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1、五年级年级英语完填空期试卷培优习附答案一、五级英语完形空111 Miss Gao class there 2 students. are twenty-four boys, girls. 3 of the boys is . His name Jim. 5 boys are Chinese . of the Chinese students are Young Pioneers. the class there are two girls. They are 7 . 8 names Lily Lucy. other are Chinese. are 9 friends. 10 differen

2、ce, American-English- Chinese.( InB. At About( forty B. forty and C. fourteen six forty-six( ( England( other( ( twins( ( ( )10.A. notB. AnB. EnglishB. othersB. B. B. TheirB. B. Englishes the other Americas twines alls Ones Englandman the others twinies theirs Alls No解析: In Miss s class 意“高小姐的班上。” D

3、 基词表示几十几时,先说几,再说几,中间要加短横。 C One 示“之一” B English 可作为形容词直接放在 be 动词后面作表语,意为“英国人”。主语可以是单数,也可以是复数。 C the other 可修饰复数名词,表示除前面提到的以外的“全部其余的”。 D 修名词用形容词 American .A 项名词意为“美国”B 项大写C 项错表达法。 A 句子单复数保持一致。 B 名前面要用形容词性物主代词作定语they 为格作主语B 项形容词性物主代词作定语C 项宾格作宾 语。D 项名词性物主代词作主语、宾语、表语。 B all 为副词,没有单复数变化形式。10.C no 用形容词时,可

4、直接置于名词前面。但如果前面已 a, this ,his much, any 等时,则 not.21This is and that is They are twins. They 1 . They are 2 . They are new students 3 class. They are 4 Grade One. Jim can 5 them. are new 6 . They go the shop( 商) They would like something 7 and Lucy like 8 some bread. Lily like 9 a bottle of 10 . Jim w

5、ould some ( B. the same C. D. an same( twinB. sisters brothers ( B. of Jim s of Jims( onB. at in of( look B. look after look at look( teachers( eat( eatB. studentB. to eatB. to eat friends eating eating eats eats( drinkB. to eat to drink( )10.A. orangeB. an oranges 解析: 固定词组 look the same 意为“看起来很像”。

6、B Lucy 和 为孩名又是双胞胎,所以她们应是姐妹关系。 C 名词加“”示有生命的东西的名词所有格。 C 表示在哪个年级,班级用介词 in. B look after 意“照顾,照看”look like 意为“看起来像”,look at 为“看look 意“看”。 C 本句是说 Jim 和胞胎两个是好朋友。 B something to eat 意为“一些吃的东西。” something to drink 表“一些喝的东西”,两者均为不定式作定语时 放在所修饰词的后面。 B would like 后接不定式,即: would to do 为“想要干某事。” A eat 表“吃”drink 表

7、“喝”。10.A 瓶子装的应是桔汁而是桔子orange 作桔汁”讲时,为不可数名词,前面不可用不定冠词修饰,也不能加 s. 31I am a 1 boy. My name 2 Wu Dong. I twelve . This is classroom. s big room. are 5 desks, chairs a teacher desk 6 it. flowers 7 the teachers desk and some are 8 the door. This desk, 9 English book a pencil-box 10 on it. In the pencil-box

8、11 a pen and a ruler. 12 pen is the is ( Chinese( am( ( anB. JapaneseB. areB. ourB. a English be ours D. your the is ( B. much C. ( inB. on near of( under( underB. atB. at behind behind on on( anB. the a ( )10.A. B. are on( )11.A. itB. there is there they ( )12.A. B. the The 解析: 根下文“我叫吴东”,推测我是一位中国男孩

9、。 D 主 为单数,系动词用 classroom 为词,前面要用形容词物主代词作定语。另外根据上下文的介绍,此教室为作者所在的教室,所 以用第一人称的代词。 B a 用发辅音音素开头的单前。 C 单可数名词, some+复数可名词, much+不数名词,本句中 desks 为数名词的复数形式。 A 书桌,椅子,讲台在教室内面用介词 in. D 花讲台上用介词 on C 扫帚应放在门后面。 意是“在后面”under 意“在下面”, 表在几点钟,on 表“在上 面”。 A an 用发辅音音素的开头的单词。10.C and 连两个并列主语时,谓语动词用复数形式。11.B 本为 be 句表示“某处有某

10、物。”。在 There be结构中,作状语的介语短语也可位于句首,以示强 调。12.C 上文提到过的人或事物,在下中再次提到时名词前要加定冠词 the.41Xiao Ning: Mum, could help 1 , please? Certainly! 2 wrong?Xiao Ning: Something is wrong 3 my watch. 4 worry, let have a look, please.Xiao Ning: Here you are. 5 you knife?Xiao Ning: Yes. But find it. Where is there! I think

