1、China-AAfricaa Tradee and Invesstmentt ReporttSino-Affrica Tradee1.1 Traade SccaleSino-Affrica tradee starrted aat $122.14 mmillioon in 1950. At ppresennt, Chhina iis thee larggest bbusineess paartnerr withh Afriica, aand Affrica is onne of the mmost ddecisiive immport sourcces off Chinna.During 200
2、3 to 1HH2013, Sinoo-Afriica trrade kkept rrisingg desppite oof sliight ffluctuuationns. Inn 20066 it eexceedded $550 billlion for tthe fiirst ttime. Furthhermorre, inn 20088, $1000 billlion tradee voluume beenchmaark waas brooke thhroughh. In 20009, CChina becamme Afrricass No. 1 traade paartnerr. E
3、ven duuring the sslack globaal ecoonomicc recoovery in 20012, tthe quuantitty jumpedd to $198.448 billlion, incrreasinng 19.3% yeear-onn yearr. Of thhis, UUS$85.319 bbillioon connsisteed of Chinaas exxportss to AAfricaa, up 16.7%, andd US$1113.1771 billlion was ccontriibutedd by CChinas impports fro
4、m Africca, upp 21.44%. Tootal CChina-Africca traade voolume, Chinnas eexportt voluume too Afriica annd Chiinas imporrt vollume ffrom AAfricaa all reachhed neew higghs.2012 Chhina TTrade with Worldd Majoor ReggionsTrade VVolumee ($1000 Mill.)Year-onn-yearr growwth Raate (%)TotalExportImportTotalExpor
5、tImportgross38667.6620489.33518178.22Asia20449.3310069.66310379.6677.5123.4Africa1984.8853.91131.71119.316.721.4Europe6830.63964.2442866.366-2.5-4.1-0.2Latin AAmericca2612.4331352.1771260.26North AAmericca5363.23801.31568.2Oceaniaa1364.877448.8916.075.19.073ASEAN400029.2920427.11919582.009EU5460.433
6、3339.8882120.555-3.7-6.20.4APEC24687.44413062.66111624.88Source: Chinna Cusstom SStatisstics.In the firstt halff of 22013, the SSino-AAfricaa tradde amoount wwas $1105.655 billlion, unpreecedenntedlyy peneetratiing $1100 biillionn in 66 montths, iincreaasing 7.1% year-on-yeear. Source: Chinna Cussto
7、m SStatisstics.Though the SSino-AAfricaa tradde amoount ddoes nnot doominatte Chiinas foreiign trrade mmarkett, it groows faast annd steeady. Duriing thhe 10 yearss periiod, tthe peercenttage SSino-AAfricaa tradde acccounteed forr totaal Chiinese foreiign trrade ggrew ffrom 22.2% tto 5.33%, inncreas
8、sing by morre thaan 2%Specifiicallyy, thee propportioon connsistiing off Chinnas iimportts froom Afrrica uup froom 2.447% too 6.233%, annd thaat of Chinaas exxportss to AAfricaa fromm 2.022% to 4.16% fromm 20000 to 22013, accoordingg to CChina-Africca Ecoonomicc and Tradee Coopperatiion (22013).Sour
9、ce: Chinnas NNationnal Buureau of Sttatisttics.On the Africcan siide, tthe chhangess are even more remarrkablee. Froom 20003 to 22012, the pproporrtion of Chhina-AAfricaa tradde vollume aas a ppart oof Afrricass totaal forreign tradee voluume inncreassed frrom 5.38% tto 16%, inccreasiing moore thhan
10、 100%.Accordiing too Chinna-Afrrica EEconommic annd Traade Coooperaation (20133), fromm 20000 to 22012, the pproporrtion contrributeed by Africcas eexportts to Chinaa up ffrom 33.76% to 188.07%, and that by Affricas impports from Chinaa fromm 3.888% to 14.111%.Source: Chinnas NNationnal Buureau of S
