1、_(考试时间90分钟)听力部分 (20%)I. 听句句子。从从A、BB、C三三幅图中中选出符符合句子子内容的的选项,读读一遍。(55%)1. A B C2 A SHAPE * MERGEFOORMAAT SHAPE * MERGEFORMAT A B CC3 AA BB CC4 A B C5 . A B CII. 听听对话。从从A,BB,C中中选择一一个能回回答该问问题的选选项。(55%)6 . A. Its cclouudy. BB. IItss snnowiing. CC. IItss wiindyy. 7. A. Hee waantss too bee ann acctorr. B. S
2、hhe wwantts tto bbe aa nuursee. C. Beecauuse its aan eexciitinng jjob.(1)8. AA. AA .tteaccherr B. Att scchoool C. He teaachees CChinnesee.9. AA. PPlayy baaskeetbaall BB. PPlayy coompuuterr gaamess CC. GGo tto tthe movviess10. AA. SShes wwatcchinng TTV. BB. NNo, shee issntt . C. Shhess coookiing.III听
3、长长对话,回回答问题题,读二二遍。55% 听下面面一段长长对话,回回答第111至第第12两两小题。 11. WWhatt dooes Tomms penn paal ddo? A. Shees a tteaccherr. B. Shhess a docctorr. C. Shees a nnursse. D. Shees an asssisttantt.12. WWhatt laanguuagee dooesnnt Tomms penn paal sspeaak? A. Enngliish BB. FFrennch C. Chhineese D. Enngliish andd Frrencch
4、听下面一段段长对话话,回答答第133至第115三小小题。 13. Whhy ddoess thhe ggirll liike to seee thhe ddogss fiirstt?A. Doogs aree frrienndlyy annd cclevver. B. Doogs aree fuun.C. Doogs aree cuute. 14. Whheree arre tthe lioons froom? A. Affricca B. Chhinaa CC. CCanaada15. HHow manny kkindds oof aanimmalss doo thhey seee?A. 2
5、 B. 3 C. 4 IV听短文文,回答答下列问问题,读读二遍。5%16. TTom andd Miike wannt tto _.help witth ssporrts, muusicc annd ccompputeers.be goood witth cchilldreen.find summmerr joobs.get hhelpp frrom thee Caamp17. WWhatt dooes thee Suummeer CCampp neeed hellp wwithh? A. Flyyingg kiitess. B. Spoortss, mmusiic aand commputt
6、erss. C. Makkingg caakess. D. Drrawiing piccturres.18. TTom cann pllay_. A. baallss B. commputter gammes CC. mmusiic D. viioliin19. MMikee caan pplayy_. A. thhe ddrumms B. vollleyyballl C. basskettballl DD. ffoottballl20. WWhatt doo Toom aand Mikke bbothh liike? A. Foootbballl B. Commputterss CC. SS
7、wimmminng DD. SSporrts二笔试部部分(880%)一、单项选选择,看看看谁最最适合填填补空白白。(115%,每小小题1分分)1. Hoow iis iit ggoinng? Whiich ansswerr iss wrrongg(错误误的)? _. A. Nott baad B. Greeat C. Preettyy goood D. Imm gooingg hoome2.Wee ennjoyy thhe _ sstreeet. Wee doontt liike thee nooisyy(吵闹闹的) oneesA. bbusyy B. quiiet C. sscarry D.
8、 terrribble3. - AA: HHow is thee weeathher in Beiijinng? -B:_Its sunnny B. Its ssunnny aand winnd. C. Itt raainiing D. Its cclouud4.Whiich senntennce(句子) caantt bee ussed forr (被被用来) asskinng yyourr joob? _?A. Whhat do youu doo B. Whaat aare youu dooinggC. Whhats yyourr joob D. Whaat aare youu(2)5.
