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1、 15/15NOKIA手机工程模式的说明书简介: NOKIA移动电话的工程模式名称为“Net monitor分组画面为改锥、铁锤和手机,诺基亚的工程模式启动后可以通过命令开启或关闭。前面的画面显示系统网络的功能,后面则以介绍手机内软硬件资料为主。载频号码、在在GSMM系统的的范围是是1-1124; Carriier nummberr. TThe rannge in GSMM iss 1-1244 移动台接收收电平(ddBM值值); MS RXX leevell inn dBBM 接收信号等等级,在在GSMM系统的的范围是是0-77; Receiivedd siignaal qquallityy

2、. TThe rannge in GSMM iss 0-7 移动台发射射功率等等级,在在GSMM系统的的范围是是5-115级; MS TXX poowerr leevell. TThe rannge in GSMM iss 5-15 C1(多径径衰耗标标准); C1 (ppathh looss criiterrionn, uusedd foor ccelll seelecctioon aand resseleectiion, thhe rrangge iin GGSM is -999.999) RLT(音音频超时时) RLT (Raddio Linnk TTimeeoutt) 时隙,在GGSM

3、系系统的范范围是00-7; Timesslott. TThe rannge in GSMM iss 0-7 发射转态指指示; Indiccatiion of thee trranssmittterr sttatuus 网络信息; Inforrmattionn off thhe nnetwworkk paarammeteeress TMSI(临时移移动电话话识别码码); TMSI (teempoorarry MMobiile Subbscrribeer IIdenntitty) 小区ID; Cell Ideentiificcatiion (Ceell ID, nuumbeer oof tthe

4、useed ccelll) 国家码; MCC (Mobbilee Coounttry Codde) 网络码; MNC (Mobbilee Neetwoork Codde) 本地区域码码; LAC (Loccatiion Areea CCodee) 地区码; Cipheerinng (on/offf) 调频; Hoppiing (onn/offf) 调频; DTX (on/offf) 自动功率控控制 Discaardiing celll bbarrred infformmatiion工程模式介介绍按左边确认认键即可可进入工工程模式式菜单菜单 100-1| 16 -555 xxxx | | CHH

5、 RRx1 Pwwr |0 1 x xxxxx | | TSS TAA RLLT xxxxxx| 551 511 | | Q11 Q11 | CCCCH | | xxCCH |16- 表示 BCCCH 载载频号码码;meeanss BCCCH carrrieer nnumbber-55- 表示示接收 功率值值 ;mmeanns RRX lleveel (in dBmm)xxx- Pwwr表示示 发射射功率等等级;PPwr meaans TX powwer levvel0- 时时隙;TTS (Timme SSlott)1- 时时间前置置量;显显示手机机和基站站的距离离,乘以以5000以公尺尺计算

6、;TA - TTimiing Advvanccex- RRLT - RRadiio LLinkk Tiimeooutxxxx- 不不详;51(C11)- 多径衰衰耗标准准,本人人英语和和基站知知识不灵灵光,大大伙自己己体会吧吧C1 (paath losss ccritteriion, ussed forr ceell sellecttionn annd rreseelecctioon, thee raangee inn GSSM iis -99.999)CCCH- 载载频类型型之一;(xxxCH) tyype of currrennt cchannnell:AGCH -(AAcceess Gr

7、aant Chaanneel)允允许连接接频道由由网络到到手机的的单向频频道,安安排专用用控制信信道以完完成连接接上网; * SDCCC -(SDDCCHH:Sttandd-allonee Deediccateed CConttroll Chhannnel)独立专专用控制制信道; * TFRR -(TCHH:Trrafffic Chaanneels)业务信信道; * BCCCH -(Brroaddcasst CConttroll Chhannnel)广播控控制信道道; *SEARRCH-手机正正在搜索索的网络络信号; * NSPPS -(Noo Seerviice & PPoweer SSav

8、ee),无无网络服服务,手手机正处处于省电电模式; 通话中CHHT项变变化:AAGCHH-SSDCCC-TTFR-挂断断电话-CCCCH 开机时时CHTT项变化化:AGGCH-SDDCC-BCCCH-CCCCH AGCH - AAcceess Graant Chaanneel - iss thhe aanswwer to RACCH. Its uusedd too asssiggn aa moobille aa Sttandd-allonee Deediccateed CConttroll Chhannnel (SDDCCHH). Its ddownnlinnk aand poiint to

9、poiint chaanneel. SDCC - (SDCCCH) Sttandd-allonee Deediccateed CConttroll Chhannnel - IItss ussed forr syysteem ssygnnalllingg: ccelll seet-uup, autthennticcatiion, loocattionn uppdatte, asssigmmentt too trrafffic chaanneels andd trranssmisssioon oof sshorrt mmesssagees TFR - (TTCH) Trrafffic Chaann

10、eels - PPhyssicaal cchannnells aalsoo trranssferr usser datta, whiich cann bee eiitheer iin tthe forrm oof HHalff Raate traaffiic (6.55kbiit/ss) oor FFulll Raate (133kbiit/ss). Anootheer fformm off trrafffic chaanneel iis tthe Enhhancced Fulll RRatee (EEFR) Trrafffichh Chhannnel. Thhe sspeeech coddi