11、ttatisttics; Worldd Tradde Orgganizaation Statiisticss.1.2 Chiinas Impport ffrom AAfricaaIn geneeral, Chinaa-Afriica trrade ffigurees aree relaativelly ballancedd sincce Chiinas tradde advverse balannce iss neglligiblle commparedd withh totaal traade voolume. Howeever, Chinaa-Afriica trrade sstructt
12、ure rremainns connsiderrably uneveen both in teerms oof prooductss struucturee and geogrraphiccal diistribbutionn. 1.2.1 IImportted Produccts frrom Affrica to ChhinaResourcce andd primmary pproduccts sttill ddominaate Chhinass impoorts ffrom AAfricaa, and the ccommodditiess struucturee is ggeneraall
13、y ssustaiined aand stteady.The topp 10 pproduccts immporteed froom Afrrica iin 20112 werre minneral fuel, ores, slag and aash, ccopperr, nobble meetal, wood, ccottonn, steeel, ggrainss, tobbacco and ootherss, acccountiing foor 97.07% oof alll impoorts ffrom AAfricaa (seee charrt2).Top 10 Produucts I
14、Importted frrom AffricaProducttsExport($100 Mil.)Percenttage (%)Growth (%)2010201120122010201120122012/20011All Afrrican Produucts668.96931.401130.8774.805.356.2221.42Minerall Fuell414.75490.73560.8462.0052.6949.5914.29Other34.01159.26289.415.0817.1025.5981.72Ores, SSlag aand Ash88.64126.20113.2013.
15、2513.5510.01-10.30Copper 40.8745.2464.358.83Noble MMetal24.0734.7238.903.603.733.4412.04Wood 12.0811.5014.481.811.241.2825.90Cotton4.648.1712.480.690.881.1052.64Steel11.6414.229.681.741.530.86-31.95Grains4.385.025.160.660.540.462.71Tobaccoo1.623.334.420.240.360.3932.53Total636.70898.411097.80095.189
16、6.4897.0722.19Source: Chinna Cusstom.In 20122, minneral fuel, mainnly crrude ooil, cconstiitutedd 49.599%, almoost haalf off all the iimportts. Crrude ooil immporteed froom Afrrica vvaluedd $53.8 billlion, accoountinng forr 24.441% off Chinnas ttotal crudee oil imporrts, oovertaking Ammericaa to bbe
17、comee the no.1 destiinatioon of Africcas ooil exxportss.In termms of metalllic oore immportss, Chiinas amouunt waas $111.32 bbillioon, occcupyiing 8.47% oof thee totaal minneral imporrts off Chinna. Irron orre, thhe majjor coomponeent, aaccounnted ffor 633.36% in 20012. FFolloww behiind weere maanga
18、neese, chroome orre andd coppper, occuupyingg 8.85%, 8.099% andd 5.955% resspectiively.Source: Chinna Cusstom.It is nnotablle thaat Sinno-Afrrican tradee in aagricuulturaal prooductss has grownn quicckly iin reccent yyears. Fromm 20099 to 22012, Chinaas aggricullturall impoorts ffrom AAfricaa greww
19、fromm US$11.16 bbillioon to US$2.86 biillionn, a 1146% iincreaase. MMost iimportted aggricullturall prodducts are nnon-foood ittems, incluuding cottoon, heemp, ssilk, oilseeeds aand otther ssuch pproduccts.A majorr reasson foor thee rapiid inccreasee in CChinesse impports of Affricann agriicultuural
20、 pproduccts iss the zero-tarifff pollicy tthat tthe Chhinesee goveernmennt adoopted in 20005 foor somme Afrrican produucts. Agricculturral prroductts aree a maajor ccategoory beenefitting ffrom tthis ppolicyy and, as aa resuult, tthe exxport of sppeciallty Affricann agriicultuural pproduccts too Chi
