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1、PAGE 第16页 共16页2010年春季学期初二英语期中考试试卷听力部分(25分)一、听句子,选择与你所听到的句子的意思相同的图画; 录音听两遍(5分) AA BB C D E F1_ 2_ 33_ 44_ 5_ 二.听句子子,选择择正确的的答语。(5分)( ) 6. A. Im llistteniing to mussic. B. I wass dooingg hoomewworkk . C. II waatchhed TV. DD. I llookked at himm.( ) 7. AA. Thaank youu. B. Nott beeauttifuul. CC. Youure gg

2、reaat. D. Nicce. ( ) 8 .A. Im Allicee. B. Its Allicee. C. Thiis iis AAlicce sspeaakinng. D. Aree yoou AAlicce?( ) 9. A . A ppen. B. A TV sett C. A bbookk D. A llawyyer( ) 10 . A.YYes,he doees. B. Yees , hee iss. C. Yess, hhe wwilll D. Yees, he didd.三.听短文文,填写所缺缺的单词词,一空空一词。(5分)Yang Leii noow wworkks a

3、as aa maath teaacheer aat aa hiigh schhooll inn a citty. Lasst yyearr shhe wwentt too a pooor mmounntaiin vvilllagee ass a 11 tto tteacch tthe stuudennts .122 liffe ttherre wwas verry ddiffficuult, shhe ssaidd shhe 113 thee sttudeentss. BBecaausee thhe sstuddentts aalwaays stuudy harrd. Shee allso s

4、aiid sshe 144 rretuurn to thee arrea 15 fiinisshinng hher stuudiees. Thaat wwas an unuusuaal eexpeerieencee foor hher. 11_12_ 13_ 144_ 155_四听短文文,判断断正误.(正确确的填TT,错误误的填FF)(100分) ( )16. LLastt Suundaay, an oldd laady wennt sshopppinng.( )17. TThe mann goot oout of a ccar andd weent intto aa baank.( )18.

5、 TThe oldd laady saww a lott off mooneyy inn thhe ccar. ( )19. TThe oldd laady wass foooliish.( )20. TThe mann raan oout of thee baank witthouut aany monney.笔试部分(995分)五根据句句意,找找出与划划线部分分意思相相同或相相近的选选项。(55分)( )21.Thee booy wwas ablle tto rreadd beeforre hhe wwas sevven.A. coouldd BB. mmustt C. shhoulld

6、D. woouldd( )22.Hiss faatheer jjoinned thee baaskeetbaall cluub llastt yeear. A. toook parrt iin BB. bbecaame a mmembber of CC. ccamee innto D. beecamme aa meembeer( )23.I ccan nott fiind my penn annywhheree.A. evveryywheere BB. aanytthinng C. nowwherre DD. eeverrythhingg ( )24. Ovver 1,0000 peoople

7、e loost theeir livves. A. Moore thaan BB. MMuchh thhan C. Muuch morre D. Morre aand morre ( )25.Thee giirl oftten carres forr hiis ggranndfaatheer. A. loookss affterr B. loook aftter C. llookks ffor D. loook aat 六单项选选择。(15分分)( )26 Yeesteerdaay tthe teaacheer ttoldd uss thhat thee eaarthh _arooundd t

8、hhe ssun.A mmoveed BB. mmovees CC. wwas movvingg D. haad mmoveed ( ) 277. IIt iis iimpoortaant forr uss _Engglissh wwelll.A. too leearnn B. leaarniing CC. llearrns D. leaarneed ( )28. Allicee _ too seee hhis aunnt iif sshe _frree tommorrrow. A. wiill comme; willl bbe B . ccomee ; is C. wiill comme ;

9、is DD. ccomees ;willl bbe( ).299.Hoow mmuchh diid yyou_ thee hoousee?A. ppay forr B. coost forr C. paaid forr D. coost on ( )30. _aa spportt gaame on thee pllayggrouund nexxt wweekk?A. Wiill theere be B. Wiill theere havve C. Wiill theere D.Willl bbe ttherre( )31.I ddidnnt wwantt too taalk aboout th

10、aat_ thhe pphonne. A. onn BB. iin CC. aat DD. bby( )32.-_ do youu goo too a movvie? Twwicee a weeek.A. Hoow ssoonn B. Howw offtenn CC. HHow oldd DD. HHow mucch( )33.Couuld youu plleasse _me somme _? A. giivinng; advvicees B. givve; advvicees C. givve; advvicee D. too giive; addvicce( )34.He askked m

11、e if I_ maad _himm.A. amm; aat B. wwas; att C. waas; to D. aam ; too( )35. Doont lleavve yyourr boookss onn thhe ttablle. Pleeasee_.A. taake awaay iit BB. ttakee thhem awaay CC. ttakee awway theem D. takke iit aawayy( )36.My mottherr waantss mee _millk eeverry dday.A. drrinkk BB. ddrinnks C. driinki

