



1、成都天府新区小学英语(外研版)教学设计六年级上册M7U2 Pandas love bamboo. 新兴小学 王佳佳一、教材分析本节课对上节课中学习过的英语中一般现在时句型的扩展和练习,学生可以运用所学语言讨论动物习性这一真实语言情景,将语言变得生活化、情境化,从而掌握一般现在时的各种句式。英语一般现在时在小学组出现的频率是比较高的,所以在学生掌握了此种时态后,可以在日常生活中自由的运用更多的句子,同时也是学习更多种时态的基础。学情分析 通过上一单元的学习,同学们对Do.like.?句型有了一定的掌握,也进行了初步的运用,本节课继续用一般现在时的句型,并对.like/love.句型的练习,在这样

2、较为熟悉的语音情境中,学生更能够积极的参与、大胆表达、勇于合作。三、教学目标知识目标:1.能理解课文对话内容,能听懂课文中词汇,能朗读课文。2.能听懂,会说,会书写“Pandas love bamboo.”等句式。技能目标:1.能在图片的帮助下复述课文。2.能运用已学语言谈论动物的生活习性。3.能按要求完成语句的书写。情感目标:全体学生能够积极参与各项活动并且有团结合作的意识,向朋友介绍自己喜欢的动物。教学重点:会用单词 like 或love 来表达动物的喜好。教学难点:能用所学的句型谈论动物及其习性。四、教学准备图片,教学卡片,PPT。教学步骤环节与时间教学过程资源应用说明Step1 War

3、m up1Activity1 GreetingsActivity 2Play a guessing gameT:They are very heavy. They have got a long nose and four legs. What are they?S1:elephantsT:They are long. They have got small heads. They have got no legs. What are they?S2:snakesT:They are cute. They are white. They live in the farm. They like

4、grass.What are they?S3:sheepT:They are strong and big animals. They like to sleep in winter. What are they?S4:bearsT:They are cute,clever and useful. They have got many colours. They live with us. They are our friends.What are they?S5:dogsT: They are fat. Theyre black and white.They live in China. T

5、hey love bamboo. What are they?S6: pandas营造活跃轻松的课前气氛,使学生带着积极和活跃的心态投入课堂中.用形象生动的动物图片帮助学生复习动物名称及特征,从旧知导入新知,有效帮助学生掌握本课内容。Step2Lead in1. Talk. Listen and answer.T: What do pandas love?S3: Pandas love bamboo.T:How long do pandas eat every day?S3: They eat for twelve hours a day.T: What else do pandas love

6、? Lets listen and answer.S3: They love Listen and repeat.Watch and answer利用话题重现功能句通过观看flash提取答案任务呈现(1分钟)T: Today were going to learn the new lesson Module 7 Unit 2 Pandas love bamboo! Read after me! (Write the topic on the Bb.)板书本课标题Step3Presentation1. Listen and answer.T: Pandas love bamboo! What d

7、o snakes love?S:Snakes love the sun.T:How about other animals?Sheep, bears,dogs, elephants.What do they like?S1:Sheep like grass.T:Teach “sheep”,单复数同型。S2:Bears like to sleep in winter.S3:Dogs like playing with children.S4:Elephants like water.Write down six sentence on the blackboard.(Animals are sh

8、owing by pictures.)Listen ,point and follow. Read the text. 整体感知文本信息听录音找对应的图片,提高学生听力的培养。提取文本信息,学习动物各自特征。Step4Consolidation1. Listen and number the pictures.(Show the pictures of Activity 2.)2. Lets make sentences. Use love or like.Fill in the blanks.(Show the grammar on PPT ) (描述动物的习性通常用一般现在时)(肯定句:非

9、单三 +动词原形+其他 单三+动词单三形式+其他)4.Read and complete.(Show the exercises on PPT.)Page42 task3Lets choose and talk5.Guess and say. Whats my favourite animal?Students ask, teachers answer.S1:Where does it live? What does it eat?What colour is it? How many legs has it got?.T:6.Group work . Topic:My favourite a

10、nimal. Talk with our partners. Then write on the paper.通过看,听,读多种感官方式理解文本运用多种方式培养学生自主学习和合作学习的能力。Step 5Summary 1.Can you tell me something about your favorite animal?My favorite animal is. They like/ love. They can.(After class,write it)Show the PPT about animals, encourage them to protect animals and love animals.3. 小组得分评价利用教材资源,巩固文本,强化语言输入。“猜谜”游戏和谈论动物习性任务的设置,既体现了小组合作的精神,也在很大程度上增强了学生学习的兴趣和积极性。Step6Homework1. HomeworkThe whole class:(1) Listen and read the text three times. (2) Read and copy new words and sentences fiv


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