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1、Unit 2Wildlife ProtectionReading for WritingUnit 2Wildlife Protection. 根据语境及汉语提示写出正确的单词1. watch over _(鹿)and _(袋鼠)2. _(减少) pollution3. catch _(昆虫) with a _(网)4. a good _(邻居)5. protect _(海豚)deerkangaroosreduceinsectsnetneighbourdolphin. 根据语境及汉语提示写出正确的单词deerkangaro6. stir up _(情绪)7. being hunted for i

2、ts _(皮肤)8. _(不同寻常的)experienceemotionsskinunusual6. stir up _(情绪)emotion. 根据语境及汉语提示写出正确的短语1. Many accidents were _(由于) carelessness. 2. He who would _(寻找) pearls must dive below. 3. Many people have to _(查找) the meaning of this word in the dictionary. due tosearch forlook up. 根据语境及汉语提示写出正确的短语due tose

3、arc4. The little boy _(砍倒) the young tree with an axe. 5. What I said _(激起) his curiosity. 6. We intend to _(执行) this plan soon. 7. Scientists say that many factors _(引起) the changes in the weather. cut downstirred upcarry outbring about4. The little boy _(砍倒)8. I dont want to _anything _(留下). 9. Yo

4、ud invite us to _(帮助)with your investigation. 10. Before dinner, Tom _(摆好) plates and bowls. leavebehindhelp output out8. I dont want to _anythi. 文本整体理解: 提取语篇关键要素. 文本整体理解: 提取语篇关键要素. 文本细节理解: 探寻语篇细节信息根据文章细节信息完成下列问题。1. Who started the rescue centre called the Small Friends Pet Shelter? A. A research ce

5、ntre. B. A university. C. Students and parents. D. Scientists. . 文本细节理解: 探寻语篇细节信息2. What did the young people do in the shelter? A. Buy and sell some animals. B. Study animals. C. Train pets. D. Take care of animals. 2. What did the young people d3. How do the young people think of their work? A. Bo

6、red. B. Worthwhile. C. Unnecessary. D. Creative. 3. How do the young people thi4. What help does the centre need? A. Volunteers time and love. B. Medicine. C. Veterinarian(兽医). D. Fund. 答案: 14. CDBA4. What help does the centre n. 文本素养提升: 阅读技能综合运用1. 根据课文语境与语句知识细致解构语句。. 文本素养提升: 阅读技能综合运用译文: 当一些高中生和他们的父

7、母看到在主人搬走后, _时, 他们建立了小朋友宠物收容所。很多宠物被遗留下来译文: 当一些高中生和他们的父母看到在主人搬走后, 很多宠物译文: 负责收容所的年轻人努力保持收容所的清洁、照顾这些动物、_。登广告以便让人收养这些宠物译文: 负责收容所的年轻人努力保持收容所的清洁、登广告以便让2. 结合课文主题回答下列问题。(1)Do you want to be a volunteer of this shelter? Why? _Yes, I want to be a volunteer of it. Because I want tohelp the pets.2. 结合课文主题回答下列问题。

8、Yes, I want to(2)What will you do to set up an animal rescue centre? _Firstly, I will raise some money. Secondly, I will buysome equipment and invite some people or volunteersto take care of animals. Thirdly, I will train themembers of the shelter. Finally, I will call on peopleto adopt pets.(2)What

9、 will you do to set up 关于保护野生动物的海报【文本研读】设计保护动物的海报关于保护野生动物的海报【写作指导】【文体剖析】英文海报通常含有通知性、宣传性, 所以主题要明确, 一目了然。它还包含广告的特点, 要求内容简明扼要, 形式丰富。【写作指导】基本框架: 1. 标题首先根据海报的特点、格式写明标题。海报中往往把内容作为大标题。例如: Save the earth, Save the birds。基本框架: 2. 正文部分不同的海报其正文部分的侧重点不同。对于介绍性的海报, 首先要引出话题, 其次列出原因, 最后是总结。对于宣传类的海报, 要写明具体内容, 如: 活动内

