1、高三一轮复习之定语从句专题真题再现一考什么?怎么考?2020年高考真题(2020 江苏高考真题)Many lessons are now available online, from students can choose for free.A.whoseB. whichC. when D.whom(2020 天津高考真题)Dr. Rowan,secretary resigned two weeks ago, has had to do all his own typing.A. whoseB. of whom C. of which D. which(2020 新课标HI卷高考真题)In a
2、ncient China lived an artist 61 paintings were almost lifelike.2019年高考真题.【2019江苏卷单项填空】21.We have entered into an age dreams have the best chance of coming true.A. which B. what C. whenD. that.【2019天津卷单项填空】11 .Their child is at the stage she can say individual words but not full sentences.A. whyB. wh
3、ere C. which D. what.【2019新课标 I 卷短文改错】One afternoon where I was in primary school, I was walking by the school playground.【2019新课标 II 卷语法填空】Now Irene Astbury works from 9am to 5pm daily at the pet shop in Macclesfield, she opened with her late husband Les. 2019新课标 III 卷语法填空】They were well trained by
4、 their masters had greatexperience with caring for these animals.【2019新课标 III 卷短文改错】In the cafe, customers will enjoy themselves in the historical environment what is created for them. 2019浙江卷语法填空】On the edge of the jacket, there is a piece of cloth gives offlight in the dark.【2019匕京卷语法填空】What stude
5、nts do at college seems to matter much more than they go.【2019北京卷语法填空】The students benefitting most from college are those are totallyengaged(参与)in academic life.2018年高考真题.【2018口匕京】5. She and her family bicycle to work,helps them keep fit.A. whichB. whoC. asD. that2.12018天津12. Kae,sister I shared a
6、room with when we were at college, has gone to work in Australia. A. whomB. thatC. whose D. her3.12018江苏23. Self-driving is an area China and the rest of the world are on the same starting line.A. thatB. whereC. whichD. when.【2018新课标 I 卷语法填空】Two of the authors of the review also made a study publish
7、ed in 2014 showed a mere five to 10 minutes a day of running reduced the risk of heartdisease and early deaths from all causes (cause).【2018新 课标 I 卷短文改错】They also had a small pond which they raised fish. My grandpa said last summer they earned quite a lot by selling the fish.【2018新课标 II 卷语法填空】The Ch
8、inese Ministry of Agriculture finds that between 2005一when the government started (start) a soil-testing program gives specific fertilizer recommendationsto farmers - and 2011, fertilizer use dropped by 7.7 million tons.【2018新课标 II 卷语法填空】Many westerners come to China cook much less than in theirown
9、countries once they realize how cheap it can be to eat out.2017年高考真题1.120171 匕京卷】31. The little problems we meet in our daily lives may be inspirations for great inventions.A. thatB. asC. whereD. when.【2017江苏】28. In 1963 the UN set up the World Food Programme, one of purposes is to relieveworldwide
10、starvation.A. whichB. its C. whose D. whom.【2017天津】9. My eldest son,work takes him all over the world, is in New York at the moment.A. thatB. whose C. hisD. who定语从句与读后续写句型一:主谓先行词(地点名词)+whereThe farm on which the boys lived was a small dairy farm where milking the cows was a daily routine both early
11、mornini and at night.Seeing the injured dog, Grace came to a situation where she couldnt help cryicq.描写Grace看到受伤的小狗时的心情状态,该句用“where”引导的定语从句修饰抽象的地点“a situation”。 (拓展:“where”引导的定语从句可修饰的抽象地点名词有:situation情况,状况;stage阶段;point地步; position位置;case情况,案例等。)句型二:主谓先行词(人),who, doingAs Elli and I cooked dinner, we
12、 noticed our sister, who was playing in a nearby lake, delightedly chatting with her friends.为了具体描写妹妹的行为,用“who”引导定语从句补充说明妹妹此时的状况,从句中 “chattingwith”作伴随状语。It was Marks neighbor, who heard the noise, following us there.为了 突出 Mark 的邻居是因为听到噪音才跟 着我们,该句用了 “who”引导定语从句,从句中“following”作伴随状语。句型三:Doing,主谓,whichS
13、truggling in the water, I was almost exhausted, which made me far away from my boat.在水中挣扎后“我” 感到很累,为了突出“这会导致我离船太远”这一结果,该句使用了 “which”指代前面整件事来推动情 节。Realizing it was a good chance to carry out his plan,Hilary doubled the amount of the medicine, which would surely put his aunt tosleep fore ver.该句使用了 “wh
14、ich”指代前面整件事来推动情节。句型四:主谓介词/复杂介词+which1. Suddenly, she hurried to the shop, from which she bought the beautiful pearl.她跑去的商店是她买漂亮项 链的地方,为了阐述背景,该句使用“fromwhich”引导的定语从句,此时“which指代the shop o 2. The surgery took some hours, after which the doctor went out happily, “Thank you! Goodness! Your sonis saved!v手术
15、结束后,医生宣布孩子得救。为了增强句子在时间上的逻辑性,该句使用了 after which引导的定语从句,此时 “which”指代前面整件事。现学现卖:1.Suddenly,she heard the shouts of tigers, (这 把她吓得要死).2.Suddenly,a wolf stood in front of Tom and he came to(他陷入了没人敢救他的状况).The next day was a really special day for the town(在那里有很多电视记者在报道这件离奇的盗窃).Feeling tired, I had to walk
16、 along the river, (这也许能帮助我找到农场).After thinking for a while, I replied/l can feel warmth and love of the marriage in the house(这是我一直所期望的).It was a poor artist, (他站在地铁站门口,正拉着小提琴).The young artist was surrounded with many passers-by, (路人被音乐吸引过来,正愉悦地听着).Later that night,! received a private message, (从信
17、中我了解到Mr Dan的妻子在6年前就去世了).Jane ate some berries and then she walked along the stream, (这期间她再一次听到直升机的声音). 10.The little girl opened the gift with wild joy, (在礼物的边上一张卡片吸引她的注意力). 二、用定语从句改写以下句子或段落。AII the people were now crowding around Arthur.Arthur seemed quite worried and didnt know what to do.A few mi
18、nutes later, the other two cyclists found the dangerous situation.Three men circled the wolf in the situation.She managed to climb onto the rock and then she waited with patience.Having eaten some berries,Jane walked slowly to an open area. Walking to an open area made it possible for Jane to be found by rescue teams.A few minutes later, the other two cyclists arrived About a hundred meters away,the two men stopped.They realized the dangerous situation,so they determined to stry where they were,ard it allowed them to think out an idea,Suddenly one of the cyclists touched the f
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