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1、Unit1With the development of the more and more cars arerunningtothefamilies.Notonlycarsbutalsootherswaysmaketheenvironmentbadly.Sothefaghtanainstairpollutionplaysa more and more important role in our daily life.For example ,the region hai been seriously polluted byharmfulsmog,whichprovestobethecause

2、ofmanyillnessesandfor the climbing death rate.As a resault ,people have startedto more out of the area.Oneofthesolutionstocutdownthepollutionistomodernizesome factories which were considered to be the major cause ofthepollution.Maybemovingsomefactoriesoutoftheregionisalso a good way to protect the e

3、nvironment .And planting moretrees is always a best choice .If the problem of air pollution were built to have beensloved ,people would be happy with the measures taken by thegovernment .Unit2Many of us are aware of the better performance of the Chinesestudents in their studies as compared with the

4、Americanstudents. However , do you know what are the reasons behindthis?There are two elements that lead to Chinese studentsremarkableperformances.OneofwhichisthatChinesestudentshave a strong belief in hard work. They believe that the moreefforts they put in , the better future they will gain. At th

5、esame time , theyalso have their own goal in life. The secondfactoristhattheChinesestudentshaveastrongdutytotheirfamily. In China , people have duty and responsibility tosupport their parents, the responsibility will cause them toworkharderandharderinordernottodisappointtheirparents.They work hard n

6、ot only for themselves, but for the promising future.Allinall,thetwofactorscausethedifferencebetweenChineseand American performance in studies.Unit3ItissaidthatthereareserioussecurityproblemsinBrooklyn,New York. Only a few days ago a young woman was murdered nearherresidence.Itwasalreadytenoclockint

7、heeveningthatMarissa Parry was on her way home from company. While walkingthrough the parking lot toward the entrance of her apartment,a man attacked her. It was too sudden for her to realise whatwas happening. The man stabbed her in the belly with a knifeasheseizedherbag.MarissaParrystruggledandcri

8、edoutforhelp, but no one came to help her. The hateful robber stabbedher again in fury. Then he ran away panickly. Miss Parry felldownandherbreathbecameweakerandweaker.Thenextmorning,people foundMarissaParrylyingdeadafew feetawayfromherapartment.Unit4The life of Charlie ChaplinItwasin1889 thatCharli

9、eChaplin was borninLondon.Hischildhood was one of extreme poverty and he t have muchschooling. But Charlie showed a gift for acting and wanted tobecome an actor.In 1910, Charlie Chaplin went to US and started his formalactingcareerinatroupe.Fortunately,hedidasuccessfulactand rose to fame instantly.

10、People have provided a burst ofapplause of the 80 films which Chaplin acted throughout hislife.After Word Wall II , Charlie t sleep in the glory of thepast . He gave up Little Tramp character and wanted to grow asartist.Lateron,CharliesettledinSwitzerland,stayingtherefor the restofhislife. CharlieCh

11、aplindied on December25,1977andhewasmemorizedbythegeneralasoneofthegreatestfilm actors of all time.Unit5Tomanypeople,acowboyisafantastichero.Acowboyisatallandstrongman,wearingcowboythatandboots,ridingahorseandwith guns around his waist.He remains alert to everythingaround him allthe time.Whendanger

12、isaround ,he neverfailsto sense or detect it,and he is always breave to face thedanger .A cowboy is a skilled horseman and good gunman .He isa hero,who helps the good people while punishing the bad .Heseemslike asuperman who appearswhere heisneeded.Acowboydose what is right and refuses money for his

13、 goodactions,because he dose not care about money ,what he caresabout is doing justice.新视野大学英语 3(第二版)读写教程第三册 StructuredWritting(17)范文Unit1The fight against air pollutionThe region has been seriously polluted by harmful smog,which proves to be the cause of many illnesses and for theclimbing death rat

