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1、超声波物位计基础1Xingeng Li内容介绍测量原理超声波物位计的型号及参数现场安装注意事项应用举例要求掌握的内容 超声波物位计的测量原理 产品的型号,及相应的特点与区别 主要的应用场合 根据实际的工况进行选型ToF 基础2Xingeng Li超声波物位计超声波物位计ToF 基础3Xingeng Li测量原理测量原理ToF 基础4Xingeng Li超声波基础 超声波是频率超出人耳听觉的上限(约20kHz)的声波,是一种听不到的声波。 在19世纪末,科学家就已经开始对超声波进行研究了。 早在1794年,意大利的生物学家 Lazzaro Spallanzani 就已经发现蝙蝠是利用一种听不见的

2、声波来在黑暗中定位的。20Hz20kHz20MHz次声波声波超 声 波ToF 基础5Xingeng Li超声波基础 超声波物位测量所利用的两个主要性质:超声波在介质中的传播超声波在界面上的反射ToF 基础7Xingeng Li超声波的传播 超声波的传播依赖于介质的存在 气体、液体或固体 不同介质中的传播速度不同 气体 液体 固体 超声波在理想气体中的传播速度只受到温度的影响 现实中,声速也会受到气压的影响ToF 基础8Xingeng Li超声波的反射 当超声波遇到界面时会发生反射 声阻抗: 声阻抗主要与介质的密度有关 声波在密度不同的界面上发生反射 两种介质的密度差( )越大,反射越强ToF

3、基础10Xingeng Li超声波的反射 常见介质的密度 当在空气中传播的超声波遇到液体或固体的表面时,由于密度差别很大,声波几乎全部被反射回去介质(液体)密度(kg/m3)汽油700乙醚710石油760酒精790煤油800苯880植物油920水1000介质(固体)密度(kg/m3)聚丙烯870聚乙烯900PET树脂1400铝2700煤7000铁7800铜8900铅11300空气:1.23 kg/m3ToF 基础11Xingeng Li超声波的产生和接收压电效应 最早由皮埃尔居里和雅克居里兄弟发现 压电效应:某些物质在受到压力产生变形的时候,其表面上会产生积聚的电荷 逆压电效应:在压电材料表面

4、施加电压,压电材料会产生机械形变 表面没有电荷表面与内部的电荷极性相同表面与内部的电荷极性相反ToF 基础12Xingeng Li超声波探头结构压电晶体压电晶体基底传感器外壳;将传感器整体封装,无需密封将膜片振动与外界隔离声抗耦合材料ToF 基础14Xingeng Li超声波探头的盲区 同一块压电晶体既负责超声波的发射,也负责接收 因此,在发射状态与接收状态之间,需要一段时间使得压电晶体从振荡状态恢复到静止状态,然后才能开始接收反射的超声波信号 根据ToF的原理,这段时间代表了空间的一段距离,即盲区 在盲区内,超声波物位计是不能进行测量的ToF 基础15Xingeng Li仪表型号及参数仪表型

5、号及参数ToF 基础17Xingeng Li超声波物位计的分类 一体化变送器 分体式变送器ToF 基础18Xingeng Li型号FMU30 1.5”FMU30 2”FMU40FMU41FMU42FMU43FMU44最大量程 (液体)5m8m5m8m10m15m20m最大量程 (固体)2m3.5m2m3.5m5m7m10m盲区0.25m0.35m0.25m0.35m0.4m0.6m0.5m精度3mm (0.2)2mm (0.2)4mm (0.2)最大耐温+60C+80C最大耐压3 bar2.5 bar输出420mA HART, PROFIBUS PA, FF一体式超声波物位计ToF 基础19X

6、ingeng Li型号FDU90FDU91FDU91FFDU92FDU93FDU95FDU96最大量程 (液体)3m10m10m20m25mN/AN/A最大量程 (固体)1.2m5m5m10m15m45m70m盲区0.07m0.3m0.3m0.4m0.6m0.7m1.6m精度2mm (0.17)最大耐温+80C+105C+95C+150C最大耐压4 bar3 bar1.5 bar3 bar防护等级IP68分体式超声波物位计探头ToF 基础20Xingeng Li分体式超声波物位计变送器型号FMU90FMU95探头数量2个10个输出420mA HART PROFIBUS DP RelayPROF

7、IBUS DPToF 基础21Xingeng Li价格性能Prosonic T两线,连续测量或开关最大测量距离 7 m价格低廉Prosonic M两线或四线最大测量距离 15 m菜单引导式操作现场显示可观察回波曲线带HART, PA , FF通讯协议免费提供ToF-Tool调试软件Prosonic四线分体式最大量程70米可最多配五路继电器输出双通道OCM preprogrammed专门针对水/污水行业所设 计的功能(明渠、隔栅)可选配HART, DP, RS 485 接口可用COMMUWIN IIE+H 超声波物位仪表的特点-针对不同行业的清晰定位ToF 基础22Xingeng Li应用应用T