10、容, 地点以及参加活动的注意事项, 主持或举办单位等。3. 图片: 要选择引人注目的图片, 与主题要相关, 色彩明亮。2. 正文部分【话题词汇】1. lovely/cuteadj. 可爱的2. endangered species濒危物种3. evolution n. 进化 4. habitat n. 栖息地 5. decrease v. 减少6. extinct adj. 已灭绝的【话题词汇】7. fur n. 皮毛 8. feather n. 羽毛9. feed on以为食 10. a food chain食物链11. cruel adj. 残忍的 12. reserve n. 保护区 7

11、. fur n. 皮毛 13. hunt v. 打猎 hunter n. 猎人14. forbid vt. 禁止15. protect v. 保护 16. conservation n. 保护17. ecosystem n. 生态系统18. in harmony with和谐相处13. hunt v. 打猎 【话题句式】1. It is a treasure of our country. 它是我国的国宝。2. Believe it or not, at present only several thousand pandas exist in the world. 信不信由你, 目前世界上仅

12、现存几千只熊猫。【话题句式】3. Its because of human activities that tigers are endangered. 正是因为人类的活动, 老虎处于濒危的状态。4. Many wild animals are in danger of dying out. 很多野生动物面临着灭绝的危险。3. Its because of human activ5. The government has taken effective measures to protect them. 政府已采取有效的措施来保护它们。6. People should raise the aw

13、areness of the protection of wild animals. 人们应该提高保护野生动物的意识。5. The government has taken ef7. Its amazing that there are merely less than 1, 000 finless porpoises living in China. 非常令人吃惊, 目前中国仅有不足1 000只江豚。7. Its amazing that there are【典题演练】请设计一个海报, 号召人们加入到保护大熊猫的行动中来。 1. 大熊猫是中国乃至世界的稀有动物; 2. 由于栖息地遭到破坏,

14、竹子被砍伐, 大熊猫觅食越来越困难, 正濒临灭绝; 【典题演练】 3. 政府已建立数个自然保护区来保护大熊猫; 4. 拯救熊猫的项目需要更多的关注和资金。 3. 政府已建立数个自然保护区来保护大熊猫;【谋篇】【谋篇】【遣词】1. 罕见的_2. 以为食 _3. 栖息地 _4. 砍伐 _5. 建立_6. 执行_rarefeed onhabitatcut downset upcarry out【遣词】rarefeed onhabitatcut down【造句】1. 完成句子(1)大熊猫是中国的稀有动物, 也是世界的稀有动物之一。The giant panda is _ _ a rare animal

15、 in China _ _one of the rarest animals on the earth. notonlybutalso【造句】notonlybutalso(2)由于越来越多的栖息地正遭到破坏, 竹子被砍伐。As more and more _ _ _ _and most of the bamboo has _ _ _. (3)大熊猫觅食越来越困难, 正濒临灭绝。It is becoming more and more difficult for giant pandas _ _ _for themselves. So they are becoming _. habitatsa

16、rebeingdestroyedbeencutdowntofindfoodextinct(2)由于越来越多的栖息地正遭到破坏, 竹子被砍伐。habi(4)我国已建立数个自然保护区来保护大熊猫。To save giant pandas, our government has _ _some nature reserves. setup(4)我国已建立数个自然保护区来保护大熊猫。setup2. 句式升级将句(1)转换成倒装句: _Not only is the giant panda a rare animal in China butalso one of the rarest animals

17、on the earth.2. 句式升级Not only is the giant p【成篇】Save Cute PandasNot only is the giant panda a rare animal in China but also one of the rarest animals on the earth. As more and more habitats are being destroyed and most of the bamboo has been cut down, it is becoming more and more 【成篇】difficult for gi

18、ant pandas to find food for themselves. So they are becoming extinct. To save giant pandas, our government has set up some nature reserves. But more funds and attention are needed to carry out this important rescue project. difficult for giant pandas to 1. reduce vt. 减少; 缩减*(2018天津高考) 3D printing ca

