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1、 PAGE 页码 10 / NUMPAGES 总页数 10四年级新概念上册英语期末整理复习实验学校习题班级:_ 姓名:_ 【看图写单词】1. 看图片,选单词。A. uncle B. aunt C. family D. baby brother E. parentsHi, friends. Come and meet my family.1(_) 2(_)3(_) 4(_)5(_)2. 看图写单词。1Mr. Smart_noodles.2Ms. Smart_Grandma.3Sam_TV.4Amy_a picture.3. 看图,写作。1. What does Lily do in her fr

2、ee time?2. Whats Toms hobby?3. What do you want to do tomorrow?4. How can I get there?5.Where do you want to go?4. 根据图画完成小短文。I live in that building.There are five rooms in my flat.There is a big_in the living room.There is a_on the wall.There is a_in the study.There is a_in the study,tooThere are s

3、ome_in the kitchen.5. 看图写单词。1 23 4【填空题】6. 按要求改变单词。1tooth(复数)_ 2his (宾格) _3doll(同类词)_ 4there (同音词)_5it (复数)_ 6smooth (反义词)_7my (同类词)_ 8our (单数)_9too (同音词)_ 10big (反义词) _7. 根据语义和提示,填入正确的单词。1Look, the b_is on the tree.2Im hungry. Id like a h_.3My mother is a_.4John is a boy. But Amy is a g_.8. 我会补。1Big

4、_ 2Tiananmen_3_house 4CN_5Cherry_9. 给下列单词分类。A. hens B. cows C. orange D. potatoE. carrot F. banana G. pear H. horseI. green beans J. grape1tomato_2sheep_3apple_10. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1I_(have) a dress. Your brother_(have) a nice shirt.2We have three_(lesson) in the morning.3This is Miss Li_(speak).4Look!

5、My gloves_(be) so big.5I have a_(swim) lesson on Sunday.6_(who) book is this? Its_(Mike) book.11. 根据句意,选词填空。music room, playground, art room, computer room, teachers office1We play the piano in the_.2We paint in the_.3We play computers in the_.4We play basketball in the_.5Our teachers are in the_.12

6、. 单词分类。A. art B. hot dog C. chicken D. Chinese E. hamburgerF. PE G. noodles H. science I. meat J. music1food:_2subject:_13. 读一读,选一选。A.speaks B.so C.help D.is E.has1Let me_you.2She_short hair.3She_English well.4My bag is_heavy.5Who_your friend?【选择题】14. Its _. Its time for lunch. ( )A.6:40 B.12:00 C.5

7、:4515. Is breakfast ready? ( )A.Yes, breakfast is ready. B.Its on the wall.16. 选出与所给单词属于同一类的单词。1floor ( )A.homework B.are2first ( )A.one B.second3library ( )A.next to B.teachers office4where ( )A.how B.excuse5on ( )A.it B.in17. 看到香山的红叶,你惊叹道:_ ( )A.How beautiful! B.How cold! C.How many?18. Is there a

8、 story book? ( )A.Yes, there is. B.Yes, it is. C.Yes, it does.【连词成句】19. your big Is school (?)20. skate, she, well, can, very (.)21. They, small, are (.)22. seven, there, books, schoolbag, are, my, in (.)23. much is How it (?)【阅读理解】24. 读短文,然后回答问题。Today is Saturday. It is a nice day. The Hus are at C

9、entury Park. Mr and Mrs Hu are sitting under a tree. Above the tree, there is a balloon. Mr Hu is reading a book. Mrs Hu is watching some birds. They are flying in the blue sky.Ivy is sitting on the lawn. The grass is soft. She is drinking strawberry juice and listening to music. Her brother Andy is

10、 on the lawn too. He is eating a strawberry cake. Beside him, there is a dog. The dog is playing with a ball.(1)What day is it today?(2)Where are the Hus?(3)What are they doing?25. 阅读理解。On Christmas Evethe night before Christmas Daychildren are very happy. They put their stockings at the end of thei

11、r beds before they go to bed. They want Father Christmas to give them some presents.Mr. Green tells his children that Father Christmas is a very kind man, He comes on Christmas Eve. He lands on the roof of each house and comes down the chimney into the fireplace and brings them a lot of presents.On

12、Christmas Day the children wake up very early. They cant wait to open the presents in their stockings. Then they wake up their parents and say, “Merry Christmas!”Do you know what Christmas means? Christmas Day is the birthday of Jesus Christ. When Christ was born, many people gave him presents. So t

13、oday, people still do the same thing to each other.( )(1)Christmas Eve is.A. the night before December 24B. the night after December 25C. the night of December 25D. the night of December 24( )(2)Father Christmas often puts the presents.A. into childrens hatB. into childrens stockingsC. under childre

14、ns bedsD. into childrens shoes( )(3)Father Christmas comes into the house through the.A. windowB. front doorC. chimneyD. back door( )(4)On the morning of Christmas Day,children wake up their parents very early and say.A. “Good morning!”B. “Happy New Year!C. “Best wishes for you!”D. “Merry Christmas!

15、”26. 阅读理解。I have two good friends. They are Ma Yi and Gao Wei. Ma Yi is a girl. Shes thin and short. She is friendly. Gao Wei is a boy. Hes tall and strong. He is cute.1. Ma Yi is_. ( )A. tall and thin B. tall and strong C. thin and short2. Gao Wei is a _, Ma Yi is a _. ( )A. girl; boy B. boy; girl

16、C. teacher and student3. _ is tall and strong. ( )A. Ma Yi B. Gao Wei C. I4. _ is cute. ( )A. Ma Yi and Gao Wei B. Ma Yi C. Gao Wei27. 阅读短文,判断正误:正确的写“T”错误的写“F”Jane White is an American girl. She is a student. She is fifteen. Her father is Mr. White. Her mother is Mrs. White. Bob is her brother. He i

17、s a student,too. He is in a black jacket. Jane is in a red jacket. She is a nice girl.1Jane White is English.(_)2She is a student.(_)3Mr. White is her mother.(_)4Jane is fourteen.(_)28. 读表格信息,完成下列试题。根据表格内容判断正误,对的填A,错的填B。1Cindy is thirsty and she is not happy.(_)2Jerry isnt hungry but he is tired.(_)

18、3Jacky is happy and he is hungry too.(_)4Susan is sad today and she is thirsty.(_)29. 读下面的短文,根据短文内容给短文后面的句子选择正确的答案填空。Mike is my new friend. Mike is from the USA. He is tall and strong. He is friendly. He has big eyes and a big nose. He has brown glasses and a green bag. His bag is heavy. Some books are in it. A Chinese book, a maths book, three storybooks and two notebooks. Some toys and candy are in his schoolbag, too. He likes his sc


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