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1、本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑 五年级英语集合7篇【必备】五年级英语作文集合7篇 在日常学习、工作或生活中,大家对作文都不陌生吧,作文是一种言语活动,具有高度的综合性和创造性。那要怎么写好作文呢?以下是我帮大家整理的五年级英语作文7篇,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。 五年级英语作文 篇1 I have a friend,she is beautiful and cute.Her name is Jie yi Ting,Her ENGLISH name is Angle.She is ten years old.She has long hair ,small mouth,big eyes

2、and small nose. She has many hobbies,they are dancing,singing,playing the piano and draw picture.Her favourite food is cake and bread,her favourite fruit is apple and grape.She favourite subject is English and art,she can draw nice picture. We are good friends.I like she.Do you like she? 五年级英语作文 篇2

3、My name is Wang Qiuyun. Im a student. Im busy this week. On Monday I do homework. And on Tuesday I wash my clothes. On Wednesday I listen to music. On Thursday I draw pictures. On Friday I play computer games.On Saturday I draw cartoons. On Sunday I read books. I like draw pictures very much. 五年级英语作

4、文 篇3 在朗朗读书声中,同学们都沉浸在这美好快乐的气氛里。这是假期上得第五节英语课。我very very喜欢上英语课,不仅是由于它能使我减轻负担与压力,轻松开心,而且还得到了老师及同学们的吹捧,学习到更多的知识。 假如有人问我:“这个假期你过得,怎么样?我就会不假思考地告诉你:“Yes,I am very happy!是的,我过得很开心!这毕竟是为什么呢?由于这主要来源于英语补习班。平日在家,我闲的不是写作业,就是写作业,再者,十一点半到十二点,是我学乒乓球的时间,可我最不喜欢关于体力运动方面的,但老妈偏让我学,而我整日都是闷闷不乐,Because I do not like it!I ha

5、te it,it is awful! 而英语,我的大部分开心都在这里!既能和同学见面,课堂玩游戏,学知识,还有,同学们上课十分活跃,特别是老闫。他总是上课说些没用搞笑透顶的话,是我们不得不捧腹大笑。而今天,英语课上可是与往前截然不同,别开生面啊 笑点(一)恶作剧 话说这天中午,我吃完了包子,急冲冲地进入了徐老师外语文化学校(原因是没背单词)。上了楼,便走进了7教室。 “Hi!老师。“Hi!伴着微风的吹拂,我坐到座位上,开启了书,抓紧背单词,测验时好全对。过了一会儿,老师下楼吃饭了。“淘气鬼老闫大腹便便,大摇大摆地走了进来,顺手把桌子上的“大号色子拿了下来,放在了教室门的上面,不偏不倚的靠在墙上

6、,立在上面,中间离开了一个大缝,只要门一动,门上面的色子便掉了下来。“看!等下一个人来,咱们就老闫担心好心地说。 而“乐天派老刘则迫不及待地看着门,希望会有“猎物上了钩。老刘一边想着,一边情不自禁的笑了起来。一想到这里,我也有点紧张,不解:下一个人会是老师么?毕竟是谁呢?会不会被徐老师发现呢?这个陷阱会被发现吗一大堆问号促使我合上书,转过头,兴致勃勃从门缝往外瞧。只听“啪的一声,呀!不会吧果真被我猜中了!是英语老师!一阵阵欢乐声使老师从诧异转化成难堪。我们都开心死了! 笑点(二)开小差 上了课,响了铃。多动症的老闫又开始不停地干扰我,向我嘀咕“王祖蓝“奔跑吧,兄弟什么的。使我心神不定。哼!你这

7、个老闫,要不是你有力气,长的大,我才不会在这儿受你的气呢!老师貌似看出了我的原因,便要求他中止说话,否则扣分。老闫这才不说话。可过了一会儿,他又开始胡言乱语了:“唐老鸭,比包比,Sod蜜!“呵呵可笑死我了!同学们也不由自主地笑了起来。 笑点(三)玩游戏 我们中途玩游戏“老牛回头打酱油,我自告奋勇的当老牛,我站在门旁,回头对他们摆了个牛角的动作。“哈哈哈游戏进行了!我大声的说:“老牛回头打酱油!我看见老刘动了一下便对她说:“你动了哦!pass掉!嘻嘻!“哎就在这快乐喧嚷的气氛中,我们高兴的度过了这个中午。 五年级英语作文 篇4 There are many more days on Sunday

8、s, and the number of shells on the beach is numbered. Now Ill pick one of the most beautiful, give you a look! Birds in front of the lead, the wind blowing to us, we like . . I sing a happy song, while the father and mother, entered the door of Kowloon Park. Yeah, so many fun toys Yeah, there are me