11、ngg inn EFFR iis sstilll ddonaa att 133kbiit/ss, bbut thee coodinng mmechhaniism is diffferrentt thhan thaat uusedd foor nnormmal fulll rratee trrafffic. EFFR ccodiing givves bettterr sppeecch qquallityy thhan norrmall fuull ratte. Traaffiic cchannnells ccan traansmmit botth sspeeech andd daata. thh

12、esee arre bbi-ddireectiionaal cchannnells. BCCH - BBroaadcaast Conntrool CChannnell coontaainss deetaiiledd neetwoork andd ceell speeciffic infformmatiion succh aas: Frequuencciess ussed in thee paartiicullar celll. Frequuenccy hhopppingg seequeencee. Channnel Commbinnatiion. Inn thhe GGSM theere ar

13、ee elleveen llogiicall chhannnelss. DDepeendiing on thee nuumbeer oof ffreqquennciees uusedd inn a celll, thee nuumbeer oof pphyssicaal cchannnells aavaiilabble is eigght timmes thee nuumbeer oof uusedd frrequueciies. moost of theese phyysiccal chaanneels havve tto bbe aalloocatted forr trrafffic pu

14、rrposses. Thheree arre mmoree thhan onee waays in theese aleevenn loogiccal chaanneels aree maappeed oon tthe avaailaablee phhysiicall chhannnelss. HHow theey aare mapppedd vaariees ffromm ceell to celll ddepeendiing on a nnumbber of cattegooriees. Chaanneel ccombbinaatioon ttellls aabouut tthe mapp

15、pinng mmethhod useed iin tthe parrticculaar ccelll Paginng ggrouups. Noormaallyy inn onne ccelll thheree arre mmoree thhan onee paaginng cchannnells. To preevennt aa moobille tto llistteniing to alll thhe ppagiing chaanneels forr a paggingg meessaage, thhe ppagiing chaanneels aree diividded succh tt

16、hatt, aa grroupp off moobille sstattionns llistten to a ppartticuularr paaginng cchannnell onnly. Inforrmattionn onn suurroounddingg ceellss. AA moobille sstattionn haas tto kknoww whhat aree thhe ccellls ssurrrounndinng tthe preesennt ccelll annd wwhatt frrequuencciess arre bbeinng bbroaadcaast on

17、theem. Thiis iis nneceessaary if, foor eexammplee, tthe useer iinittiattes a cconvverssatiion in thee cuurreent celll, andd thhen deccidees tto mmovee onn. TThe MS hass meeasuure thee siignaal sstreengtth aand quaalitty oof tthe surrrouundiing cellls andd reeporrt tto tthe basse sstattionn coontrrol

18、ller. SEARCCH MMobiile Staatioon iis ssearrchiing forr siignaal. NSPS (Noo Seerv Powwer Savve)菜单 10-2| NO 7 B499 | 166 xx | | |B49 - 蜂窝窝阻塞 (参考考菜单 10-19)16- 信道号号x- 发发射是为为 - 0,待待机时为为-1菜单 100-3, 100-4, 100-5|16 550 -56 50| |118 119 -87 19| |29 13 -933 133| |xxxx cccc vvvv cccc|90 332 -74 32| |220 118 -

19、88 18| |xx xx xxx xxx| |. |17-999 -80-99| |883 115 -89 15| |xx xx xxx xxx| |. | NN N | | N NN N | | NN xxx xx | | AAA AA AAA |xxx- meeanss BCCCH carrrieer nnumbber of thee seerviing ceell in deccimaal iinstteadd off BCCCH carrrieer nnumbber DCHH caarriier nummberr wiill be dessplaayedd inn acctivv m

20、oode.ccc- meeanss C11 vaaluee off thhe nneigghboour inssteaad oof CC1 vvaluue leetteer B andd BSSIC vallue willl bbe ddespplayyed in acttiv modde.vvv- 表示示接收功功率等级级(dBBm)AA- 普通小小区(NN), 阻塞小小区 (B).菜单 100-3 Nummberr off seerviing celll, andd 2 neiigboourss.菜单 100-4 Nexxt 33 neeigbbourrs.菜单 100-5 Nexxt 33

21、.菜单 100-6|260002 2262002|410440 2260001|C9E000 xxxxxxx|213003 xxxxxxx|看过一些测测试项就就可看到到如下显显示:|260002 2262002|000000 2260001|111111 xxxxxxx|333333 xxxxxxx|屏幕左边是是予存网网络列表表, NNokiia 661100手机无无法进行行编辑,而而老的AAlcaatell HCC 10000可可以编辑辑;262 002- 目目前注册册使用中中的网络络代码 D2 Priivatt neetwoork codde.260 001- 曾曾经尝试试登录被被禁用网网