21、nna hass growwn rappidly.1.2.2 AAfricaan Expporterrs to ChinaAt the counttry leevel, Chinaa-Afriica trrade iis higghly iintenssive.In 20012, ttop 100 Afriican eexportters tto Chiina, iin ordder, wwere SSouth Africca, Anngola, Libyya, Conggo (Brrazzavville), Conngo (DDRC), Zambiia, Algeeria, Sudann,
22、Equaatoriaal Guineaa and Mauriitaniaa, accoountinng forr 90.889% off Afriica tootal eexportts to Chinaa, whiich inndicatted a hiigh leevel oof geoographhical conceentrattion. Top10 AAfricaan Expport CCountrries tto Chiina inn 20122RankCountryyShare oof Traade (%)Year-onn-yearr Growwth (%)1South AAfr
23、icaa39.4239.142Angola29.5634.433Libya5.63209.694Congo (Brazzzavillle)4.02-2.53Congo (DRC)3.110.666Zambia2.38-3.617Algeriaa2.0519.188Sudan1.8-78.539Equatorrial GGuineaa1.618.5710Mauritaania1.31-4.37Total90.8921.89From thhe vieewpoinnt of Chinas impports, tradding ppartneers arre higghly cconcenntrate
24、ed on a feww counntriess richhly enndowedd withh crudde oill and minerral reesourcces.Angola, Sudaan, Coongo (Brazzzavillle), LLibya, Algeeria, and EEquatoorial Guineaa are Chinaas maiin suppplierrs of crudee oil. Whille Souuth Affrica mainlly proovidess Chinna witth iroon oree. Conngo (DDRC) aand Z
25、aambia are mmajor exporrters of coopper ore tto China.It is nnoted that Libyaan expoorts tto Chiina suurged sharpply wiith ann incrrease of 2009.5% partlly duee to tthe reecoverry of its oiil prooductiion. MMeanwhhile, the rreconsstructtion aafter Libyaan civvil waar broought greatt demaand foor lig
26、ght inndustrry prooductss and mechaanicall and electtricall prodducts, whicch werre maiinly iimportted frrom Chhina. 1.3 Chiinas Exportts to Africca1.3.1 EExportted Produccts frrom Chhina tto AfrricaThe majjor prroductts expportedd to AAfricaa are baased on ffinishhed annd semmi-finnishedd manuufact
27、uured ggoods, mainnly cooncenttratinng on electtronicc prodducts, mechhanicaal equuipmennt, auuto annd steeel prroductts. Source: Chinna CusstomIn 20122, thee top 10 prroductts in exporrt amoount wwere HYPERLINK app:ds:electrical eelectrrical HYPERLINK app:ds:products produccts, mmechannical equipmm
28、ent, auto, steell prodducts, HYPERLINK app:ds:knitted knitteed HYPERLINK app:ds:goods goods, furniiture and bbeddinng, plasstic aand itts prooductss, shoes, ships and ccottonn, accoountinng forr 60.557% of all eexportts to Africca.Among tthe toop 10 produucts, furniiture and bbeddinng enjjoyed the f
29、fastesst groowing rate of 1221.75% yearr on yyear. The nnext wwas knnittedd goodds witth a yyear-oon-yeaar groowth rrate oof 41.41%.Top 10 Produucts EExportted too AfriicaProducttsExport ($1000 Mil.)Percenttage (%)Growth (%)2010201120122010201120122012/20011All Prooductss598.39729.41852.393.793.844.
30、1616.86 HYPERLINK app:ds:electrical Electriical HYPERLINK app:ds:products Produccts93.19103.49105.5215.5714.1912.381.96Mechaniical EEquipmment78.7986.91103.5613.1711.9212.1519.16Auto41.4953.4661.236.937.337.1814.52Steel PProduccts32.3536.6443.175.415.025.0717.83 HYPERLINK app:ds:knitted Knittedd HYP
31、ERLINK app:ds:goods Goods25.5130.3142.874.264.165.0341.41Furnituure annd Beddinng15.1319.0442.222.532.614.95121.75Plasticc and Its PProduccts15.5221.5332.402.592.953.8050.51Shoes18.1423.3031.