12、ing D. to driink.( )37.Whoo brrokee thhe ddoorr? LLets_.A. loook it outt B. finnd iit oout C. takke oout it DD. kkeepp ouut iit.( )38.Mr Chaang hass _monney butt _friiendds tthann Mrr. CChann. A. moore; moore B. leess; leess C. morre; fewwer DD. ffeweer; morre( )39 .Evveryyonee exxceppt TTom andd Jo

13、ohn_ ttherre wwhenn thhe cclasss bbegaan. A. aare B iss C. wweree DD. wass( )40. II thhinkk shhe iis _att daanciing thaan ssinggingg.A. beetteer B. goood CC. wwelll DD. bbestt 七. 完完形填空空(100分)Once theere wass a fattherr annd aa soon. Theey wweree illl-ttemppereed(坏坏脾气的的) aand nevver gavve wway to 41.

14、 One dday thee faatheer 442 too assk ssomee frriennds to dinnnerr inn hiis hhousse. He 43 hiis sson to buyy soome meaat iin ttownn. WWhenn thhe sson wallkedd toowarrds thee toown gatte, a mman wass coominng ffromm thhe ooutssidee. TThe gatte wwasnnt 444 enooughh too leet ttwo menn inn annd oout at t

15、hee saame timme. Butt neeithher of 455 wwoulld ggivee waay tto tthe othher. Thhey stoood strraigght facce tto ffacee innsidde tthe gatte hhourr affterr hoour. Buut tthe fattherr waas wworrriedd. “Whhat shaall I ddo? My sonn haasnt 466 yett. II caant wwaitt anny mmoree.” Hee waanteed tto kknoww whhat

16、 wass thhe 447 wwithh hiis sson. Soo hee leeft hiss frriennds at homme ,andd weent to towwn 48 hiss soon.“You mayy fiirstt taake thee 499 homme ffor my friiendds .Lett mee 500 heere agaainsst hhim inssteaad.” he said to his son when he knew what had happened.( )41. A. onne B. anootheer CC. ootheer D

17、. ottherrs( )42. A. deecidded B. deccidees CC. deccidee D. deecissionn( )43. A. hoopedd BB. ttoldd C. llet D. tellls ( )44. A .loong B. widde C hiigh DD .ttalll ( )45. A. ttheiir B. thhey C. theem D. thheirrs( )46. A .goone B bouughtt C. reeturrnedd D. beeen( )47. A. wrrongg B. acccideent C. thiing

18、D. maatteer( )48. A .too loook forr B. loookedd foor C. too fiind DD. ffounnd( )49 .A. meeat B. diinneer C. brreadd D. monney( )50 .A. sttoodd B. sstannds C. sstannd D. sttanddingg八. 阅读读理解 (200分)(A) Onee daay MMr. Broown seees aa yooungg woomann inn thhe sstreeet witth cchilldreen. He is verry ssurp

19、prissed beccausse aall thee chhilddrenn arre wwearringg thhe ssamee cllothhes. Whhitee caaps, bllue coaats andd yeelloow ttrouuserrs.“Arre aall theese chiildrren youurs?” hee assks thee woomann.“Yees, theey aare.” shhe aanswwerss.“Doo yoou aalwaays dreess theem iin tthe samme cclotthess ?” assks Mr.

20、 Brrownn.“Yes, ” annsweers thee mootheer. “Wheen wwe hhavee foour chiildrren, wee drresss thhem in thee saame cloothees bbecaausee wee doont wwantt too loose anyy off thhem. Itt iss eaasy to seee ouur cchilldreen aamonng ootheer cchilldreen bbecaausee thhey aree alll wwearringg thhe ssamee cllothhes

21、. Annd nnow we havve tten, wee drresss thhem likke tthiss beecauuse we donnt wannt tto ttakee ottherr chhilddrenn hoome by misstakke. Wheen ttherre aare othher chiildrren amoong ourrs, it is eassy tto ssee theem bbecaausee thheirr cllothhes aree diiffeerennt.( )511. HHow manny ppeopple doees MMr. Br

22、oown seee inn thhe sstreeet onee daay? He seees _in alll. A. tenn B. eleevennC. foourDD. teen cchilldreen( )522Whhy iis hhe ssurpprissed? Beecauuse _ . A. alll thhe cchilldreen aare boyys B. alll thhe cchilldreen aare in thee saame cloothees C. alll tthe chiildrren aree loovelly D. alll thhe cchilld

23、reen aare weaarinng tthe samme ttrouuserrs( )553.WWhy doees tthe womman dreess herr chhilddrenn inn thhe ssamee cllothhes? Beecauuse_. A. shee haas sso mmanyy chhilddrenn B. shhe llovees hher chiildrren C. shhe ddoessntt waant to takke hher chiildrren homme D. shee waantss too seee hher chiildrren e

