Unit 4 Humour Lesson 1 教案 高中英语新北师大版选择性必修第二册(2022~2023学年)_第1页
Unit 4 Humour Lesson 1 教案 高中英语新北师大版选择性必修第二册(2022~2023学年)_第2页
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1、Unit 4 HumourLesson 1 Whafs So Funny?教学设计科目:英语 课题:Lesson 1 Whats So Funny?课时:1课时教学目标与核心素养:矢口识 目标:Students can learn some new words and expressions and continuous tenses.能力 目标:Students can have a further understanding of the passage.情感 目标:Students can think individually and learn cooperatively.教学重难点教

2、学重点: How to learn the new words and expressions and continuous tenses.教学难点: How to make students have a better understanding of the passage.课前准备:多媒体,黑板,粉笔教学过程:一、Pre-readingGreetingLeading-inACTIVATE AND SHARE教师活动:(1)教师活动,引导学生完成练习。Do you like reading humorous or funny stories? Why?Example I like read

3、ing humorous stories because I like the play on words.(2)教师活动:Explore two methods of creating humour.Play on words一pun (双关语)An amusing use of a word or phrase that has two meanings, or of words that have the same sound but different meanings.双关语指在一定的语言环境中,利用词的多义和同音的条件,有意使语句具有双重意义,言在 此而意在彼的修辞方式。双关可使语

4、言表达得含蓄、幽默,而且能加深语意,给人以深刻印象。双 关可分为谐音双关和语义双关两类。双关语最能发挥人的幽默和幽默。法国大文豪雨果也说:“双关语是飞舞着的灵魂的产物。”Sarcasm (挖苦)Sarcasm generally takes the form of an ironic remark, somewhat rooted in humour, that is intended to mock or satirize something. When a speaker is being sarcastic, he is saying something different than w

5、hat he actually means.As a literary device, sarcasm can convey a writer and/or characters true feelings of frustration, anger, and even derision, though veiled by the presence of humour and wording that is inconsistent with what is intended. However, since sarcastic statements, as they are worded, c

6、ontradict the speakers intent and true meaning, it can be difficult for writers to effectively utilize this literary device without proper context or tone.挖苦是一种文学手法,用于暴露对象的缺点和可笑之处,常采用夸张或反讽等方式,从而产生 幽默的效果。有时用讥刺和嘲讽笔法描写敌对的、落后的事物,有时用夸张的手法加以暴露,以达 到贬低的效果。这就是说作者在真实的基础上,以挖苦和嘲讽的手法,揭露某些现象,批判某种行 为,使人在会心的笑声中予以否认

7、,这种手法就是挖苦。挖苦手法犀利有力,而且使用灵活,或正面进攻,或旁敲侧击,或挖苦揶揄,或正颜厉色,嬉 笑怒骂,皆成文章。归纳起来,挖苦手法大致有以下几种:漫画法漫画式的挖苦手法其特点是夸张,把人或事的假、丑、恶加以扩大或缩小,使之变相、变形, 以突出这一侧面的特征,到达挖苦的目的。马克吐温的竞选州长采用了这种手法,揭露不同 社会的光怪陆离现象,在刻画人物形象方面起了重要作用。比照法即把被挖苦的对象,在对待同一人或事的前后不同的言行进行描述,以显示被挖苦对象的愚蠢 可笑。莫泊桑的我的叔叔于勒围绕于勒有无金钱,描写菲力普夫妇言行、态度,前后判假设两人 的变化,使读者不难看出夫妇二人的极度虚伪、冷

8、酷无情,进一步揭示了资本主义社会人与人之间 赤裸裸的金钱关系。契诃夫的变色龙通过描写警官奥楚蔑洛夫围绕狗的主人是谁的易变、善变, 无情地揭露了沙皇统治下社会的黑暗。托物法这是一种把挖苦对象比作某物,使挖苦对象具体化、形象化的手法。惠子相梁中的惠子听信 传言,以为庄子来代他为相,非常恐惧。而庄子却给他讲了一个幽默的故事,他在故事中把自己比 作鹦箱(古代传说中像凤凰一样的鸟),惠子比作猫头鹰,梁国那么比作腐鼠。他极力描写了鹦箱高尚 的志趣,而猫头鹰得一腐鼠便视为珍贵美味,挖苦之意溢于言表。这种技法在诸子百家著作及战 国策中屡有所见。反说法反说法也就是“说反话”。作为挖苦手段的“反话”,是指用肯定、

9、赞美的语言描述明显的丑恶、 虚假的现象,表达作者的鄙视与挖苦。藤野先生开头一段对“清国留学生”的描写,表达的正是 厌恶之极的情感。”实在标致极了”其实是指一点也不标致,称他们标致,是明显的挖苦。当任何指 斥的言辞都缺乏以把愤怒之情表达的酣畅淋漓时,化为反语的挖苦,较之直言指责更为有力,表达 的厌恶之情更为强烈。二、While- readingREAD AND EXPLORE1.学生活动:阅读文章,回答下列问题。Work in groups of three. Each student reads one of the stories and answers the following ques

10、tions. Then share what you have read with your group members.Which characters are in the story?(Story A: a famous art collector and an owner of a store.Story B: Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson.Story C: Grock and a doctor.)Where are they?(The famous art collector was in a store.Sherlock Holmes and Dr.