32、28516.2363.6960.1960.5716.19Source: Chinna Cusstom.1.3.2 CChinas Exporrting Destiinatioons to AfriccaIn 20122, Chinnas ttop teen expportinng desstinattion ccountrries iin Afrrica, in orrder, were Southh Afriica, NNigeriia, Eggypt, HYPERLINK app:ds:Algeria Algerria, Ghanna, Anngola, Libeeria, Togo, M
33、oroccco annd Kennya, aaccounnting for 770.21% of aall thhe Afrrican imporrts frrom Chhina.Top10 AAfricaa Impoort Coountriies frrom Chhina iin 20112RankCountryyPercenttage (%)Year-onn-yearr Growwth (%)1South AAfricaa17.9714.72Nigeriaa10.911.163Egypt9.6412.934 HYPERLINK app:ds:Algeria Algeriaa6.3521.1
34、15Ghana5.6153.896Angola4.7445.397Liberiaa4.08-29.918Togo3.9784.739Moroccoo3.672.8410Kenya3.2717.72Total70.218.08Source: Chinna Cusstom.Africann counntriess impoort caapabillity hhas a direcct corrrelattion wwith ttheir devellopmennt. Acccordiing too Afriican GGDP daata inn 20100, thee top counttries
35、 in orrder aare Soouth AAfricaa, Egyypt, NNigeriia, HYPERLINK app:ds:Algeria Algeeria, Moroccco, AAngolaa, Suddan, LLibya, HYPERLINK app:ds:Tunisia Tuniisia, HYPERLINK app:ds:Ghana Ghanaa and Kenyaa. Geneerallyy, thee top 10 Affricann tradde parrtnerss withh Chinna alll headd the list of Affricann G
36、DP rank. 1.3.2 TTop 200 Chinnese Exporrters to AfriccaIn the firstt halff of 22012, amongg the Top 220 expport ccompannies, theree are 12 SOOEs, 77 privvate eenterpprisess and 1 Joiint Veenturee. Thee induustriees invvolvedd are mainlly higgh-tech, manuufactuure annd mettal trrade.Top 20 Chineese Ex
37、xporteers too Afriica inn the firstt halff of 22012CompanyyEnterprrise NNatureeSectorHeadquaarter1Shenzheen Huaawei Communiicatioon Tecchnoloogies Co., LtdPrivateeCommuniicatioon TecchnoloogyGuangdoong2ZTE CorrporattionSOECommuniicatioon TecchnoloogyGuangdoong3China EElectrronicss Shenzheen Commpany
38、SOEITGuangdoong4Gree EllectriicAppliannces, I ncSOEManufacctureGuangdoong5Baoshann Ironn & Stteel CCo., LLtdSOEMetalShanghaai6Jiangsuu Shaggang CCo., LLtd.Privatee MetalJiangsuu 7Guangdoong Meeidi RRefriggeratiion Eqquipmeent Coo., Lttd.Privatee ManufacctureGuangdoong8Benxi IIron AAnd Stteel(Groupp)
39、Interrnatioonal EEconommic Annd Traading Co., LtdSOEMetal/TTradeLiaoninng9Angang Groupp Inteernatiional Tradee CorppopatiionSOEMetal/TTradeLiaoninng10China BBrilliiant SSupplyy Chaiin Serrvice Co., LtdPrivatee TradeGuangdoong 11China PPetrolleum TTechnoology And DDeveloopmentt CorpporatiionSOEManufa
40、ccture/TradeeBeijingg12Shenzheen Onee Toucch Bussinesss Servvices Co. LLtd.Privatee HYPERLINK /db/guild/index.do?guildId=26 o 查看该行业的其它公司 TradeShenzheen13Chery AAutomoobile Co., LtdSOEManufaccture/TradeeAnhui14Xugong Sciennce Techhnologgy Co., Ltdd.SOEManufaccture/TradeeJiangsuu15Benxi BBeiyinng Iroo
41、n & SSteel Groupp Imp.& Expp.Co., Ltd.SOE HYPERLINK /hy-536.shtml Metal/TTradeLiaoninng16Great WWall MMotor Compaany LiimiteddPrivatee ManufacctureHebei17Xinlikaang Coo., Lttd Privatee TradeShenzheen18China SShougaang Innternaationaal Traade Engiineeriing Coo.LtdSOEManufacctureBeijingg19Nokia TTelec