24、assilyy ammongg ottherrs( )554. Whaat kkindds oof cclotthess arre tthe chiildrren weaarinng wwhenn Mrr. BBrowwn sseess thhem?A. WWhitte ccapss, bbluee cooatss annd yyelllow troouseers.B. BBluee caaps, yeelloow ccoatts aand whiite troorseers.C. YYelllow capps, whiite coaats andd bllue troouseers.D. W

25、Whitte ccapss, yyelllow coaats andd bllue troouseers. 55. “We donnt wannt tto ttakee ottherr chhilddrenn hoome by misstakke.”这句话话的汉语语意思是: (B)Brucee annd hhis othher twoo frriennds, Brrunoo annd DDickk liivedd inn thhe ssamee ciity in Engglannd. Theey werre ffreee inn thheirr suummeer hholiidayy. SSo

26、 ttheyy caame to a vvilllagee byy a larrge lakke. Theey llikeed ffishhingg veery mucch. Theen tthe nexxt dday aftter theey ggot theere, thhey gott too a boaat aand wennt ffishhingg inn thhe llakee. TTheyy booateed ffarttherr annd ffarttherr. TTheyy caame to an outt-off-waay pplacce. Theey wweree vee

27、ry happpy beccausse ttherre wweree a lott off fiish. Whhen it wass tiime forr thhem to go homme, Bruuce saiid tto hhis friiendds: “Weed bettterr maake a mmarkk heere so thaat wwe wwilll eaasilly ffindd thhe pplacce ttomoorroow.” “Youre rigght.” BBrunno ssaidd haappiily .“LLet me do thaat.”“How foool

28、issh,” saiid BBrucce. “Iff itt raainss toonigght, thhe rrainn waaterr wiill wassh tthe linne ooff, annd hhow cann wee fiind thee maark tommorrrow. Yoou mmustt cuut aa liine witth yyourr knnifee.”Dick camme uup tto tthemm annd ssaidd anngriily. “ Neiitheer oof yyou is cleeverr. HHow cann wee fiind th

29、ee pllacee iff wee haave anootheer bboatt toomorrroww? WWe sshouuld nott goo baack tonnighht.”( )556. TThe thrree boyys _.A. wweree alll ttoo youung to go to schhooll . B . ccamee frrom thee ciityC. wweree frrom thee woorkeers fammiliies D. likked eattingg fiish verry mmuchh( )557. TThe boyys wwantt

30、ed to go to thee pllacee aggainn toomorrroww beecauuse _ A. itt waas aa goood plaace B. ttheyy goot aa loot oof ffishh thhereeC. ttherre wwas a mmarkk onn thhe ssidee off thhe bboatt D. ttheyy weere goood aat ffishhingg( )558. BBrunno wwas reaady to(准准备) makke aa maark beccausse _ A. he wass ollderr

31、 thhan hiss frriennds B. he hadd a penncill inn hiis hhanddC . he wass thhe cclevvereest of thee thhree DD . hee haad tthe samme iideaa ass Brrucees( )559. TThe linne ttheyy drrew wass noot _A. tthicck BB. usseleess C. eeasyy DD. useefull( )660. Theey sshouuld makke aa maark _A. tthicckerr annd ccol

32、oor iit rred B. on thee fiish C. in thee laake D. onn evveryy booat九、补全对对话,从从方框中中选出适适当的句句子,完完成对话话(5分分)But if I donBut if I dont do now. Ill never do it.But money isnt everything, son.Dont you think its really exciting?I know you want to be happy.Why not?A: Yoou sshouuldnnt jjoinn thhe LLionns.B: 611

33、 A: IIf yyou beccomee a proofesssioonall soocceer pplayyer, yooull nevver go to colllegge.B: Buut II reeallly wwantt too pllay socccerr. II waant a jjob I llovee, II waant to be happpy.A: 662 Butt thheree arre mmanyy innterresttingg joobs youud llikee.B: Buut mmy ddreaam iis tto pplayy soocceer! 63

34、A: Off cooursse iits eexciitinng. Andd I knoow yyou wannt tto mmakee a lott off mooneyy, _644_B: I knoow. _655_初二英语期期中考试试答题卷题号12345678910答案题号11121314151617181920答案题号212223242526272829303132333435答案题号363738394041424344454647484950答案题号515253545556575859606162636465答案十句型转转换。(10分,每空11分)66. HHe iis ggoinng tto vvisiit hher unccle nexxt wweekk.(对对划线部部分提问问) _ _hee gooingg too viisitt heer uunclle?67. TThe boyys wweree pllayiing wheen II goot ttherre.(改一般般疑问句句) _ thee booys _wheen II goot ttherre? 68. WWilll yoou ttakee thhe ttraiin tto wworkk?(改改同义句句) Wiill youu goo too


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