19、n reduce fuel use and emissions. 3D打印能减少燃料的使用和排放。*The skirt was reduced to 10 in the sale. 在大减价期间, 这条裙子减价到10英镑。1. reduce vt. 减少; 缩减*He was reduced to begging for a living. 他不得不以乞讨为生。*He was reduced to begging for【语块积累】(1)reduce expenses/costs减少开支/降低成本be reduced to减少到be reduced by减少了be reduced to doi

20、ng/sth. 被迫做; 使沦为(2)reduction n. 减少; 减小【语块积累】【知识延伸】decrease v. 减少decline v. 下降increase v. 提高add v. 增加【知识延伸】【即学活用】语法填空(1)They were _(reduce) to extreme poverty. (2)There has been some _(reduce) in unemployment. (3)It took years of work _(reduce) industrial pollution and clean the water. reducedreducti

21、onto reduce【即学活用】reducedreductionto redu2. due to由于; 因为*I think I would be a good journalist due to my language skills. 由于我的语言技能, 我想我可以成为一名出色的记者。*Please make sure you return the book before its due. 请确保在到期前还书。2. due to由于; 因为*She is due to complete her study and graduate later this year. 她今年下半年就要完成学业

22、, 然后毕业。*She is due to complete her st【语块积累】due adj. 到期的; 预期的【语块积累】【名师点津】表示“由于, 因为”的短语due to由于thanks to 多亏; 由于owing to因为because of因为【名师点津】表示“由于, 因为”的短语【熟词生义】The money is due to you. ( )Our thanks are due to the whole team. ( )adj. 欠下的adj. 应归于【熟词生义】adj. 欠下的adj. 应归于【即学活用】根据语境写出黑体部分的词义(1) Most of the pr

23、oblems were due to human error. ( )(2) The little boy is due to start school in September. ( )(3)The rent is due on the first day of each month. ( )由于预定到期【即学活用】根据语境写出黑体部分的词义由于预定到期3. search for搜索; 查找*You can search for the information you need on the Internet. 你可以在网上搜索你需要的信息。*The police searched the

24、house for the stolen jewelry. 警察搜查了那栋房子以寻找被偷的珠宝。3. search for搜索; 查找*Police set off in search of the lost child. 警察出发寻找那个走丢的孩子。*Police set off in search of t【语块积累】search sb. 搜身search for寻找search (sth. ) for搜查(某物)以寻找in search of=in ones search for寻找【语块积累】【即学活用】语法填空(1)He searched the boy _the lost pen.

25、 (2)A team of hunters were sent _search for the strange creature. (3)Scientists are still searching _a clue to the cold. forinfor【即学活用】语法填空forinfor4. unusual adj. 特别的; 不寻常的*She has a very unusual name. 她的名字很特别。Tu Youyou is an unusual woman scientist, who makes great contributions to medicine. 屠呦呦是一位

26、不寻常的女科学家, 她对医学做出了巨大的贡献。 4. unusual adj. 特别的; 不寻常的*As usual, he is trying to stir up trouble. 像往常一样, 他正试图找麻烦。*As usual, he is trying to st【语块积累】(1)usual adj. 平常的as usual像往常一样than usual比以往(2)usually adv. 通常 【语块积累】【即学活用】语法填空(1)Despite her problems, she carried on working _ usual. (2)_ (usual) at this t

27、ime our thoughts are on Christmas. (3)He was an _(usual) man with great business talents. Usuallyasunusual【即学活用】语法填空Usuallyasunusual5. It is hard work, but the young people working at the shelter think it is worth it. 它是非常艰苦的工作, 但是在收容所工作的这些年轻人认为这样的工作很有意义。5. It is hard work, but the y【句式解构】working at

