1、【051】 ArcEngine实现空间分析 1熟悉ITopologicalOperator接口(用于空间拓扑运算)的使用 2熟悉IRelationalOperator接口(用于空间关联运算)的使用 3熟悉IProximityOperator接口(用于空间距离运算)的使用 录:A1ITopologicalOperator5 接口公共方法:Buffer 方法:Boundary 方法Clip方法ConvexHull 方法Cut方法Union方法:Intersect 方法Difference 方法A2IRelationalOperator 接口公共方法Contains 方法Overlaps 方法A3I
2、Point接口A4ICurve3接口A5ISegment接口A6ICircularArc 接口写在前面:使用空间分析的时候,会提示这样的错误异常来自HRESULT:0 x80040215,其原 因就是:在使用ITopologicalOperator求交集等操作的时候,有时会出现“ HRESULT: 0 x8 004 0215”这个异常,原来是空间参考不一样所致。因此只要SpatialReference属性设为同一空间参考就不会出现“ HRESULT: 0 x8004 0215”异常。所以在进行空间分析之前,要保证所建立的shapefile文件具有相同的 SpatialRefere nee!II
3、第A1个II TopologicalOperator5 接口:1. Provides additional information on non-simple geometries.【拓扌卜操作】MembersDescriptionBoundary返回值:IGeometryThe bounda ry of this geomet ry. A polygons bounda ry is a polyline A polylines bounda ry is a multipoint. A point or multipoints bounda ry is an empty point or mu
4、ltipoint.Buffer(double distance) 返回值:IGeometryConst ructs a polygon that is the locus of points at a distance less than or equal to a specified distance from this geomet ry.通过给定距离,得到操作图形的缓冲区,返回得到缓冲区几何图形! 但是这里面的距离很是蹊跷,同时实验发现,我写入0.01的时候,大约表 示1km,所以大约是1:100 000的关系!JClip(IEnvelope clippeEnvelope)Const r
5、ucts the intesection of this geomet ry and the specified envelope.返回矩形部分的要素,直接作用在要素上面!ClipDenseConst ructs the intesection of this geomet ry and the specified envelope; densifies lines in output contributed by the clipping envelope.ClipExConst ructs the intesection of this geomet ry and the specifie
6、d envelope.ClipToDomainClips the geomet ry to the domain of the spatial refer ence. Useful for ens ur ing that buffe rs can be fit within the spatial domain of the feat ure class to which they are being added.ConstructUnionDefines this geomet ry to be the union of the inputs. More efficient for unio
7、ning multiple geomet ries than calling Union r epeatedly.ConvexHullConst ructs the convex hull of this geomet ry.CutSplits this geomet ry into a part left of the cutting polyline, and a part right of it.JCut2Divides a geomet ry into multiple partsJDifferenceConst ructs the geometry containing points
8、 from this geomet ry but not the othe r geomet ry.JGeoNormalizeExShifts longitudes, if need be, into a continuous r ange of 360 deg rees.JIntersectConst ructs the geometry that is the set-the or etic intesection of the input geomet ries. Use diffe rent r esultDimension values to gene rate r esults o
9、f diffe rent dimensions.IntersectMultidimensionConst ructs the set-the or etic intesection of the inputs. The r esults are retur ned in a geomet ry bag with one element per r esult dimension.IsKnownSimpleIndicates whethe r this geomet ry is known (or assumed) to be topologically corr ect.IsKnownSimp
10、leIndicates whethe r this geomet ry is known (or assumed) to be topologically corr ect.IsSimpleIndicates whethe r this geomet ry is known (or assumed) to be topologically corr ect, after explicitly dete rmining this if the geomet ry is not al ready known (or assumed) to be simple.IsSimpleExDete rmin
11、es why a geomet ry is not simple. Curr ently only implemented for polygons.QueryClippedRedefines clippedGeometry to be the intesection of this geometry and the clipping envelope.QueryClippedDenseRedefines clippedGeometry to be the intesection of this geometry and the clipping envelope; densifies lin
12、es in the output cont ributed by the clipping envelope.SimplifyMakes this geomet ry topologically corr ect.SymmetricDifferenceConst ructs the geometry that contains points from eithe r but not both input geomet ries.UnionConst ructs the geometry that is the set-the or etic union of the inpu geomet r
