



1、微信扫描以下二维码,关注公众微信号:jiaoshi2016,就可实时获取教师面试资料和在职教师所需教学资源。如果感觉资料对您有些帮助,请把我们的公众微信号(jiaoshi2016)或者二维码,推荐给你的同学、朋友,我们会不断更新发布教师面试和在职教师所需教学资源,请持续关注!小学英语优秀说课稿集锦Happy Birthday to You!Step1: 1) Greeting: Hello! Everybody. Nice to meet you. 2) Divide the groups: team pink, team red, team blue. 3) Warming-up: Sing

2、 “Ten Little Candles dance” 【点评:通过TPR 歌曲热身,充分激发了孩子学习的积极性,使学生很快进入到 HYPERLINK / 英语语言学习的情境中,使更多的学生主动,积极的参与课堂活动。】 Step 2、Presentation: 1) Conversation: T:Today is S1s birthday.(Showing a birthday hat) This is for you. S1: Thanks. T: Youre welcome. (Give S1 put on the birthday hat.) T:(To point the title

3、.)5.Happy Birthday to You! T&Ss: Happy birthday to you.(handclap.) T&Ss: Sing“A Birthday Song.” T: You sing very well. I bring you a present. Whats this? S2: Its a birthday cake. T: This is for you. S1: Thanks. T: Youre welcome. Look here. (Open the cake.) T: How old are you? S1: Im eleven. T: Oh, l

4、ets count the candles. OK? T:(Interpolation and count the candles) Ss:(Look at the candles and count) One candle, two candles, eleven candles. T: (Light the candles)Lets count the candles. OK? Ss:(Look at the candles and count) One candle, two candles, eleven candles. T: Look at me. (do action)blow

5、out.(Point the candles)all the candles. Ss: Say the phrases after teacher. Then let Ss say“Blow out all the candles.”in groups. T asks S1: Blow outall the candles. OK? S1: OK. (do action) T: Are you happy? S1: Yes, Im happy. T: OK. Go back to your seat. 【点评:根据学生的语言学习规律,能够创设接近真实的情景,营造轻松的学习氛围,激发学生的情感,

6、从而提高教学效率。】 2)To learn the phrases:“blow out”. T:( Showing the card“blow out”.)Follow me. (2) bl , , ,ow , , , , ou , Happy Birthday to You!教学实录及评析这篇文章来自 HYPERLINK /article/Index.html 英语作文网 收集整理,感谢原作者,仅供参考学习。, . T: I say “bl”You say“ ”. I say “ ” You say“bl”. T: “bl”Ss:“ ” T“ ”Ss:“bl” T: This time I

7、say “ow”You say“ ” I say “ ” You say“ow”. T: “ ”Ss:“ow” T: “ow”Ss:“ ” T: blow out (say and do). Then point Ss to say and do. T: Who can remember? “ ” S3: “bl” T: Write“bl”on the blackboard. “ ” S3: “ow” T: Write“ow”on the blackboard. S4: out T: write“out” on the blackboard. 【点评:夯实双基,渗透音标。根据学生的认知规律和心

8、理特点,渗透音标教学单词,通过分音节拼读单词及发音,使学生学得好,记得牢。】 3) To learn the phrases:“all thecandles” T: Blow out all the candles.(Showing the card“candles”) can Happy Birthday to You!教学实录及评析这篇文章来自英语作文网 收集整理,感谢原作者,仅供参考学习。 Happy Birthday to You!教学实录及评析这篇文章来自英语作文网 收集整理,感谢原作者,仅供参考学习。 Happy Birthday to You!教学实录及评析这篇文章来自英语作文网 收集整理,感谢原作者,


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