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1、 Unit 9 Teaching Listening Unit 9 Teaching Listeninggather knowledge and information follow directions participate in discussion interpret and analyze information form an opinion or make a judgement appreciate or enjoy clarify ideas share ideas, feelings, and information state the main idea/theme an

2、d identify supporting details determine what is fact and what is opinion select descriptive vocabulary 1.Some purposes for listening are to:1.Some purposes for listening 2.TheChallengeofTeachingListeningSkillssuccessful listening skills are acquired over time and with lots of practice. there are no

3、rules as in grammar teaching.The key is to convince them that not understanding is OK. 2.TheChallengeofTeachingLi3.What is Listening?1) Listening is interactive. watching a comedy, we laugh; listening to a lecture, we process and evaluate the information it contains; engaging in conversation, we rep

4、ly. 2) The most effective listening is active.3) Listening is closely related to the other skills, particularly speaking.4) Listening involves a purpose.3.What is Listening?3.The Nature of the Listening Process and the Listening Classtop-down and bottom-up processing operate simultaneously in the li

5、stening process (Anderson & Lynch, 1988; )3.The Nature of the Listening phrasesclausessentencestopbottomparagraphswordssoundphrasesclausessentencestopbotta.The bottom-up processlistening is a process of decoding the sounds that one hears in a linear fashion, from the smallest meaningful units to com

6、plete textsphonemic units are decoded and linked together to form words, words are linked together to form phrases, phrases are linked together to form utterances, and utterances are linked together to form complete meaningful textsa.The bottom-up processb. The top-down processthe listener actively

7、constructs the original meaning of the speaker using incoming sounds as clues.the listener uses prior knowledge of the context and situation within which the listening takes place to make sense of what he or she hears b. The top-down process4. Listening StrategiesListening strategies are techniques

8、or activities that contribute directly to the comprehension and recall of listening input. 4. Listening StrategiesTop-down strategies are listener based; the listener taps into background knowledge of the topic, the situation or context, the type of text, and the language. listening for the main ide

9、a predicting drawing inferences summarizing Top-down strategies are listenBottom-up strategies are text based; the listener relies on the language in the message, that is, the combination of sounds, words, and grammar that creates meaning. Bottom-up strategies include listening for specific details

10、recognizing cognates recognizing word-order patterns Bottom-up strategies are text Some other listening strategiesIdentify the purpose for listening.Maintain eye contact with the speaker.Observe and interpret non-verbal clues such as tone of voice, gestures and facial expressions.Pay attention to au

11、dio-visual aids such as filmstrips, cassettes, maps and charts.Focus on key words or phrases.Tune out other sounds and noise Relate the information currently being given to what you know from earlier learning.Some other listening strategie5. Classroom Model of Teaching ListeningPre-listening activit

12、iesWhile-listening activitiesAfter-listening activities5. Classroom Model of Pre-lisPre-listening: Setting the StageTo spark interest and motivate students to attend to the spoken message: To activate or build students prior topical and linguistic knowledge: To set purposes for listening:Pre-listeni

13、ng: Setting the StaWhile-Listening: Interpreting Speech and Constructing Meaning To foster students comprehension of the speakers language and ideas:To focus students attention on such things as the speakers organizational patterns: To encourage students critical reactions and personal responses to

14、the speakers ideas and use of language:While-Listening: Interpreting Post-listening: Responding, Reflecting, and Reconstructing UnderstandingTo examine relationships between prior knowledge and experience, and new ideas and information gained from the speaker or discussionTo invite and encourage stu

15、dent reflection and response:To clarify and extend comprehension beyond the literal level to the interpretive and critical levelsPost-listening: Responding, Relistening ClassClassroom Model of ListeningPre-listening activityWhile-listening activityPost-listening activityIntroductionTitle guessingQuestionsDiscussionsKey wordsVisu


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