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1、 PAGE 页码 11 / NUMPAGES 总页数 11三年级英语上册期末知识点综合复习校外练习单班级:_ 姓名:_ 【单词拼写】1. 变一个字母或加一个字母,使下面的单词变成一个数词。1nice(_) 2give(_)3hen(_) 4on(_)2. 在四线格上写出下列字母的大小写形式。3. 看图,写出所缺的字母。1_ook 2 cr_yon3_oot 4 d_ck5_gg4. 根据图片写出单词。5. 读一读,根据图片,填写所缺的字母,补全单词。1_pple 2_at3_and 4do_5_ lephant【填空题】6. 选词填空(词汇运用)。1._(Do/Does)the cat lik

2、e meat?Yes, it does. 2._(Have/Has)she got a sweater?Yes, she has. 3._(Who/What)is that?Its Tom. 4.Whats your favourite_(song/colour)?Yellow. 5.Amy_(go/goes)to school on Monday.7. 计算小达人:比大小,用“”、“”或“”填空。1four four(_)seventeen2teneight(_)fourteen3nineteentwo(_)eighteen4three five(_)fifteen5sevennine(_)

3、thirteen8. 根据图片或汉语提示写出单词,补全句子。1Im_years old.2I have a birthday_.3The kite is yellow and_(蓝色的).4Show me your_(右边的) hand.5My father is_(高的).9. 根据提示给下列单词分类。A. pen B. ten C. pencil D. leg E. nine F. ruler G. white H. ear I. yellow J. faceK. red L. seven1身体部位:_2数词:_3文具:_4颜色:_10. 看图选词,完成句子。(填选项内容)A. tall

4、B. short1.Tom is_. 2. Lucy is_.11. 根据所给图片或中文提示,写出单词。1What are these?They are_.2_(谁)is that boy?He is Mike.3Nice to meet you, Mike.Welcome to my_(农场).4What is that over there?It is a_.5What are those under the tree?Theyre_(牛).12. 填写正确的动词。1Im fish. I can_.2Im a bird. I can_.3Im a singer. I can_.4Im a

5、dancer. I can_.5Im a high jumper. I can_.13. 根据情境补全句子。1吃午饭的时间到了,可以说:Its time_.2该睡觉了,可以说:Its_bed.3现在是7点整,应该说:.Its_oclock.4早上遇见老师,应该说:_morning, Miss Li.5你想知道那边的东西是什么,可以问:What_over there?【选择题】14. Where is my pencil? ( )_A.It is a pencil. B.Its over here. C.Yes, it is.15. What is _? ( )Its a cow.A.they

6、B.you C.it16. Were _ to a fruit farm. ( )A.go B.goes C.going17. 读句子,选图片。1This is Mr Jones, he is a teacher. ( )A. B.2Where are you from? ( )Im from China.A. B.3The girl is a student. She is a pupil. ( )A. B.4Boys and girls, we have two new friends today. ( )Welcome.A. B.5Mum, this is Miss Green. She

7、 is my new teacher. ( )Miss Green, nice to meet you.A. B.18. Where_the ruler? ( )A.am B.is C.are【句型转换】19. 将下列肯定句变成否定句。1I am a teacher.2You are a student.3She is my sister.4He is my brother.5It is a pear.20. 按要求改写句子。1.Ilikeplayingtabletennis.(改为否定句)I_tabletennis.2.Mikelikesmorning exercises.(改为否定句)3.

8、 Do you like rice?(做肯定回答)4.有多少男孩?(翻译)_5.Amylikesreadingbooks.(改为否定句)Amy_books.21. 句型转换。1Id likea yellow doll.(根据句子意思提问)2There are some books on the table.( 一般疑问句,并作否定回答)3I like to drink some milk. (用what提问)4I like the beautiful picture(图片). (改成一般疑问句)like the beautiful picture?5It iswinter. (根据句子意思提问

9、)is it?22. 按要求改写句子。1She can sing.(将其变成疑问句再作肯定回答)2Lingling and Daming canplay the piano.(对句子划线部分提问)3My father can play table tennis. (改为一般疑问句)4Are these onions? (否定回答)23. 句型转换。1. Wangwang isin the box. (对句子提问)_is_?2. My cap isunder the box. (对句子提问)_is_cap?3. She is there! (改成倒装句)_is!4. is, it, time,

10、to, get up, (.) (连词成句)【阅读理解】24. 读下面文章,请你帮助小朋友找到他们的国旗,赶快连起来吧。25. 读短文,选出正确的一项。This is my room (房间). A ball is under the bed. Two books are on the bed. A chair is under the desk. A toy boat is on the desk. A bag is in the desk. Look! Strawberries are on a plate. How many strawberries? One, two, three H

11、a! Seventeen strawberries!1A ball isthe bed. ( )A.on B.in C.under2Two books arethe bed. ( )A.on B.in C.under3Ais under the desk. ( )A.ball B.bag C.chair4A toyis on the desk. ( )A.boat B.car C.dog5A bag is in the. ( )A.bed B.desk C.chair6How many strawberries?( )A.15 B.16 C.1726. 阅读理解。Daming:Whatarey

12、oueating?Amy:Imeatinghamburgersandchips.ItsEnglishfastfood.Daming:Ilikenoodles.ItsChinesefastfood.Oh,youarenotusingaknifeandfork.Amy:No,Imusingmyhands(手).根据对话内容判断下列句子正()误()。( )(1)Daming is eating hamburgers and chips.( )(2)Hamburgers and chips are English fast food.( )(3)Daming likes noodles.( )(4)N

13、oodlesareChinesefastfood.( )(5)Amyisusingaknifeandfork.27. 阅读理解。ImaChinesegirl.MynameisLiangXinyu.IminClassThree,GradeOne.MyEnglishmyteacherisaChineseboy.MygoodfriendisLucy.SheisanEnglishgirl.SheisinClassThree,too.Sheiseleven.请仔细阅读,选择正确的选项。( )(1)LiangXinyuisa_girl.A.English B.Chinese C.Japanese( )(2

14、)LiangXinyuandLucyaregood_.A.students B.friends C.girls( )(3)LucyisinClass_.A.One B.Two C.Three( )(4)Lucyisa(an)_.A.English B.Chinese C.Japanese( )(5)MyEnglishteacherisa_boy.A.English B.Chinese C.Japanese28. 阅读判断。My name is Judy. In the morning,I have some milk and bread for breakfast. Then I go to

15、school. I have four classes(课) in the morning. I have lunch at home. I eat vegetables, chicken and rice for lunch.I have two classes in the afternoon. After school(放学后),I like to read books.( )(1)I have breakfast at home.( )(2)I have six classes one day.( )(3)I have lunch at school.( )(4)I eat veget

16、ables, fish and rice for lunch.( )(5)I like to read books at school.29. 阅读理解。My mother and I are in the shop(商店). Well buy(买)some fruit. There are many apples, bananas, oranges, pears and watermelons. How much are they? Four yuan for a kilo(千克) of apples. Two yuan for a kilo of bananas. Three yuan for a kilo of oranges. Five yuan for a kilo of pears. One yuan for a kilo of watermelons. Well take some.(1)Where is my mother?( )A.At home. B.At school. C.In the shop.(2)What will we buy?( )A.Some food. B.Some vegetables. C.Some fruit.(3)How much are the o


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