8、oF 基础24Xingeng Li超声波物位计的特点(相对于接触式测量) 非接触式测量 安装简单 不受介质粘附的影响 不怕罐内的搅拌 测量距离长ToF 基础25Xingeng Li影响测量的因素信号强度 超声波的能量:粘附,冷凝 实际测量距离: 传播中的衰减:粉尘,蒸汽 介质表面情况:泡沫、颗粒大小波动表面,安息角ToF 基础27Xingeng Li影响测量因素声速 理想气体中的声速只和气体的温度有关: 空气在压强较低时近似为理想气体,无需压力补偿ToF 基础28Xingeng Li影响测量的因素介质表面情况(传播时间) 介质表面情况 平静表面 波动/搅拌 泡沫 固体颗粒 安息角ToF 基础2

9、9Xingeng Li影响测量因素虚假回波 罐壁上的障碍物 多重回波ToF 基础30Xingeng Li安装注意事项罐顶安装位置 盲区 避开罐内的障碍物/进料口 不能装在罐顶的中心处 不能距离罐壁太近 理想安装位置:距离罐壁1/6直径ToF 基础31Xingeng LiLevel measurement in fat/oil mixtureView insideempty tankFMU90Requirements Fat/oil mixture for coating process in food industry Tank with conical ceiling and agitato

10、rHeight 6 m/19.7 ftDiameter 3 m/9.8 ft220 rpm Process temperature 60 C/140 F Ambient temperature 60 C/140 F Atmospheric pressureSolutionProsonic S FMU90 field housing and FDU91 sensorApplicationsFDU91Ultrasonic measurement32Moeller AndreasLevel measurement in yoghurt productionRequirements Tank in t

11、he yoghurt productionwith fruit mix CIP at +135 C/+275 F Pressure abs. 1.5 bar/22 psi Triclamp connectionSolutionProsonic S with fully welded stainless steel sensor FDU91FEmpty tankEchoes from cone 2.55 m/ 8.4 ft1.25 m/4.1 ft 0.55 m1.8 ftApplicationsUltrasonic measurement33Moeller AndreasLevel measu

12、rement in industrial waste water tankRequirements Waste water mixture out of sodium hydroxide, sulfuric acid, textile color and water Horizontal tankLength 5 m / 16.4 ftDiameter 3.5 m / 11.5 ft Process temperature 2070 C/ 68 158 F Ambient pressureSolutionProsonic S with top-hat rail housing and FDU9

13、1 sensorFDU91ApplicationsUltrasonic measurement34Moeller AndreasLevel measurement in storm water basinRequirements Level measurement in a storm water basinControl and recognition of the overload amount to the sewage treatment plantSolutionProsonic S with FDU91 sensor and mounting angleFlood-proof se

14、nsor according to IP68/NEMA6PApplicationsUltrasonic measurement35Moeller AndreasParshall flumeRequirements 9“ Parshall flumewaste wateratmospheric pressurerelay for flow pulse outputSolutionProsonic S FMU90 transmitter with top-hat rail housing and FDU91 sensorApplicationsUltrasonic measurement36Moe

15、ller AndreasFlow measurement in open channelsRequirementsFlow measurement in an open channelSolutionProsonic S with FDU91 sensorPre-programmed flow curves includedSummation of the flow rate by integrated counterApplicationsUltrasonic measurement37Moeller AndreasScreen control (1)Requirements Control

16、 of the screen by differential level outputsWaste waterAtmospheric pressureSolutionProsonic S FMU90 transmitter and two sensors FDU91in front of screenbehind the screenApplicationsUltrasonic measurement38Moeller AndreasScreen control (2)gridin front of screengridbehind the screenApplicationsUltrason

17、ic measurement39Moeller AndreasScreen control (3)Requirements Screen control in a sewage treatment plantSolutionProsonic S with 2 FDU91 sensorsMeasurement of the different level in front of and behind the screenControl of screen cleaning by relay integrated in the deviceApplicationsUltrasonic measur

18、ement40Moeller AndreasLevel measurement in a pump sumpRequirements Level measurement in a pump sump of an underground hydro-electric power plant Narrow shaft with obstacles Measuring range 5 m / 16.4 ftSolutionProsonic M/T in a plastic sonic guide tube (DN100) clear, big signalsLevel echoApplication

19、sUltrasonic measurement41Moeller AndreasPump controlRequirements Level measurement in a pump shaftControl of pumpMeasurement unaffected by obstacles SolutionProsonic S with sensor FDU9x Control of pumps (up to 6) by integrated relaysApplicationsUltrasonic measurement42Moeller AndreasLevel measuremen