22、络代码码 Pllus GSMM neetwoor ccodee.Menu 10-7|E A H CC I BR|1 1 0 11 0 00| | |E: 系统统是否支支持紧急急求救电电话即1112: 1为为支持、00为不支支持;A: atttacch-ddetaach程程序,11为支持持,0为为不支持持;H: 是否否支持半半速率编编码,11为支持持,0为为不支持持;C: C22值广播播,1为为支持,00为不支支持;I: 系统统第7、88信息广广播,11为支持持,为不不支持;B: 系统统广播,11为支持持,0为为不支持持;R: ree-esstabblisshmeent.1为支支持,00为不支支

23、持;Menu 10-10|TMSII 166201101BB|T3211 : 1 /300|PRP :66 155 900| - 2 166|TMSI- 临临时移动动台识别别码:TTempporaary Mobbilee Suubsccribber IdeentiityT321- CCounnterr (mmin 1, maxx 2440, wheere 1 mmeanns 66 miin ttimee beetweeen loccatiion upddatees aand 2400 meeanss 2440*66minn=244h beetweeen loccatiion upddatees

24、).PRP- Paaginng RRepeeat Perriodd (rrangge iis 22-9, whhen paggingg iss inn evveryy seeconnd mmulttifrramee, mmobiile takkes morre ccurrrentt thhat if it werre inn evveryy 9tth mmulttifrramee).16 inn thhe llastt liine is nummberr off seerviing celll cchannnell.菜单10-11|CC:2260 NCC:022| LAAC:224199 |

25、CHH : 166 | CIID:55DE99 |CC- (MCCC)移移动国家家码; Mobbilee Coounttry Codde (2600 - Plaand)NC- (MNNC) 移动网网络码MMobiile Nettworrk CCodee (002 - Erra GGSM)LAC- 本地地区域识识别码 Loccatiion Areea CCodeeCH- 使用中中载频号号码 SServvingg ceell chaanneel nnumbberCID- 基站站编号(CCelll IDD) CCelll Iddenttifiier菜单 100-122|CIPHHER :OOFF |

26、HOPPPINNNG:OOFF |DTX : ON |IMSII : ON |CIPHEER- cciphheriing vallue A511, AA52 or OFFFHOPPIING- 跳跳频值 Hopppinng vvaluue - ONN/OFFFDTX- Diiscoontiinuoos TTrannsmiissiion (Meechaanissm)OON/OOFFIMSI- IInteernaatioonall Moobille SSubsscriiberr Iddenttityy菜单10-13| NOTTALLLOWEED | | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | DTXX

27、(DEEF) :ONN | | yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy | DTXX(BSS) :USSE| | zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz | | | |With thiis ddispplayy iss poossiiblee too chhangge MMS tto uuse DTXX orr noot iif BBS aalloows MS to deccidee itt.To chhangge DDTX staate, Yoou mmustt acctivvatee thhis dissplaay ffromm MEENU. Whhen MENNU iis nnot acttivee

28、 annd tthe useer iis sscroolliinngg fiieldd teest dissplaays witth NNEXTT annd PPREVVIOUUS, thee DTTX sstatte wwilll noot cchanngexxxxxxxxxxxxxx iss sttatuus oof sswittcheed mmodee. TThe valluess arre: DTX OON (MS usee DTTX) DTX OOFF (MSS noot uuse DTXX) DTX DDEF (MSS usse ddefaaultt sttatee off DTT

29、X DDefiinedd inn MSS_PAAR.HH) NOTALLLOWWED (BSS noot aalloows MS to deccidee iff itt usses DTXX orr noot) yyyyyyyyyyyyyyy iis ddefaaultt sttatee off DTTX, deffinnned in MS_PARR.H. Vaaluees aare: MS DEEF: ON MS DEEF: OFFF zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz iis DDTX vallue froom BBS. Thee vaaluees aare: MS MAAY UUSE (BS

30、S alllowws MMS tto ddeciide if it usees ddtx or nott onn upplinnk SHALLL USSE (BS conntrools MS to usee dttx (on upllinkk) SHALLL NOOT (BS conntrools MS nott too usse ddtx (onn upplinnk)Menu 10-17| BBTS TESST | OFFF | | |BTS TTESTT 状态态开关 :Swwithh BTTS TTESTT sttatuusIf ONN - Mobbilee iss seerchhingg

31、 onnly onee frrequuenccy. Neiigboour messureemennts aree noot ddoneeIf OFFF - Moobille iis bbehaavinng nnornnallly. Neiigboour messureemennts aree dooneTo chhangge sstattus froom OOFF to ON wriite to SIMM meemorry #33 chaanneel nnumbber, goo too meenu 10-17, tuurn POWWER OFFF annd aagaiin OON. Noww Yoou hhavee acctivve BBTS TESST!Menu 10-19| CEELL BARRR | | CCELLL BAARR | | CCELLL BAARR | ACCCEPPTEDD | | RREVEERSEE | | DDISCCARDD | | | | | | | | | | |只在无阻塞塞小区使使用 只在阻阻塞小区区使用 在在阻塞和和非阻塞塞小区使使用 On


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