1、Evaluation Warning: The document was created with Spire.Doc for .NET.初二新目标(上)Unit1自测题一、根据句意,用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。1. My mother goes to Beijing_(two) a year. 2. Caan yyou finnd tthe_(diiffeerennt) bettweeen tthiss boox aand thaat bbox? 3. I_(haard) evver seee hiim nnow. 4. Doo yoou wwantt too meeet thaat_(i
2、nttervvieww)? 5. Yoou sshouuld loook aafteer yyourr (hheallthyy). 二、根据句句意及首首字母提提示,完完成下列列单词拼拼写。6. Doo yoou llikee drrinkkingg m_? 7. Plleasse tt_thhis senntennce intto CChinnesee. 8. Im aa sttudeent. Im iin CClasss OOne, G_ Onne. 9. Doo yoou oofteen eeat j_ffoodd? 10. MMy ffavooritte pp_iss thhe CCCT
3、VV neews. 三、用方框框内的单单词完成成下面的的句子(有有多余选选项)。 aalwaays, evveryy daay, oftten, soomettimees, nevver, haardlly eeverr1. Hee_geets up at sixx ocloock, seevenn daays a wweekk. 2. Hoow_ do youu goo too thhe mmoviies? 3. Itt_raainss heere. Itts usuuallly ssunnny aand warrm. 4. Soome of my friiendds eexerrcisse
4、 eeverry dday andd haardlly eeverr eaat jjunkk foood, buut mmostt off thhem eatt juunk foood _. 5. I cannt swiim. So I_ggo tto tthe beaach to swiim. Sommetiimess I go theere witth mmy ffrieendss too ruun. 四、选择填填空。1._hee iss illl,_he goees tto sschoool. A. Allthooughh, bbut B. /, / CC. AAlthhouggh, /
5、 DD. BBut, allthooughh 2. Thhey wattch TV_. A. onne aa weeek B. oncce aa weeek C. onee thhe wweekk D. onnce weeek 3. Thhe oold mann iss weell beccausse hhe oofteen_. A. exxerccisees BB. ddrinnks C. sleeepss D. pllay 4. -_do youu reead Engglissh bbookks? -Twicce aa daay. A. Hoow mmanyy B. Hoow mmuchh
6、 C. Hoow llongg D. Hoow oofteen 5. Liily usuuallly sstarrts thee daay_bbreaakfaast. A. wiith B. froom CC. aat DD. oof 五、根据上上句完成成下句,且且使上下下两句意意思一致致,每空空一词。 1. -CCoulld yyou hellp mme? -Ceertaainlly. -Coulld yyou hellp mme? -_ _. 2. Caan yyou takke ccaree off myy liittlle ddog? Can yyou_ _mmy llitttle d
7、ogg? 3. Thhey oftten plaay bbaskketbballl onn Saaturrdayys aand Sunndayys. They oftten plaay bbaskketbballl _ _ . 4. Whhen doees hhe ggo tto ssee a ffilmm? When doees hhe_ _ _ _ ? 5. Paandaas aare a llitttle inttereestiing. Pandaas aare_ innterresttingg. 六、用括号号内所给给动词的的适当形形式填空空。1. Annn_ (goo) tto tth
8、e pollicee sttatiion thiis mmornningg. 2. Loook! Thhe sstuddentts_ (swwim) inn thhe rriveer. 3. Lii Leei oofteen _ (hhelpp) mme wwithh myy Chhineese. 4. Whheree _ (bee) yyou lasst nnighht? 5. Whhat aboout _ (plaay) foootbaall noww? 七、 单句句改错,下下列各句句中均有有一处错错误,请请指出并并改正。(1. Shhe oofteen(AA) ggoess shhopi
9、ing(B) witth(CC) hher mottherr onn(D) weeekeendss. 2. Whhats(AA) mattterr(B) witth(CC) youu(D)? 3. I(A) oftten(B) go homme(CC) a wweekk twwicee(D). 4. Myy brrothher oftten doeesnt(AA) go swiimmiing(B) on(C) Sunddayss(D). 5. Allthooughh(A) hee iss onnly sixx yeearss olld(BB), butt(C) hee caan llookk
10、affterr(D) hiimseelf. 八、完形填填空。Its Sepptemmberr 1sst, andd weeree alll bbackk too scchoool. Its ggoodd too_11_ aall my teaacheers andd frriennds agaain. Thhey alll_2_ ffinee. Weree inn Grradee Eiightt thhis yeaar. We havve_33_ nnew subbjeccts. Im nnot verry_4_ att Chhineese, buut HHan Meii saays shee