20、t in power plantRequirementLevel monitoring in the raw water production (screen control, level measurement)SolutionInstallation of Prosonic T/M in shaft below bottom gridApplicationsUltrasonic measurement43Moeller AndreasLevel measurement in acid and alkaline tanks (1)Requirement Level measurement i

21、n acid/alkaline tank of a desalination plant (power plant)SolutionProsonic T/M easy and fast commissioningApplicationsUltrasonic measurement44Moeller AndreasLevel measurement in acid and alkaline tanks (2)Requirements Level measurement in viscous pigment solutionMeasuring range 4 m / 13 ftTank with

22、dished bottomAgitator 10 - 30 rpmSolutionProsonic M FMU41Fast and easy commissioning by menu guidanceApplicationsUltrasonic measurement45Moeller AndreasLevel measurement in a twin tankRequirements Level measurement in liquidPolyolStorage tankDiameter approx. 2.4 m / 7.9 ftHeight approx. 3.5 m / 11.5

23、 ft Tank 1Installation in dome ceilingTank 2: Bypass installation (DN100)SolutionProsonic MFast and easy commissioning by menu guidanceApplicationsTank 1Tank 2Ultrasonic measurement46Moeller AndreasLevel measurement in a reservoirRequirement Level measurement in a process water reservoirSolutionPros

24、onic T/MEasy and fast commissioning with an attractive priceApplicationsUltrasonic measurement47Moeller AndreasLevel measurement above a filterRequirement Level measurement above a filterSolutionProsonic T/M with mounting angleEasy and fast commissioning with an attractive priceApplicationsUltrasoni

25、c measurement48Moeller AndreasLevel measurement in an asphalt mixing plantRequirements Steel silo with conical bottom Height 8 m / 26.2 ft Diameter 5.6 m / 18.7 ft Different types of stones, asphalt granulates, grain size 5 to 10 mm (0.2 to 0.4”)SolutionProsonic S transmitter with field housing and

26、FDU93 sensorField housingFDU93ApplicationsUltrasonic measurement49Moeller AndreasBunker monitoringRequirements Bunker for stone processingHeight of bunker 6 m / 19.7 ftAmbient temperatureAtmospheric pressure Stones, grain size from 50 to 80 mm (2” to 3.2”)SolutionProsonic S FMU90 and FDU93 sensorFDU

27、93 FMU90ApplicationsUltrasonic measurement50Moeller AndreasCrusher monitoringRequirements CrusherAmbient temperatureAtmospheric pressure StonesSolutionNon-contact measurement by Prosonic S FDU93FMU90 ApplicationsUltrasonic measurement51Moeller AndreasMonitoring of crusher feedRequirements Level moni

28、toring at a crusher feedAvoiding of overloadMonitoring of minimum level to prevent demolitionsSolutionProsonic S with FDU92 sensorNon-contact and robust level measurementApplicationsUltrasonic measurement52Moeller AndreasLevel measurement in a tank with aluminum chipsRequirements Silo with conical b

29、ottom9.5 m/29.5 ft high, 3300 mm / 10.8 ftAmbient temperatureAtmospheric pressure Aluminum chips with a large grain size During filling process very loudSolutionProsonic S with FDU93sensor installed on a nozzle (height: 200 mm / 7.9”). Located 600 mm (2 ft) of the wall and 1000 mm (3.2 ft) above the

30、 media. FDU93ApplicationsUltrasonic measurement53Moeller AndreasLevel measurement in fly ashRequirements Silo Height 8 m / 26 ft Diameter 5 m / 16.4 ftTemperature up to +110 C/+230 FAtmospheric pressure Fly ash in a waste incineration plant Extreme aggressive and corrosive atmosphereSolution Prosoni

31、c S non-contact measurement Robust sensor with self-cleaning effect110 CTemperature CDistance mApplicationsUltrasonic measurement54Moeller AndreasLevel measurement in a coarse ash silo (power plant)ash conveyor beltRequirement Burning coal produces ashes in the boiler. The ashes are used in road con

32、struction. SolutionMeasurement of silo content with Prosonic SEvacuation of the ashes by lorriesApplicationsUltrasonic measurement55Moeller AndreasLevel measurement at rotary crushersRequirements Level monitoring under rough conditions VibrationDirtSolutionNon-contact level measurement with Prosonic

33、 SRobust sensor design with self-cleaning effectSwitch points individually adjustable by integrated relaysApplicationsUltrasonic measurement56Moeller AndreasLevel measurement in silos or storage tanksRequirements Level measurement in a storage tankProduct: PE powder Silo height: 28 m /92 ftSilo diameter: 3.5 m / 11.5 ftFilling: 14 - 20 t / h (pneumatically)SolutionNon-contact level measurement with Prosonic SRobust sensors with self-cleaningeffectApplicationsUltrasonic measurement57Moeller AndreasLevel measurement in limestoneRequirementLevel me


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