



1、成都万华麓湖生态城C2-2样板房AB户型项目名称/成都万华麓湖生态城C2-2样板房AB户型软装设计师/李剪梅软装陈设/深圳千寻软装艺术设计有限公司()项目地址/成都市天府新区户型面积/160m(A户型)、243 m(B户型)完工时期/2017.4成都万华 C2-2 A户型:一方禅素之境透过木质竖条构成的玄关隔断,影影绰绰中已领略到屋内景致,黑白灰的主色调配以原木为主的空间装饰,除却繁冗雕饰的禅意风骨由此呼之欲出。低饱和度的色彩营造出柔和的氛围,而原木随着时间的沉淀愈显朴实典雅,细而匀的纹理结构散发温暖的质感。化繁为简,吐故纳新是该居所的创作内核,设计放弃对风格样式的表象追求,极简示人,凝结生活

2、朴素无华的本质,契合中式含蓄内秀的设计精髓。空间结构与比例拿捏严谨,借助利落线条及石材、木材的搭配运用,呈现视线交织的美感。倚靠大自然礼赞的水色山林,以刚柔并陈的朴实家具和合理细致的功能区分,架构出以人为主、以环境为辅的生活场景。客厅与餐厅的吊灯姿态轻盈,曲线轮廓与平直硬朗的空间背景相得益彰,暗合天圆地方的禅定哲学。容器、花瓶、镜子等日常生活物件,也被赋予诗意与美感,茶白的清雅自然、赭石的稳重硬朗、靛蓝的深邃蜿蜒,犹如在山水之间,意境之中,流露着中国文人的隐士情怀。成都万华 C2-2B户型:一抹静谧幽蓝该居所隐于葱郁的湖光山色之中,场域优势赋予空间独特的静谧气质。客厅墙面以浅蓝色为主调,搭配象

3、牙白的沙发组合,透出一份怡人的清新感。缀以紫色地毯和深红沙发椅,在浓妆淡抹之间带来平衡度。餐厅与客厅连为一体,大面积落地窗让自然光溢满整个空间。精心布置的花艺和植物墙吐纳着勃勃绿意,与花木扶疏的窗外景致相映衬,闲时窗前独坐该有何等快意。 设计将东方式的静谧安逸和现代风的简约利落杂糅,烘托出留驻多重风格的别样感官体验。主体空间用简约的线条和淡雅的纯色相搭配,再辅以色彩斑斓的配饰细节,用最温润的方式带来碰撞之美,营造含蓄但不单调的生活场景。 家具在款式和比例上几经精挑细选,每一件家具都极强调直线背后所蕴含的细节,明明是简单的直线条,却能够读出行云流水般的流畅感觉。布艺以棉、麻为主,饰品也多以罐、钵

4、、瓶为主,这些传统中式的代表元素映射出回归内在的价值观与文化诉求,于细微中将中式韵味的力量呈现。Project name: ChengduWanhuaLuxelakes Eco-City C2-2 Showroom AB UnitsDecoration designer : LI JianmeiSoft furnishings display: Shenzhen Qianxun Design Co., Ltd. ()Project location: Tianfu New District, Chengdu, ChinaUnit area:160 (Unit A), 243(Unit B)Co

5、mpletion time: 2017.4ChengduWanhua C2-2A Unit: A Land of Simple Zen Through a partition made of wooden vertical bars, interior view of the house is partly seen, where black, white and gray as the main colors are in match with wood-based spatial decoration, bringing out a wonderland filled with Zen t

6、emperament. Low-saturation colors help to create a softer atmosphere, and wooden material, which becomes even more pure and elegant as time goes by, adding cozy warmth with its thin and continuous texture.The design approach abandons complicated appearance or ever-changing trend but pursues essentia

7、l minimalism, illustrating plain nature of condensed life, implying inward fulfillment of Chinese design. Spatial structure and proportion are carefully considered, usage of neat lines and natural materials such as stone and wood perfectly showing the beauty of sight intertwining and interlacing. Be

8、nefited from its natural surroundings of waters and mountains, the residential space build a people-oriented lifestyle supplemented with harmonious environment, through simple yet elegant furniture system and reasonable distinction of functional areas.As a visual focus, chandeliers in living and din

9、ing rooms showcase curved outlines, complementing with relatively flat and tough spatial background. Actually, it is a tribute to ancient Chinese philosophy of “square earth and spherical heaven”. Containers, vases, mirrors and other daily life objects, are also given an air of poetic aesthetics, wh

10、ile elegant tea white, steady ocher and deep indigo enable you to feel the mood of traditional Chinese literati who are longing for recluse life among natural landscapes.ChengduWanhua C2-2B Unit: A Touch of Blue in Peace Hidden in lush landscape of lakes and mountains, the residential space is endow

11、ed with unique quietness by its environmental advantage. In living room, light blue wall sets the tone and matches with ivory white sofa, giving a refreshing feeling of pleasure while reaching color balance with purple carpet and red chair. Dining room is connected to the living room, where large fl

12、oor-to-ceiling windows run through and introduce sufficient natural light in. Well-arranged flowers and plant wall inside echo with vibrant greenery outside, nothing better than sitting alone by the window and enjoying the picturesque scenery. The design approach combines Oriental sense of quiet com

13、fort with contemporary simplicity to provide unique sensory experience of mixed styles. Concise straight lines and light solid colors are highlighted in main space, then dotted with soft furnishing of splendid colors to bring out the beauty of contrasting collision in a delicate way. Not hard to ima

14、gine a quiet but not dull scene of daily life here. As for furniture, each piece is carefully selected concerning its style and proportion, and particularly stressed on tender details hidden in its linear form, which seems simple yet conceals smooth feeling like floating clouds and flowing waters. Materials of cotton and linen are fa


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