11、 Watson were on a camping trip.Grock and the doctor were in a hospital.)What happened to/ between them?(Story A: The famous art collector wanted to buy the valuable saucer. And the owner of the shop only wanted to sell the cat.Story B: Sherlock Holmes wanted to tell Dr. Watson that their tent had be

12、en stolen. But Dr. Watson described more about the universe.Story C: Grock wanted the doctor to examine him and give him some comfort, but the doctor advised him to watch the performance of the circus. As a matter of fact, Grock was the clown.)Why is it funny?(Story A: The collector had planned to b

13、uy the saucer, but in fact he bought a cat.Story B: Sherlock had planned to make Watson know their tent had been stolen, but Watson didnt notice that.Story C: Grock went to see a doctor to relieve his stress, but the doctor advised him to watch the performance of the circus to make him laugh. The do

14、ctor didnt know it was Grock who gave the performance.) 2.学生活动:阅读文章,完成表格。Group Work Read the three stories. Complete the notes. Then share and check your notes with your group members.Story AStory BCharacterWhat did each person do?Real purposeThe resultThe art collectorBuy a catBuy the saucerfunnyTh

15、e store ownerSell goodsSell the catCharacterWhat did each person do?Real purposeThe resultSherlock HolmesAsk Watson to look up at the sky and tell him what he sawTell Watson their tent had been stolenfunnyDr. WatsonLook up at the skyShow off what he knew about the universeStory CComplete the funny p

16、art of the three stories.3.学生活动:续写故事。CharacterWhat did each person do?Real purposeThe resultThe middle-aged manSee a doctorRelieve stress and anxietyfunnyThe doctorExamine the middle-aged manAdvise him to see the performance of the circusComplete the funny part of the three stories.三、After-readingSt

17、oryThe funny partAThe store owner refused to give away the saucer with the cat because. it was his lucky saucer.BSherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson saw millions of stars at night because. their tent had been stolen. But Watson didnt notice this.CAn amazing clown couldnt. make the man relaxed, because th

18、e clown was just himself.学生活动:Group Work.Tell one of the three stories to your group based on your notes.学生活动:完成练习。Complete the summaries with the words or phrases you have learnt from the stories.An art collector noticed a cat lapping milk from a 1 in the 2 of a store. He realisedthat it was an 3 a

19、nd very valuable. He decided to buy the cat and offered to pay 200 dollars inthe end. Then he asked the store owner to 4 the saucer, but the owner refused to give it awayfor he had sold 68 cats because of this lucky saucer.Sherlock Holmes asked his 5 friend Dr. Watson what he saw from the sky. n6of

20、stars, said Dr. Watson. Based on his knowledge on 7, he believed there are millions of galaxies and 8 of planets. He deduced that it was probably a quarter past three based on the 9of time. From the 10, he forecasted that it would be a beautiful day the next day. Watson didnt realise that someone ha

21、d stolen their tent!A middle-aged man who was 11 went to the doctor. The doctor examined him and found 12OK. The doctor thought that what the man needed was 13 and suggested 14. Actually he was 15.(Answers:1 saucer 2 doorway 3 antique 4 throw 5 faithful 6 Millions 7 astronomy 8 billions9 scientific

22、measurement 10 current atmosphere 11 feeling very down 12 everything13 a good laugh 14 seeing a circus performing 15 the clown)四、FOCUS ON LANGUAGE: CONTINUOUS TENSESPair WorkRead the following sentences from Story C. Discuss which continuous tense (present perfect continuous, past perfect continuous

23、, future continuous) is used in each sentence.Everything had been going wrong for him.Well, Fve been having a bit of a crisis.This time next week, fll be arriving in New York.(Answers:1 past perfect continuous 2 present perfect continuous 3 future continuous )Fill in the columns with more examples o

24、f the different continuous tenses from the three stories.Future Continuous(will be + verb-ing)Present Perfect Continuous(have / has been + verb-ing)Past Perfect Continuous(had been + verb-ing)I will be working in the United States for three months.Well, Tve been having a bit of a crisis, you know, l