11、 6 under your bed.Xiao Ning: there .Here are. Xiao Ning, must 8 your things. our watch 9 . Xiao Ning: 10 very That OK.( B. her ( s B. What ( on( DontB. DoB. C. with Not D. dont s for( Are( ( it is( look ( fineB. B. ItB. areB. look atB. OK its you are look broken Dont it is it look after right( )10.A

12、. ThanksB. Thanks you Thank Thankes解析: 本属于两人之间的对话,应填第一人称help 为词,后面的代词用宾格形式。 C What wrong? 意“怎么啦 ” 于询问对方某人或某物出了什么问题。 C 当叙述某一东西出了毛病时常说 Something wrong 或 There wrong A 祈使句的否定式结构是在谓语动词前加 Dont. C 本句考查一般现在时的助动词。当主语是非第三人称单数时,其否定式、疑问式的助动词用 ,当主语是第三人 称单数时,其否定式、疑问式的助动词用 does. C 本句横线处缺少主谓所以应填 it。 A 以 Here, 开头的句

13、子一般用倒装形式,但如果主语代词时,则主语还是位于动词前面。此句用的it 指 knife. D look after 译“照看”。 B OK=all 意“好,可以”。10.A Thanks=Thank 但能 Thanks you.51We are 1 .We are in middle are in One. Fei, Min, Yuan I are in Class Two. Fei eleven. , Chen Yuan Yuan and I twelve.We have a new 2 the classroom, you can see 45 desks chairs. A black

14、board, a clock and a map are the wall. The 3 China . brooms are 4 the door. On a desk you can 5 . The red 6 Fei .The green one is Chen Yuan Yuans. The yellow one 7 . Li Min pencil isn there. 8 in her bag.Look at the 9 . It about four thirty. s 10 to play ( ( teacher( mapB. girls studentsB. classroom

15、 schoolbagB. pictures C. clock young desk classes( underB. at in( some pencilsB. some water C. bags ( B. ruler pencils( B. he her its( B. Hers( classroom B. clock C. cake She Its( )10.A. time B. going C. for D. 解析: 根下文“ are in a middle ”可知我们的份是学生。 B 从下一句介绍教室的具体情况,可知此处应填“教室”一词。 A 本句意思是“这幅地图是一幅中国地图。”

16、B behind 意“在后面”,under 意“在下面”。 表在个时刻点in 表在里。根据句意,扫帚 应放在门后面。 A 根据上文Li Mins pencil isn 及接连介绍几个人的铅笔,所以应填 some pencils. A 此处 one 用来替代前面提到的同类事物,但不是同一件。 A 此处 mine 相于 my pencil 名性物主代词起名词的作用,可在句作主语、宾语或表语。 B 此处仍然考查名词性物主代词的用, 在句中作主语。 B 下文讲了是大约 4:30 说明此句句意应是看钟B 项)而不是看教室A 项),蛋糕( 项) 厨师(D 项。 10.A 本句考查句型 s time sth

17、 意“是该干某事的时候了。”61A fox 1 food. is very hungry. Now he 2 near a wall. The wall is very 3 .The fox is looking up. He sees 4 fine grapes 5 the wall. smiles says, “ 6 nice are! I want to nice they are! I want to at them. The fox jumping. He jumps and jumps, 7 the wall is high . He get grapes. fox says mu

18、st go now. I t those grapes. 9 are green. are not to eat. ”( seeing( getsB. finding out looking forB. comes finding stands( muchB. small strong high( B. C. D. a lot of( inB. on at for( WhatB. a a( B. but ( B. hasnt isn( WeB. It You ( )10.A. badB. hard better解析: 从一句话中的单词 我可以推断:一只狐狸在找食物。 D 选 gets, B:

19、comes, C: goes 之都跟介词 to+地点名词,而原句中所给的却是 所以择 D。 D 从文狐狸跳了又跳,可还是不着,可以得出,这座墙很高。 D 这中的名词 grapes 是数形式。 B 表示“在之上”用介词 on,所以选择 B B 这句是感叹句,感叹句有两种形式:以 What 开的感叹句,其后接名词短语;以 开始的感叹句,其后接形 容词。此选项后是形容词 nice,所选择 B。 C 这句是个转折句,他跳了又跳,可墙高。 A 因为墙太高,他够不着葡萄。 D 这的主语应指上句提到的葡 grapes.10.B 狐狸因为够不着葡萄,他说葡萄不好吃,所以选择 。71Now s five 1 .

