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1、一、交际用语18Excuse me Is this table35。How was the iourney totrying to write my paper)Ataken? (Yeah. Im savingLondon? (It went very well)53。Id like to know if1.Areyoufeelingbetterthese seats for friends)36。How are you thiseverybody is here (Everyonetoday, MrsSilver? (Yes,thanks doctor. But I still feeldi

2、zzy)Excuse me, when is thenext flight from London due to arrive? (In half anmorning? (Very well,thank you)Iexcept Tom)54。I have got a pain in myneck (Im sorry to hear2AfternoonsirWherehour)37。I wish you success inthat)to? (Please get me to theExcuse me, I didnt meanyour career. (The same to55.I feel

3、 quite ill(Youdairport)3。AmiIwantthisreportto bother you(Thats quiteyou)all right)38.I heard your motorcarbetter have a rest)56。Is there anything I cantyped today。(Itll be ready21.Excuse me, which is thein the afternoon, sir)express train to Tokyo?was stolen. (Mine wasntbut Bills was)do for you? (Ye

4、s, Its verykind of you)4.Arethereanygoodshowson TV tonight? (Titanicis on the movie channel) 5.Are there any drug stores around here? ( No, it isnt)6.Are you sure about that?(Oh, yes, Im absolutely positive)7。Are you on holidau here? we arent,We livehere)Could you please tell me how to get to the ne

5、arest busstop? (Its on the right corner just ahead)CCan I help you to get it down? (Thanks. Its so niceof you)10。Can you tell me how much a Tshirt like this costs? (About fortyfivedollars)11。Could I thak to Prof。Lee? (Yes, speaking) 12。Can you help me clearup the mess? (No problem)13,Can you tell me

6、 where Ican park the car? (Well, just over there)D14.Dont take too long at thecoffee shop. Its 14:15. (I see .We have 30 minutes left)15。Do you think the exam will be put off? (Not likely) 16.Do you mind if I read the newspaper on the table?(Go ahead, please)E17Excuse me, does this busgo to the book

7、store?(No。youd change at the next stop)(On you right. Itll leave in 5minutes)22。Excuse me, which busgoes to the city museum?(You can take No.102 bus)GH23。Go that way and take aseat。 (Yes,thats a good way)H24.Hows the movie? Interesting? (Far from. I should have stayed homewatching TV)25。Help yoursel

8、f to the steak, Maggie(Thanksyou, Helen。 Its been anice dinner)26.Have you ever been to Tokyo? (No, but I hope togo there next year)27。Have a nice holiday,Ted (Thank you ,and youtoo)28HelloCan I get a seaton the 8 pm flight to Detroit?(Im sorry, but its completely booked) 29.Hurry up, the lecturebeg

9、ins at 2:00 (Dont worry. weve got 20 minutes)Have you got a table for This way, please)Hey, BararaYou look sopale (Im iust getting over the flu)How much is it altogether? (Its free) 33。How long will you beaway from Italy? (About amonth)34。How often do you have listening classes in a week?(Every Mond

10、ay and Friday)39.Im sorry。 Bobs not inhis office (Can you take a message for me)40。Ive ordered pizza and salad。 What else do you want? (A beer is fine for me。 Im not hungry yet)41.Im sorry to be late.Thank you for waiting。(Oh.I dont mind。 I ve been here 10 minutes)42Im trying to call Marie,but there

11、s no answer. (Really? Maybe shes out)43。I wonder of you could help me。 (Of course)44.I have an appointmentwith Dr.Johnson(Please wait for a minute。He is busy now)45。Ive got 2 tickets for thematch,Shall we go and watch it together? (Why not?Lets go)46.I dont think Im late Excuse me,whats the time?(It

12、says 8:00。 But its 5minutes slow)47.I havent seen Belly for 10 years. (Neither have I)48。I dont like the sports porgrams on Sundays(Neither do I)49。In my opinion,youd better take a couple of days off。(Ill take your advice)50。Is there anything serious,doctor? (No。Just atay in bed and drink more water

13、)51.It is a great race! Do you agree? (Yes, its teallyexciting)52。Is my TV program disturbing you?(YesIm57.I think the internet is very helpful. (Yes, so do I)58.I hope the weather willfine tomorrow(I hope so too)59,I wonder if Tim could control the situation (Well ,if he cant control it no one can)

14、。60,Im sorry Ive returned your book late (Thats allright)61,I really enjoy pop music, Whats your favorite? (Well, actually Ilike classical music)L62.Linda, can you give me alift after work? (No problem。 We go the samedirection)500 camera is on saletoday(Yeah,a surprisingbargain。 Ill buy it) 64.Let m

