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1、介词与介词短语12022/10/1介词与介词短语12022/9/28高考怎么考?22022/10/1高考怎么考?22022/9/28(2019全国卷)Modern methods _ tracking polar bear populations have been employed only since the mid1980s, and are expensive to perform consistently over a large area.of/for(2019浙江6月高考)But can uniforms help improve school standards? The an

2、swer _ this question is not clear.to(2019全国卷III) We were first greeted with the barking by a pack _ dogs,seven to be exact.of(2020年1月浙江卷)This aging of the population is driven two factors.by32022/10/1(2019全国卷)Modern methods _(2018浙江6月高考)If you are not going to suffer this problem, then I suggest tha

3、t the next time you go to your mums home _ dinner, get a few cooking tips from her.for(2018全国卷) I was searching _these three western lowland gorillas Id been observing.(2018全国卷I) While running regularly cant make you live forever, the review says it is more effective at lengthening life _ walking, c

4、ycling or swimming.than(2018全国卷II) Corn uses less water _ rice and creates less fertilizer runoff.thanfor42022/10/1(2018浙江6月高考)If you are not go(2017年新课标I)This trend, which was started by the medical community(医学界) _a method of fighting heart disease. as(2017全国卷) After school she plans to take a yea

5、r off to model full-time before going to university to get a degree_ engineering or architecture. in(2017年新课标II)It ran for just under seven kilometers and allowed people to avoid terrible crowds on the roads above as they travelled to and _ work. from52022/10/1(2017年新课标I)This trend, which w(2019全国卷I

6、I) 55. A. on purpose B. on time C. in turn D. in vain(2018全国卷II) 60.A. on board B. in time C. for sure D. on purpose意义搭配62022/10/1(2019全国卷II) 55. A. on purpose我们怎么学?72022/10/1我们怎么学?72022/9/28考点1. 表示时间的介词含义与用法常见搭配at表示时间点,在某时某刻,泛指周末、圣诞节、复活节等时,也用at。at dawn/daybreak 在黎明时,at dusk 在傍晚,at noon 在中午,at night

7、 在夜间,at midnight 在午夜,at Christmas 在圣诞节期间,at the age of five 在五岁时on 表示在具体的某一天、星期几或某天的上午、下午、晚上on Sunday 在星期天,on Christmas Day 在圣诞节in表示时间段,在某世纪、某年、某季度、某月以及泛指的上午、下午、晚上。in the 21st century 在21世纪,in the 1990s 在20世纪90年代in winter 在冬季in September 在九月in the morning 在上午1. at, on, in82022/10/1考点1. 表示时间的介词含义与用法常

8、见搭配at表示时间点,在2. for, during, through含义与用法例句for后接一段时间,表示某事持续多久,多与完成时连用。She has been ill for several days. during表示“在期间”。I went to France during the summer vacation. through表示“一直;自始至终”。They worked hard through the winter. 92022/10/12. for, during, through含义与用法例句注意:for 和 since 都常与完成时连用,但 for 接时间段,since

9、接时间点。如 for two hours (持续)两小时,since last week 从上周直到现在。3. from, since含义与用法例句 from表示时间的起点,可译作 “从”,多用于 from to/till结构中。You can come any time from Monday to Friday. since表示“自从以来(直到现在)”We have known each other since ten years ago. Mr. Brown enjoyed the country life and lived there for almost fifteen years

10、 after his retirement.布朗先生喜欢乡村生活,退休后他在那里生活了差不多15年。Tom has been doing his homework since seven oclock.汤姆从7点开始就一直做他的家庭作业。102022/10/1注意:for 和 since 都常与完成时连用,但 for 4. before, by, till, until含义例句before表示“在之前”,与 after 相对。Please come before ten oclock. by 表示“不迟于,到时为止,在以前”。其后接过去时间时,常与过去完成时连用;后接将来时间时,常与将来完成时

11、连用。We had learned over 1,000 words by the end of last term. They will have finished reading all these books by the end of next month.till/until 表示“直到为止”。在肯定句中,必须与延续性动词连用;在否定句中,常与非延续性动词连用。You must wait for him till/until tomorrow. I didnt go to bed until 12 oclock. 112022/10/14. before, by, till, unt

12、il含义例句5. after, in含义例句after后可跟时间段,也可跟时间点。既可用于将来时,也可用于过去时My father will be back after three oclock.我父亲将在3点后回来。 My father came back after three days/three days later.我父亲是三天后回来的。in in 后必须跟时间段;表示“在时间之后”只能用于将来时。My father will be back in three days.我父亲将在三天以后回来。122022/10/15. after, in含义例句after后可跟时间段,也可考点2.

