1、 Unit 1 Making friends Oxford EnglishModule 1 My lifeSpeaking Unit 1 Oxford Engl常发这个元音的有:字母e、字母组合ee、ea、ie、ei. /i:/发音方法 1、将舌前部向硬腭尽量抬起 2、舌的两侧抵住上牙的两侧 3、舌头肌肉保持紧张 4、嘴唇向两边伸开,成扁平形,与微笑时的口型相似。常发这个元音的有:字母e、字母组合ee、ea、ie、ei. teathesemeatmeetmainlikethisfriendcompletehearscenesheepeatneedfitTVshipityearpainfeelf
2、illnightheadflyseatreadpleaserightfinesitdeadstreetbreaksmilecheapseamefightsinfeetbearbeerninesignbeanteachtreeeastmealFind the words with /i:/ sound.teathesemeatmeetmainlikethisfrLook and readSeeing is believing.Peter keeps these sheep. meshewebeedeepthreemeatseaseat keyteacherthiefLook and readSe
3、eing is believi常发这个短元音的有:字母i、e、u;字母组合ui. /i/发音方法 1、舌前部向硬腭尽量抬起,抬起高度比i低 2、舌的两侧抵住上牙的两侧 3、舌头肌肉松弛 4、嘴唇向两旁伸开牛津深圳版七上unit1 Making friends Speaking 1牛津深圳版七上unit1 Making friends Speaking 1常发这个短元音的有: /i/发音方法牛津深圳版七上unit1Look and readLook and readitEnglishlivethinwishofficebigpigillShanghai is a big and mysterio
4、us place.The girl with a rabbit is my sister.牛津深圳版七上unit1 Making friends Speaking 1牛津深圳版七上unit1 Making friends Speaking 1Look and readLook and readitEn摘苹果 shipfeetthreelive teacherwishsheep sitEnglishshethin/i:/i/Practice牛津深圳版七上unit1 Making friends Speaking 1牛津深圳版七上unit1 Making friends Speaking 1摘苹果
5、 shipfeetthreelive teac常发这个短元音的有:字母a和字母组合ai、ay、ei、ie、ue等 发音方法 1、嘴唇向两侧微微分开,上下齿之间大约 可容纳一个小指头尖的距离 2、舌尖轻 抵下齿背 3、舌前部微微弓起牛津深圳版七上unit1 Making friends Speaking 1牛津深圳版七上unit1 Making friends Speaking 1常发这个短元音的有: 发音方法牛津深圳版七上unit1 MaLook and readLook and readbedbreadeggfriendmanyheadbreakfastsweaterweatherTed i
6、s my best penfriend.He will never forget the red letter day.牛津深圳版七上unit1 Making friends Speaking 1牛津深圳版七上unit1 Making friends Speaking 1Look and readLook and readbedb常发这个元音的除了字母a之外,字母组合au或ua有时也可能发这个音。 发音方法 1、和e的音非常相似,舌尖抵下齿背 2、舌前部稍稍向硬颚抬起 3、嘴唇尽量向两侧分开,嘴巴张开较大,上下齿之间可容纳食指和中指两个手指的宽度牛津深圳版七上unit1 Making frie
7、nds Speaking 1牛津深圳版七上unit1 Making friends Speaking 1常发这个元音的除了字母a之外,字母组合au或uaLook and readapplecanflatmanwomanMathsfamilyhappyrabbitAlice has a bad apple.Sally is reading a magazine on a mat.牛津深圳版七上unit1 Making friends Speaking 1牛津深圳版七上unit1 Making friends Speaking 1Look and readapplecanflatmanwo摘苹果m
8、anyfamilyflatbedhappyfriendappleeggheadbackbread/e/Practice牛津深圳版七上unit1 Making friends Speaking 1牛津深圳版七上unit1 Making friends Speaking 1摘苹果manyfamilyflatbedhappyfrien 发音方法: 1、 /p/是个爆破音,发/p/音时,首先紧闭双唇,阻止气流流出 2、突然分开双唇,气流冲出口腔,同时发出爆破的声音 3、发音时,声带不震动。.英语中只有字母p会发出这一声音。牛津深圳版七上unit1 Making friends Speaking 1牛津
9、深圳版七上unit1 Making friends Speaking 1 发音方法:.英语中只有字母p牛津深圳版七上unit1 pandapeoplepenshiphelppigapplemapopenLook and readPandas need peoples help.Peter is painting a map with a pen in the ship牛津深圳版七上unit1 Making friends Speaking 1牛津深圳版七上unit1 Making friends Speaking 1pandapeoplepenshiphelppigapple发音方法: 1、先
10、将双唇紧闭,憋住气 2、然后突然分开双唇,气流冲出口腔同时发出爆破的音 3、/b/同时也是个浊辅音,发音时,送气力量较弱,声带震动。英语中只有字母b会发出这一声音。牛津深圳版七上unit1 Making friends Speaking 1牛津深圳版七上unit1 Making friends Speaking 1发音方法:英语中只有字母b会牛津深圳版七上unit1 MbabybigbushobbyrabbitboxbeebebuyLook and readThe brown and black butterfly is beautiful.牛津深圳版七上unit1 Making friend
11、s Speaking 1牛津深圳版七上unit1 Making friends Speaking 1babybigbushobbyrabbitboxbeebeb摘苹果beginhelpshipbuspencil hobbypeoplebeforebabypolicebuy/p/b/Practice牛津深圳版七上unit1 Making friends Speaking 1牛津深圳版七上unit1 Making friends Speaking 1摘苹果beginhelpshipbuspencil hobbA big black bear bit the back of black pig,Th
12、en a big black bug bit the back of the big black bear,And when the big black bug bit the big black bear,The big black pig bit back the big black bear.Tongue twisterLook and read牛津深圳版七上unit1 Making friends Speaking 1牛津深圳版七上unit1 Making friends Speaking 1A big black bear bit the back Listen and repeat
13、.Talk time牛津深圳版七上unit1 Making friends Speaking 1牛津深圳版七上unit1 Making friends Speaking 1 Listen and repeat.Talk time牛津 /li:v/ /lv/3. /mn/ /men/5. /pg/ /bg/2. /i:t/ /t/4. /bd/ /bed/6. /pen/ /ben/ A1 Listen carefully and circle the word you hear from each pair.Practice牛津深圳版七上unit1 Making friends Speakin
14、g 1牛津深圳版七上unit1 Making friends Speaking 1 /li:v/ /lv/3. /mn/ A2 Read these sentences. Pay attention to the letters in bold. Practice Three bees see three beans. Little fish swim in the river.3. Cat, cat, catch that fat rat!4. Ben let Ken eat eggs in his bed.5. Peter is painting a picture in the park
15、.6. A baby took a bath in a big bowl.牛津深圳版七上unit1 Making friends Speaking 1牛津深圳版七上unit1 Making friends Speaking 1 A2 Read these sentenceTell your classmates about yourself. About yourselfWhat is your name?What are your hobbies?About your family and homeWhere do you live?What does your father/mother
16、do?Speak up牛津深圳版七上unit1 Making friends Speaking 1牛津深圳版七上unit1 Making friends Speaking 1Tell your classmates about youIn pairs, exchange your personal information. Follow the example below.Hi, Im Tom. Whats your name?My name is Jane. Im 12 years old. How about you?Im 13 years old.What does your mother do?Pairwork牛津深圳版七上unit1 Making friends Speaking 1牛津深圳版七上unit1 Making friends Speaking 1In pairs, exchange your person1
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