15、e help you carry this。 (Thats OK,I can manage)M65.May I speak to Jack please?(Im better turn itoff)66。May I know your address? (Sure. Here youare)Mrs.Johnson,Ive cometo say goodbye.(Thats OK)May I help you, madam? (Yes, Id like 2kilos of oranges)69。My camera isnt working properly(Mabeytheres somethi

16、ng wrong with it)70。May Iuse your bike togo shopping? (Certainly)88.What was your journey7。Dont forget to write to28.It was unwise of him toNlike? (It was terriblym(will yo)( referto)the71.Northwestern Aeresting)8Dr,hoffman proposed thatunreliable May I help you? (Yes,89。Whats the matter

17、withwe(put off) the meeting29.In this factory eachId like some informationyou? (I feel a bit sick)next week。a(two-month)trainingabout morning )O72.Oh, the box is too heavy。 (Can I help you tocarry it)P90。Will you please turnE (Sorry。I 9.Everything(would havehavent realized yourebeen destroyed) if al

18、bertsleeping)hadnt91。Why not have a glass of 10。Edgar began(work)asbeer? (Thats weather is very an office boy years agocourse.30In china,children(haveto start)schoolatseven31 。 I must tell you how(pleased I was to receive)aletteerfrom73。Please tell David not todrink too much (Its time forlunch)74.Pl

19、ease give me a hand ,wont you? (No problem)S75。Sosorry to trouble you。(Its your fault) 76.Sam,this is my firend Jane (Glad to meet you, Jane)T77.Thanks a lot。 Youvegone to so much trouble. (Its no trouble at all)W78。Would you like a tea?(Yes, please)79.What do you think of hissuggestion? (Its hard t

20、o say, actually)80。What time is the next flight to Washington(Its1:45 pm)81。Would you like to see the menu? (No, thanks. Ialready know what to order)82.Will you go on a picnic with us tomorrow? (Sorry,I have an appointment with dr。Brown.)83.When does the next bus leave for Glasgow? (Theyleave every

21、hour)84。Would you like to order now? (Yes. Id like a fishand a soup)What if my computer doesnt work? (Ask Annefor help)Whats the date today?(The Second of July)87。Whats the best way toget to the Empire Hotel from here? (Walking through the wood)nice)92.Where are you from?(Britain)93。Why are you so l

22、ate?(I came across an oldfriend)94,Will you have some dessert, Judy? (No, thank you。 Im on a diet)95,What about another coffee? (No, thank you) 96,Whats the fare to the museum? (Five dollars) 97,Wait here and Ill get my car and go there together(Why bother? Its withinwalking distance) 98.What should

23、 we have for dinner? (Howaboutfish?Its very fresh)99。Whats the weather like inthisarea(Its rainy)Y100.You may have seen thisfilm (Actually,I havent) 101.Your scarf soft and warm, Whats it made of?(Wool)二、词汇与结构AAfter stopping for a few minutethe bus moved to isAll the team members tried their best,we

24、 lost the gam(howeve)BBynextyeat,he (willhaveworked) in NewYork for five years4。Boggislittleherself the (twelveyear-old)girlD5 。 Dont worry,yourwatch(is being repaired)and you can6。Do you think tommy is(telling)thetruthH11.Hardly (had I got )home when it began to rian 12.Hehaslivedhereforyears( thou

25、gh)nobodyknows what he is13。Having heard so much were(eager)to meet andHe,a well as I,(is)astudent.He spoke so quickly that I didnt(make out ) whathe saidHow the fire in the starte(remain)a I17.I tried ( finishing) thebook in a few days18I didnt know what to dobutthenan(occurredto)me19.I spent half

26、an hour( woking on ) this difficult20.It is difficylut to (carry on) a conversation 21.Ihopehesremembered(to buy)somebread22。It is because English is useful(whatwehard)23。If there were life onmars,suchlifeforms(wouldbe)unable24.I (scarcely)know himl,so I cant tell you If you dont promise tohouses,or

27、dinary people(will not benefit)。Im old enough to wash(my ,yours)chothes bymyself27 。 I wonder why they(charged ) you so mucha book32.I will never forget the time ( when) we bothstayed33 。 I havent read (the whole)book,but I read half of it 34。If we (adopt) the plan you suggest,we are35.If you go to

28、America,you will better( communications ) ,byroad,raillondon36.I dont want you to make any touble,(onthecontrary),Iurge37.I know this ie the sedret,andIpromisenever to ( mention)it to anyone else.J38John,(having lost)thebet ,had to pay 39Johnfellasleep(while)hewaslistenoingtothe musicJohn (used )tob

29、eateacher before the warLLets finish our homework in a few seconds;is time ( football)42 。Letsnotwaitany longer,henot(turnup)43.Lookatthe terribleonlyI( had followed)your advice 44.Lastmonth,hepaida visit to (where)he had once five yearsM45 Mother was busy,although she wason tv,she(was listening to