42、oommuniicatioons LttdJoint VVenturreCommuniicatioon TecchnoloogyBeijingg20Tangshaan Steeel Grroup CCooperrationn LtdSOEMetalHebei Source: HYPERLINK Surpluss Counntriess and Deficcit CoountriiesChinass tradde defficit with Africca hass keptt expaanded, espeeciallly durring tthe laatest 3 yeaars. In 2
43、0010, tthe deeficitt was $7.1338 billlion, whille it soareed to $278.50 billlion in 20012, nnearlyy a foourfolld risse. In 20013, CChina exporrted $44.655 billlion tto Afrrica aand immporteed $600.99 ffrom AAfricaa, leaading to a deficcit off $16.34 biillionn.The defficit resullted ffrom tthe grrowt
44、h rate of Chhinas impports from Africca (avveragee annuual grrowth rate of 28.55%) exxceediing thhat off Chinnas expports to Affrica (averrage aannuall growwth raate off 26.599%). In the futurre, thhe advverse balannce wiill grrow siince CChina has aa masssive ddemandd for Africcan ennergy and mmine
45、raal ressourcees andd otheer priimary produucts. Besiddes, CChina goverrnmentt has carriied ouut proomotinng meaasuress, likke zerro tarriff aand trrade ffairs, to ppromotte impports from Africca. Source: Chinna Cusstom SStatisstics.In geneeral, the ooccurrrence of crrude ooil annd mettallicc ore ha
46、s ddecisiive innfluennce onn tradde ballance of Affricann counntriess. Chiinas Africcan paartnerrs witth traade suurplusses geenerallly arre maiin expportinng couuntriees of crudee oil and mmineraal. Whhile ddeficiit parrtnerss withh Chinna aree counntriess withh muchh lesss natuural rresourrces een
47、dowmment.In 20122, topp 10 ssurpluus Afrrican counttries with Chinaa, in oorder, weree Angoola, SSouth Africca, Coongo (Brazzzavillle), LLiberiia, Conggo (DRRC), ZZambiaa, Guiinea-BBissauu, Maurritaniia, Sierrra Leone aand Gaabon. Theirr surpplusess weree $29.414 bbillioon, $229.2811 billlion, $4.03
48、34 billlion, $3.9976 biillionn, $2.67 biillionn, $1.992 bbillioon, $11.46 bbillioon, $11.029 billiion, $0.2577 billlion aand $00.191 billiion reespecttivelyy.While tthe toop 10 tradee defiicit Africcan coountriies wiith Chhina, in orrder, were Nigerria, EEgypt, Ghanna, Togoo, Libbya, HYPERLINK app:d
49、s:Algeria AAlgeriia, Keenya, Moroccco, Beniin andd Tanzzania. Theiir defficitss weree $8.0041 biillionn, $6.904 bbillioon, $44.147 billiion, $3.2999 billlion, $3.2551 billlion, $3.0098 biillionn, $2.737 bbillioon, $22.568 billiion, $2.1522 billlion aand $11.709 billiion reespecttivelyy. Source: Chin
50、na Cusstom.From Chhinass persspectiive, Afriica maay be a strrategiic suppplierr of nnaturaal ressourcees. Buut a ffar grreaterr numbber off Afriican ccountrries rrepressent eexportt desttinatiions ffor Chhina, with consiiderabble maarket potenntial. 2. Sinoo-Afriica Innvestmment2.1 Chiinese OFFDI i