28、 the shelter是现在分词短语作定语修饰名词people。people和work之间是主动关系。*Who is the woman talking to our English teacher? 正在和我们英语老师谈话的那位妇女是谁? 【句式解构】*There were about ten volunteers working in the nature reserve. 有大约十个志愿者在这个自然保护区里工作。*There were about ten voluntee【名师点津】(1)现在分词作定语表示动作正在发生或与谓语动作同时(或基本同时)发生, 表示主动意义; (2)及物动词

29、的过去分词作定语表完成或被动的动作; 不及物动词的过去分词作定语只表完成不表被动的动作。【名师点津】【即学活用】语法填空(1) The man _(stand) by the window is our teacher. 世纪金榜导学号(2)They lived in the house _(face) the south. (3)The meeting _(hold) yesterday is important. standingfacingheld【即学活用】语法填空standingfacingheld新教材人教20版必修二Unit-2-Reading-for-Writing(英语)优质

30、课件新教材人教20版必修二Unit-2-Reading-for-Writing(英语)优质课件【导语】夏洛特的网的作者是美国作家埃尔文布鲁克斯怀特。小说主人公夏洛特是一个为了拯救自己的朋友而付出一切的蜘蛛, 因为承诺了小猪威伯要让他看到冬天的雪而不会被变成熏肉或香肠, 夏洛特在自己的蜘蛛网里织出了字让人们来参观, 还想办法让小猪在大赛上得奖, 小猪威伯避免了被变成熏【导语】夏洛特的网的作者是美国作家埃尔肉和火腿的厄运。小说告诉我们: 一个小小的举动, 也会有改变一切的可能。肉和火腿的厄运。小说告诉我们: 一个小小的举动, 也会有改变Before Breakfast“Wheres Papa go

31、ing with the ax? ” said Fern to her mother as they were setting the table for breakfast. “Out to the hoghouse, ” replied Mrs Arable. “Some pigs were born last night. ”“I dont see why he needs an ax, ” continued Fern, who was only eight. Before Breakfast “Well, ” said her mother, “one of the pigs is

32、a runt. Its very small and weak, and it will never amount to anything. So your father has decided to do away with it. ” “Do away with it? ” shrieked Fern. “You mean kill it? Just because its smaller than the others? ” “Well, ” said her mother, Mrs Arable put a pitcher of cream on the table. “Dont ye

33、ll, Fern! ” she said. “Your father is right. The pig would probably die anyway. ”Fern pushed a chair out of the way and ran outdoors. The grass was wet and the earth smelled of spring time. Ferns sneakers were sopping by the time she caught up with her father. Mrs Arable put a pitcher of“Please dont

34、 kill it! ” she sobbed. “Its unfair. ”Mr Arable stopped walking. “Fern, ” he said gently, “you will have to learn to control yourself. ” “Please dont kill it! ” she “Control myself? ” yelled Fern. “This is a matter of life and death, and you talk about controlling myself. ” Tears ran down her cheeks

35、 and she took hold of the ax and tried to pull it out of her fathers hand. “Control myself? ” yelled F “Fern, ” said Mr Arable, “I know more about raising a litter of pigs than you do. A weakling makestrouble. Now run along! ” “But its unfair, ” cried Fern. “The pig couldnt help being born small, co

36、uld it? If I had been very small at birth, would you have killed me? ” “Fern, ” said Mr Arable, “ Mr Arable smiled. “Certainly not, ” he said, looking down at his daughter with love. “But this is different. A little girl is one thing, a little runty pig is another. ”“I see no difference, ” replied F

37、ern, still hanging on to the ax. “This is the most terrible case of injustice I ever heard of. ” Mr Arable smiled. “Certainl A queer look came over John Arables face. He seemed almost ready to cry himself. “All right, ” he said. ” You go back to the house and I will bring the runt when I come in. Ill let you start it on a bottle, like a baby. Then youll see what trouble a pig can be. ” A queer look came over JohnWhen Mr Arable returned to the house half an hour later, he carried a carton under his arm. Fern was upstairs changing her sneakers.


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