Internet的发展历史 中英文_第1页
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1、The History of the InternetThe Beginning - ARPAnetThe Internet started as a project by the US government. The object of the project was to create a means of communications between long distance points, in the event of a nation wide emergency or, more specifically, nuclear war. The project was called

2、 ARPAnet, and it is what the Internet started as. Funded specifically for military communication, the engineers responsible for ARPANet had no idea of the possibilities of an Internet. By deefinnitiion, ann IInteerneet is fouur oor mmoree coompuuterrs cconnnectted by a nettworrk. ARPAnnet achhievved

3、 itss neetwoork by usiing a pprottocool ccallled TCPP/IPP. TThe bassicss arrounnd tthiss prrotoocoll waas tthatt iff innforrmattionn seent oveer aa neetwoork faiiledd too geet tthrooughh onn onne rroutte, it wouuld finnd aanottherr rooutee too woork witth, as welll aas eestaabliishiing a mmeanns ffo

4、r onee coompuuterr too ttalkk tto aanottherr commputter, reegarrdleess of wheetheer iit wwas a PPC oor aa Maacinntossh. By thhe 880ss ARRPAnnet, juust yeaars awaay ffromm beecommingg thhe mmoree weell knoown Intternnet, haad 2200 commputterss. TThe Deffensse DDepaartmmentt, ssatiisfiied witth ARPPAn

5、eets ressultts, deccideed tto ffullly aadoppt iit iintoo seerviice, annd cconnnectted manny mmiliitarry ccompputeers andd reesouurcees iintoo thhe nnetwworkk. AARPAAnett thhen hadd 5662 ccompputeers on itss neetwoork. Byy thhe yyearr 19984, itt haad ooverr 10000 commputterss onn itts nnetwworkk. In

6、19986 ARPPAneet (supppossedlly) shuut ddownn, bbut onlly tthe orgganiizattionn shhutdown, annd tthe exiistiing nettworrks stiill exiisteed bbetwweenn thhe mmoree thhan 10000compuuterrs. It shuut ddownn duue tto aa faailiied linnk uup wwithh NSSF, whoo waanteed ttoconneect itss 5 couuntyywidde ssupee

7、r ccompputeers intto AARPAAnett. With thee fuundiing of NSFF, nnew higgh sspeeed llinees wweree suucceessffullly iinsttallledat liine speeedss off 566k (a nnormmal moddem nowwadaays) thhrouugh tellephhonee liinessin 19988. Byy thhat timme, theere werre 228,1174 commputterss onn thhe (by theen deccid

8、eed) Intternnet. Inn 19989 theere werre 880,0000 commputterss onn itt. BBy 119899, theere werre 2290,0000. Anothher nettworrk wwas buiilt to suppporrt tthe inccreddiblle nnumbber of peoopleejoiniing. Itt waas cconsstruucteed iin 119922. Todayy - Thee InnterrnettTodayy, tthe Intternnet hass beecomme

9、oone of thee moost impporttantt teechnnoloogiccal advvanccemeentss inn thhe hhisttoryy off huumannityy. EEverryonne wwantts tto gget onn liine too expperiiencce tthe weaalthh off innforrmattionn off thhe IInteerneet. Milllioons of peooplee noww usse tthe Intternnet, annd iitss prrediicteed tthatt by

10、y thhe yyearr 20003 eveery sinnglee perrsonn onn thhe pplannet willl hhavee Innterrnett acccesss. Thee Innterrnett haas ttrully beccomee a wayy off liife in ourr tiime andd erra, andd iss evvolvvingg soo quuickkly itss haard to dettermminee whheree itt wiill go nexxt, as commputter andd neetwoork te

11、cchnoologgy impprovve eeverry dday. HOW IIT WWORKKS:Its a sstanndarrd tthinng. Peooplee ussingg thhe IInteerneet. Shooppiing, pllayiing gammes,connverrsinng iin vvirttuall Innterrnett ennvirronmmentts. The IInteerneet iis nnot a thiing ittsellf. Thee Innterrnett caannoot jjustt ccrassh. Itt funnctii

12、onss thhe ssamee waay aas tthe tellephhonee syysteem, onlly ttherre iis nno IInteerneet commpanny tthatt ruuns thee Innterrnett. The IInteerneet iis aa coolleectiion of millliooinss off coompuuterrs tthatt arre aall connnecctedd to eacch ootheer, or havve tthe meaans to connnecct tto eeachh ottherr.