51、nn AfriicaFrom 20003 too 20122, Chiinese non-ffinanccial ooutwarrd forreign direcct invvestmeent (OOFDI) to Affrica grew ffrom lless tthan $100 mmillioon to $2.9 billiion, eenjoyiing ann upwaard trrend ddespitte of some flucttuatioons, wwhich is inn conssistennt witth thee trennd of worldd non-finan
52、ncial OFDI to Affrica. At prresentt,Africca is now CChinas majjor immport sourcce, seecond largeest ovverseaas connstrucction projeect coontracct marrket aand foourth largeest innvestmment ddestinnationn. During the 110-yeaar-perriod, Chinesse non-ffinanccial OOFDI flow to Affrica graduually tickeed
53、 up in thee firsst 5 yyears beforre it strikkinglyy peakked att $5.4491 biillionn in 22008.Howeverr, afffectedd by tthe gllobal finanncial crisiis, itt droppeed to $1.444 billlion iin 20009 andd slowwly reeboundded inn the folloowing 2 yeaars too $1.007 billlion and $3.17 billiion reespecttivelyy. I
54、n 2012, the non-ffinanccial OOFDI fflow rreduceed modderateely to $2.9 billlion, accuumulatting ttotal stockk to $20 biillionn. Source: Chinnas FForeiggn Directt Investtment Statissticall BullettinFrom a globaal perrspecttive, Chinaa inveested $77.222 billlion in 4,425 ooverseeas ennterprrises in 14
55、41 oveerseass counntriess and regioons inn 20122, maiinly AAsia, Latinn Amerrica aand Euurope. Howeverr, Chiinese non-ffinanccial OOFDI tto Afrrica cconstiitutedd mereely a smalll propportioon of totall, whiich sttabiliized iin thee rangge bettween 2% annd 6% from 2003 to 20012 wiith a notabble exxc
56、eptiion off nearrly 100% in 2008.As of 22012, Chinaa conttributted noon-finnanciaal OFDDI of $2.9 billiion too Afriica, only accouuntingg for 3.76% of CChinas tottal ouutbounnd dirrect iinvesttment.At the same time, Afriican iinvesttment in Chhina ggrew ssteadiily. AAs of 2011, the stakee of CChina
57、foreiign diirect invesstmentt fromm Afriica acchieveed $122.9 biillionn, invvolvinng areeas off petrrochemmical enginneerinng, meechatrronicss and trafffic coommuniicatioon etcc.Howeverr, it is diifficuult too be aaccuraately certaain abbout tthe leevel oof Chiinas non-ffinanccial OOFDI fflow, as es
58、stimattes frrom diiffereent soourcess varyy wideely annd Chiinese invesstmentts aree ofteen chaanneleed thrrough off-sshore entitties rregisttered in pllaces such as Hoong Koong, CCaymann Islaand annd othhers.In the folloowing partss, OFDDI onlly reffers tto thee non-finanncial foreiign diirect inve
59、sstmentt. Theere arre usuually two sstrateegies when the mmultinnationnal ennterprrises invesst in the fforeiggn marrkets, one is Grreenfiield iinvesttment, and the oother is Brrownfiield iinvesttment.Greenfiield iinvesttment is a finanncial termiinologgy, whhich iis a fform oof forreign direcct inv
60、vestmeent whhere aa pareent coompanyy starrts a new vventurre in a forreign counttry byy consstructting nnew opperatiional facillitiess fromm the grounnd up. While tthe Brrownfiield iinvesttment, alsoo knowwn as mergeer andd acquuisitiion, mmeans the ppurchaasing of ann exissting produuctionn or HYP
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