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1、 Unit 2Lesson 11Guest: I need to see a dentist as soon as possible. I think its an emergency.I was wondering if youmight be able to recommend someone who speaks English.Clerk: Actually, theres one not far from here. Would you like me to make anappointment for you? Dentist: So I hear youre from overs

2、eas.Patient: Yes. From Venezuela. Thanks for fitting me in. This tooth is killingme.Dentist: Luckily, I had a cancellation. Glad to be of help.Patient: I really appreciate it. Thought Id better see someone right away.Dentist: Well, lets have a look.2aConversation 1M: What seems to be the problem tod

3、ay, Mrs. Gilles?F:Well,Ivebeenfeelingprettydizzyforthelastfewdays.Ihavetoliedownall the time. I feelreallyweak and I have so little energy I cant even make myself lunch or dinner. M:Im sorry to hear that.F: And I can hardly walk up stairs. Im so short of breath whenever I try.M: Any pain?F: Funny yo

4、u should ask. I have pain in my shoulder, too.Conversation 2 F = ChineseF: Is there anything bothering you today, Mr. Baker?M:Well,whenIwokeupthismorningIfeltterrible.Ihadthispaininthebackof my neck, and IthoughtId better get in to see the doctor right away.F: Have you been coughing?M: A lot, actual

5、ly. Ive had a bad cold for over a week now.F: That might explain the pain youve been feeling in your neck. Im going togive you something forthat cold.Conversation 3 M = AustralianM: The doctor will be right with you, Ms. Rice. Have you not been feeling well?F: Not great, actually. And Ive been sneez

6、ing like crazy.M: Oh, thats too bad.F: Anyway, todaymybackiskillingme.SoIthought,thatsit,Idbettercomein.M: Come. Ill take you in to see the doctor.Conversation 4F: Youre here to see Dr. Fox?M: Yes, I am. Ive been really sick.F: Oh, Im sorry to hear that. Have you been nauseous?M: Oh yeah.F: Any vomi

7、ting?M: Yes. Im afraid Ive been throwing up everything I eat.F: Any dizziness?M: Not really. Just nauseousness.F: Well, Dr. Fox will be with you in a moment.Conversation 5M: Youre Ms. Pearlman?F: Yes, I am.M: The doctor will be with you soon. Can I ask you a few questions?F: OK.M: What brings you in

8、 today?F: Well, Ive been wheezing a lot since yesterday. I dont know whats wrong.Its really annoying.M: Are you allergic to anything?F: Not that I can think of.M: Any other symptoms?F: Not really.Conversation 6F: Mr. Rashid?M: Thats me.F: Hello, Mr. Rashid. The doctor will see just a moment. Are you

9、 in a lotof pain?M: Well, my hip has been bothering me a lot for the past two days. It hurts allthe time.F: Hmm. Did you fall or have an accident?M: Not that I can remember.F: Any pain anywhere else? In your knees? Your elbows?M: No.3Conversation 1 M = Korean, F = TurkishM: Ms. Ramazan? Im Dr. Kim.

10、I understand youre a long way from home.F: Thats right. Im here on business. From Turkey.M: But youre not feeling well?F: Its my back. Its really been killing me for several days now.M: Are you taking anything?F: Just some painkillers. But theyre really not helping.M:LetmegiveyouaprescriptionforPerc

11、otrol.Itsaveryeffectivepainkiller.I think you mightfind itvery helpful.F: Does it have any side effects?M: Very rarely. In some people it causes nausea or vomiting. But I really dontthink youll have toworry.Call me if you feel at all nauseous, OK?F: Thanks.M: The dosage is one tablet in the morning,

12、 one in the evening, during meals.Youll see a full set ofinstructions when you pick up your prescription downstairs.F: Thank you, Dr. Kim.Conversation 2 M = Japanese, F= MexicanM: Lucy Fernandez? Im Dr. Hirano.F: Thanks so much for fitting me in.M: My pleasure. Where are you from?F: Mexico. Im here

13、on business.M: Youre a long way from home! What can I do for you today?F:Well,Ivegotasplittingheadache,andIvebeenkindofnauseoussinceMonday.M: You must feel terrible. Are you currently taking any medication?F: Ive been taking an antacid and a painkiller.M: Are you allergic to any medications?F: I thi

14、nk I might be allergic to penicillin. But Im not sure.M: Well, thats OK. Keep taking the painkiller for that headache. But you canstop taking the antacid. Imgoing to give you a prescription for your nausea. Take it twice a day.F: Will there be any side effects?M: It might make you a little tired dur

