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1、工业机器人专业英语English of Industrial RobotChapter Two Types of Robot工业机器人专业英语English of IndustriaAfter reading this chapter, you will be able to:have an understanding of the flexibility of the robots.know the types of robot.understand the differences between the robots.be capable of choosing suitable robo

2、ts.answer the review questions at the end of the chapter.ObjectivesAfter reading this chapter, yoQ: How many types?Q: How many types?As robot is made of a number of subsystems, it is flexible to be applied in various circumstance with specific design and assembly. For instance, the robot can be used

3、 to move and stack the products in the warehouse, or it can assist the surgeon to perform an operation in the hospital. It is the actual requirements that determine the design and type of robots. Normally, the robots are classified as industrial robot, laboratory robot, medical robot, explorer robot

4、 and hobbyist robot, etc.TextAs robot is made of a number oTextIndustrial RobotThe robots used in the industry are normally named industrial robots, which owns arms with gripper or other tools. The arms are responsible to move to the targeted position under the motion programming, and the gripper wo

5、rks to pick and place the product. All the industrial robots can be programed and computerized. The types of industrial robots are also various, like the welding robot, assembly robot, painting robots and so on.TextIndustrial RobotLaboratory RobotDifferent with the industrial robots, the shapes of l

6、aboratory robots are not fixed. Normally, the laboratory robots have microcomputer, multi-jointed arms, vision function depending on the specific requirement. The laboratory robots can be stationary and mobile, but it only serves for the single purpose. It can save much labor work for the repeatable

7、 lab programs. TextLaboratory RobotTextMedical RobotMedical Robot is the robot that is normally found in the hospital and medical research institute to serve the medical performance and nursing service. Medical robot is of great precision and work without fatigue. It can significantly improve the sp

8、eed and quality in the surgical procedures. The first known medical robot is named PUMA 560 in 1985. Furthermore, the medical robot can support the nursing and guardian services for the patients and old people, which saves labor and provides fast response to the health care work.TextMedical RobotTex

9、tExplorer RobotFor the situations that are inaccessible or dangerous, such as war area, wild field, outer space, deep ocean, explorer robots are used to explore, rescue, and gather data. Explorer robots have higher requirements than other types of robot, as its working environment is tough and harsh

10、. In addition, it demands much of extreme terrain mobility, multi-sensory system, strong commination capabilities and control system to promise the proper use. That is also the reason that the explorer robots ares more expensive than other types. TextExplorer RobotTextsubsystem /sbsstm/ n. 子系统;次要系统f

11、lexible /fleksb()l/ adj. 灵活的;柔韧的;易弯曲的circumstance /s:kmstns/ n. 环境;状况;境遇;命运 vt. 处于某种情况design /dzan/ v. 设计,构思;计划; n. 设计;构思;设计图样assembly /sembl/ n. 装配;集会,集合 n. 汇编,编译stack /stk/ n. (整齐的)一堆;垛,堆 v.(使)成叠地放在warehouse /wehas/ n. 仓库;货栈;大商店vt. 储入仓库surgeon /sd()n/ n. 外科医生determine /dtmn/ v. (使)下决心 vt. 决定,确定;cl

12、assify /klsfa/ vt. 分类;分等Vocabularysubsystem /sbsstm/ n. 子系统explorer /eksplr(r)/ n. 探险家;勘探者;探测器;医探针gripper /rip/ n. 夹子,钳子;抓器,抓爪target /tgt/ n. 目标,指标;(攻击的)对象;靶子v. 把.作为目标;面向weld /weld/ n. 焊接;焊接点 vt. 焊接;使结合;使成整体 vi. 焊牢microcomputer /makr()km,pjut/ n. 微电脑;计 微型计算机stationary /ste()n()r/ n. 不动的人; adj. 固定的;静

13、止的;定居的mobile /mbal/ n. 移动电话adj. 可移动的;机动的;易变的;非固定的repeatable /ripi:tbl/ adj. 可重复的;可复验的institute /nsttjut/ v. 实行,建立; n. (科学教育的)机构,研究所,学会serve /sv/ n. 发球 vi. 服役,招待,侍候vt. 招待,供应;为服务Vocabularyexplorer /eksplr(r)/ n. 探nursing /ns/ n. 护理;看护;养育v. 看护;养育(nurse的ing形式)precision /prs()n/ n. 精度,数 精密度;精确adj. 精密的,精确

14、的fatigue /ftig/ n. 疲劳,疲乏;杂役 adj. 疲劳的 vt. 使疲劳 vi. 疲劳speed /spid/ v. 快速运动;加速;(使)繁荣;n. 速度;进度;迅速quality /kwlt/ n. 质量,统计 品质;特性;才能adj. 优质的;高品质的surgical /sdk()l/ n. 外科手术;外科病房adj. 外科的;手术上的procedure /prsid/ n. 程序,手续;步骤guardian /gdn/ n. 法 监护人,保护人;守护者adj. 守护的patient /pe()nt/ n. 病人,患者;受动者,承受者adj. 有耐心的,能容忍的respo

15、nse /rspns/ n. 响应;反应;回答Vocabularynursing /ns/ n. 护理;看护;养育inaccessible /nksesb()l/ adj. 难达到的;难接近的;难见到的rescue /reskju/ n. 营救,解救,援救;v. 营救,援救;gather /g/ n. 聚集; vt. 收集;使聚集; vi. 聚集;皱起tough /tf/ adj. 艰苦的,困难的;vt. 坚持;忍受,忍耐 adv. 强硬地,顽强地harsh /h/ adj. 严厉的;严酷的;刺耳的;粗糙的;刺目的;丑陋的extreme /kstrim; ek-/ n. 极端;最大程度;adj

16、. 极端的;极度的;偏激的terrain /tren/ n. 地理 地形,地势;领域;地带commination /,kmne()n/ n. 威吓;诅咒capability /kepblti/ n. 才能,能力;性能,容量Vocabularyinaccessible /nksesb()l/QuestionsQuestionsQuestion 1: How many types of robots are mentioned in this chapter, and what are they?Question 2: What is an industrial robot?Question 3:

17、 What are the main characteristics of laboratory robot?AnswerQuestionsQuestionsQuestion 1: QuestionsQuestionsQuestion 4: Can the medical robot take place of human now? Why?Question 5: How to choose a suitable explorer robot?期望AnswerQuestionsQuestionsQuestion 4: Translation机器人类型 众所周知,机器人是由多个子系统组成的,因此

18、它可以灵活地应用于各种环境,具有特定的设计和装配。举个例子,机器人可以用来移动和堆放在仓库的产品或者帮助外科医生在医院进行手术。机器人的设计和类型是由实际需求决定的。机器人一般分为工业机器人、实验室机器人、医疗机器人、以及探险机器人等。工业机器人 工业上使用的机器人通常被称为工业机器人,它们的手臂上有夹具或其它工具。机械手臂负责在运动规划下移动到目标位置,夹具负责将产品捡起并放置到新的位置。所有的工业机器人都可以通过编程和电脑化控制。工业机器人的种类也多种多样,如焊接机器人、装配机器人、喷漆机器人等。实验室机器人 与工业机器人不同,实验室机器人的形状是不固定的。实验室机器人一般具备微型处理器、多关节手臂、视功能等特殊设备。实验室里的机器人可以是静止的,也可以是移动的,但它的用途只有一个,就是为可重复的实验室程序节省大量的劳动。Translation机器人类型Translation机器人类型医疗机器人 医疗机器人是在医院和医学研究机构中常见的服务于医疗性能和护理服务的机器人。医用机器人工作精度高,且其工作无疲劳感。医疗


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