



1、四川省达州市君塘中学2023年高一英语上学期期末试卷含解析一、 选择题1. _ really matters is not failure itself, but the attitude we have toward it. A. That B. What C. As D. Which参考答案:B略2. The question is not worth _ again and again.A. discussed B. being discussed C. discussing D. to be discussed 参考答案:C3. She knew he felt the same he

2、 did.A, as B, like C, what D, that 参考答案:A4. His work was_ by his boss, so he _ himself.A. high thought of ; took pride inB. highly thought of; took pride ofC. well thought of; proud of D. highly thought of; was proud of 参考答案:D5. The young engineer was _ a gold cup because of his creative achievement

3、s for the development of the company.A. awarded B. rewarded C. applied D. accepted参考答案:A6. He is a shy boy, but what he _ yesterday _ surprise us all.A. did, didB. did, doC. does, doD does, does参考答案:A7. Everybody got _ when they heard the _ story. A. shocking; frightened B. shocking; frightening C.

4、shocked; frightening D. shocked; frightened参考答案:C8. Swimming is my favorite sport. There is _ swimming as a means of keeping fit. A. something like B. anything like C. nothing like D. everything like参考答案:C9. My glass, _ I was like a blind man, fell to the ground and broke. A. which B. with which C.

5、without D. without which参考答案:D10. We _ the old scientist _ his contribution _ the country. A. admire; for; to B. admire; at; to C. respect; on; for D. respect; on; at参考答案:A略11. _ in fashionable clothes, she looks totally different, like a movie star. A. Having dressed B. Dressed C. To dress D. Dress

6、ing参考答案:B12. You should try to relax yourself much work you have to do.A. howeverB. althoughC. whateverD. even if参考答案:A【详解】考查让步状语从句。句意:不管你有多少工作要做,你都应该尽量放松自己。根据前后文是让步关系,用however,however much无论多少,故选A。13. Seeing the happy _ of the kids playing on the playground, I cant help thinking of my childhood.A.

7、sight B. scene C. view D. sign参考答案:B14. Water, _ we cannot live, exists in the form of liquid, gas or solid. A. from which B. on which C. by whichD. without which 参考答案:D15. Youd better get up early. The early train is _to leave at five in the morning.A. possible B. probable C. likely D. perhaps参考答案:

8、C二、 填空16. Every one of the team _ _ _ _ _ (不满意我们受到的待遇) at that party on Miss Smiths eighteenth birthday. 参考答案:wasnt satisfied with our treatment三、 阅读理解17. 阅读下列短文,从每小题后所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。I think machine power is better than human power because we cannot survive without our daily used machines lik

9、e bikes, coolers, computers, etc.Started on 14-Apr By SmithE-mail: rksscet12Johnson6-MayYes, its very clear that machine power is better than man power. But machine power has its limitations (局限). It cannot survive without electricity and manhandling. If it doesnt have these two then it is completel

10、y useless. So man should not completely depend on machines. One more point is that because of the use of machines man has become lazy. This laziness has brought in many problems like obesity, arthritis (关节炎) and other health problems. But I am not saying that man should completely turn from machine

11、power to man power. He should have a balance of both. Even I cant think of life without a car, a computer and a cooler.Sally9-MayHumans only created the machines. So, human power is greater than machine power. To do the things quickly we created the machines. But machines cannot think. That thinking

12、 power beats machine power.Tina17-MayBut without humans there is no value of any machine. If someone wants to use his machine perfectly then one must have expert labor or man power.Tommy19-MayHi to all, my opinion is that human power is more powerful than machine power, because human beings created

13、the machines. Human brain works more, compared to machines.Mike20-MayI think human power is better than machine power because even if we travel on foot to near places, the money will not be wasted and we can get exercise.45. Who agrees with Smith generally?A. Tommy. B. Tina. C. Sally. D. Johnson.46.

14、 According to Johnson, man should _.A. keep a balance between human power and machine powerB. completely depend on machine powerC. turn from machine power to man power completelyD. live a life without a car, a computer or a cooler47. Sally thinks that human power is better than machine power because _.A. machines are useless without electricityB. machine power can make people become lazyC. machines cant think like human beingsD. human brain can do things quickly48. Which of the following quest


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