9、Thhe ssupeermaarkeet iis _ouur sschoool.A. beetweeenanddB. in froont C. acrrosss frromD. on froont of6.-Whaat hhe ddoinng nnow? -He _a newwspaaperr.A. iisrreaddinggB ddoessloookiingC. doeeswwatcchinngD. is iss reeadiing7. -Whhat _ aniimalls ddo yyou likke? -I llikee doogs, tooo. AA. tthe othher B. o
10、ttherr C. othherss D. annothher 8. -_ doo yoou llikee paandaas ? -_iit iis ccutee annd sshy.A. WWhySo B. HowwBuut C. WhyyBeecauuse DD. HowwAnnd9 Liiu TTao _ _ hiis hhomeeworrk iin tthe eveeninng.A. doont, do B. do, nootC. doeesnt ddo D. doees nnot10.-_? -Shhe iis mmy EEngllishh teeachher.A. Whho iis
11、 sshe B. Whaat ddoess hee doo C. Whhat is shee dooingg D. Whaat ddoess shhe11.Myy siisteer wwantts _ acctorr. A. too bee a B. to be an C. be a D. be an.12.Thheree iss _ _ _ mmoneey iin tthe bannk. lot oof B. manny C. a llot D. mucch13.Goo doown thee sttreeet aand _,youu caan ssee thee poost offficee
12、.A. tuurn thee leeft B. turrn tto lleftt C. turrn lleftt D. turrn aa leeft14.Shhe oofteen _bbookks iin tthe morrninng. Look! Shhe _heer bbookks nnow. A. reaad, reaadinng B. reaads, reaadinng CC. rreadds, is reaadinng D. is reaadinng, reaads15.-Dooes Samm liive in Neww Yoork? - _ A. Yess, hhe ddo B.
13、Yess, hhe iis C. No, hee dooesnnt D. Yess, hhe llivees 二做完型填填空可要要仔细认认真哦! (100%) MMr WWhitte llivees iin aa veery oldd viillaage. Hee haas nno _116_. Hee haas aa caat aand twoo doogs. Onne ddog is yellloww, _177_ onne iis bblacck. Mr Whiite hass a bigg hoousee. TTherre aare manny ttreees aand floower
14、rs nnearr thhe hhousse. Loook! Thee caat _18_uup tthe bigg trree. Itt waantss _119_ tthe birrd iin tthe treee. Mr Whiite opeens thee frridgge. He wouuld likke ssomeethiing to eatt. BBut he cannt finnd _200_. TTherre iis nno ffoodd_221_ ddrinnk iin iit. He sayys tto TTim andd Toom, “Heeres tthe monne
15、y. Goo too thhe sshopp annd gget somme mmeatt annd bbreaad. Thee meeat is forr yoou tthe breead is forr _222_.” Thhe ttwo doggs ttakee thhe bbag of monney witth ttheiir mmoutths andd ruun tto tthe shoop. A mmomeent latter, onne oof tthe doggs _233_ baack witth aa piiecee off paaperr. IIt _244_. “IIm
16、 sorrry, Mrr Whhitee. TTherre _255_ brreadd inn myy shhop todday.”16. AA. aany chiildrren B. chiildrren CC. ppeopple D. booys 17. AA. aanottherr BB. ootheer C. thee ottherr D. thhe ootheers18. AA . iis rrunnningg BB. rrunss C. runn DD. rrunnningg 19. AA. ccatcchess BB. tto ccatcch C. caatchhingg D.
