



1、教学设计内容:外研社新标准英语(三起)三年级上册Module6 Unit2 How old are you?教学设计课程:新 授 课(第二课时)学校:郫 都 区 郫 筒 一 小 设计教师:林 雨设计时间:2023年 9月25日 教 学 设 计林雨 郫筒一小题名称: 教材及年级名称外研社新标准英语(三起)三年级上册名称Module6 unit2How old are you?教材分析 本单元的主要内容是询问年龄并作答。本单元的课文情景是Sam等在学校向同学展示自己的年龄牌。在西方国家,孩子们在自己生日时会佩戴年龄牌,表示自己又长大一岁。本单元以此为背景,让学生学习如何询

2、问年龄和作答。学情分析学生目前正处在学习英语的基础阶段,因此这一阶段的重要任务在于激发并保持学生学习英语的兴趣。这个阶段也是小学生学习好英语口语的基础阶段。因此,在每一模块,都要注重他们的发音,及时纠正他们的发音。三年级学生有极强的求知欲和表现欲,根据学生的心理特点,课上多以标养为主,注重对学生英语学习兴趣的培养,鼓励他们大胆说,大胆练,积极说,努力说、教学目标1.语言知识:全体学生能够理解 how old are you?,youre= you are 全体学生能初步运用: how old2.语言技能;听懂并会说 how old are you? 能整体感知how old并运用“How ol

3、d are you?”“Im ”进行询问并作答3.文化意识:了解西方生日文化中年龄牌等物品的作用4.情感态度:培养与增进友谊教学重点及难点重点:能听说读单词old,how old,yes,youre= you are难点:能在实际情景教学中理解并正确运用“How old are you?”“Im”询问年龄并作答教学准备PPT 词卡片 教学方法情景教学法 试听法教学设计重点 本课在教学设计时侧重让学生理解“how old are you?”以及明白用数字来表达年龄。本课必须建立在前一模块数字学习的基础上,通过情景设置以及动画的演示,让学生明白怎样询问对方年龄以及自己如何回答多少岁。教学过程教师活

4、动学生活动设计意图Step 1: warming-upGreeting:good morning,boys and girls.How are you?Lead in:Last module, we learned the numbers,now,we need to review our look at screen.Good LinOne two three four five six seven eight 让学生迅速进入学习氛围,通过对数字的复习引入到接下来的部分。Step 2:presentationPlease turn to page s try to sing this son

5、g. “how old are you? Sam”Just now, in the song we said :How old are you,Sam? Now ,lets listen how Sam answer the question.So , how old is sam?How about our animal friends? How old is Panpan, and the monkey? Turn to page at A1,lets listen and try to find the answer.Now ,lets listen and repeat.Read to

6、getherSing the song Sam is nine.Three Ten Read A1让学生迅速了解“how old are you?”是在询问年龄,a1中的动物朋友回答自己的年龄引出用数字表达自己的年龄,从而进入下一步学习Step 3:text-learningWe know Sam is nine, how old is Daming?Lets watch the viedo and try to find the answer.Daming is nine./Daming is six. Ok ,look at A2 ,lets listen and repeatLook a

7、t p1,listen and repeatP2 repeat , ok ,*ow old are you?Practice with your deskmate.P3 -4 repeat:why are they ;aughing at Daming?Read togetherRole playDaming is nineRead A2*:Im nine. 同桌练习:how old are you? Im 年龄牌戴反了让学生掌握询问他人年龄的句子,并且知道如何回答该问题,通过跟读以及角色扮演的方式让学生深入其中,感知句子Step4:practiceOK ,boys and girls .Pl

8、ease turn to page 36. and match. The first time ,just listen. The second time, match them.Now, lets check our answers.2. please look at the screen, there is a doctor and a patient. When the patient go to the hospital, the doctor will ask he some questions. I need a little teacher to help me.A:Hello,

9、B:helloA: whats your name?B:ImA:How old are you?B:Im Listen and match Check answerPractice the conversation with deskmate.通过连线题加深学生对询问年龄句子的印象,并加以检验。同时第二个练习,在情景中展开,让学生在实际当中运用所学到内容Step5:Expansion How old is your father ? How old is your mother? Do you know ? We love them, so we need to remember their

10、age.My father is My mother is Someone may not know.在此处对本单元内容进行一个升华,让学生学会关心父母,爱父母。Step 6 Homework1、Read P35-36 three times2、Ask your parents age.板书设计 M6U2 How old are you? How old are you? Im A:Hello,B:helloA: whats your name?B:ImA:How old are you?B:Im 教学思考与总结本堂课上学生的积极性很高,回答问题很踊跃。但是纪律把控的不是特别好,学生因为加分一旦兴奋起来,就比较难控制,因此在加分着一块,我需要做到均衡处理。学生课堂内容掌握情况还是不错,大部


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