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1、 M2U3 Amazing peopleDifferent jobs Word power M2U3 Amazing peopleDifferen1. To master the basic formation rules of the words about jobs.2. To enlarge your vocabulary by applying the rules practically.3. To describe your ideal jobs.Teaching aims1. To master the basic formatiLets enjoy a song and circ

2、le the words about jobs.doctor actor lawyer professor singer president officer dreamer policeman musician firefighter postmanMagic earsLets enjoy a song and circle musician/pianistWhat do they do?BrainstormQuick mindsingermusician/pianistWhat do they dchairmanpresidentchairmanpresidentteacherstudent

3、teacherstudentstudentpianistpresidentmusicianteacherCan you find the rules of these words?studentpianistpresidentmusiciaSuffix: a letter or a group of letters added at the end of a word to make a new word a word + =a new wordWord formationer, ent, ist, ianSuffixSuffix: a letter or a group ofteachact

4、assiststudytypeteacheractorassistantstudenttypistartmusicfarmartistmusicianfarmerspecialelectricspecialistelectricianVerb NounNoun NounAdjective Nounsuffix-er, -ant, -or , -ist, -ent-ist, -ian, -er-ist, -ianteachactassiststudytypeteacherprincessprincehosthostessactoractress?FemaleSome words with a s

5、uffix, usually_ , refer to a woman. -essprincessprincehosthostessactorworkmanworkwomanpolicewomansalesman?Join two words togetherworkmanworkwomanpolicewomansalverbs +nouns +adjectives +We add_ to refer to a woman. -er, -or, -ant,-ent -ist -ist, -ian, -er-ist, ian-essConclusionAdding suffixes Joining

6、 two words together Ways to form new words about jobsverbs +-er, -or, -ant,-ent -isWelcome!Wanna join us? Here we go! Hogwarts School霍格沃茨魔法学院Welcome!Hogwarts School霍格沃茨魔法学Youre supposed to challenge a lot of adventures to get there, so are you ready? Youre supposed to challenge a123456Task 1Choose f

7、or fun!123456Task 1Please choose a number and finish the task.Word puzzlesPlease choose a number and fin1234567812345678A person who takes photographs professionally. Occupation(职业):_Your deskmate please finish the task. (1)photographerftgrfA person who takes photographsmusician A person who perform

8、s or writes music, especially as a job.The 4th student in your line please finish the task. (1)Occupation(职业):_musician A person who performs accountant kantnt A person whose job is to keep and check financial accounts.The 5th student in your line please finish the task. (1)Occupation(职业):_ accounta

9、nt kantntA persmanager A person who manages or controls a business.The 1st student in your line please finish the task. (1)Occupation(职业):_manager A person who manages oI works in a library.librarianThe 2nd student in your line please finish the task. (1)labrerrnOccupation(职业):_I works in a library.

10、librarianelectricianlektrnA person whose job is to connect and repair electrical equipment.The 3rd student in your line please finish the task. (1)Occupation(职业):_electricianlektrnA persNo task, but 1 mark for your group.No task, but 1 mark for your g123456Task 2Get together!123456Task 2Rules:1. Com

11、bine words with suffixes to make new words about jobs.2. Full mark -3 points3. Two students will be picked to write down the words within a time limit of 60 seconds. Get togetherRules:1. Combine words with suSuffixes: -er, -or, -ant, -ent, -ist, -ian, -ess; man, woman teach, office, photograph, act,

12、 invent, visit, assist, account, study, preside, art, special, music, electric, host, sales, chair3Suffixes: -er, -or, -ant, -ent0900018765432150004987654321039876543210987654321021987654321098765432100HoursMinutesSeconds1分钟倒计时Suffix: -er, -or, -ant, -ent, -ist, -ian, -ess; man, woman teach, office,

13、 photograph, act, invent, visit, assist, account, study, preside, art, special, music, electric, host, sales, chair090001876543215000498765432103 Times up! Times up!Suffix: -er, -or, -ant, -ent, -ist, -ian, -ess; man, woman teacher actor assistant artist actressofficer inventor accountant specialist

14、 hostessdancer visitor student musician salesmanphotographer director president electrician saleswoman3Suffix: -er, -or, -ant, -ent, 123456Task 3Word-guessing123456Task 3Rule: 1. One student express the given words in English or with body language, and others guess the different jobs.2. The actor: 2

15、 points Others (who get the right answer): 1 point Lets act!Word-guessingRule: Lets act!Word-guessingPlease work out Lin Qiangs dreams when he was young. (2) When Lin Qiang was at primary school, he dreamed of being a (1)_ one day because he thought teaching was very meaningful. Later he wanted to b

16、e an (2)_ starring in Hollywood films. When he heard that his cousin repaired electrical equipment for people, he then wanted to be an (3)_. However, his mother didnt think that was a good idea. She wanted him to study art and become an (4)_. When Lin Qiang received a camera for his sixteen birthday

17、 and started taking photos, he thought being a (5)_would be very interesting. That idea did not last long. Lin Qiang studied music at university, and he become a (6)_ . teacheractorelectricianartistphotographermusicianPlease work out Lin Qiangs dr123456Task 4Discussion&interview123456Task 41. What k

18、ind of job would you like to have?2. Why do you like it?3. How can you make your dream come true?Discussion G1-4Interview G5-8 One of you is a reporter from CCTV or BBC, and the other is a president like Donald Trump or an actor like 贾乃亮 or anybodyinterview them as follows: 1. What kind of job would

19、 you Show your ideal job to the class! (1-3)I dream of becoming a . Many reasons account for it: for one thing,for another In an effort to be a , I will equip myself with and sign up for training courses DiscussionwhathowwhyShow your ideal job to the cla(1-3)Reporter/Journalist: Good afternoon. I ha

20、ve some questions about you. I really want to know how you feel about being a famous actor/actress.Actor/Actress: Its widely known that being an actor means However, every coin has two sides, Reporter: Wow, thats really amazing. So as a/an, how do you adjust yourself when facing pressure outside? Ac

21、tor/Actress : Well, I do believe that attitude is altitude. Firstly, there would be no better choice than Secondly, it is strongly recommended that Interview G5-8Example: (1-3)Reporter/Journalist: Goo12345Destination12345DestinationAdmission noticeCongratulations!Admission noticeIf you dream something, just do it.梦之,当立行。Be what you want to be, I know you could


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