30、) inon the radio46,Mark is a clerk (with)Na job in a top bookstotrN47。Now Helen works(moreus (from arriving)at thehad to work very long hourslong;unmarried;carefully)than before。sraion on timeYunderstood;towns;free;Noonecanpossibly69。The president claimed90You(ought) to lock thelikely)recall ,sincei

31、t(tookthe responsibledoor at night6 。Highereducationinplace)(for)the explosions91.YoungchildrenAmericaismostlyaboutNo sooner hand they got70.The mother didnt knowsoon(pickup )wordsHML (HowtoMakeaup(than)it started raining(who) toblame forthehardbrokenthey92 。YourtutorswillbeLiving )(Ironically ;conc

32、epts;interaction;50.Notalways(poplecannot71.Thefatherwishedtheyou(keepuwhit)yourTherefore;plenty;that;ando what)they wants totwindtobe,but(neither)Oof them51.On his first sea(voyage),72 。Theresnoneedtohe was,hes quite(harmless)work93.Your brother has made an (appointment)for you toseeeffort;concerne

33、d;means;which)I7。 Insomecities,52.One day while mr。kingwa ,hehada/an(accident)and73。The population of thefast74。 Thalabwas94。(What) they are doinghas never been95 。(The ) majorityofworkaholism is so commonthat people dont consider itunusual(normal;serious;Pbeing(rebuilt ) whenwepeople are highlyprob

34、ably;hate;53。Please look after myparentsduringmy(absence)54 。 Peteroftenmakeshimself(understood)by 55。Please leave the keydoor (in case)you go outvisited the university75.The roof of oursoit need(repairin。76。The work( will havebeen done) by thetime youget thereThe united states iscomposed of fifty s

35、rates,96.(What) I saw was twomen crossing the street97(Unless) he studieshard ,he will 98.(Every) ofthemhasabedroom and a stuly 99.(Havingreceived) ananswer,hedecidedtophysical;failure;always ;Why;morethan;made)8.In the American family the husband and wife usuallyshare important decision making. ( o

36、ld;what ;independent;too;suit;breakaway from ; reached ;Stwo fwriteproblems;beyond;set up)Since this road is wet and。 Themistakewas10.Who do you think)isJsliooery this morning ,it(must have rained)last nighrSome pop singers have much influence ( on)the young58SorryI didnt know heis a friend of ( you

37、rbrothers)59。Sadam (was married)for 25 yearsT60.There people,(includinga chil,were 61.Thefarmercaughttheboys(stealing)his apples 62.The children (are takengood care of) by the nurse63 。 Thatsthe(very )gentleman I,veThe teacher spoke so faststudent to (takein)what heThe old man is used to(exercising)

38、earlyinthemorning。66。They handed in theirpaper(in turn)67。The sun heats the earth,(which)is very important 68,The heavy rain stopped(caused) by the 79.Tennis isa(game)inventedbyanenglishman80。The hall was almostempty.there were ( few )people in itThebigmanhasalwayson the go,(so)he has got stomachach

39、e。UUnfortunately the poor girl cant but(sell)allherWWe consider ( itnecessary that ) theinstrument84We are(confident)inthe future of85We are going te have our office(rearranged)to makeroomWealthy as he is ,he is not ( generous)with his moneyWe have our house(cleaned)every week88.What time is (last)t

40、he train to London89Whie raisinmoney,hethe richest man in our city三、完型填空B1.Buck and his mother and all the men smoked tobacco andtalked, ( while ; wasliving;wasnever heard;but;thato share;had never seen;of) 2.Beforethe20thcentury the horse provided everyday transportationinthe(replaced;nearly;afford

41、;in;average;purchasing;income;cost;superior;as)C3Can you imagine how you wouldfeelifyoufell lives;to;if only;No;make;other;as;therefore)F4。Frank knew he was very ill(sometimes;in;mind;listened ;beadmitted ;remember;nobody;whenever;only;like)H5 。 Historically, the real cowboy was a simple farm worker

42、 on horseback.(raise;Jules Vernes most famousbook is “Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea”.(meaning;invented;at;story teller ; to be;who ;easy;ways ; as well as;Sometimes)MMostchildrenwith healthy appetites are ready to eat almost anything that is them(unless;way;whether;discuss; anybody;supposed;

43、 idea ;allow;soon;no)Many teachers believe that the student should be responsible for learning 。( If;context ; one ;learning;with;assigned;minimum;students ;sources ;otherthan)Mr. Smith, a passenger onthetranscontinental train, appeared before the shortly;borders;rest;view; accept;reason)N13。No man

44、can change theweather.(what;make;suchas;sign ; air;on ; that ;weather;above;eyes)P14。Peopleusedtosay,(Behind;Botsonfairl; higher;far;position)15。Paris is the capital of France.(most famous;allover;Educational;cross ; islocated;on top of;such as;must be;called;where), Plants are very important living

