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1、译林版英语九年级上册第三单元ReadingMy problemsweightsleepTeenage problemsMy problemsweightsleepTeenageWhy?(the cause of problems)I have no choice but to stay up late.I will feel sleepy next morning.cant stay awake.I cant keep a balance betweenandworkhealthTeenage problemsWhy?(the cause of problems)I hWhat kind of

2、 problems do you have?What kind of problems do you hSkim Millies letterMillies main problem is between _and_.Skim Millies letterMillies m I have a lot of homework every day, and I have no choice but to do it. I often have to stay up late. Then I sometimes find it hard to stay awake the next day. I k

3、now it is important to finish all my homework on time. However, I hardly have any time for my hobbies like volleyball and music. I cant imagine my life without hobbies. I often doubt whether it is worth spending so much time on homework. MillieFriendshipWeightLots of homeworkStrict parentsLow marksS

4、taying up lateNot enough time for hobbiesWhat are Millies problems in detail ?How does Millie feel?Worried I have a lot of homework eRetell Millies problems homeworkMillie has too much _ and she has_. Then she has to_late every day, so she finds ithard to _. Also Millie can hardly find time for her

5、_. She feels really_.hobbiesstay upstay awakeno choice but to do it worriedRetell Millies problems homewtoo much homeworkcant stay awakestay up lateher hobbieskeep a balanceworriedschoolworktoo much homeworkcant stay awFurther thinking Study habits and methodsdont have a plan before doing homework l

6、ike doing other things while doing homeworkhave low efficiency(低效)Education backgroundIs too much homework the real reason for staying up late?In China, students may have much study pressure(压力) .Further thinking Study habits Skim Simons letterSimons main problem is between _and_.How does Simon feel

7、?WorriedSkim Simons letterSimons maiParentsWorriedSimonAlways playSometimes forget the timeNever worry about the timeOften play for hoursAlwaysOftenSometimesNeverbe _ about footballcrazyParentsWorriedSimonAlways playhelp us relaxmake our lives more interesting make friends with othershe is lack of s

8、elf-discipline(自律).he really needs time to practise.he cannot manage the time well.Is Simons time spent on his hobby reasonable(合理的)?As a Grade 9 student,study is the most important thing.Like Ding Junhui, maybehobbies can be developed as their career.hobbies can help them relax, make their lives mo

9、re interesting.help us relaxmake our lives mobe _with SimonParentsDont allow him to play outside after 6 p.m.WorriedSimonstrictAlways playSometimes forgetabout the timeNever worry about the timeOften play for hoursAlwaysOftenSometimesNeverbe _ about footballcrazybe _with SimonParentsDonI do not unde

10、rstand why my parents are so strict with me. I feel angry sometimes. /strIkt/They worry about their sons safety.They want Simon to spend more time on study.Parents wishesI do not understand why my parparents wisheskeep a balanceworriedhis own thoughtsparents wisheskeep a balancewI dream of a long ho

11、liday so that I could have more time for my hobbies. What should I do? Can you offer me some suggestions? I hope to hear from you soon.Is it bad to stay out late to play football? Should I spend less time on it? I wonder how I can achieve a balance between my schoolwork and my hobbies. I look forwar

12、d to your valuable advice.They are asking for advice !The end of the lettersI dream of a long holiday so tHow to help Millie and Simon deal with their teenage problems?Millie/ Simon can _because_. advice reasonsHow to help Millie and Simon dMillies problemsSimons problemsschoolworkhobbiesparentshims

13、elfMillies problemsSimons proPossible advice:1. You had better plan your day carefully.2. It is wise to choose one hobby to do each day.From the aspect of the schoolwork.From the aspect of Millie herself.3. Why not talk to your teacher if most of the students think the homework is too much?schoolwor

14、khobbiesFrom other aspects.Possible advice:1. You had betPossible advice:1. It is not wise to spend hours playing football after school or stay out late.2. Dont give up your hobby but do not forget about your family.From the aspect of parents.From the aspect of Simon himself.3. Parents should trust

15、their children and dont always want to control them.parentshimselfFrom other aspects.Possible advice:1. It is not wFurther thinking Teenagers have different kinds of problems. When you solve them, what should you keep in mind?Think from different aspects. Keep a balance.Further thinking Teenagers havFurther thinking After helping Millie and Simon solve their problems,can you think of some ways to solve our own problems


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