13、ies.CoClasses that implement ITopologicalOperatorCoClasses and ClassesDescriptionGeoEllipse (esriDefenseSolutions)Its a sphe ro idal ellipse.GeometryBagAn ordered collection of objects that supp ort the IGeomet ry inte rfaceGeoPolygonIts a sphe ro idal polygon.(esriDefenseSolutions)GeoPolyline (esri
14、DefenseSolutions)This is a sphe ro idal polyline.MultiPatchA collection of sur face patches.MultipointAn ordered collection of points; optionally has meas ure, height and ID att ributes.PointA two dimensional point, optionally with meas ure, height, and ID att ributes.PolygonA collection of rings or
15、dered by thei r containment r elationship; optionally has meas ure, height and ID att ributes.PolylineAn ordered collection of paths; optionally has meas ure, height and ID att ributes.探I公共代码部分:公共变量! IMap pMap;IActiveView pActiveView;IEnvelope pEnv;ISelectionEnvironment pSelectionEnv; IEnumFeature p
16、EnumFeature;IGraphicsContainer pGraphicsContainer; IFeature pFeature;IGeometry pGeometry;IEnvelope pEnvClip;IPolyline pLineCut;IPolygon pFirstPolygon;鼠标点击事件!private void axMapControl1_OnMouseDown(object sender,IMapControlEvents2_OnMouseDownEvent e)axMapControl1.MousePointer =esriControlsMousePointer
17、.esriPointerCrosshair;if (isClip) /此时要拉 Clip 框pEnvClip = axMapControl1.TrackRectangle(); isClip =false;else if (isCut)pLineCut = axMapControl1.TrackLine() as IPolyline; isCut =false;else if (isFirstIn)pMap = axMapControl1.Map;pActiveView = pMapas IActiveView;pEnv = axMapControl1.TrackRectangle();pSe
18、lectionEnv =new SelectionEnvironment();IEnumFeature;IEnumFeature;pSelectionEnv.Defaultcolor = GetColor0, 255, 0 ); pMap.SelectByShape(pEnv, pSelectionEnv,false); pActiveView.Refresh();IEnumFeature;IEnumFeature;pEnumFeature = axMapControl1.Map.FeatureSelectionas elsepMap = axMapControl1.Map;pActiveVi
19、ew = pMapas IActiveView;pEnv = axMapControl1.TrackRectangle();pSelectionEnv =new SelectionEnvironment();pSelectionEnv.DefaultColor = GetColor255, 0, 0); pMap.SelectByShape(pEnv, pSelectionEnv,false); pActiveView.Refresh();pEnumFeature = axMapControl1.Map.FeatureSelectionas /RGB 颜色! private IRgbColor
20、 GetColor(int r, int g, int b) IRgbColor pColor = new RgbColor(); pColor.Red = r;pColor.Green = g; pColor.Blue = b;return pColor;探 | 探 f Buffer:private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)while (true)pGraphicsContainer = pMapas IGraphicsContainer;/定义容器pFeature = pEnumFeature.Next();/遍历要素if
21、 (pFeature = null)/若不存在要素,则推出循环break;pGeometry = pFeature.Shape;/获取要素的 GeometryITopologicalOperator pTopoOperator = pGeometras ITopologicalOperator;/QI到拓扑操作IGeometry pBufferGeo = pTopoOperator.Buffer2();/缓冲区分析IElement pElement =new PolygonElement();pElement.Geometry = pBufferGeo;/获取得到的缓冲区pGraphicsCo
22、ntainer.AddElement(pElement,0); /显示缓冲区 pActiveView.Refresh();探 | 探Boundary:private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)while (true)pGraphicsContainer = pMapas IGraphicsContainer;/定义容器pFeature = pEnumFeature.Next();/遍历要素if (pFeature = null)/若不存在要素,则推出循环break;pGeometry = pFeature.Shape;/获取要素
23、的 GeometryITopologicalOperator pTopoOperator = pGeometras ITopologicalOperator;/QI到拓扑操作IGeometry pBoundary = pTopoOperator.Boundary; /获取边界ILineElement pLineEle =new LineElementClass();ISimpleLineSymbol pSLS =new SimpleLineSymbol(); IRgbColor pColor = GetColorO, 255, 0);pSLS.Color = pColor; pSLS.Widt
24、h =5;pLineEle.Symbol = pSLS;IElement pElement = pLineEleas IElement; pElement.Geometry = pBoundary;pGraphicsContainer AddElement(pElement,0 ); /显示边界 pActiveView.Refresh();探 | 探 f Clip:bool isClip = false;private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) isClip = true;while (true)pGraphicsContai
25、ner = pMapas IGraphicsContainer;/定义容器pFeature = pEnumFeature.Next();/遍历要素if (pFeature = null)/若不存在要素,则推出循环break;pGeometry = pFeature.Shape;/获取要素的 GeometryITopologicalOperator pTopoOperator = pGeometras ITopologicalOperator;/QI到拓扑操作pTopoOperator.Clip(pEnvClip);IElement pElement =new PolygonElement();