17、caatchh20. AA. ssomeethiing BB. tthinng C. notthinng D. anyythiing 21. AA. aand B. buut CC. oor D. thhen22. AA. mme B.II C. hiim D. my 23. AA. ccomee B. commingg C. too coome D. commes 24. AA. ttelll BB. ssayss C. speeakss D. sayy 25. AA. iis ssomee B. haasnt aany C. haavennt somme DD. iisnt aany(3)
18、三你一定会会爱上阅阅读的。 (25%) AA (55%)Mary is a llitttle girrl. Shee iss onnly fivve. Shee issntt a stuudennt. Shee dooesnnt go to schhooll annd sshe doeesnt kknoww hoow tto rreadd annd wwritte. Butt onne dday, heer mmothher seees MMaryy att thhe ttablle wwithh a penn inn heer hhandd annd aa piiecee off paape
19、rr inn frrontt off heer. “Whhat aree yoou ddoinng, Marry ?” sshe askks.“Im wriitinng aa leetteer tto mmy ffrieend Amyy.” sayys MMaryy.“But howw caan yyou ? YYou donnt knoow hhow to wriite.”“Welll,” sayys MMaryy, “IIt ddoessntt maatteer, Amyy dooesnnt knoow hhow to reaad.”26.Maary is .A. a stuudennt
20、B. in Graade Fivve CC. aat sschoool D. fivve yyearrs oold27.Maary andd Ammy . A. aree goood friiendds B. caan rreadd annd wwritte C. arre sschoool girrls D. cann reead28.Maary oftten .A. wrritees aand reaads B. plaays witth hher friiendd CC. ddoess heer hhomeeworrk D. reaads29.Hoow ddoess Maary wrii
21、te thee leetteer? .A. Wiith a ppen B. At thee taablee C. Att scchoool DD.A andd B30.Whhichh iss noot rrighht?A. Maary goees tto sschoool eveery dayy. B. Ammy ddoessntt goo too scchoool.C. Maary andd Ammy aare friiendds. D. Marry ddoessntt knnow howw too wrritee. B (100%) Thhis is a bbeauutifful parr
22、k nnearr myy hoome. Peeoplle llikee too goo too thhe pparkk affterr woork. Soome of theem ggo tto tthe parrk eeverry dday. Loook! Thhis is Mr. Smmithh. HHe iis ssitttingg onn a chaair andd waatchhingg thhe cchilldreen. Somme cchilldreen aare plaayinng tthe gamme oof hhidee-annd- seeek(捉捉迷藏). Somme b
23、boyss arre pplayyingg yoo-yoo. LLucyy annd LLilyy arre sstanndinng uundeer aa trree. Thhey aree taalkiing. Thheree iss a smaall rivver in thee paark. Wee caan ssee somme bboatts(小小船) in thee riiverr. SSomee chhilddrenn arre ssitttingg inn thhe bboatts wwithh thheirr faatheers andd mootheers. Liistee
24、n! A llot of birrds aree siingiing in thee trreess. TThiss iss reeallly aa niice parrk. I ccomee heere to reaad EEngllishh affterr scchoool eeverry dday.31 _ llikee too goo too thhe pparkk. A CChilldreen B Fattherrs aand mottherrs C LLucyy annd LLilyy D Peooplee32 Mrr. SSmitth iis _. A pplayyingg hi
25、ide-andd-seeek B pplayyingg yoo-yoo C iis ssitttingg annd wwatcchinng tthe chiildrren D iis ssinggingg33 Whhichh onne iis rrighht? A LLucyy annd LLilyy arre pplayyingg hiide-andd-seeek witth ootheer cchilldreen. B LLucyy annd LLilyy goo too thhe pparkk onnly on Sunndayy. C LLucyy annd LLilyy arre tt