11、 caan_5_ mee. II thhinkk I cann_6_ iit bbettter. I likke EEngllishh veery mucch. Zhaang Honng llikees EEngllishh,_77_ . Buut sshe neeeds hellp. I_8_ I ccan hellp hher. Mr Huu iss ouur nnew Engglissh tteaccherr. HHe_99_ kknoww alll oof uus, so he hass ouur nnamees oon aa piiecee off paaperr annd_110_
12、 ouur nnamees bbefoore he begginss hiis llessson. 1. A. seee BB. wwatcch CC. ffindd D. loook 2. A. doo B. seee CC. llookk D. sooundd 3. A. a lott B. soome C. lott D. muuch 4. A. weell B. goood CC. bbad D. nicce 5. A. leearnn B. giive C. hellp DD. nneedd 6. A. doo B. pllay C. loook DD. ffeell 7. A. e
13、iitheer BB. vveryy C. muuch D. tooo 8. A. amm affraiid BB. tthinnk CC. aam ssorrry DD. wwantt 9. A. dooesnnt B. donnt C. doees DD. ddo 10. AA. ggivees BB. ccallls CC. aaskss D. teellss 九、阅读理理解Mary is an Ameericcan girrl. Shee iss noow iin BBeijjingg wiith herr paarennts. Maary doeesnt kknoww muuch C
14、hiinesse, butt shhe iis sstuddyinng iit. Shee offtenn sppeakks CChinnesee wiith herr Chhineese friiendds. Sommetiimess thhey cannt unddersstannd hher, beecauuse shee caantt sppeakk Chhineese verry wwelll. Its Satturdday morrninng. Shee gooes outt. SShe is wallkinng iin tthe strreett. SShe wannts to
15、go to thee zooo tto ssee thee ellephhantts aand monnkeyys, butt shhe ddoessntt knnow howw too geet ttherre. Shee assks a CChinnesee booy tthe wayy. TThe boyy caantt unnderrstaand herr. TThenn shhe ttakees oout a ppen andd a pieece of papper. Shhe ddrawws aan eelepphannt oon iit, andd shhowss thhe pp
16、ictturee too thhe bboy. Thhe bboy unddersstannds, annd sshowws hher thee waay tto tthe zooo. 根据短文内内容,选选择最佳佳答案。 1. Maary is_ . A. Chhineese B. Engglissh CC. JJapaanesse DD. AAmerricaan 2. Maary is in_ wiith herr paarennts noww. A. Shhangghaii B. Beeijiing C. Neww Yoork D. Lonndonn 3. Maary doeesnt kk
17、noww hoow tto gget to_ . A. thhe zzoo B. thee paark C. herr hoome D. herr scchoool 4. Maary cannt speeak_ veery welll. A. Enngliish B. Engglannd C. Chhinaa D. Chhineese 5. Att laast Thee booy_ . A. caan uundeersttandd Maary CChinnesee B. taakess heer tto tthe zooo C. shhowss heer tthe wayy too thhe
18、zzoo D. drrawss a piccturre ffor Marry, tooo 十、书面表表达。根据下列班班级活动动调查表表,用英英语写一一篇文章章。 Classs 112,GGradde 88: AActiivitty SSurvveyActiivittyEverry DDayTwicce aa WeeekFourr Tiimess a WeeekWatcch TTV60% 20%20%Havee Spportts10%20%70%Do hhomeeworrk100%0%0%( Alll sttudeentss=1000 Moost stuudennts=51999 Soome s
19、tuudennts = 11500 Noo sttudeentss = 0) KEY:一、1. twiice 2. diffferrencces 3. harrdlyy 4. innterrvieewerr 5. heealtth二、6. millk 77. ttrannslaate 8. Graade 9. junnk 110. proograam三、1. alwwayss 2. offtenn 3. haardlly eeverr 4. soomettimees 55. nneveer四、1. C aalthhouggh 表表示仍然,不能能和buut同时时使用。2. B 注意用了once还要加上冠词。 3. A exercise在这里是动词,第三人称单数加s。4. D 提问频率用how often。 5. A start with. 是以.开始的意思,固定搭配。五、1. Of couursee 2. loook aftter 3. on weeekennds 4. go to thee mooviees 55. kkindd off六、1. wennt 22. aare swiimmiing 3. hellps 4. werre 55. pplayyingg七、1. B sshoppingg sshopppinng 22. BB maatteer thee maatte
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