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1、弗兰肯斯坦Chapter7 组员:黄小娇,程 铷,余晨,陈梦婷,李自璇弗兰肯斯坦Chapter7 组员:Page 2Summary(梗概)Revelation(读后感)Question(问题)Words (单词)andSentences(句子)Page 2Summary(梗概)Revelation(Page 3My dear Victor, I want you to know before you arrive home that an awful thing has happenedYour dear youngest brother,William,is dead He was murd

2、ered It happened last Thursday evening when William and Ernest were playing William had hidden from Ernest, and Ernest asked Elizabeth and me to help find William We all began to search for him, but we couldnt find him At five in the morning I found him I could see the marks of fingers on his neckth

3、e murderer had strangled him Elizabeth had let him wear a gold chain of hers round his neck We all think that someone murdered William to steal the gold chainPoor Elizabeth is terribly unhappy at Williams death Hurry home, You are the only one who can help Elizabeth, and we all need youSummaryPage 3

4、My dear Victor,SummaryPage 4 Henry helped me to catch the train The journey seemed very long, and it was late at night before the train reached Geneva I decided to spend the night in a village outside the town and go home early in the morning I wanted to see the place where William had diedAs I star

5、ted my walk, a storm broke and lightning lit the sky I found it easilyI cried sadly as I stood there My poor brother had been a kind and happy boy, and we had all loved him Again the lightning lit the sky, and I saw a huge figure standing in the rain When I saw it, I knew at once what it wasIt was t

6、he creature that I had madeWhat was he doing there?But although I asked myself the question, I knew the answer He had murdered my brother I was sure that I was rightPage 4 Henry helped mPage 5 I decided to try and catch himBut as I moved, he reached the top, and disappearedI stood there in the dark

7、and the rain, and knew that I had created a monster And he had murdered my brotherAt first I decided to tell the police my story But would they believe me? When the police learnt about my illness, they would think the monster was just one of my bad dreams I decided that I could not tell anybody I we

8、nt home to my family and they were very pleased to see me Then they told me that the police had found the murderer As I went into the house,I noticed that one person did not come to meet meIt was Justine,the young woman who looked after the children and who was like a sister to us And it was Justine

9、 that the police had arrestedPage 5 I decided tPage 6 A few days after the murder, the police had searched the house and had found the gold chain in Justines coat pocketEveryone in the family knew that Justine had not murdered William I knew who the murderer was, but I could not tell anyone We were

10、sure that Justine would be free after the trial, because nobody could believe that she was a murdererBut we were wrong 在谋杀案发生了几天之后,警察搜查了房子并在贾斯汀的外衣口袋里找到了那条金链。家里人都知道贾斯汀没有杀害过威廉。我清楚凶手是谁,但是我不能告诉任何人。我们确信审判过后贾斯汀将会被释放的,因为没有人相信她是凶手。但是我们错了。Page 6 A few days aftPage 7本章故事整体走向 收到父亲的家书,告知小威廉的死亡和伊丽莎白的自责,家人对他的归家的期

11、待动身回日内瓦沉闷的归途以及内心的煎熬到城外去看望小威廉的遇害现场看到创造的怪物并且想亲手毁了它,但是没有成功回到家里进一步了解威廉的事,得知抓到的凶手竟然就是贾斯汀Page 7本章故事整体走向Page 8一、I wish to prepare you for the woeful news, but I know it is impossible; even now your eye skims over the page to seek the words which are to convey to you the horrible tidings.(P111,倒4) 我希望你能对这个噩

12、耗有个心理准备,但是我也知道这其实是不可能的;我知道,你现在肯定就已经在下面的字里行间搜索那些传达噩耗的字眼儿了。woeful 英wfl 美wofl adj.悲哀的; 悲惨的; 不幸的;skim 英skm 美skm v.略读; 撇去; 使掠过; (为逃税而)隐瞒(部分收入); seek 英si:k 美sik vt.寻找,探寻; 追求,谋求; 往或朝而去; vi.查找,查寻; 找一找; convey 英knve 美knve vt.传达,传递; 运送,输送; 法让与,转让(财产等); 表达; tidings 英tadz 美tadz n.消息; 音; Page 8一、I wish to prepar

13、e yoPage 9二、How much more a murdered that could destroy radiant innocence!(P115,倒2) 那个凶手怎么能够忍心杀害这样无辜幼小的生命!radiant 英redint 美redint adj.照耀的; 辐射的; 容光焕发的; n.光点; 天流星群的辐射点; innocence 英nsns 美nsns n.清白; 天真无邪; 无罪的人Page 9二、How much more a murdPage 10三、The picture appeared a vast and dim scene of evil, and I f

14、oresaw obscurely that I was destined to become the most wretched of human beings.(P118,3段顺4) 眼前影影绰绰的景色显得那么凄凉,我隐约地预感到,我命中注定将成为世界上最最不幸的人。dim 英dm 美dm adj.暗淡的,昏暗的; 不光明的; 看不清的; (性质和特征上)不显著的 vt.& vi.(使)变暗淡; (使)变模糊; (使)减弱; 变淡漠; n.笨蛋,傻子; scene 英si:n 美sin n.场面,现场; (戏剧的)一场; 景色,风景; 事件; evil 英i:vl 美ivl adj.邪恶的,

15、罪恶的; 有害的; 不幸的,不吉的; 品行坏的; n.邪恶,罪恶; 坏事,恶行; 邪恶的力量、势力或化身; 灾祸;Page 10三、The picture appearePage 11四、The sky was serene; and, as I was unable to rest, I resolved to visit the spot where my poor William had been murdered.(P118,倒3) 夜色如水,寂静无声,我辗转反侧,无法入眠。于是我决定去看看我可怜的威廉被杀害的地方。resolved 英rzlvd 美rz:lvd adj.下定决心的,断

