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1、Executiive Immage RRe-Enggineerring SSeriess(Dr. Jooyce KKnudseen & DDesmonnds 33D Hollisticc Apprroach)Series 1 Worrkshopps Ouuter AAppearrance PerfeectionnINTRODUUCTIONN“She waalks iinto aa roomm and five peoplle runn up tto greeet heer. Shhe is not aas quaalifieed as you, but sshe geets thhe jobb

2、”. Why? “She hhas chharm” - Dr. Joycee KnuddsenHoweverr, it is “only wwhen yyou haave atttendeed to the ssmalleer dettails of yoour apppearaance ccan yoou go to toown onn the charmm” saiid F. Scottt Fitzzgeralld. Moost immportaantly, the sourcce of our iimage projeectionn (Innner Immage) deterrmines

3、s the levell of oour exxcelleence iin sellf-imaage annd perrceptiion maanagemment. This iss an iissue of “Ultimmate EEmpoweermentt” to ooptimiize buusinesss succcess and mmay bee the “Finall Comppetitiive Addvantaage” thatt we ccannott affoord too undeerestiimate: Holiistic ImageeWHO SHOOULD AATTEND

4、D:CEO, buusinesss fouunder, manaagers, HR & traiiners, markketingg execcutivee, bussinesss & liife cooach, and pprofesssionaals whho wissh to enhannce thheir ttotal qualiity exxpresssion ffrom hhead tto souul andd hairr to ttoe thhroughh the underrstandding aand appplicaation of 3DD Holiistic Imagee

5、 Modeel.DETAILSSWorkshoop A: Outerr Appeearancce Perrfectiion foor ProofessiionalssPersonaalizedd outccomePersonaalizedd coloor/seaasonall asseessmenntColor ffan foor perrsonall coloor co-ordinnationn (makkeup & warddrobe)Personaality & temmperamment aawarenness aand itts linnkage to joob preeferenn

6、ceContenttColor ppsychoologyColor aand seeasonaal anaalysiss fromm the insidde outt (froom temmperamment, persoonalitty, skkin unndertoone too outeer collor sttrateggyDate & Time6 pm too 10 ppm, 122 & 13 Sep 20005Workshoop B: Self Imagee Diaggnosiss I A fuundameental prepaaratioon forr a Neew Youu P

7、ersonaalizedd outccomePersonaalizedd imagge diaagnosiisLife whheel ccondittion aawarennessPersonaal warrdrobee 3-step re-coonstruuctionn and tailoor-madde haiir-styyle addviceContenttSkin annd naiil anaalysissFace shhape aanalyssisFigure analyysisLife whheel & lifee stylle anaalysissWardrobbe auddit

8、Hair & hair stylee anallysisDate & Time6 pm too 10 ppm, 266 & 27 Sepp 20055Workshoop C: Fashiion, SStyle & Dreess Coode, IImage for MMen & Womenn, Sellf Imaage & Impreessionn ManaagemenntPersonaalizedd outccomeOpen caase sttudiess disccussioon andd adviice ammong ttraineer andd partticipaants bbased

9、 on thheir wworkpllace pprobleemsContenttVariouss dresss coddes att perssonal & corrporatte levvelImage oof malle & ffemalee execcutiveeThe powwer off imprressioon andd imagge mannagemeent teechniqquesDate & Time6 pm too 10 ppm, 3 & 4 Oct 2005FEEIndividdual wworkshhop ennrolmeent HK$2,1000 Full seer

10、ies enrollmentHK$5,7000 FACILITTATORImage dde Monnde Ceertifiied Immage CConsulltancyy (Hollisticc)Foundedd by MMr. Deesmondd Chann, MBA, AICI, CIP, CPBA, CPVAA, CAIIA, CTTRI, CCPAC, CSL, AromaatheraapistPresideent off the Assocciatioon of Imagee Conssultannt Intternattionall (AICCI) H.K. Chappter a

11、and Assian HHeadquuarterr Pressidentt of tthe Accademyy of HHolismm & Innner WWellneess, IInternnationnal (AAHI). It is tthe fiirst UU.S.A. AICII certtifiedd imagge connsultaancy ffirm aand puublic practtice oof intternattionall certtifiedd holiistic imagee conssultinng traainer in Hoong Koong annd

12、Chiina. AAll coonsulttants and ttraineers arre AICCI cerrtifieed andd/or hhave aattainned innternaationaal acccreditted trrainerr stattus. CClienttele oof Imaage dee Mondde Cerrtifieed Imaage Coonsulttancy (Holiistic) inclludes: Sinoo Grouup, Paacificc Centtury IInsuraance, Manullife (Interrnatioona

13、l) Ltd, Hong Kong Propeerty aand Ciity Unniverssity oof Honng Konng.eetc ACCREDIITATIOONA Certiificatte of Attenndancee willl be aawardeed by PEAK upon complletionn of eeach wworkshhop.For parrticippants who wwould like to fuurtherr theiir stuudy inn holiistic imagee conssultanncy annd/or to beecome