13、 表示方位的介词介词用法例句at其后一般接较小的地点。接地名时,常将此地视为空间的一点 My elder sister lives at 105 Beijing Road.我姐姐住在北京路105号。on表示两地接壤Guangdong is on the southeast of Guangxi; Fujian lies to the south of Jiangsu and all of them are in China. 广东在广西的东南方向,福建在江苏南边,它们都位于中国。to表示两地不接壤in其后一般接大地方或表示在某个范围之内1. at, on, to, in132022/10/1考

14、点2. 表示方位的介词介词用法例句at其后一般接较小的地点2. on, above, over, beneath, under, below142022/10/12. on, above, over, beneath, u3.along,through,across,over 介词用法例句along表示“沿着”某一路径行进 I saw them running together along the road yesterday.昨天我看见他们沿着马路一起跑。through意为“穿过”,表示从内部空间通过The Great Wall winds its way from west to east

15、, across deserts, over mountains, through valleys, till at last it reaches the sea.长城从西向东蜿蜒而行,横穿沙漠,越过高山,穿过峡谷,最后抵达大海。across表示“横穿”,强调从某一物体的表面通过over意为“越过”,表示从上方过去152022/10/13.along,through,across,over 介词4.between,amongbetween两者之间,“betweenand”among在之间(三者或三者以上)162022/10/14.between,amongbetween两者之间,“be考点3

16、. 表示工具、手段、方式的介词含义例句by表示用某种方法、手段或乘坐某种交通工具。Karen studies Chinese by reading aloud in the morning. in 表示用某种语言、材料、颜色、方式等。Can you write an essay in English?with 表示用有形的工具、身体部位或器官等。Remove the meat with a fork and divide it into four pieces. through 表示“通过,凭借”。You can only achieve success through hard work.

17、172022/10/1考点3. 表示工具、手段、方式的介词含义例句by表示用某种方Practice:1. My father goes to school _ bus. while I go to school _ my bike. But today I went to school _ foot, for I had to have my bike repaired. 2.The artist wrote _ ink.(= The artist wrote _ a pen.)3. As far as I know, workers are generally paid _the month

18、.4. He broke the window _ a stone.byononinwithbywith182022/10/1Practice:1. My father goes to 介词意义用法except除外指整体里面排除部分,其宾语为前面的整体概念词的同类语(一类人或物)except for 除去细节它所叙述的事实或细节部分地修正了句子的主要意思but除之外常与nobody, none, no one, nothing, anything, all, who等连用,此时可与except换用。后接名词、代词或不定式besides除外(尚)有相当于in addition to, whats

19、 moreapart from除(别无),除外(尚)有可用来替换besides, except, except for等考点4.其他常考介词(短语)1. except, except for , but, besides, apart from192022/10/1介词意义用法except除外指整体里面排除部分,其宾语为用except, except for , but, besides, apart from填空1. He answered all the questions _ the last one.除最后一个问题没有回答外,其余所有问题他都回答了。2. No one _ Karl w

20、ent there.除卡尔外,没有人去那里。 3. The composition is good _a few spelling mistakes.这篇作文写得很好,只是有些拼写错误。exceptbut except for 202022/10/1用except, except for , but, bes含义例句反对;违背;与相反Are you for or against the plan?你是赞成还是反对该计划?触;碰;撞;紧靠;倚靠Tired, Jim was fast asleep with his back against a big tree.吉姆累了,背靠着一棵大树很快便睡着

21、了。与竞争We will be competing against the best companies in Europe.我们将会和欧洲的顶级公司竞争。防备,抵御They took measures against the fire.他们采取了防火措施。以为背景,衬托The hill looks more beautiful against the blue sky.在蓝天的映衬下,山峰更显美丽。2. against212022/10/1含义例句反对;违背;与相反Are you for or 含义例句超出;(指可能性、理解力、能力等)非可及The whole problem was qui

22、te beyond him.整个问题他根本无法理解。(在空间上)在的那一边,远于The airport is 20 miles beyond the town.机场在离城镇二十英里外的地方。(时间)晚于;迟于The disco went on until beyond midnight.迪斯科舞会一直持续到午夜以后。3. beyondbeyond compare 无与伦比 beyond reach 够不到beyond description 难以描述 beyond doubt 毫无疑问beyond expression/words 难以言表222022/10/1含义例句超出;(指可能性、理解力

23、、能力等)非可及The 含义例句和一起,和,Put this bag with the others.把这个包和其他的包放在一起。随着Temperatures vary with the time of the year.温度随时节而变化。具有,带有The waiter arrived with a cup of coffee.服务员端着一杯咖啡来了。4.withwithasmile面带笑容 withconfidence充满信心地withdelight欣然,乐意地 withgreatcare非常小心withpatience耐心地,有忍耐力的 withpleasure愉快地withthepurposeof为了 together/along with 和一起without permission未经允许 without doubt 毫无疑问withthehelpof/withoneshelp在的帮助下232022/10/1含义例句和一起,和,Put this bag with with 复合结构1.Themurderwasbroughtin,withhishandstiedbehindhisback.2. With a lot of homework to do , I had to stay up.242022/10/1with 复合结构1.Themurde


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