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1、Unit | TwoSaying Thanks or SorryUnit | TwoSaying Thanks or SorSection Talking Face to FaceImitating Mini-TalksSpeak and ReciteSpeak and PerformStudy and ImitateImitate and PerformActing out the TasksStudying Gift and Congratulation CardsFollowing Sample DialoguesPutting Language to UseSpeak and Comp

2、leteSpeak and CommunicateSection Talking Face to FaceSECTION I Talking Face to FaceImitating Mini-TalksSpeak and Recite1 Work in pairs. Practice the following mini-talks about expressing thanks and other feelings.1) Giving Thanks to People A: Thank you for the happy time. B: Its nice to have you wit

3、h us. A: I shall never forget this weekend. B: Me, too. It was / has been so pleasant.2) Congratulating People on Winning a Prize A: Congratulations on winning the first prize! B: Thank you very much. A: We all feel very proud of you. B: Thanks. Lets go and have a drink.Window on Key Words周末祝贺赢得;奖自豪

4、的SECTION I Talking Face to FacWindow on Key Words3) Expressing Thanks for Others Help A: Professor Smith, thank you very much for your advice on my paper! B: Its my pleasure to be of some help. A: I could never be so successful without your help. B: I always know that you can do well.4) Making Apolo

5、gies to Others A: Im so sorry for being late again. B: Never mind, but its a lesson for you to learn. A: Please forgive me one more time. B: Oh, just see it doesnt happen again, will you?5) Expressing Regret A: Im sorry I didnt send the e-mail yesterday. B: Forget it. Thats OK. A: I wish I could mak

6、e up for it. B: I dont think its your fault.建议成功的道歉原谅遗憾,后悔电子邮件错误BackWindow on Key Words3) ExpressiSpeak and PerformActing out the Tasks2 Work in pairs and act out the tasks by following the above mini-talks.1 Task:Give thanks to your hostess (女主人) for a happy New Years Party.2 Task:Congratulate your

7、 friend on being admitted to a nursing school.3 Task:Express thanks to your teacher who has been helping you.4 Task:Apologize for not being able to offer help to a friend of yours.5 Task:Express regret for making a careless mistake.BackSpeak and PerformActing out thStudying Gift and Congratulation C

8、ardsStudy and Imitate3 Gift cards / notes and congratulation cards / letters are very useful for expressing thanks and good wishes on some social occasions. It is also important for us to learn how to reply to them properly. Read the following cards carefully and try to use the information to practi

9、ce short dialogues.Studying Gift and CongratulatiBackBackFollowing Sample DialoguesImitate and Perform1) Thank You for the Beautiful Flowers Joyce: Hello, Mary! Mary: Hi, Joyce. How are you feeling now? Joyce: Oh, much better. Thank you. And thank you very much for the roses. They are so lovely! Mar

10、y: Im glad you like them. They are from my own garden. Joyce: Yes, I know. Some of the flowers opened this morning. So beautiful and sweet! Mary: I know you love flowers, and I hope youll enjoy keeping them. Joyce: I sure will. You are always so thoughtful, Mary. Mary: Im glad you like the flowers.4

11、 Read the following sample dialogues and try to perform your own tasks.Following Sample DialoguesImit2) Congratulations on the Promotion John: Congratulations, Mr. Alright! Ive got the good news that you were named Outstanding Manager. Bill: Thank you, Mr. Black. John: I really feel happy for you. I

12、 know you deserve the honor. Bill: Its very kind of you to say so. John: I have visited one of your branches and I was very much impressed. Bill: I owe much to your kind help and support to our company, Mr. Black. John: Im sure you and your company will be more successful in the coming year. Bill: T

13、hanks for your kind words. Im looking forward to our continued cooperation in the future.Back2) Congratulations on the PromPutting Language to UseSpeak and Complete5 Imagine you are writing your term paper. Youve just received a very useful reference book as a gift from Professor Smith. You meet him

14、 and express your thanks. Read aloud the following dialogue with your partner by putting in the missing words. You: Good morning, Prof. Smith. 1 _ for the book you sent me. It is 2 _ to my term paper.Smith: 3 _ it is helpful to you. You: Yes, its indeed a very good reference book. I dont know how I

