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1、绝密 考试结束前20144外刊经贸知识选读试题课程代码:00096请考生按规定用笔将所有试题的答案涂、写在答题纸上。选择题部分注意事项:填写在答题纸规定的位置上。2B擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。不能答在试题卷上。一 、 Choose one answer that best explains the underlined part of thefollowing sentences.(15230)Our leading export markets within the European Community are Germany and United Kingdom.new B. weak

2、C. strong D. majorAssembly manufacturing can be eligible for exemption from customs duties taxation.powerful B. foreverC. able D. legalA uniform income-tax rate is applied for every factory or business established in the SEZs.sheet B. fullC. same D. favorableChina has the most dynamic economy in the

3、 world today.important B. powerfulC. active D. specialThe northeast used to be a moribund center of state industry in China.developed B. newC. unusual D. lifelessThe volume of merchandise exports of developing countries declined by 2% year.service B. commodityC. technology D. tradeTheunderpinningsof

4、Mr.KantorsdecisionwereplainlyfoundinMr.Klintonstrade speech.contents B. supportC. basement D. advantageThe single market made its debut just as Europe traversed one of its roughest economic storm in year.final performance B. best showC. first appearance D. previous ideaChinasaveragetarifflevelhasdro

5、ppedto9.9percentin2005asthecountryis earnestly fulfilling its commitments to the WTO.tax B. targetC. output D. salaryFearfulthatitwillloseitsedge,JapanhasfoughttopreventtheKoreanfrom using its technologies.A. power B. strengthC. influence D. advantageThe oil price increases sent global economy into

6、deep recession.A. prosperity B. improvement C. dissatisfaction D. declineDisputes over farm trade have bedeviled the current round of GATT talks.A. pushed B. supportedC. troubled D. settledAnother government firm took title to the vehicles and sold them to a distributor.A. subject B. ownershipC. cer

7、tificate D. sampleThe U. S. recently announced an export enhancement program to facilitate sale of eggs to HK.A. increase B. cause inconvenienceC. make easy D. troubleAccording to trade sources, futures activity of rubber remains at a virtual standstill.A. prosperity B. stagnationC. progressive D. u

8、nstable非选择题部分注意事项:用黑色字迹的签字笔或钢笔将答案写在答题纸上,不能答在试题卷上。Put the following phases into Englih本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)国际收支证券及房地产市场反通货膨胀政策贸易顺差推销商品双重税对等贸易贴现率自由贸易区国际清算银行Put the following phases into Chinee本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)franchisemanaged tradejoint venturethe General Agreement on Tariffs and Trademanufactured g

9、oodsregistered capitalstock exchangegovernment procurementinfrastructureinsolvency四、Read the following passages and answer the questions in English(本大题共 6小题,每小题 3 分,共 18 分)Passage 1Chinas cautious approach to foreign borrowing is to be maintained, at least thetimebeing.Thedebtproblemsconfrontinganum

10、berofdevelopingcountrieshave reinforcedChinasdeterminationtointroduceforeigntechnologybymeansofdirect investment and concessionary finance rather than by raising substantial sums of money on the international capital markets. Foreign investment is advantageous insofarasitfacilitatesthetransferoftech

11、nologyandskillsandavoidscreating an overhangof debt. The authorities do not consider ppropriate to incur large amounts of external debt until a number of practical bottlenecks in the economy, such as an inadequate transport network and energy constraints, have been tackleD. Chinas access to substant

12、ial sums of money from the World Bank also reducesthe need to borrow on commercial terms.WhydidChinarefusetoborrowmoreuntilhertransportcapacityandenergysupply have further increased?What does “borrow on commercial terms” imply here?Why does China prefer loans from the World Bank?Passage 2Major inves

13、tment is going into the Dubai-based Emirates airline, which added new destinations last Zurich, Paris and on 14 April started operations to Dhahran, its 31st destination. Emirates now employs almost 3,500 staff, making it one of Dubais largest employers.Soon, $2,000 million in financing will have to

14、 be arranged for the next phase of development, which will cover deliveries from 1996 to 2000. Firm orders have been placed for seven Boeing 777s with Rolls Royce engines and there is an option on a further seven.What is meant by “Dubai-based”?What does the underlined word “Emirates” stand for here?

15、What does “which” represent in the second paragraph?五、Read the following passages and decide whether the statements are true or false(本大题共 10 小题,每小题 2 分,共 20 分)Passage 1By1991thelevelofforeignindebtednesshasdrasticallyalteredtherolethatmany developing countries play in the world trading system. Impo

16、rts had been severely cut back and there was evidence of a scramble to export additional products, as (木材), at heavy cost to Debthad emerged asthe biggest singleobstacletodevelopment,withabout50developingcountriescarryingasevere debt burden, over half of them in Africa.Attheendof1990,developingcount

17、riesowed$1,280billiontoWesterncountries, international aid agencies, the IMF, and banks. Their yearly earnings from international trade were under $1,000 billion; the overall debt of developing countries was therefore more than the value of their exports. To service that debttopayinterestandrepaypar

18、tofthecapitalcostdevelopingcountries$143. 5billionin1990.Theyreceived$85billioninaidandinvestmentfromabroad,paying richer countries nearly $60 billion more than they receive D. New aids and investment was wiped out by past debt. In 1991, according to OCED figures, the severely indebted low-income co

19、untries paid a higher proportion of their export revenue on debt service than at any time during the 1980s31. 3% of such revenues, compared with 23. 8% in the 1980s.Developing countries export timber in order to pay the debt.In some developing countries half of the export revenue is used to service

20、debt.Debt problems are especially severe in Africa.Heavydebtburdenhasgreatlyblockedeconomygrowthofthedevelopingcountries.Thepassagemainlytellsaboutthewaystohelpdevelopingcountriesrepaydebts without affecting their economy.Passage 2Americas trade deficit has rocketed to a record high, provoking squea

21、ls from companiesandpoliticiansalike.Thereiseventalkamongofficialsofrevivingthe unilateral battering (杀手锏) known as “Super 301”, the cause of much trade friction in the past. Since protectionism is on the up even in an American the rest of the world could be in for a when that economy eventually slo

22、ws.Othercountriesarealsobecomingmoreprotectionist.FollowingtheAmerican lead,EuropeanandCanadiansteelmakershavelaunchedabarrageof“anti-dumping” casesagainstimportstheydeemtoocheap.Anti-dumpingsuitsarealsoproliferating inAsiaandLatinAmerica.Brazil,RussiaandChinahaveallrecentlytightenedtheir import con

23、trols.Whatcanbedonetolimitthedamage?Forastart,ratherthanunderminingtheWTO, AmericaandEuropeshouldcollaboratetoimproveitsworking.Theyshouldalsokeep theirmarketsopentoimports.Donotlookonthisasanactofcharity.True,trade world help drag Asia and Latin America out of dumps, but tbiggest wouldbeAmericanand

24、Europeanconsumersand,loaththoughtheunionsare tobelieveit,jobsonbothcontinents,Toarguethistakespoliticalbackbone,which hasbeenlackinginAmericaandEuropeoflate.AllthemorereasonforAmericaand Europe to support a new round of trade-liberalization talks at the WTO.Americas deficit has been controlled to a record low.ProtectionisthasbeenincreasingnotonlyintheUnitedStatesbutalsoincountries.Freer trade requi


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