13、 TThe Intternnet is jusst llikee ann offficce nnetwworkk, oonlyy itt haas mmilllionns oof ccompputeers connnecctedd too it. The mmainn thhingg abboutt hoow tthe Intternnet worrks is commmunnicaatioon. Howw dooes a ccompputeer iin HHousstonn knnow howw too acccesss ddataa onn a commputter in Tokkyo t

14、o vieew aa weebpaage? Interrnett coommuuniccatiion, coommuuniccatiion amoong commputterss coonneecteed tto thee Innterrnett, iis bbaseed oon aa laanguuagee. TThiss laanguuagee iss caalleed TTCP/IP. TCPP/IPP esstabblisshess a lannguaage forr a commputter to acccesss annd ttrannsmiit ddataa oveer tthe

15、 Intternnet sysstemm. But TTCP/IP asssumees tthatt thheree iss a phyysiccal connneccetiion bettweeen oone commputter andd annothher. Thhis is nott ussuallly thee caase. Thheree woouldd haave to be a nnetwworkk wiire thaat wwentt too evveryy coompuuterr coonneecteed tto tthe Intternnet, buut thaat ww

16、oulld mmakee thhe IInteerneet iimpoossiiblee too acccesss. The pphyssicaal cconnnecttionn thhat is reqquirreedd iss esstabblisshedd byy waay oof mmodeems,phoonellinees, andd ottherr moodemm caablee coonneectiionss (llikee caablee moodemms oor DSLL). Moddemss onn coompuuterrs rreadd annd ttrannsmiit

17、ddataa ovver esttabllishhed linnes,whiich couuld be phoonellinees oor ddataa liiness. TThe acttuall haard corre cconnnecttionns aree esstabblisshedd ammongg coompuuterrs ccallled rouuterrs. A rouuterr iss a commputter thaat sservves as a ttraffficc coontrrolller forr innforrmattionn. To exxplaain th

18、iis bbettter, leetss loook at howw a staandaard commputter migght vieew aa webbpagge. 1. Thhe uuserrs commputter diaals intto aan IInteerneet SServvicee Prroviiderr (IISP). TThe ISPP miightt inn tuurn be connnecctedd too annothher ISPP, oor aa sttraiightt coonneectiion intto tthe Intternnet bacckboo

19、ne. 2. Thhe uuserr laauncchess a webb brrowsser likke NNetsscappe oor IInteerneet EExplloreer aand typpes in an intternnet loccatiion to go to. 3. Heeres wwherre tthe triickyy paart commes in. Fiirstt, tthe commputter sennds datta aboout its ddataa reequeest to a rroutter. A rouuterr iss a verry hhi

20、ghh sppeedd poowerrfull commputter runnninng sspecciall sooftwwaree. TThe colllecctioon oof rroutterss inn thhe wworlld makke wwhatt iss caalleed aa bbackkbonne, onn whhichh alll tthe datta oon tthe Intternnet is traansfferrred. Thhe bbackkbonne ppressenttly opeerattes at a sspeeed oof sseveerall gi

21、ggabyytess peer-ssecoond. Suuch a sspeeed ccomppareed tto aa noormaal mmodeem iis llikee commparringg thhe hheatt off thhe ssun to thee heeat of an icee-cuube. Routeers hanndlee daata thaat iis ggoinng bbackk annd ffortth. A rroutter putts ssmalll chuunkss off daata intto ppackkagees ccallled paccke

22、tts, whiich funnctiion simmilaarlyy too envveloopess. SSo, wheen tthe reqquesst ffor thee weebpaage goees tthrooughh, iit uusess TCPP/IPP prrotoocolls tto ttelll thhe rroutter whaat tto ddo wwithh thhe ddataa, wwherre iitss goiing, annd ooverralll whheree thhe uuserr waantss too goo. 4. Thhe rroutte

23、r sennds theese paccketts tto ootheer rroutterss, eevenntuaallyy leeadiing to thee tarrgett coompuuterr. IItss liike whiispeer ddownn thhe llanee (oonlyy thhe iinfoormaatioon remmainns iintaact). 5. Whhen thee innforrmattionn reeachhes thee taargeet wweb serrverr, tthe webbserrverr thhen begginss to

24、o seend thee weeb ppagee baack. A webbserrverr iss thhe ccompputeer wwherre tthe webbpagge iis sstorred thaat iis rrunnningg a proograam tthatt haandlles reqquessts forr thhe webbpagge aand sennds thee weebpaage to whooeveer wwantts tto ssee it. 6. Thhe wwebppagee iss puut iin ppackketss, ssentt thh

25、rouugh rouuterrs, andd arrrivve aat tthe useers commputter wheere thee usser cann viiew thee weebpaage oncce iit iis aasseemblled. The ppackketss whhichh coontaain thee daata alsso cconttainn sppeciial infformmatiion thaat letts rroutterss annd ootheer ccompputeers knoow hhow to reaasseemblle tthe d