14、e. As a result, people have started to moveout of the area.In response to the problem, the local government hasdecided to fight against air pollution. It has closed downseveralfactories,whichwereconsideredtobethemajorcauseofthepollution.Manypowerplantshavebeenmodernizedtogiveoff less pollution and a

15、lso moved further away from peopleshomessoastodecreasethedamage.Atthesametime,thelocalgovernmenthasdecidedtoplanttreesinandaroundtheregionbecause trees can absorb some of the pollution.Peoplewelcomeallthemeasurestakenbythegovernment.Consequently, more and more people have begun to move back tothe re

16、gion to take thisbattleforaclean environmentUnit2The performance of Chinese and American students in theirstudiesIt is reported that Chinese students are doing far betterthanAmericanstudentsintheirstudies.Whatarethereasons?That Chinese have strong belief in hard work is thefirstofthetwomainfactorsco

17、ntributingtoChinesestudentsoutstandingperformance.Chinesestudentsbelievethatthroughhard work and effort, people can perfect themselves and gaina better future for themselves. And they have also set higherstandards for themselves. The second factor is that Chinesestudents have a strong duty to their

18、families. They work hardnot just for themselves but for the honor of their families.Theyhaveahighsenseofresponsibility.Theybelievethattheydonotdeservethesupportoftheirparentsunlesstheydowellin their studies.Thetwo importantfactorsarethemajorcauses why Chinesestudents do so well in their studies.Unit

19、3There are serious security problems in BrooklynThereareserioussecurityproblemsinBrooklyn,NewYork.Not long ago a young lady was murdered at a time still earlyin the evening. Marissa Parry was returning home from the jobatabout9intheevening.Shewaswalkingthe100-footdistancefromtheparkinglottotheentran

20、ceofherapartment.Suddenlyamanattackedher frombehind. Hegrabbed her andstabbedherwith a knife. Miss Parry struggled and screamed for help. Butno one came to help her. The man stabbed her again! Then themangotintohiscaranddroveaway.MissParrycouldnolongerstagger to her feet; she lay just a few feet awa

21、y from herapartment, dying.Unit4The life of Charlie chaplinCharlieChaplainwas born in1889in London.Hischildhoodwas one of extreme hedidnothave muchschooling.ButCharlieshowedagiftforactingandlongedtobeanactor.In1910CharliewenttotheUnitedStatesforthefirsttime as part of a troupe and thus started his f

22、ormal actingcareer.He wasverysuccessfulinhisactingandmadeabout80filmsthroughouthislife.After WorldWar II, Chaplin did not stop to rest on his earlier success.He gave up the Little Tramp character and tried to grow as anartist. Later Chaplin settled in Switzerland and stayed therefor the rest of his

23、life. He died in Switzerland on December25,1977andtheworldlostoneofthegreatestcreativeartistsof the 20th century.Unit5To many people ,a cowboy is a heroTo many people, a cowboy is a fantastic hero. A cowboy isa tall and strong man, wearing cowboy hat and boots, riding ahorse and with guns around his

24、 waist. He remains alert toeverything around him all the time. When danger is around, henever fails to sense or detect it, and he is always brave tofacethedanger.Acowboyisaskilledhorsemanandgoodgunman.Heisaherowhohelpsthegoodpeoplewhilepunishingthebad.Heseemslikeasupermanwhoappearswhereheisneeded.Ac

25、owboydoes whats right and refuses money for his good actions,because he does not care about money. What he cares about isdoing justice.Unit6There are some key steps in career planningthere are some key steps in career planning. The first oneistostudyyourself.Understandingwhatyouarelike,whatyouvalue,

26、andwhatyoubecomeisthefoundationforcareerplanning.In studying yourself, you examine your strengths, yourweaknesses and your goals. The second step is to write yourcareer goals down. Write something down may lead to new ideasand may help you see your possibilities. Another step is toreviewyourplansandprogressperiodically.Thismayhelpyousee how you have don


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