15、shall express 4 _.Smith: Its 5 _. You: And Im 6 _ for all the help and encouragement youve given me.Smith: Im happy to be 7 _. Please dont hesitate to let me know whenever you need me. You: I will, Professor Smith. You are so 8 _.Unit | TwokindThank youvery helpfulIm glad / happymy gratitude / thank

16、s to younothing / my pleasurevery gratefulof any helpBackPutting Language to UseSpeak aSpeak and Communicate6 Imagine you are Sue, and your partner is Ken. Your English teacher, Linda has been in hospital. Now she is fully recovered and will leave the hospital today. You want to meet her there. You

17、ask your friend Ken to give you a lift. Fill in the blanks according to the clues in the brackets. Then act it out with your partner.Sue: 1 (打招呼) _! Could you give me a lift?Ken: Hi, Sue. 2 (表示歉意) _, but I dont have a car right now.Sue: Oh, 3 (表示遗憾) _! I want to go to the Central Hospital.Ken: Why?

18、Are you sick?Sue: No, Im all right. My English teacher Linda is there. She has just recovered and is to leave the hospital today.Ken: 4 (表示理解) _! Why not take a bunch of flowers with you?Sue: 5 (感谢他想得周到) _. I have already prepared some flowers fresh from my mothers garden.Thats very thoughtful / con

19、siderate of youHello, KenIm terribly sorrythats too badI seeSpeak and Communicate6 ImagineSpeak and Communicate6 Imagine you are Sue, and your partner is Ken. Your English teacher, Linda has been in hospital. Now she is fully recovered and will leave the hospital today. You want to meet her there. Y

20、ou ask your friend Ken to give you a lift. Fill in the blanks according to the clues in the brackets. Then act it out with your partner.Ken: Well, well. 6 (感叹这样做很好) _!Sue: But, 7 (表示遗憾) _! I cant see Linda right now: no car and no driver.Ken: Wrong. You have a good driver here. I could borrow my dad

21、s car and take you there.Sue: 8 (表示惊喜) _? Thats great! Its 9 (感谢他的好心) _, Ken.Ken: Dont mention it. 10 (表示心甘情愿) _.Its my pleasureThats wonderfulwhat a pityReallyvery kind of youBackSpeak and Communicate6 ImagineSECTION II Being All EarsLearning Sentences for Workplace CommunicationListen and RepeatLi

22、sten and MatchListen and RespondHandling a DialogueListen and DecodeUnderstanding a Short Speech / TalkListen and CompleteListen and MatchSECTION II Being All EarsLearSECTION II Being All EarsLearning Sentences for Workplace CommunicationListen and Repeat1 Listen to 10 sentences for workplace commun

23、ication cross-referenced with their Chinese translations.Im very grateful to them for their 1) 我非常感谢他们对我的悉心相助。 kind help.Unit | Two2) We are much obliged to you 2) 我们十分感谢你们的热情好客。 for your hospitality.3) Thank you ever so much. I do 3) 太谢谢了。我真是非常珍惜你的友谊。 appreciate your friendship. 5) Not at all. I fe

24、el happy I could do 5) 不用谢。能助你一臂之力我感到很高兴。 something for you. 4) My sister is so thankful to you for 4) 我妹妹非常感谢你送给她漂亮的提包。 the beautiful bagSECTION II Being All EarsLearnWindow on Key Wordsgrateful 心怀感激的 obliged 感激的 appreciate 珍惜,看重terribly 非常地,极度地 pardon 原谅,谅解6) You are welcome. Its truly my 6) 不客气。这

25、其实是我的荣幸。 pleasure / honor. 7) Im terribly sorry. Please pardon 7) 十分抱歉,请你原谅。 me . 8) Its all my fault. I apologize for all 8) 都是我的错,我为我所做的一切道歉。 that Ive done. 9) This is such wonderful news! 9) 这是多么好的消息啊,祝贺你! Congratulations! 10) Congratulations! I feel so proud of 10) 恭喜恭喜,我真为你感到自豪。 you. BackWindow

26、 on Key Wordsgrateful 心怀Listen and Match2 Listen to the following sentences for workplace communication in Column A and match each one with its Chinese version in Column B.Column AColumn B5) Not at all. I feel happy that I could e. 你别客气。这其实是我的荣幸。 do this for you. 2) Im much obliged to you for your b

