1、文档编码 : CN1R4I2Y4V7 HQ5R3N3R3F1 ZD6Z9N7C2I9英语考试作文托福写作语料库关于人是否可以永久对于 伴侣恳切在托福写作部分中, 显现关于人是否可以永久对于伴侣恳切的题目,需要同学们说明个人立场并且大量举例,并今日小站将为同学们整理关于这个问题的托福写作语料库;真题如 下: It is impossible to be completely honest with your friend all the time. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement. 一个人不行能永久对于伴侣恳切 福考题
2、2022 年 12 月 17 日托托福写作立场 我认为人不能永久对于伴侣恳切, 尽管恳切是保护友情的重要因素;举荐:托福考试 托福写作语料库阅读真题回忆整理1. People may differ greatly in their standards as to what is the most significant quality of a true friend. 真正的好伴侣的品质是什么,人们的标准或许因人而异;2. A trustworthy friend is valued among a large proportion of people. 一个值得信任的伴侣是很多人珍视的;解
3、析: trustworthy adj 值得信任的3. It is impossible to be entirely honest with our friends. 对伴侣完全恳切是不行能的;4. We may,sometimes,make a white lie to our friends out of the reason of benevolence. 许会对伴侣说一些善意的谎言;解 析 : bene 好 + vol benevolence n 善意处于善意,有时候,我们也心 灵 +ence 名 词 尾 缀 = 解析: white lie n 善意的谎言5. One hundred
4、percent honesty amongst friends is, sometimes, hard to maintain. 很难做到的;有时候,伴侣之间百分百的恳切是6. Indeed ,I have to concede that = granted,I have to confess that ,的确,我不得不承认 7. Sometimes we might lie to our friends out of the purpose of protection,comfort and encouragement. 有时候,我们可能出于爱惜,劝慰和鼓励的目的,对伴侣说谎;8. a ca
5、se in point is that 9. From our life experience 一个例子就是 , it is easy to find out plenty of evidences to justify that 从我们的生活中,很简洁找到很多的例子来证明 10. If a friend falls into incurable illness,his friends of relatives, in most cases, will conceal the truth and comfort him that the chance of recovery is good.
6、假如一个伴侣得了难以治愈的疾病, 其亲人或者好友多数情形下会隐瞒病情,劝慰伴侣说康复的机会是特殊好的;11. Virtually,this white lie could instill new hope and confidence into the patients heart. 实际上,善意的谎言给患者的心中注入了期望和自信;12. Although a white lie is unblamable, sincere friendship and harmonious relationship should be based on mutual trust. 尽管善意的谎言是无可指责的
7、,但是,真诚的友情以及和谐的关系应当基于彼此的信任;解析: unblamable adj 无可指责的13. Well-intentioned lie is acceptable and understandable. 善意的谎言是可以被接受的和懂得的;14. After all,honesty is the best policy. 到底,证明为上策;15. Frankly speaking out our inner thoughts could earn trust, respect and friendship. 以赢得信任,敬重,友情;说出我们的真实的想法可16. with a vie
8、w to satisfying ones sense of vanity or making personal profits 出于中意虚荣心和个人盈利的目的解析: with a view to doing sth 出于 的目的点评: to 为介词, + doing sth 解析: sense of vanity n虚荣心s reputation 17. A disingenuous lie will ruin oneand make one lose his or her close friends. 会损害一个人的名誉,使人失去失去伴侣;一个虚伪的谎言解析: close friend n
9、亲热的伴侣拓展: intimate friend n 亲热的伴侣拓展: bosom friend n 知己18. Sincerity is the most precious quality in many people s heart of hearts. 在很多人的心灵深处,真诚是最重要的品质;19. In closing, I would like to re-affirm my conviction that 总之,我想重申我的立场 Although honesty helps us win lifelong 20. friendships and make us have no misgivings, it is extremely hard for us to be honest with our
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