9、rry-go-round, there are torrent Yong Jin, naughty city, bumper car . . let me see dazzling. We first came to the rapids of the ticket office, bought three tickets, we have a family of three boat. Boat slowly drift drift drift, came to the rapids mouth, the boat immediately became oblique. To the hig

10、hest point, accompanied by a small ah screaming, like a quarrel of the arrow-like rushed down, finally was scared, I long sighed, but did not last long, we And soon came to a ghost gate - the second drool, the boat and slowly came to the door of the ghost of the cliff, looked down, ah, so high ah, I

11、 scared wits, but God seems to live with me Like the boat quickly from the cliff on the push down, splashing water everywhere, sprayed on the road, the road wet, as if just under a spring like. Then we went to the Hala Temple. I stood in front of a mirror to see, the mirror I became a big fat man, t

12、he first small body big. Hey, how do I have a black at the foot of the big things do not fall it? I look at God, Oh yeah, incredible, because ah, that big thing is actually only big rats. I ran to my father and mother in one breath, hesitant to just see everything, all told them both. They heard, im

13、mediately laughed and laughed, the original, is the Haha mirror to the mouse bigger! I think about it, yes, how did I not think of it? Think of here, I can not help but laughing up. Haha mirror will turn me into a thin bean sprouts, while I turned into a big fat man, laughing me like the August oran

14、ge - from ear to ear . . This is really a happy Sunday! 五年级英语作文 篇5 我的家乡在河南,那里绿树成荫,空气清爽,四季有着不一样的风景。 My hometown is in Henan, where the trees, fresh air, four seasons have different views. 春天,树木长出了新的叶子,它又了一个新的生命。溶化的河提水,又开始欢快的流淌,冬眠的青蛙,又开始演奏,唱着那欢快,有节奏的歌“呱呱 In spring, the trees grow new leaves, and a new

15、 life. The melting of the river water, again happy running, hibernating frogs began to play, sing the happy, the rhythm of the song Gua Gua 这就是万物复苏的春天。 This is the spring recovery of all things. 夏天,是一个火热的季节,于是,我和哥哥,拿着游泳圈(其实就是废旧的轮胎)到河提去游泳,河提的水十分清,清的可以看见水底的.沙石,我们尽情的玩耍,直到日落西山。回到家里,一边吃冰激凌,一边看电视,这时风扇一开,与

16、空调不分上下。 Summer is a hot season, and my brother and I took a swim ring (that is, waste tire) to the river to swim the rivers water is very clear, clear to see underwater sand, we enjoy the play, until the sun set. Back home, eating ice cream, while watching TV, when a fan, and air conditioning on. 这就

17、是快乐的夏季。 This is the happy summer. 秋天,是一个丰收的季节,勤劳的人们,开始劳动起来了。而我呢,也正想找点事情做,就听见姥姥大声的叫:“龙龙,走,我们去田里收菜吧!我愉快地拿起了篮子和姥姥来到了菜园。只见菜园里五颜六色,有尖尖的辣椒,黄灿灿的大南瓜,像辫子一样长的豆角我开心的拿着篮子,开始收菜了。 Autumn is a harvest season, hard-working people, began working together. And I, also trying to find something to do, I heard her cries

18、 aloud: dragon, go, we go to the fields! I am happy to pick up the basket, and grandmother came to the garden. Be riotous with colour and the garden, there are sharp pepper, pumpkin Huang Cancan, as long as she beans. I am happy with a basket, began to receive food. 这就是收获的季节。 This is the harvest sea

19、son. 冬天,下雪了,厚厚的积雪给庄稼盖上了一层白被子,地面上积起的一堆雪,孩子们就开始了打雪仗,堆雪人,开心极了。 In winter, the snow, the thick snow to the crops covered with a layer of white quilt, a pile of snow on the ground from the plot, the children began to snowball fights, snowmen, very happy. 这就是冰天雪地的冬天。 This is a world of ice and snow of win

20、ter. 这就是我的家乡。 五年级英语作文 篇6 学校正举办主题为“My Pocket Money的英语征文活动,请你就以下三个方面谈谈自己的看法:中学生是否应当有零花钱?你平日是如何使用零花钱的? 怎样更好地管理你自己的零花钱? 提醒词语:pocket money, buy, make use of, manage money 提醒问题: Should students have pocket money? How do you usually spend your pocket money? How can you manage your pocket money better? 经典范文: I think students should have some pocket money because sometimes we need to buy some necessaries and develop the skill of managing money as well. I usually spend my pocket money on snacks. School things also cost money. Besides, I often buy my favorite things such as boo


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