26、pElement.Geometry = pGeometry;/获取得到的缓冲区pGraphicsContainer.AddElement(pElement,0 ); /显示缓冲区 pActiveView.Refresh();| 探ConvexHull:while (true)pGraphicsContainer = pMapas IGraphicsContainer;/定义容器pFeature = pEnumFeature.Next();/遍历要素if (pFeature = null)/若不存在要素,则推出循环break;pGeometry = pFeature.Shape;/获取要素的 G
27、eometryITopologicalOperator pTopoOperator = pGeometras ITopologicalOperator;/QI到拓扑操作IGeometry pBufferGeo = pTopoOperator.ConvexHull();IElement pElement =new PolygonElement();pElement.Geometry = pBufferGeo;/获取得到的缓冲区pGraphicsContainer.AddElement(pElement,0 ); /显示缓冲区 pActiveView.Refresh();探|Cut:bool is
28、Cut = false;private void button6_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)isCut = true;private void button7_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)while (true)pGraphicsContainer = pMapas IGraphicsContainer;/定义容器pFeature = pEnumFeature.Next();/遍历要素if (pFeature = null)/若不存在要素,则推出循环break;pGeometry = pFeature.Shape;
29、/获取要素的 GeometryITopologicalOperator pTopoOperator = pGeometras ITopologicalOperator;/QI到拓扑操作ryIGeometry pGeoRight =new PolygonClass();IGeometry pGeoLeft =new PolygonClass();pTopoOperator Cut(pLineCut,out pGeoLeft, out pGeoRight);IElement pElement =new PolygonElement();IFillShapeElement pFillEle = pE
30、lementas IFillShapeElement;ISimpleFillSymbol pSFS =new SimpleFillSymbol();pSFS.Color = GetColor255, 255, 0);pFillEle.Symbol = pSFS;pElement.Geometry = pGeoLeft;/获取得到的缓冲区pGraphicsContainer.AddElement(pElement, 0 ); /显示缓冲区pSFS =new SimpleFillSymbol();pSFS.Color = GetColor255, 0, 255);pFillEle.Symbol =
31、 pSFS;pElement =new PolygonElement();pElement.Geometry = pGeoRight;/获取得到的缓冲区pGraphicsContainer.AddElement(pElement, 0 ); /显示缓冲区 pActiveView.Refresh();探 | 探 f Union:private void button8_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)IGeometry pUnionGeo = new PolygonClass();pGraphicsContainer = pMap as IGraphicsCon
32、tainer;/定义容器while (true)pFeature = pEnumFeature.Next();/遍历要素if (pFeature = null)/若不存在要素,则推出循环break;pGeometry = pFeature.Shape;/获取要素的 GeometryITopologicalOperator pTopoOperator = pUnionGeas ITopologicalOperator;/QI到拓扑操作rypUnionGeo = pTopoOperator.Union(pGeometry);IElement pElement = new PolygonElemen
33、t();IFillShapeElement pFillEle = pElement as IFillShapeElement;ISimpleFillSymbol pSFS = new SimpleFillSymbol();pSFS.Color = GetColor 255, 255, 0);pFillEle.Symbol = pSFS;pElement .Geometry = pUnionGeo; /获取得到的缓冲区 pGraphicsContainer AddElement(pElement, 0 ); /显示缓冲区 pActiveView.Refresh();探 | Intersect:b
34、ool isFirstIn = false;private void button10_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)isFirstIn = true;private void button11_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)isFirstIn = false;pFirstPolygon = new PolygonClass();while (true)pFeature = pEnumFeature.Next();if (pFeature = null)break;pGeometry = pFeature.Shape;IT
35、opologicalOperator pTopoOperator = pFirstPolygon as ITopologicalOperator;pFirstPolygon = pTopoOperator.Union(pGeometry) as IPolygon; private void button12_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)IGeometry pIntersectGeo = new PolygonClass();IGeometry pSecondPolygon = new PolygonClass();pGraphicsContainer =
36、pMap as IGraphicsContainer;while (true)pFeature = pEnumFeature.Next();if (pFeature = null)break;pGeometry = pFeature.Shape;ITopologicalOperator pTopoOperator = pSecondPolygonas ITopologicalOperator;pSecondPolygon = pTopoOperator Union(pGeometry) as IPolygon;ITopologicalOperator pTopo = pSecondPolygo
37、n as ITopologicalOperator; pIntersectGeo = pTopo.Intersect(pFirstPolygon, esriGeometryDimension.esriGeometry2Dimension) as IPolygon;IElement pElement = new PolygonElementClass(); pElement.Geometry = pIntersectGeo;pGraphicsContainer.AddElement(pElement, 0);IFeatureLayer pFeatureLayer = pMap.get_Layer