16、然的; 坚决的; 已解决的; v.做决定,分解(resolve的过去式和过去分词); spot 英spt 美sp:t n.地点,场所; 斑点,污点; 股票现货; 职位,职务; v.弄上污渍,弄上斑点; 污辱,玷污; 认出,发现; 散步; adj.现场的; 现货的; 插播的;Page 11四、The sky was serene;Page 12五、A flash of lightning illuminated the object, and discovered its shape plainly to me; its gigantic stature, and the deformity o

17、f its aspect more hideous than belongs to humanity, instantly informed me that it was the wretch, the filthy daemon, to whom I had given life.(P120,倒6) 一道闪电划过,我清清楚楚地看到了它的形状,那巨大的躯体,畸形丑陋的外貌,长得简直不像人样。我马上就认出,它就是我赐予生命的怪物、最肮脏的魔鬼。gigantic 英dagntk 美dantk adj.巨大的,庞大的; 巨人似的; 硕大无比; 排山倒海; stature 英stt(r) 美stt n

18、.(特指人的)身长,身材; 声望; 发展、成长的状况或高度deformity 英df:mti 美df:rmti n.畸形的人(或物); 畸形状态; (道德等方面的)缺陷; 畸形(或残缺)的部分;Page 12五、A flash of lightninPage 13sought v.寻找,探寻( seek的过去式和过去分词 );企图;试图;探索;creation n.制造,创造;创造物,产物;(尤指所述由上帝)创造 天地,宇宙;(爵位等的)封授;departure n.离开,离去;起程;背离;东西距离 六、IrevolvedinmymindtheeventswhichIhaduntilnowso

19、ughttoforget:thewholetrainofmyprogresstowardthecreation;theappearanceoftheworksofmyownhandsatmybedside;itsdeparture.(P121,3段3行) 我迄今为止一直试图忘掉的那些事情:我是如何造出那个怪物的,那个怪物是如何在深夜出现在我的床边,以及他又是如何不见的又开始在脑海里一一地浮现出来Page 13sought v.寻找,探寻( seek的Page 14七、Sixyearshadelapsed,passedinadreambutforoneindelibletrace,andIsto

20、odinthesameplacewhereIhadlastembracedmyfatherbeforemydepartureforIngolstadt.(P123,3段1行) 六年的时间恍然如梦,留下的只有一条洗刷不掉的痕迹,而我当年离开家,前往英格尔斯塔德的时候,就是站在这儿最后一次拥抱了父亲。我可敬可爱的父亲啊!elapsed vi.消逝;时间过去;n.(时间的)消逝;indelible adj.擦不掉的;永久的,持久的;不可磨灭;Page 14七、SixyearshadelapsPage 15八、 Theservantinstantlyshowedittooneoftheothers,w

21、ho,withoutsayingawordtoanyofthefamily,wenttoamagistrate;and,upontheirdeposition, Justine was apprehended.(P126,2段8行) 于是这个仆人赶紧把这个证据拿给另外一个仆人看,而第二个仆人连和我们家里人说都没说一声,就跑到法官那里去了。根据他们的证词,贾斯汀很快就被捕了。deposition n 沉积(物);律(在法庭上的)宣誓作证,证词;免职,革职 apprehended v.逮捕,拘押,理解 Page 15八、 TheservantinstaPage 16九、Weweresoonjoin

22、edbyElizabeth.TimehadalteredhersinceIlastbeheldher;ithadendowedherwithlovelinesssurpassingthebeautyofherchildishyears.There was the same candour,the same vivacity, but it was allied to an expression more full of sensibility and intellect. (P128,2段1行) 很快,伊丽莎白也进屋来了。自从上次和她分别以后,岁月已经在她身上发生了巨大的变化。现在在她身上所体

23、现出来的更加动人的地方已不是少女时代的妩媚,而是一种贤淑和清丽。她还像以前一样爽直、活跃,但是眉宇之间流露得更多的是机敏和智慧。beheld v.看,注视( behold的过去式和过去分词 );瞧;看 surpassing adj.无比的;非凡的;卓越的;超群的; v.超过( surpass的现在分词 );优于;多于;非所能办到;allied adj. 同盟的,同盟国的;联合的;姻亲的;同源的,类似的; v.联合(ally的过去分词);Page 16九、WeweresoonjoinedPage 17QuestionPage 17QuestionPage 18Page 18Page 19Page

24、 19Page 20Page 20Page 21Page 21Page 22Page 22Page 23Page 23Page 24Page 24Page 25 Frankenstein created a man who has the power and wisdom , his nature is good, but he is very ugly, so ugly that make people feel fear and terror. So the social treated him as a devil , eventually he really became a devi

25、l. At first, there wasnt any bad character in the monster,because of the stupid,unfair and cruel of the human,he gradually became evil.(起初,这个怪物身上并不存在邪恶,由于人类的愚蠢、不公正以及残酷,邪恶才逐渐出现)(弗兰肯斯坦创造出了一个拥有力量和智慧的人,他的本性是善良的,但他却十分丑陋,丑得让人们感到害怕和恐惧。因此社会把他当做邪恶的东西来对待,最终他真的变成了一个恶魔)RevelationPage 25 Frankenstein cPage 26 This story leads me to reflect on an old saying of China,Mans nature at birth is good.There are good and bad, because of the different living environment.Encounter is a very lucky thing,we should treat everyone well.At the same time,never judge a book by its cover,we should obser


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