15、ing the day. But chances are youll befine. Call me if youdont feelbetter.Conversation 3 M = ChineseM: Dr. Benson? Hi, Im Mark Goh.F: Hello, Mr. Goh. I hear youre not from around here.M: Right. Im visiting from Hong Kong for a few weeks.long way to see a doctor! Well, what can I do for you today?F: Y

16、ouve come aM: My eyes have been really red for about a week now.F: Have you been using any medication?M: Well I got some eye drops at the drugstore, but they arent helping.F: For your condition, I think you might want something stronger. Im going togive you aprescriptionfor an eyeointment.Useittwice

17、aday,andwashyoureyesseveraltimesaday.M: OK.F:Itsastrongmedication,buttherearentanysideeffectsyouneedtoworryabout. If you keepyoureyes clean, the ointment should do the trick.M: Thanks.F: Will you still be here next week? Id like you to come back to see me.M: Yes, Ill still be here.F: Good. You can m

18、ake an appointment at the front desk on your way out.M: Thanks, Doctor.4Passage 1 Parkinsons DiseaseParkinsonsdiseaseisaprogressivelydisablingdiseasemarkedbytremblingandincreasing stiffnessof the muscles. The onset of this disease is gradual, which makes it difficultto diagnose in its earlystage.Tre

19、mblingusuallybeginsinoneorbothhands;eventuallythethumbandforefingermay show arapidrepetitive movement. In addition to muscular rigidity, other symptoms includeslow body movement,poorcoordination,andunbalance.Ashorteningofmusclesalongthefrontofthenecktends to bend thehead andspineforward,whilethelack

20、ofanimationinthefacecreatesamasklikeexpression.As thesesymptomsworsen,chronicfatigue,mentalconfusion,andspeechimpairmentmaydevelopandthe person with Parkinsons may find it impossible to walk unassistedly.Passage 2 Laughter Is the Best MedicineTheresasayinginEnglish,“Laughteristhebestmedicine.” Nowst

21、udiessuggestthat this sayingmight really be true.Everyone knows that stress is bad for your health. It can give you headaches.It can cause heartattacksand other serious medical problems. When we laugh, our stress is reduced. Thenthe body is able tofightdisease better.People who laugh a lot have lowe

22、r blood pressure than the average person. Whena person laughs,hisor her blood pressure goes down. When this happens, breathing becomes deeper,sending moreoxygen andnutrientsthroughoutthebody.Also,laughterpushesoutmoreairfromthelungsthan it takes in,whichhelps to clean out the lungs.Laughter is good

23、exercise, too! Some doctors have estimated that a person canburn as many caloriesbylaughing as by riding an exercise bike for several minutes.Laughter can even help improve your memory. When you laugh, your muscles relaxandpsychologicalstress is reduced. This keeps the brain alert and allows you to

24、remember moreinformation.Some doctorsarebeginningtoprescribelaughteralongwith certainmedicationsand a healthy diet. Itseasy to include laughter in your daily schedule. Just read something humorousor watch a funnyvideo. Andwho knows it might save your life!Passage 3 Race and DiseaseResearchers have f

25、ound more evidence that suggests a relationship between raceand rates of lungcancer among smokers. A new study shows that black people and native Hawaiiansare more likely todevelop lung cancer from smoking. It compared their risk to whites,Japanese-Americans andLatinos.Thestudy,however,foundalmostno

26、racialorethnicdifferencesamongtheheaviestsmokers. Thesewere people who smoked more than thirty cigarettes each day.Other comparisons have shown that black people are more likely than whites toget lung cancer fromsmoking.ButthescientistssayfewstudieshavecomparedtherisksamongnativeHawaiians, Asiansand

27、Latinos.ResearchersattheUniversityofSouthernCaliforniaandtheUniversityofHawaiidid the new study.The New England Journal of Medicine published the findings.The eight-yearstudyinvolvedmorethanonehundredandeightythousandpeople.They provideddetailsabouttheirtobaccouseandtheirdietaswellasotherinformation

28、.Theyincluded current andformersmokers and people who never smoked. Almost two thousand people in the studydeveloped lungcancer.Researchers say genetics might help explain the racial and ethnic differences.There could bedifferencesin how peoples bodies react to smoke. But environmental influences, i

29、ncludingthe way peoplesmoke,could also make a difference.LastJune,theUnitedStatesFoodandDrugAdministrationapprovedadrugdesignedto treat heartfailureinblackpatients.ThenameisBiDil.Theagencycalledit“asteptowardthe promise ofpersonalizedmedicine.”Lesson 21aExample: A: Nikki, whats wrong?B: My head is k

30、illing me. I keep taking medicine, but it doesnt help.A: You must feel terrible! You should go to the doctor.1. A: Hello, Im Jessica Banks. I have a 2:00 appointment.B: OK. And what brings you in to the office today?A: One of my fillings came out.B: Oh no! How did you lose a filling?A: I dont know,