26、alkkingg unnderr thhe ttreee. D LLucyy annd LLilyy liive farr frrom thee paark.34 Thhe wwritter cannt seee_ in thee paark. A fissh B chiildrren C wwomeen DD meen35 Whhats tthe wriiterr dooingg? A . Hee iss siingiing. BB Hee iss siittiing in a bboatt. C. Hes pplayyingg a gamme. DD Hees wattchiing the
27、e peeoplle iin tthe parrk. C (10%) SUUNNYY SCCHOOOL Wee arre aa biilinnguaal(双双语) schhooll foor cchilldreen oof 66-155. WWe wwantt a coook, a llibrraryy asssisstannt, a spoortss cooachh(教练练)annd aa laanguuagee teeachher.(4)JobAgeLanguuageeSkilll(技能能)Otherr teerm (其它它条件)cook25-400ChineeseCookiing bot
28、th CChinnesee foood andd weesteern fooodHealtthy(健健康)Libraary asssisttantt20-355 Chineese EngliishHavinng tthe knoowleedgee(知识识)off diiffeerennt kkindds oof bbookks Carefful(细细心)Sportts CCoacch20-400Chineese EngglisshMajorringg inn (主主修)pphyssicaal eeduccatiionHealtthy,stronngteachher-ChineeseEnglii
29、shMajorringg inn Enngliish-根据招聘启启事,选选择最佳佳答案。36 Whhichh off thhe ffolllowiing cannt go to Sunnny Schhooll? A A ffourr-yeear-oldd chhildd BB A tenn-yeear-oldd chhildd C An eleevenn-yeear-oldd chhildd DD A fiffteeen-yyearr-olld cchilld37 Whho iis nnot wanntedd byy Suunnyy Schhooll? A AA coook B A hhead
30、dmassterr CC A libbrarry aassiistaant D A ssporrts coaach38 Whhichh off thhe ffolllowiing mayy noot bbe aablee too(能) sppeakk Enngliish? A TThe lannguaage teaacheer B TThe libbrarry aassiistaant C TThe coook D Thee spportts ccoacch39 Thhe ccoacch mmustt maajorr inn _. A CChinnesee BB Enngliish C phy
31、ysiccal eduucattionn D llangguagge40 Whhichh iss riightt? A TThe teaacheer ccan onlly tteacch CChinnesee. B AA twwentty-ffivee-yeear oldd coook cannt worrk iin tthe schhooll. C TThe libbrarry aassiistaant musst bbe ccareefull. D AA teeachher musst bbe sstroong.补全对话,从方框框中选出出正确答答案。55%Toom:Petter,Iwann
32、tttobbuysommeCCDs._411_PPeteer:Ofcouursee,bbutweareeneewhheree._442_LettsaskkJaack.Tomm:EExcuuseme,Jaack._43_JJackk:YYes,thhereeiss._444_Ittsacrrosssfrromtheescchoool.PPeteer:Whaatssthhennameeoffthhesschoool?Jacck:_455_Toom&Peeterr:TThannkyyou.Jacck:Youureeweelcoome. A.IssthhereeaCDshoopnnearrheere?
33、GuanggminngMidddleeScchoool.Canyyougowitthmme?Gosstraaighhtaalonngtthestrreettanndtturnnriighttattthhessecoondcroossiing.E.WeedoonttknnowwheeretheeneeareestCDshoopiis.五孙悟空空七十二二变. 10%46 Mrr Smmithh pllayss soocceer eeverry dday.(用nnow替替换evveryy daay) Mrr Smmithh _ _ ssocccer noww.(5)47. TThe repportt
34、er is tallkinng wwithh thhe aactoor.(就就划线部部分提问问) _ is thee reeporrterr _?48. HHow is thee weeathher in Ninngboo?(改改为同义义句) _ iss thhe wweattherr _ iin NNinggbo?49. TTherre aare somme tteaccherrs iin tthe offficee.(改改为一般般疑问句句) _ thheree _ teeachherss inn thhe ooffiice?50 mootheer, is, myy, hhomee, llo
35、okk, aat, coookinng(连连词成句句)2% _汉示字全51. WWoulld yyou likke tto ggo tto tthe seaasidde(海海边) andd taake a wwalkk onn thhe bb_?52. IItss r_. II caantt goo ouut.53. TTherre iis aa b_ ovver thee riiverr. YYou cann crrosss itt.54. MMy ccoussin e_ ttalkkingg onn thhe pphonne.55. PPleaase s_ mee yoour neww b
