



1、Unit 8 单词清anxiousadj. adventuren. desertn. canoe vi. & n. (乘)独木舟 safarin.(尤指在东非或中非的)hike v & n. Unit 8 单词清anxiousadj. adventuren. desertn. canoe vi. & n. (乘)独木舟 safarin.(尤指在东非或中非的)hike v & n. 徒步旅行,远足 take off (飞机、事业)起飞;presentern. majoradj. 较重要的,较严重的 wild adj. 野生的;狂热的 tiring adj. 令人疲劳的getacrosshow/w

2、hat/jogvi. onthehorizon刚冒出地平线,broadenoneshorizon 开阔视野,onthefire 在火上(烧、烤be onfire make a fire 生火 startmakeafire 点火 put out the fire 灭火setsth.onfire/setfire toatanaltitudeof be popular with sb. 受某人欢迎 besimilartosth. .atonthe bottomof gotoextremes at all risks (= at any risk) 无论at the risk of doing sht

3、. 冒run/ take the risk of doing colony n. take up 占用;从事;拿起(武turn up 调大(声音;出现 turndown 调小(声音;拒绝 turn on 打开;使人感兴趣 turn off 关闭;使人不感兴趣 set up 设置;竖立; 建立gothroughwithsth. 做完,完成,doasplanned be keen on (doing) sth. 喜欢做protectiveadj. 保护性的 colony n. 殖民地 complicatedadj. 复杂的 be worth doing. 值得做be worthy of being

4、 done/ to be done 值得做minorityn. majority n. 多数,大多数 definitelyadv. 明确地; 肯定地 helmet n. 头盔cricketn. varietyn. 种种, a variety of (= varieties of) 种种,offer sb sth. / offer sth to 把exploration n. 勘查;测; 探究volcanon. 探索探offer to do parachuting n. 空降, 伞降; 跳Pyramidsn. dreamofaboutdoingsth. 梦见;渴望; 梦想acoupleof se

5、riesn.连续, 丛书, aseriesofevents brochuren. differfrom be anxious about/ for anxiouslyinLesson extreme adj. 极度的,极端的 bungee jumping n. 蹦极 snowboarding n. 单板滑雪 snowrafting n. 动力雪橇滑降 in order to 为了(某一目的) gymnastics n. 体操,体操训练 similarity n. 相似性,类似性 upside down 颠倒地,倒置地 exactly adv. 确切地,精确地 risk vt. 冒的危险 exc

6、itement n. 兴奋,激动 flow vi. 流动,涌出equipmentn. dull adj. 暗淡的,迟钝的 preference n. 较喜欢的东西,偏爱 get across sth. to sb. 使(某人)extractLesson raftn. white-waterrafting extraadj. optionaladj. 可选择的,非强制subjects/horizonn. organization n. 团体,组织,机构 uncomfortable adj. 不舒适的,hostel n. 旅社,招待所 maximumadj. 最大的,最多的 altitude n.

7、 高度,海拔rightnow differvi. footprintn. Lesson travelern. emperor n. 皇帝 court n. 宫廷;法庭 amaze vt. 使惊愕 goodsn. 商品,物品 confuse vt. 使困惑 fuel n. 燃料wealthyadj. travelern. emperor n. 皇帝 court n. 宫廷;法庭 amaze vt. 使惊愕 goodsn. 商品,物品 confuse vt. 使困惑 fuel n. 燃料wealthyadj. inpreparationfor (状)为be in preparation 在准备中

8、Then came the total darkness of the polar winter.(= The total darkness of the polar winter camethen.)eefaaesouth等;表示时间的副词有: now,then 等,谓语动词多是 crfrfbegin,end 等。break down 损坏,不能运转;(某人健康状况)变得恶劣;break up 分解(物理分解) break away from 脱离,背弃,与 . 脱离关系break in/ into 破门而入,闯入 break off 中断, 中止; 断交 havedifficultytro

9、ubleproblems with sth. /(in) doing sth. 做某事be shocked at 对感到震惊 be shocked to see/ hear/ find/ learn, etc.be exhausted by (doing) sth.runout (物)sb.runoutofsth. 用尽(物atonetime 曾经,一度 at a time 每次,一次 at times 有时,偶尔from time to time 有时,偶尔 atalltimes all the time 一直,始终,老是 at a distance (= in the d)在远处 carr

10、y on (with sth/ doing sth. )takeplace 常指某事按规律、预come about (= break out 指(战争、火灾、疾put / throw/ cast sb. into inquantity author dictationn. statement n. 陈述quantityn. 量,数量 professor n. 教授 hunter n. 猎人skinn. in (huge/ large) aquantityof 可数或不可数)(= large/ huge/ great quantities of)quantitytradeAfor B 用A Le

11、sson theAntarctic on ones way to 在途中 Norwegiann. 挪威人,挪威的 preparation n. 准备,预备 sledge n. 雪车,雪橇shock vt. 震惊,惊骇 goal n. 目的,目标 ambitionn. 志向,抱负 exhausted adj. 疲惫的 hopelessadj.没有希望的cheerfuladj.distantadj. trade with sb. in . impress sb. with sth. 某物给某sb. be impressed with/ by/ at sth.impress sth. on sb.

12、使某人铭记sth. be impressed on ones mind/ memory 被深深印在记忆中in turn(s) byturns within take turns to do/ doing sadness n. 悲哀,忧伤 functionvt. 运转,起作用 patience n. 耐心,忍耐力 nationality n. 国籍aimn. its sbs turn (to do sth.) be amazed at/ by sb. / beamazedtofind/seelearn,etc. seat oneself = be seated 就座 get/ be confus

13、ed with/ by 困惑pay for make preparations for p for sth.; be/ get prepared sth. ) 为做好准备carry out 实施,执行,贯彻 getawayfrom(使摆脱(使)failinsth. failtodosth. identifycarry out 实施,执行,贯彻 getawayfrom(使摆脱(使)failinsth. failtodosth. identifysth.as have a huge impact/ influence It takes two to make a greatly) 对某人有巨大影响

14、 exchange A for B with sb. 用ABprecious adj. 宝贵的, 珍爱的 be attached to 喜爱,依恋,附jumpoffaplanetrain)Let bygonesbe Arctic n. 北极,北极区 transport n. 运输,运送v. 传送, 流放, 运输 observe vt. 观察,观测 staff n. 员工,全体人员 survival n. 幸存,残存,生存 shelter n. 遮蔽,庇护所 philosophy n. 哲学limitn. EnglishProverbs Behavior & Conduct in endured

15、. 不能医者必须忍。 What must be must be. 该来的Familiarity breeds contempt. 熟Give and take (is a fair play). 有One good turn deserves archaeologyn. air-conditioned adj. vehiclen. strategyn. 策略,军略 be home to 家园 remote adj. 遥远的neighbors. Cultureassociatevt. associate A with B (= A be aed with B) A B A Bgeographern. 地理学家 destination n. 目的地 exchange n. 交换 influence n. 影响 Buddhist statue 佛像 monk n. 僧侣Buddhist scriptures 佛经 detailed records 详细记载 AutonomousRegion 自治区crossroadsn. Afriendship green. 保持距离,友Harp not forever on the same string. 不要一直旧调重弹。If the blind lead the


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