14、 a proofessiional practtitionner, tthe foollowiing acccrediitatioons arre graanted to grraduatte:The atttendannce ceertifiicatess are accreeditedd by IImage de Moonde AAcademmy at Work/ Imagge de Mondee. Cerrtifieed Imaage Coonsulttancy (Holiistic) for the HHolisttic Immage CConsulltancyy Doubble Ce

15、ertifiicatioon & DDiplomma Proogramss. Exemptiion onn moduule baasis wwill bbe graanted to thhe menntioneed proogram enrolllee bbased on thheir WWorkshhop Ceertifiicate/s.VENUEVTC Towwer, 227 Woood Roaad, Waanchaii, Honng KonngMEDIUM OF INNSTRUCCTIONTaught in Caantoneese wiith Ennglishh mateerialssE

16、NQUIRYYWorkshoop:Ms. LLesleyy Wattt (tell: 28336 19441)Enrolmeent:Ms. MMay Chhan (ttel: 22836 11906)Websitee: .hhk8/F, VTC To8/F, VTC Tower, 27 Wood Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong. 香港灣仔活道27號職業訓練局大樓8字樓Tel 電話: 2836 1922Fax 傳真: 2891 5707E-mail電郵: peak.hkWeb-Site網址: HYPERLINK .hk .hk報名表報名表ENROLMENT APPLICATIO

17、N FORM報名須知1.報名須知1.每項課程請用一份表格,如有需要可自行影印。2.付款方法:2.1如選擇以支票繳付課程費用,請將表格連同劃線支票郵寄親身交回本院(每課程請寫一張支票),支票抬頭請寫:職業訓練局2.2如選擇以信用咭繳付課程費用,請將表格傳真郵寄親身交回本院辦事處 (每次付款港幣5000元或以上方可使用信用咭)傳真:2891 5707地址:香港灣仔活道27號職業訓練局大9樓3.所有課程名額均以先到先得方法分配,本院將不會處理所有未填妥之表格或沒有連同支票交回之表格。4.凡成功申請者將於開課前至少七天接獲本院以郵遞或閣下指定的方法通知開課詳情。本院對因郵遞失誤而寄失的開課通知書,概不

18、負責。如在開課前尚未接獲通知,申請者應致電本院查詢(電話:2836 1906)。5.除因課程取消或改期外,一切已繳費用概不退還。6.收據將於第一堂派發,惟稍遲繳費者,收據將會稍遲發出或寄出。本院對因郵遞失誤而遺失的收據,概不負責。7.申請表格可於本院網頁.hk下載。NOTES FOR APPLICANTS1.Please use one form for each course and photocopy if necessary.2.Payment Method:2.1If you pay the course fees by cheque, please return the form t

19、o us by mail / in person with a crossed cheque (one cheque for one course) payable to Vocational Training Council.2.2If you pay the course fees by credit card, please return the form to us by fax / by mail / in person. (Credit card only for HK$5000 or above per payment)Fax:2891 5707Address:9/F, VTC

20、Tower, 27 Wood Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong3.All places are allocated on a first-come-first-served basis. Incomplete form and form received without payment will be regarded as unsuccessful application.4.Successful applicants will be notified on the class information by mail or any other ways specified b

21、y you at least 7 days before class commencement. PEAK will not be responsible for loss of class information sent by mail. Please contact us if you do not receive the information before the class commencement (Tel.: 2836 1906).5.All fees paid are non-refundable unless the course is cancelled or resch

22、eduled.6.Receipt will be distributed at the first lesson while late payment may cause delay in receipt issuing. PEAK will not be responsible for loss of receipt sent by mail.7.Application form is also available on our website at .hk本人欲報讀以下課程:本人欲報讀以下課程:課程:Executive Image Re-Engineering Workshop 開課日期:

23、I wish to apply for training of:Course : _ Commencement Date : Sep to Oct 2005課程名稱:Course Title : (please tick) _ Workshop A _ Workshop B _ Workshop C _ Full Series申請人資料申請人資料PARTICULARS OF APPLICANT為方便電腦記錄,請以英文填寫Please use English for completing the form 姓名#:(先生/太太/女士)(中文)(英文) Name# : (Mr/Mrs/Ms)(Ch

24、inese) (English) 香港身分證號碼 HKID No.: _ #(請填與香港身分證相同姓名Please put in name as appeared on your HKID card) 機構名稱Organization: 職位Position: 部門Department: 教育程度:中學預科大學研究院 Educational Level Attained : Secondary Post-secondary University Graduate Post-graduate 通訊地址Mailing Address: 電話(日間):Telephone(daytime): 手提:Mobile: 傳真:Fax: 電子郵件E-Mail: 如閣下是管理發展服務會員*,請填寫會員號碼: If you are MDS Member, p


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