27、. 我为那件事感到十分抱歉,请原谅我吧。 heart-warming encouragement. 4) My parents are so thankful to you d. 我万分感谢你的热情鼓励。 for your kind invitation.1) The student feels so grateful to the a. 恭喜恭喜,我真为你高兴。 teacher for her patient help. 3) Thank you very much indeed. I do c. 太谢谢了。我真是非常珍惜你的理解。 appreciate your understanding

28、.Unit | TwoListen and Match2 Listen to thColumn AColumn B6) You are truly welcome. The pleasure is f. 都是我的错,我为我的粗心大意道歉。 mine.7) I feel so sorry for that. Please excuse g. 太好了!祝贺你! me.8) Its my fault. I apologize for being so h. 我父母非常感谢你的盛情邀请。 careless.10) Congratulations! I feel so happy for j. 不用谢。

29、能帮你干这件事我感到很高兴。 you.Key:1-i, 2-d, 3-c, 4-h, 5-j, 6-e, 7-b, 8-f, 9-g,10-a9) Thats great! Congratulations! i. 这位学生非常感谢老师对他的耐心 帮助。BackColumn AColumn B6) You are truListen and Respond3 Listen to 6 sentences for workplace communication and choose their right responses.1) A) Welcome! B) Forget it. C) My pl

30、easure. D) Never mind.2) A) It isnt worth much. B) Im glad you like it. C) You are welcome. D) Dont mention it.3) A) Dont mention it. B) I dont care. C) Its my fault. D) Forget it.4) A) I owe it to your help. B) What a surprise! C) It cant be true! D) Good luck!5) A) It serves you right! B) Never mi

31、nd. C) You are wrong. D) Not at all.6) A) Its my pleasure. B) Its quite serious. C) The same to you. D) The joy is mine.1. I feel so grateful for your kindness.2. What a lovely present! I like it so much!3. Sorry, I didnt mean to hurt you.4. Congratulations! We all feel so proud of you!5. I apologiz

32、e for the terrible mistake.6. Im much obliged to you for your help.Script:BackListen and Respond3 Listen to Andy and Donna are good friends. Donna is recovering from a 1 bike, car, bus accident and she still feels rather 2 sick, weak, sad now. Andy comes to see Donna. Donna gives her heart-felt than

33、ks to Andy for sending her a 3 gift, thank-you, get-well card the day before. She thinks that Andy is very 4 careful, thoughtful, helpful . She also expresses her love for the beautiful flowersAndy has brought her. These flowers are from Andys 5 nieces, fathers, sisters garden. They are so fresh and

34、 look so nice. Donna keeps them right on the 6 desk, counter, table beside her bed. When its time to say goodbye, Andy asks Donna to 7 take a rest, take care, take leave .Handling a DialogueListen and Decode4 Listen to a dialogue and decode the message by finding out the correct choices in the brack

35、ets according to what you have heard.Script Andy and Donna are good f Andy: Hi, Donna. You are up! Are you all right now?Donna: Not quite yet. Im still feeling rather weak. Andy: Sorry to hear that. Do be more careful in riding next time.Donna: Yeah, I have learned a lesson. Andy, it was very though

36、tful of you to send me the get-well card yesterday. Andy: Well, I just hope you can recover soon.Donna: Thank you. And Id also like to thank you for these beautiful flowers. Andy: They are fresh from my sisters garden.Donna: No wonder they look so nice! Ive put them right on the table beside the bed

37、. Andy: Im glad you like them. Oh, dear! Ive got to go now. Take care, Donna.Donna: I will, Andy. And I do appreciate all youve done for me.Script:Back Andy: Hi, Donna. You are upUnderstanding a Short Speech / TalkListen and Complete5 Now listen to a short speech / talk and fill up the blanks accord

38、ing to what you have heard. The words in brackets will give you some hints. Good morning, 1 _ (who?)! My name is Louisa Wood. I come from 2 _ (which country?), and Im a 3 _ (what?). My hobby is listening to pop music. Im already 4 _ (how many?) years old, but I still choose to learn English in this class. So I can manage to talk with foreigners when we travel 5 _ (where?). Of course, I also want to help 6 _ (whom?) with their English


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