38、 0) as IFeatureLayer; pFeatureLayer Visible = false;pFeatureLayer = pMap.get_Layer1) as IFeatureLayer;pFeatureLayer Visible = false; pActiveView.Refresh();探|探f Difference:(需要前面两部分)private void button13_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)IGeometry pIntersectGeo = new PolygonClass();IGeometry pSecondPol
39、ygon = new PolygonClass(); pGraphicsContainer = pMap as IGraphicsContainer;while (true)pFeature = pEnumFeature.Next();if (pFeature = null)break;pGeometry = pFeature.Shape;ITopologicalOperator pTopoOperator = pSecondPolygonas ITopologicalOperator;pSecondPolygon = pTopoOperator Union(pGeometry) as IPo
40、lygon;ITopologicalOperator pTopo = pSecondPolygon as ITopologicalOperator; pIntersectGeo = pTopo.Difference(pFirstPolygon) as IPolygon;IElement pElement = new PolygonElementClass(); pElement.Geometry = pIntersectGeo;pGraphicsContainer.AddElement(pElement, 0);IFeatureLayer pFeatureLayer = pMap get_La
41、yer 0) as IFeatureLayer; pFeatureLayer Visible = false;pFeatureLayer = pMap.get_Layer1) as IFeatureLayer;pFeatureLayer Visible = false;pActiveView.Refresh();iiiII第A2个II elationalOperator 接口:1. Provides access to members that determine if a certain spatial relatio nship exists betwee n two geometries
42、.MembersDescriptionContainsIndicates if this geomet ry contains the othe r geomet ry. 前者是否包含后者!CrossesIndicates if the two geomet ries inte rsect in a geomet ry of lesse r dimension.DisjointIndicates if the two geomet ries sha re no points in common. Negat this r esult to compute the Inte rsect r el
43、ation.EqualsIndicates if the two geomet ries are of the same type and define th same set of points in the plane.OverlapsIndicates if the intesection of the two geomet ries has the same dimension as one of the input geomet ries.前者和后者是否有重叠!不包括包含关系!RelationIndicates if the defined r elationship exists.
44、TouchesIndicates if the boundaries of the geometries intersect.WithinIndicates if this geomet ry is contained (is within) anothe r geomet ry.前者是否在后者内部!CoClasses that implement IRelationalOperatorCoClasses and ClassesDescriptionEnvelopeA r ectangle with sides par allel to a coor dinate system definin
45、g the extent of anothe r geomet ry; optionally has min and max meas ure, height and ID att ributes.GeometryBagAn ordered collection of objects that supp ort the IGeomet ry inte rfaceMultiPatchA collection of sur face patches.MultipointAn ordered collection of points; optionally has meas ure, height
46、and ID att ributes.PointA two dimensional point, optionally with meas ure, height, and ID att ributes.PolygonA collection of rings ordered by thei r containment r elationship; optionally has meas ure, height and ID att ributes.PolylineAn ordered collection of paths; optionally has meas ure, height a
47、nd ID att ributes.探I公共代码部分:IMap pMap;IActiveView pActiveView;IEnvelope pEnv;ISelectionEnvironment pSelectionEnv;IEnumFeature pEnumFeature;IFeature pFeature;IGeometry pGeometry;IGeometry pBasicGeo;private void axMapControl1_OnMouseDown(object sender, IMapControlEvents2_0nMouseDownEvent e)axMapControl
48、1.MousePointer = esriControlsMousePointer.esriPointerCrosshair;pMap = axMapControl1.Map;pActiveView = pMap as IActiveView;pEnv = axMapControl1.TrackRectangle(); pSelectionEnv = new SelectionEnvironment(); pSelectionEnv.Defaultcolor = GetColor 255, 0, 0);pMap.SelectByShape(pEnv, pSelectionEnv, false); pActiveView.Refresh();pEnumFeature = pMap.FeatureSelection as IEnumFeature; private IRgbColor GetColor(int r, int g, int b) IRgbColor pColor = new RgbColor(); pColor.Red = r;pColor.Green = g;pColor.Blue = b;return pColor;
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