20、The students are 2 the classroom. And Miss Gao the classroom, 3 . She her watch. She asks, “ watch, please? “It there, your chair. ”Li Lei answers.“ Thank you much. What 8 ? Let see, 9 five oclock. Lets go 10 now. ” Miss Gao says.( time clock C. clock D. the clock( inB. at behind( twoB. too C. to 也)

21、( knowB. look have find( Whos B. C. Where Where( inB. of after( veryB. too every ( time( it( )10.A. to bedB. a timeB. B. to school C. to home the the the clock time is解析: oclock 表“整点”。 A 表示在教室里用 in B too 意为“也”用于肯定句的句尾。 D 根下文高小姐问。 C 下文回答了在那儿,在椅子下面,说本句应问地点。 B under 为表示地点的介词,意在下面。 A very much 用修饰动词。 C

22、What time? 意为“几点钟了?”相当于 time is A it 是 it is 的略形式its 意为“它的”是形容词性物主代词。10.D五点钟按常规应是下班回家的时间,而不是 A 项(上床睡觉),也不是 项(上学)。另外 为副词前面不能要介词。81s a fine day today. Jim family 1 having a picnic( 野) .They put big cloth on the 面. 2 are some yellow bananas, apples, 3 and white eggs. The woman in white trousers 4 Mrs G

23、reen. She is thirty-five . She English teacher in No. School. The is 6 father. He is forty. His shirt black and his trousers 7 yellow. He is teacher, too. black car, but you can in picture. 9 that Thats Jim. is 喝.His shirt green. 10 him is sister, Kate. 11 red dress today. Can bag? it behind their f

24、ather. What a nice picture .( is( InB. areB. isnt aren Under( oranges oranges B. oranges C. orange oranges orange( is( ( ( areB. areB. theB. SamB. be in an s am x ( themB. it her( What( )10.A. backB. WhoB. Where of ( )11.A. HerB. Hers She He( )12.A. itB. it is it解析: family 如果指一个家庭里的成员时,后面的动词要用复数式。 C

25、 on it 指 on the big B orange oranges 意为“桔色的桔子”前一个 orange 是容词指颜色,后一个 orange 作词,意为“桔子。” A 本句主语 The woman in the white trousers 意“穿白色的裤子的那位女子”,是单数,所以系动词用 is. C an 用发元音音素开头单词前。 B 表示有生命的东西的名词所有格用单数名+s. A trousers 作语时,谓语动词应用复数。 C 此处填 it 指上句提到的 black car. B 用于问某人的姓名或某人与他人的系。10.B behind 是表示方位的介词,意为“在后面”。11.

26、C 本空要填作主语的人称代词 She 指 The 12.B 本为一个感叹句。感叹句一般由 或 How 引。 用作定语修饰名词How 用状语,修饰形容词, 副词或动词。另外感叹句中的主谓要用陈述句的语序。911 Miss Gao class there 2 44 students. They are 22 boys and 22 3 . All of students 4 the playground now. They are 5 games. 6 are playing Some jumping. are running. 7 are the twins? They are 8 there.

27、 Look! Lucy wearing green trousers 9 a white blouse. Lily 10 blue trousers a yellow sweater. They are playing happily.( InB. On C. At ( beB. are( B. students girl girls( inB. on at under( playB. plays C. playing play( Some( WhereB. B. Who Another Others ( ( butB. overB. at or on so( )10.A. wear is w

28、ear C. wearing D. is wearing解析: 在班”应为 介词用 ,故本题选择 选。 D 本主要考查 There 句中 be 动的选择。因后面 44 students, 是数,所以选用 are, 即 D 选项。 D 此意为:他们是 个孩 22 个孩。故本题应用 girls即 选。 B “在操场上”应表达为 on the 介词用 即 选。 C 本题主要考查现在进行时构成 be+doing。据句意“他们正在做游戏”的空前的 are,以判定应用现在分词形 式,即 C 选项。 A 本题主要考查不完全列举的表达方法。“一一些”应表达为“ somesome,故本题选择 选项。7.A本题主

29、要考查对上下文的理解。此句为问句,通过下文“他们在那儿”,可以判定此处是问“们在哪儿”,where 符合题意,选择 A B “在那边”的英文表达 “over there B 此句为:露茜穿着绿裤子、白衬衫。可以得知应为并关系,用 and, 即 B 选。10.D 上提及露茜穿的衣服,这里是在说莉莉的着装,应用 wearing, D 选。1Li Lei is a middle school student. is a good boy. Uncle Wu lives 1 him. Uncle Wu has 2 children and he cant see . He works in the factory Leis school. He goes to in the and 4 home at 4:30 the after


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