31、but it really hurts!B: Im sorry. The doctor will see you in just a minute.2 A: Hi, Susan.B: Hi, Jim. You look awful.A: Thanks.B: No, I mean, you must feel terrible. Do you have a cold?A: No, I dont. Its my allergies. I forgot to take my allergy medication thismorning. I cant stopsneezing.Thetreesand

32、flowersaremakingmyeyesredanditchy.Imgoingtotakesomethingright now.3 A: Is anything bothering you today, Mr. Kemper?B: No, Dr. Powell. I feel fine. I just came in to get my allergy shot.A: OK, Ill give you the shot, and youll be out of here quickly.B: Thats great. Thanks.2aScriptA: Thanks for fitting

33、 me in this morning. I needed to see someone right away.B: Glad to be of help. Whats the trouble?A: I think I broke a tooth.B: You must be in a lot of pain. A: Yeah, its really killing me.B: Well, lets have a look. I might be able to fix it today.A: Will I need a prescription afterwards?B: Maybe. I

34、might give you some painkillers.3Passage 1 The Sleep Problems in AmericaAnewreportsaysanestimated50000000to70000000Americanshavesleepproblems.It saysmanymore are suffering from lack of sleep.AgroupofsleepresearchorganizationsaskedtheInstituteofMedicinetostudythe problem. TheinstituteispartofAmericas

35、NationalAcademyofSciences.Thestudyexaminedwhy we need sleep,theeffects of sleep loss and other sleep disorders. A fourteen-member committeecarried out the study.TheInstitute of Medicine reported their findings earlier this month.HarveyColtenofColumbiaUniversityinNewYorkCityledthestudy.Hesayssleepdis

36、orders arenotrecognized enough by the general public and the medical community.The report says too few researchers are studying sleep disorders. It also saystoo few health careworkersare trained to identify and treat the problem.The report says American businesses lose more than 100 000 000 dollars

37、a yearbecause of tiredworkers.Someemployeesaretootiredtoreportforwork.Theyhaveaccidentsorarelessproductive at work.Othercosts included increased visits to doctors.The study found that twenty percent of injuries caused by serious car accidentsare linked to sleepydrivers. Alcoholic drinks were not lin

38、ked to the accidents. Other studies havelinked poor sleep to anincreasedrisk ofhealthproblemslikeheartdisease,depressionandunhealthy amountsofbody fat.Researchers saythe reason for this link is unclear.Many experts say a good amount of sleep is as important to health as diet andexercise. They saymos

39、tpeopleneedseventoninehoursofsleepeachnight.Lessthanthatcaninterferewith mental andphysicalabilities.Itcanleadtomoreseriousproblems,includingseveresleeplessness.People with thisconditiontemporarily stop breathing while they sleep.Researchersinvolvedinthestudyaresuggestinganumberofstepstohelpprevents

40、leep disorders.Theysuggestacampaigntoinformthepublicabouttheproblem.Theywantincreasededucationand trainingamong health care workers. And they are calling for new technology to identifyand cure sleepproblems.Passage 2 The Chronic DiseaseChronicdiseasesaretheleadingcauseofdeathintheworld.Yethealthexpe

41、rtssay these conditionsareoftenthemostpreventable.Chronicdiseasesincludeheartdisease,stroke,cancerand lung disorders.TheWorldHealthOrganizationsayschronicdiseasesleadtoabout17000000earlydeaths eachyear.TheUnitedNationsagencyexpectsmorethan380000000peopletodieofchronicdiseases by theyear 2015.It says

42、 about 80% of the deaths will happen in developing nations.The W.H.O. says chronic diseases now cause two-thirds of all deaths in theAsia-Pacific area. In tenyears it could be almost three-fourths. People are getting sick in their mosteconomically productiveyears.Infact,expertssaychronicdiseasesarek

43、illingmoremiddle-agedpeopleinpoorercountries than inwealthierones.TheW.H.O.estimatesthatchronicdiseaseswillcostChinaalonemorethan5000000 000 dollars inthenexttenyears.Thatestimaterepresentsthecostsofmedicaltreatmentandlostproductivity. RussiaandIndiaarealsoexpectedtofacehugeeconomiclosses.Itsaysdeat

44、hsfromchronicdiseases haveincreasedlargely as the result of economic gains in many countries.Health officials say as many as 80% of deaths from chronic diseases could beprevented. They say animportanttoolforgovernmentsistorestrictthemarketingofalcoholandtobaccoto young people.Also,more programs are needed to urge healthy eating and more physical activity.U.N.officialsaimthroughinternati


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