIwillsurelyrememberyouandyourinvitationto 今天我们怀着无限惜别的心情,欢送With a sense of great sorrow, we bid farewell today Wemeetheretodaytosolemnl

12、ycommemoratetheanniversaryofLadiesandgentlemen,goodevening.Theconcertwouldstartsoon.PleasemakeyourselfThankMr. Chairman, it is with great pleasure that I am here to attend this annual meeting. On the occasion of this opening ceremony, I would like to express my deep appreciation to the host for this

13、 opportunity to address the topic of peace and development, and pay my high respect for all the representatives present at the meeting.DistinguishedguestsfromNewZealand, ladiesandgentlemen, Ifeelhonoredandpleasedto be here to preside over this grand welcome ceremony for the honorable New Zealand gue

14、sts.Its true that its a long way from China to New Zealand, but the peoples from the two nations have long been friendly to each other.During the years, we have conducted sincere and fruitful co-operations in the fields of politics, economy, culture, education and so on.With more and more exchanges

15、between the two peoples, I, as a Chinese scholar, have had many opportunities to visit New Zealand, study, lecture and exchange ideas.Im deeply impressed by herbeautiful scenery,plenty ofsunshine, agreeableclimate, quiet and comfortable study environment, as well as its people who are kind and frien

16、dly.CEinterpretation对上一课reception副总统阁下,Williams 夫人,YourExcellencyVicePresidentandMrs.Williams, Distinguished/honorable/respected guests Ladies and Gentlemen,It is my privilege and great pleasure to host this banquet in honor of Vice President and Mrs. Williams and other distinguished guests. I would

17、 avail myself of this opportunity to extend my warm welcome to you all.显而易见,威廉斯副总统的这次访问表明了阁下愿意继续推进我们两国之间(副总统的)访问表明(阁下的)Evidently, Vice President Williams current visit has shown/demonstrated/indicated His Excellencys/His Honors determination (to further enhance/improve/promote the friendly and coope

18、rative relationships between our two countries).I believeIm deeply convincedI have a great faith that a frequent exchange visitsbetweenthetopgovernmentofficialsof ourtwoountris)isbeneficialnotonlytotheimprovementofourrelations(内容简化,两国关系关系), but also to (主干!和平与稳定) the peace and stability of the Asia-

19、Pacific Region and the world as a whole. 逻辑,世界包括了亚太地区。A frequent exchange of visits will not only help to improve/ameliorate the relations between our two countries but also be beneficial/of benefit to the peace and In/Over the years since the establishment of the diplomatic relations between our tw

20、o countries, wehavecarriedout sincereandrewardingcooperationin politics, economy, trade, culture, education, science and technology, public health and other fields. 长主语It is our common wish to seek/pursue sustained world peace and persistent global economic prosperity.外交政策和经贸政策,发展与各国平等互利的 友好关系。Impos

21、eanEnglishsentenceIt is in the spirit of maintaining/safeguarding the world peace, ensuring a common development and sustained prosperity that we have made our current foreign policies as well as economic and trade policies and (wish to) develop friendly relations with other countries on the basis of equality and mutual benefits.We are verypleased that your countryisin persistent pursuit of aworldpeace policy and has kept/maintained a decade-old trading partnership with china.XX 举行


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