36、aackppackk.Ihk 澳亚snni ei ur ohi 舞nhgsSe ()etdgnhse.59. MMy mmothher likkes (打扫)thee hoousee evveryy daay.60. TThe boyy iss kiind of _(懒惰的的) aand he doeesnt wwantt too doo anny hhoussewoork. 七小小作家家。看图图写一段段话,要要求句意意表达完完整,清清楚。字字数600以上。 (100%)提示语:oon tthe plaaygrrounnd,staand, wriite, tallk, draaw, reaad
37、, do onees hommewoork (6)2005年年度第二二学期期期中初一一英语测测试答题题卷Classs _ Naame _ No._ MMarkk _听力部分220%I听句子子。从AA、B、CC三幅图图中选出出符合句句子内容容的选项项,读一一遍。(55分)1_ 2_ 3_ 44_ 5_II、听对对话。从从A,BB,C中中选择一一个能回回答该问问题的选选项,读一遍遍。(55分) 6_ 7_ 8_ 9_ 110_III、听听长对话话,回答答问题,读二遍 5% 11_ 122_ 113_ 144_ 155_IV、听短短文,选选择正确确的答案案,读二二遍5% 16_ 17_ 118_ 1
38、19_ 200_笔试部分880%一单项选选择,看看看谁最最适合填填补空白白。155% 1_ 2_ 3_ 4_ 55_ 6_ 7_ 8_ 9_ 110_ 111_12_ 13_ 144_ 115_二做完型型填空可可要仔细细认真哦哦! 110% 166_ 177_ 188_ 199_ 220_ 211_ 222_ 233_ 244_ 225_你一定会爱爱上阅读读的。25% 266_ 227_ 28_ 29_ 30_ 311_ 32_ 33_ 334_ 335_ 366_337_ 388_ 399_ 400_四补全对对话,从方框框中选出出正确答答案。55% 441_ 42_ 443_ 444_ 45
39、_五孙悟空空七十二二变. 110% 466_ _ 47_ _ 48_ _ 49_ _ 50_六汉示字全5%51_ 522_ 53_ 544_ 555_56_ 577_ 588_ 559_ 600_七小小作作家110%_ _听力材料及及答案。本次听力考考试共有有四道大大题,每每题5分分。每题题之间间间歇三秒秒,请同同学们利利用间歇歇时间答答题。听听力考试试现在开开始。I。听句子子,从AA,B,CC三幅图图中选出出符合句句子内容容的选项项。读一一遍。Sam iis ffromm Auustrraliia, butt hee sppeakks ggoodd Chhineese.I likke ddo
40、lpphinns bbecaausee thhey aree veery smaart.My faatheer iis aa pooliccemaan. He worrks in a ppoliice staatioon.Look! Thhe ttwo boyys aare sinnginng hhapppilyy.The wweattherr iss teerriiblee. IItss coold andd raainiing.II听对对话。从从A,BB,C中中选择一一个能回回答问题题的选项项。读一一遍。6M: Its ssnowwingg heeaviily, soo wee caant
41、t goo shhopppingg thhis aftternnoonn.W: Doontt woorryy. LLets pplayy caardss.Q: Hoowss thhe wweattherr toodayy?7. MM: WWhatt doo yoou wwantt too bee, PPeteer?W: I wannt tto bbe aan aactoor bbecaausee itts an exccitiing jobb. WWhatt abboutt yoou, Lilly?M: I wannt tto bbe aa nuursee.Q : WWhy doees PPe
42、teer wwantt too bee ann acctorr?8. MM: WWhos tthe youung mann Kaate?W: Itts my matth tteaccherr. HHess veery strrictt buut kkindd. WWe aall lovve hhim.Q : WWhatt dooes thee yooungg maan ddo?9. MM: HHelllo, Marry? Howws it goiing?W: Ohh, ggreaat ! Hii, SSam! Whhat aree yoou ddoinng hheree?M: Im ddoin
43、ng mmy hhomeeworrk. W: Wee caan ddo iit iin tthe eveeninng. Letts go andd pllay commputter gammes.M: Thhat souundss grreatt!Q: Whhat do theey wwantt too doo?10. W: Helllo, Jaack! Whhat aree yoou ddoinng?M: Noothiing mucch. Imm onnly wattchiing viddeo. W: Thhat souundss boorinng. Whaatss Naancyy dooi
44、ngg?M: Shhess buusy rigght noww. SShes ccookkingg. Q.: IIs NNanccy wwatcchinng vvideeo nnow?III听长长对话,回回答问题题,读二二遍。 听下面面一段长长对话,回回答第111至第第12两两小题。CCCA: Hii, TTom. Whhat aree yoou ddoinng? BB: IIm loookinng aat aa phhotoo off myy peen ppals.A: Ohh. SShe is verry nnicee. WWhatt dooes shee doo? BB: SShes aa nuursee.A: Whheree iss shhe ffr
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