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1、初中英语课件此ppt下载后可自行编辑 初中英语课件此ppt下载后可自行编辑 高中英语-外研版必修3-Module-4-4Cultural-Corner-31张高中英语-外研版必修3-Module-4-4Cultural-Corner-31张高中英语-外研版必修3-Module-4-4Cultural-Corner-31张1protection n保护The protection of the country is the duty of everyone.保卫国家是每个人的责任。知识拓展live under sb.s protection靠某人而过活under the protection o

2、f在保护之下protectingly adv.加以保护地protectionist n. 保护主义者1protection n保护It is not so easy to protect valuable books against theft.要防止珍贵的书籍被窃很不容易。We must protect the lives and property of the people.我们必须保卫人民的生命和财产。People wear dark glasses in order to protect their eyes from the strong sunlight.人们戴太阳镜是为了保护眼睛

3、不受强烈的太阳光刺激。It is not so easy to protect 词语辨析protect, defend与guardprotect是最一般的用语,意义较广。to protect ones hands with gloves 戴手套保护手to protect a country from surprise attack 保护一个国家免遭受突然袭击defend强调面临危险时,使用武力和其他反抗措施来进行保护。They fought to defend thier liberties.他们为保护自由而战。该词也引申为捍卫某种立场、意见等。词语辨析defend ones reputati

4、on维护某人的名誉guard指格外小心地看护以保安全。The mother guarded the sick child day and night.那位母亲日夜看护生病的孩子。defend ones reputation维护某人的名誉即学即用(2007黄冈)A fence was built to_the garden.Aguard BdefendCprotect Dsafeguard答案:C即学即用People planted trees on the side of the hill to_soil_by rain.Aprevent; being washed awayBstop; fr

5、om washing awayCkeep; being washed awayDprotect; from washing away答案:APeople planted trees on the s2separate1)vt. 分开,分离Separate the two pipes by unscrewing them.拧开螺丝,好把这两个管子分开。I separated them into two groups.我把他们分成了两组。We are separated for the present.我们暂时分开。2)vi. 分手,和分开We talked until midnight and

6、then separated.我们一直谈到深夜,然后才分手。I hear that they have separated.我听说他们分手了。2separate3)adj. 不同的,有区别的This word has three separate meanings.这个单词有3种不同的意思。4)adj. 个别的;独自的;个人的We all have separate rooms.我们都有自己的房间。5)adj. 分离的;不相连的Keep the boys separate from the girls.不让男孩和女孩到一块儿去。3)adj. 不同的,有区别的知识拓展separately adv

7、. 独自地;单独地;独立地separation n分裂;分离;分居The patient should be separated from the others.这个病人应该被隔离起来。Please divide the apple in two/half/into two pieces/halves.请把苹果分成两半。知识拓展即学即用Hospital staff burst into cheers after doctors completed a 20hour operation to have _ oneyearold twins at the head.Aisolated Bsepar

8、atedCdivided Dremoved答案:B即学即用3stick vt. 粘贴;vi. 粘着Dont forget to stick a stamp on the envelope before posting the letter.发信前不要忘了在信封贴上邮票。The paper is still sticking to my hand.纸还粘在我手上。The car has stuck in the mud.车陷在泥里出不来了。3stick vt. 粘贴;vi. 粘着知识拓展stick sth. to/in/on etc. 粘某物在上stick to 坚持sticky adj. 粘的

9、stick by 忠于stick up 竖起stick at 迟疑;坚持知识拓展词语辨析stick to, insist on与persist in1)stick to坚持(原则、计划、诺言、决定等绝不改变);stick to ones ideal/principles/decision/promise 坚持理想/原则/决定/(坚守)诺言2)insist to坚持(意见、看法、主张);They insisted on leaving that day.他们坚持要在那天走。3)persist in坚持(行动,有时表示固执己见或坚持不改)。She persists in her spare tim

10、e studies.她坚持在业余时间学习。词语辨析高考直击(2010福建34) In April, thousands of holidaymakers remained _ abroad due to the volcanic ash cloud.A. sticking B. stuckC. to be stuck D. to have stuck解析:考查动词用法。remain用作连系动词,接过去分词作表语,表示主语所处的状态或已经发生的被动动作。句意为:“由于火山灰的原因,四月份仍有成千上万的度假者滞留在国外。”该空用过去分词表示主语所处的状态。故选B项。答案:B高考直击即学即用Once

11、 a decision has been made, all of us should _ it.Adirect to Bstick toClead to Drefer to答案:B即学即用高中英语-外研版必修3-Module-4-4Cultural-Corner-31张1put sth. into1)加入;注入Put more effort into your work!在你的工作中多花些功夫!2)给或借予He has put 1000 into his brothers business.他在他兄弟的店里投资了1000英镑。3)翻译Please put this sentence into

12、 English.请把这个句子译成英语。1put sth. into4)(指船)进入(港口)The boat had to put into Sydney for supplies.这船必须进入悉尼港补给。put ones heart into something非常专注地做某事put something into execution实行;执行4)(指船)进入(港口)知识拓展put acrossput over 解释put aside 储蓄put away 收拾;储蓄(尤指钱)以备后用put back 把时间拨回put down 写下;让(某人)下车put foward 提出put off 延

13、期put out 熄(灯;火);扑灭知识拓展高考直击(1)(2008安徽)Dont be so discouraged. If you_such feelings, you will do better next time.Acarry on Bget backCbreak down Dput away解析:put away“抛弃,放弃”;句意为:如果你能把这类情感抛弃,下次将会做得更好。答案:D高考直击(2)(2010全国II8) My mother opened drawer to _ the knives and spoons.Aput away Bput upCput on Dput

14、together解析:考查动词词组辨析。 put away “放好,收拾起来”;put up“举起,搭建,张贴,挂起”; put on “穿上,戴上”;put together “组装,装配,把凑合起来”。答案:A(2)(2010全国II8) My mother ope即学即用翻译句子他正下功夫提高自己的法语水平。_答案:He is putting a lot of work into improving his French.即学即用2look through 从头看完,浏览She looked through the newspaper and put it on the sofa.她把报

15、纸浏览了一遍,放在沙发上。2look through 从头看完,浏览知识拓展知识拓展look after 照料look back(与on, to连用) 回想,记起look down on 轻视,看不起look forward to 盼望;期待look in 顺便看望;短暂访问look on (常与as连用) 旁观look out 注意;留神look over 翻阅,浏览look up 好转;查到look after 照料注意:look forward to“盼望;期待”,to 为介词,后接(动)名词/代词。Im looking forward to seeing you again.我期待着再次见到你。注意:look forward to“盼望;期待”,to 为高考直击(2010安徽22)No matter how low you consider yourself, there is always someone _ you wishing they were th


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