1、californiacaliforniaAmericans sometimes call their country Melting Pot大熔炉Americans sometimes call theirSan FranciscoLos Angelesthe Mississippi硅谷CaliforniaSan FranciscoLos Angelesthe MiTeaching Aims Students can master the key words and the key impressions in the text01By the example of cultural melt
2、ing pot,California,students can understand the cultural diversity to face the cultural future of China03Students can apply the reading strateies to the texts02Teaching Aims Students can mas01PARTSelf-directed Learning自主学习Tasks 学习任务:1.Read California(研读课文)2.Finish your learning paper(完成word学案)TIPS 温馨
3、提示:1. 快速默读,提取主旨大意,分析文章结构,完成任务1&2。2. 精读课文,解读文本,梳理脉络,标出相关信息,完成任务3 。3. 注意圈点勾画、标注疑惑。01Self-directed Learning自主学习TaLets have a check your confusionsLets have a check your confuFast Reading 泛读知大意Whats the main idea of the text?It talks about why the California is the most multicultural stateTask 1Reading
4、tips:Pay attention to the first para and the subtitle 多种文化的Fast Reading 泛读知大意Whats the Task 2Which one can describe the structure of the text?( )A. B. C. D. BReading tips:Find the topic para and topic sentences of each para to get the relation between parasTask 2Which one can describe tTask 3Part1 (
5、para 1)Part2 (para 2-9)Part3 (para 10)A. The history of settlement in CaliforniaB. The future of CaliforniaC. A brief introduction to CaliforniaWhats the main idea of each partTask 3Part1 (para 1)Part2 (parPart1 IntroductionNative AmericanPart 2 HistoryThe spanishRussiansGold MinersLater arrivalsMos
6、t recent arrivalsMind mapPart 3 FuturePart1 IntroductionNative AmeriDetauled Reading 精读知细节What attracted people around the world to California( )A. CaliforniaisthethirdlargeststateintheUSA with more opportunitiesB. It hasthelargestpopulation and the most advanced economyC. Italsohasthedistinctionofb
7、eingthemostmulticulturalstateintheUSAD. It is a state with beautiful scenery and the longest historyPart 1CDetauled Reading 精读知细节What atPart 21. What happened to the Native Americans after the arrival of the Europeans?. ThousandsNative Americans werekilledorforcedintoslaver. ManyNative Americans die
8、dfromthediseases broughtby theEuropeans.SomeNative Americans survivedtheseterribletimes, and todaytherearethe mostNativeAmericanslivinginCalifornia.Part 21. What happened to the Native AmericansCalifornia18th Cruled by1821,occupied by1846governed bySpainMexicoU. S. A2. Why thereisstillastrong Spanis
9、h influencein California?OfthefirstSpanishtogotoCalifornia,themajoritywerereligiousmen,whoseministrywastoteachtheCatholicreligiontothenatives.Native Americans18th Cruled byPart 3What will happen to California after long themixof nationalities?Therewillbenodistinctmajorracialorculturalgroups,butsimpl
10、yamixtureofmanyracesandcultures. Part 3What will happen to Cali184618481850182116th-18th C16th C 15000California1970s1920sRetell the text Native Americans came to CaliforniaEuropeans arriving,Native Americans sufferdThe spanish arrived at CaliforniaCalifornia belonged to MexicoU.S.A governed Califor
11、niaGold Rush,few became rich,most remained in California California became the thirsty-first state of Americafilm industry boomHollywood,attracted EuropeansComputer industry attracted Indians and PakistanisFuthreThere will be a mixture of many races and cultures in California184618481850182116th-18t
12、h C16t Practice what you learnt高考第一篇阅读,A篇主旨大意题:大小合适,不偏不倚细节题:先题后文,利用关键词找准答案词义猜测题:分析单词,瞻前顾后推理判断题:忠于原文,着眼全篇我们是答案的搬运工,不是答案的创造者 Practice what you learnt高考第一篇Find your beauty,And that of others;Share the beauty;And achieve unity.各美其美,美人之美,美美与共,天下大同 spiritual promotionFind your beauty,各美其美,美人之美,美美与Homework 1. As China goes stronger,more and more people from different counties live in China.Besides,China is a country with 56 nationalities.So its likely for China to be a cultural melting pot in the future.As fa
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