25、ots of problems.Everything had been going wrong for him.Complete the sentences using present perfect continuous, past perfect continuous or future continuous where appropriate.1 The eager fans(wait) for six hours before they finally got the tickets for the football match.1(look for) that for weeks -

26、 where did you find it?Mrs Wang(stay with her friends) when she goes to Hainan.As he(repair his car) all afternoon, he was messy.This book is taking me so long that I(still read) it by this time next year!She(study English) since she left school.(Answers:1 had been waiting 2 have been looking for 3

27、will be staying with her friends4 had been repairing his car 5 will be still reading 6 has been studying English)EXPRESS YOURSELF学生活动:Pair WorkRead the jokes below and talk about the funny part of each joke.Girl: Why was the cat sitting on the computer?Boy: He was keeping an eye on the mouse.Teacher

28、 of politics: Who is the speaker of the House?Student: Mother.Student: Professor, I did the best I could on this test. I really dont think I deserve a zero.Professor: Neither do I. But thats the lowest grade Im allowed to give.Teacher: What is the chemical formula for water?Student: HIJKLMNO!Teacher

29、: What are you talking about?Student: Yesterday you said its H to O!(Suggested answers:The funny part is the play on the meaning of “mouse”; a computer mouse and a mouse.The funny part is the play on the meaning of nthe House1. In politics it often refers to the political institute and is capitalise

30、d. The student understood it to be the household. The mother is often thought of the speaker as she tends to talk more at home and decides on household matters.The funny part is that the student is complaining about the low mark and professor responds as it is actually higher than what he deserves.

31、The professor uses sarcasm here.The funny part is the play on to,which sounds the same; a number two or going from one point to another. It implies that the student doesnt know what a formula is.)语法:进行时态形式目定否认现在进行时am/is/are doingam/is/are not doing过去进行时was/were doingwas/were not doing将来进行时will be do

32、ingwill not be doing现在完成进行时have/has been doinghave/has not been doing过去完成进行时had been doinghad not been doing一、现在进行时1.表示说话时正在进行或发生的动作,也可表示当前一段时间内的活动或现阶段正在进行着的动作 或存在的状态。I hear you are working in a pub. Whats it like?我听说你在酒吧工作。感觉怎么样?Well, the work is very hard and Im always tired, but I dont mind.哦,工作很

33、辛苦,我也总是很累,不过我不介意。.某些表示位置转移的动词,如:come, go, leave, arrive, start, move等,可用现在进行时表示即将发 生或计划要做的事。. 一些特殊的用法现在进行时可用来表示经常性的动作,常和constantly, always, forever等副词连用,表示厌烦、赞美 等情绪。She is always sleeping with the window open.她总喜欢开着窗户睡觉。二、过去进行时.表示过去某时刻正在发生的动作,或与过去发生的某事同时发生的动作;也可表示过去某个时间 段内一直在进行的动作。I walked slowly th

34、rough the market, where people were selling all kinds of fruits and vegetables. 我慢慢地走过市场,市场里人们在卖各种各样的水果和蔬菜。.短暂性动词可用过去进行时表示过去按计划、安排要做的事。I was coming to visit you later that day, but I had to phone and cancel.我本打算那天晚些时候来看你的,但是我不得不打 取消了。.与always, constantly, forever等副词连用时,表示说话人对某种行为的赞赏、厌烦、不满等情绪。He was

35、always changing his mind.他总是改变主意。三、将来进行时表示将来某时刻或某一时间段正在进行的动作,常表示事情的正常开展。ril be doing some housework tomorrow.明天我要干些家务活。四、现在完成进行时.常用来表示开始于过去某个时间,一直持续到现在并且会继续进行下去的动作。For days the kids have been looking for people we can help.数日来孩子们一直在寻找我们能帮助的人。.表示到目前为止的一段时间里一直在反复进行的动作。I have been calling him many time

36、s this morning, but theres no answer.今早我给他打了几次 ,但都没打通。五、过去完成进行时过去完成进行时与过去完成时的用法很相近,它通常表示某个过去正在进行的动作或状态持续到过 去某个时刻还未完成,一直持续到之后的当前时刻才结束。He had been writing the letter till two oclock.他一直写信到两点钟。He was now thirty years old. He had been gambling since he was ten.(他三十岁还在赌博。)他现在三十岁了。他从十岁起就开始赌博了。不过这种状态不一定表示这

37、个动作会持续下去。He came back at seven. He had been waiting for two hours.(七点钟的时候他没有再等了。)他七点钟回来。他已经等了两个小时了。它的含义主要包括以下儿个方面:尚未完成:He had been writing a novel. (He had not finished it yet.)他一直在写一部小说。企图: He had been studying the meaning of the proverb. (He was trying to study it.)他一直在研究这句谚语的意思。未得至U结果: We had been studying what our enemy had said. (But


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