2023届高考英语真题核心词组 (552个) (默写版)_第1页
2023届高考英语真题核心词组 (552个) (默写版)_第2页
2023届高考英语真题核心词组 (552个) (默写版)_第3页
2023届高考英语真题核心词组 (552个) (默写版)_第4页
2023届高考英语真题核心词组 (552个) (默写版)_第5页
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1、历年高考真题核心词组(552个)be comparable to / withquest for sthappeal to sbin thatreact to sthcooperate with sbassociate.with.capture ones attentionno sooner . than.retire from sthin briefforce sb to dointend to docomment on sthin cashmiss the pointward offat easefit inat bestinteract with no doubtgo into sthg

2、o on sthgo ongo throughgo bygo againstin response todeprive sb of sthon behalf of sbfor ones benefitat a lossdepend ondrop out threaten to dofor instanceoccur to sbfigure outbe of importanceall of a suddenin vainat handinto actionmake use ofregister for sthall in allahead offeel obliged to dobe at o

3、ddsat all costsdecide on sthdozens ofby no meansoriginate inbe to blameengage in sthengage withbe critical ofintroduce.to.on campuscommit suicidebe suitable forescape fromprejudice againstin the course ofin practiceamong other thingsin the wake ofbase sth on sthrely onbe indispensable toleave.behind

4、on the part of sbin partfor the most partbe fond ofon a dietwork out work againstbe indifferent tobring aboutbring inbring outbring forthneglect ofin the heart of sthto some extentimpinge onmeet ones needcompensate for sthcompensate sb for sthpose a threatview as sthcarry outin essencerecognize .as

5、sthon averagein the meantimebe suspicious ofput forward a period ofattract sb tomore or lessin contrast toby contrastgo wrongno less thanmake ends meetwin overat lengtha train of thoughttake ones placebe reluctant to doon the assumption thatshow uponly ifcommit a crimebe close tocover sth with sthco

6、ver uptake advantage ofpush for sth be faced with sthin the face of sthin returnlabour marketpersuade sb to do sthon recordpick upby natureset offa state of affairstake. for grantedindulge in sthunder firedate fromburst into sthworthwhile doing / to doin generalpass downbe fair to dobe relevant tost

7、rive to dostrive for sth arm sb with sthonly toodefine sth as sthenroll in sthhead for / towardsfor the sake ofbe indicative of sthat stakeinterfere with sthwarn (sb)of sthin the long termin the short termbe true ofin .respectdisapprove ofreach agreementreal estatecome to terms with sthstock exchang

8、esolar energybe determined to dofair play bombard . with sthnatural selectionbaby boomcarbon dioxideout of dateas opposed tobe inclined to dopublic figurevice versabe addicted to sthan objection about sthbe available tobe concerned about sthbe contrary to sthbe derived from sthbe eligible for sthbe

9、equivalent tosthbe immune to sthbe inferior tobe preferable tosthbe prior to sthbe unaware of sth bother to docall for sthcompel sb to doconvince sb of sthdebate about sthdraw a conclusiondue toemphasis on sthgive rise to sthin proportion to sthin pursuit of sthin view of sthinvest in sthlay offnowh

10、ere nearowing topoint to sthrelate toresort to sthstock marketswitch to sththe South Poleundernocircumstancesan approach to sthbe dependent onin light of sthstate of minda burden on sba capacity forstha capacity to doa controversy overa cure for stha demand fora distinction between A and Ba failure

11、to doa fraction of stha means of stha patent on / for stha policy on sth395.395.396.397.398.399.400.401.402.403.404.405.406.407.408.409.410.411.412.413.414.415.416.395.396.397.395.396.397.398.399.400.401.402.403.404.405.406.407.408.409.410.411.412.413.414.415.416.a set of stha shift in sthsuccession

12、a strategy to do a a tendency to do a trend towards sth a variation in / of sth a variety of sth account for sth accuse sb of sth adapt to sth adjust to sth admit to sth agree on sth agreement on sth aim at / for sth all the more an intention to do an obstacle to sth an urge to do sth arise from sth

13、attribute sth to sthsuccessionmasses of sthurge sb to dofocus onkeep track ofhave an influence onconsist ofas toas yetbe rooted in sthat a rate of sthrefer toin the form ofa body of sthconsider. to be sthconsider.as sthas it turned outin turnturn toturn outon the market lose faith infill inas sb put

14、s itassist in / withattach importance to sthbe acceptable to sb be accustomed to sthbe born with sthbe capable of sthbe characterized by sthbe classified as sthbe concerned with sthbe confronted with sthbe conscious of sthbe content with sthbe critical to sthbe crucial to sthbe dedicated to sthbe de

15、sperate for sthbe essential to / for sthbe governed bybe grateful for sthbe ignorant of sthbe intended to dobe involved in sthbe linked to / with sthbe looking to dobe meant to do be optimistic about sthbe pessimistic about sthbe ready to dobe subject tobe worth doing sthbear in mindbenefit from / b

16、y sthbig dealblame.for sthby means of sthcease to doclaim to docompare A with Bcomply with sthcontribute to sthcorrelate with sthdate backderive from sthdevote.to.differ fromdiffer in sthdiscourage sb from doing sth discrimination against sbdismiss . as sthdivide into sthdraw sb to sthendeavor to do

17、exclude . from .experiment on / withfall short of sthfar from sthfor / in the foreseeable futurefossil fuelfrom a . perspectivegain from sthgive off sthglance atgo uphave something to do withhesitate to doimplications for sthimpose sth on .in a . mannerin case of sth in exchange for sthin spite of s

18、thin terms of sthinspire sb to doinstruct sb to dointeraction with / betweeninvestment in sthjudging by / fromkeep sb from sthmany amotivate sb to donext toor otherwiseparticipate in sthpledge to doprompt sb to dopropose doing sthprospect of sthprove to be sthrange from A to Bremind sb of.serve as s

19、th set asideset outshift from .to.so as to dosplit sth into sthstick to sthtempt sb to dothe equivalent of sththe potential for sththereby doing sthtransition from sth to sthvary according to sthvary from .to.without / beyond doubta solution to sthbreak downexempt sb from sthin ones own righta major

20、ity ofadd up to sthbe resistant to sthbe short of sth be skilled in / at sthevolve from sthon the basis of sthfill outno other thanindifference toin advancestand downinfer sth from sthassign sth to sbbe vulnerable torule outcompare A to Bthe key to sthplay a role in sthgive priority toin theoryin de

21、tailyield tokeep up within relation tofederal governmentgreenhouse effect in effectcope withconfine.to sthlook into sthtend to doowe sth tobe obsessed withregardless of sthafford to dotake measures to doexchange A for Bseek to dobe about to dobe abound to dobound forin shortsupply sth to.not necessa

22、rilyapart frombe common toin conjunction withtake a toll on be irrelevant toadjust sth to stha ban on sthbuild on sthbe relative toin questionout of the questiona sort of sthbe worthy ofhunt for sthspeed upas followslie in sthin factat the expense ofin the name ofin the field ofdraw sth frommuch asn

23、ot so much asbreak throughin favor of be peculiar tocouple .pete with / againstwhen it comes tocome tomake surebe sure to doto be sureon the declineopen upa host ofmake sensemake upmake up for sthin particularbe sensitive to sthstick withlet alonebe supposed to doapply tobe responsible foror so over timeat all timesin no timeentitle sb to sthentitle sb to dodeal withattempt to dohappen to doabove allstem from sthwith the exception ofspecialize in sthaccess to sthnothing butwith regard to


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