45、 things.( were; food; Therefore;types; float;fall)S。 Smoking may be apleasure for some people。(However;discomfort;on;In fact ; suffer ; surely;persuade;entirely;rath er;sense)T18.TheRedCrossisan internationalorganization which cares for people whoare cenin need of help。(in;be aided;around;shares;toh

46、elp ; wounded;howpeople were;regardless;protects;de monstrating)19There are many different methods of studying(well;until;nobody; work; behind;handed in;at all;excuse;expense;case)U20.Up until about onehundred years ago,newspapers in the(about;changed;bought; reduced;anyoneelses; draw)四、阅读A1。After h

47、er husband had gone to work , Mrs Richards sent her children to school and went(she was toattend an evening party; make sure that the costume fitted her well;an electricityman;Hesteppeddirectlytowards the storeroom;thought he must have met a ghost)2.As our cell(more and more of todays mobile phonesh

48、ave computer likefeatures;mobile phones willnot replace the computers ;new techniques will solve the limitations of the mobile phone;the five percent of the overall mobile phonesmarket share ; business people). Are you the happiest in the world?”(not thinkthat;anyone we think is happier ; Everything

49、 goeseffortlessly right for him;that he is mistaken in thinking nothing unhappy existed in the latters life; true happiness lies in struggling to be happy)4.A scientist who wants topredictthewayinwhich(carry out investigations onconsumer behavior and getdata on consumer incomesandmoneyspendingmotive

50、s;decreasing ; risingprices may make people put off their purchase of certainthings;concludes that theconsumers expect prices toremainstable;Thepricecondition has an influenceon consumer behavior)BBicycletourandrace/Brazilian footballers/Rockclimbing( things to do for the weekend;110 kilometres ;par

51、t of the tour;You can watch it without paying; 5012372)Bill Cooper is portfoliomanager of the $13 billionValueTrustFunds,(fornineyears running;through his fathers explanatioone make money through buying stocks;hard work;onlyindicated that one was ready to start his career)“But I just paid 1。69for th

52、is bottle of wine lastweek.(complaining aboutthe price;the price of wine to go up ; the production ofwine has ceased to increase;The cost ofmanpower and equipment ;explain why the price ofwine is rising)C8Blocks of “high-rise” flatshavebeenbuiltinlargenumbersinLondon (inmanybigcities;theywerebuilt o

53、n less land and wereabletohousealotmorepeople;itwasnotuntilhundreds of the vast blockshad been built, people beganto doubt about whether they were good solutions or not;evenawell knowndesignerofthehigh-risesbelieves they are no goodforpeople;Developingcriminal tendencies)C9。Cynthia Woolly is called(

54、 thebestprofessionalwoman basketball player;theteam leader of a basketballteam;at a disadvantage;shedoesntwanttheyoungergeneration of her family toknow the hardships in life;providing them with a betteropportunity to start with)D10.Dear editor,Teachers insomesecondaryschools(there is no discipline i

55、ntheclassroom;encourage pupils to play a lot instead of learninall of the physicalpunishment;RestoreOrderin school)11 。 Dear Bob, Im justwriting to let you know our new address(an informalinvitation;he is not able to write this letter to Bob earlier;they still had a little money left to afford the p

56、artyin a new housingestate manage to attendtheir party)12.Dear Uncle Ric, We were very sorry to hear that you are in hospital agaiagain after having fully recovered from an operation;Jamess elder brother;going to takesomeexaminations ; but Robin, his mother,does not like the idea;private letter)13.D

57、earFolks,Ivebeen here for about three weeks and already I have so much totellyou(looksvery differentfromwhatshe expected;it is the cheapest;tokeepupinadifferent learning environment;less confidentinmaking; Lanzhou)E14.Each morning his radio(in order to wake himselfupinthemorning;bycontrollinghishome

58、computersystem;hehasasecuritysystem,avideophone,andasatellitesystemathome;whetherthecoffee percolator is switchedon;if children stay) 15.Every day, the news oftheworldisrelayedtopeople by over(both A andB;every man belongs tosome society;400 years;areaffected more by whateverhappens in the other par

59、ts oftheworld;newinventionsare changing the techniquesof newspaper publishingG16。Good children must be good students at school.( What Good Children Should Be;to thinkindependently;care for theirparents, brothers and sisters;Listen to their parents opinions;accept it as a matter of fact that they are

60、 always right)H17。How often one hearschildren wishing theywere(life for a child is comparatively easy;shouldbe able to take care of himselfPeople are oftensatisfied with their life;one is the happiest if he can make good use of each age in his life;joys and pains of old people)I18。I had two jobs gro


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