26、atta iin tthe rigght ordder. With milllioons of webb paagess, aand milllioons of useers, ussingg thhe IInteerneet iis nnot alwwayss eaasy forr a begginnningg usser, esspecciallly forr soomeoone whoo iss noot eentiirelly commforrtalle wwithh ussingg coompuuterrs. Bellow youu caan ffindd tiips triicks

27、s annd hhelpp on howw too usse mmainn seerviicess off thhe IInteerneet. Beforre yyou acccesss weebpaagess, yyou musst hhavee a webb brrowsser to acttuallly be ablle tto vvieww thhe wwebppagees. Mosst IInteerneet AAcceess Proovidderss prroviide youu witth aa weeb bbrowwserr inn thhe ssofttwarre tthey

28、y ussuallly givve tto ccusttomeers; yoou. Thee faact thaat yyou aree viiewiing thiis ppagee meeanss thhat youu haave a wweb broowseer. Thee toop ttwo usee brrowsserss arre NNetsscappe CCommmuniicattor andd Miccrossoftt Innterrnett Exxploorerr. NNetsscappe ccan be fouund at HYPERLINK wwww.neetsccapee

29、.coom andd MSSIE cann bee fooundd att wwww.miicroosofft.ccom/ie. The ffactt thhat youuree reeadiing thiis rrighht nnow meaans thaat yyou havve aa weeb broowseer. Next youu muust be fammiliiar witth aactuuallly uusinng wwebppagees. A wwebppagee iss a colllecctioon oof hhypeerliinkss, iimagges, teext,

30、 foormss, mmenuus, andd muultiimeddia. Too naaviggatee aa weebpaage, siimplly cclicck tthe linnks it prooviddes or follloww itts ownn insstruuctiionss (llikee iff itt haas aa foorm youu neeed to usee, iit wwilll prrobaablyy innstrructt youu hoow tto uuse it). BBasiicallly, evveryythiing aboout a wwe

31、bppagee iss maade to be sellf- expplannetoory. Thhat is thee naaturre oof aa weebpaage, too bee eaasilly nnaviigattablle. Oh nno! a 4404 errror! CCannnot finnd wweb pagge? iis aa coommoon rremaark madde by neww weeb-uuserrs. Somettimees wwebssitees hhavee errrorrs. Butt ann errrorr onn a webbsitte i

32、is nnot thee ussers fauult, off cooursse.A 4044 errrorr meeanss thhat thee paage youu trriedd too goo too dooes nott exxistt. TThiss couuld be beccausse tthe sitte iis sstilll bbeinng cconsstruucteed aand thee paage hassntt beeen creeateed yyet, orr beecauuse thee siite autthorr maade a ttypoo inn t

33、hhe ppagee. TTherress notthinng mmuchh too doo abboutt a 4044 errrorr exxceppt ffor e-mmaillingg thhe ssitee admminiistrratoor (of thee paage youu waanteed tto ggo tto) an telllinng hhim/herr abboutt thee errrorr.A Javvasccrippt eerroor iis tthe ressultt off a proograammiing errror in thee Jaavasscr

34、iipt codde oof aa weebsiite. Noot aall webbsittes utiilizze JJavaascrriptt, bbut manny ddo. Javvasccrippt iis ddifffereent froom JJavaa, aand mosst bbrowwserrs nnow suppporrt Javvasccrippt. If youu arre uusinng aan oold verrsioon oof aa weeb bbrowwserr (NNetsscappe 33.0 forr exxampple), youu miightt

35、 geet JJavaascrriptt errrorrs bbecaausee siitess uttiliize Javvasccrippt vverssionns tthatt yoour broowseer ddoess noot ssuppportt. SSo, youu caan ttry getttinng aa neewerr veersiion of youur wweb broowseer. E-maiil sstannds forr Ellecttronnic Maiil, andd thhats wwhatt itt iss. EE-maail enaablees pe

36、ooplee too seend lettterrs, andd evven filles andd piictuuress too eaach othher. To usse ee-maail, yoou mmustt haave an e-mmaill clliennt, whiich is jusst llikee a perrsonnal posst ooffiice, siincee itt reetriievees aand stooress e-maiil. Seconndlyy, yyou musst hhavee ann e-maiil aaccoountt. MMostt

37、Innterrnett Seerviice Proovidderss prroviide freee ee-maail acccounnt(ss) ffor freee. Somme sservvicees ooffeer ffreee e-mmaill, llikee Hootmaail, annd GGeoccitiies. Afterr coonfiigurringg yoour e-mmaill clliennt wwithh yoour POPP3 aand SMTTP sservver adddresss (youur ee-maail proovidder willl ggive

38、e yoou tthatt innforrmattionn), youu arre rreaddy to recceivve mmaill. An atttacchmeent is a ffilee seent in a llettter. Iff soomeoone sennds youu ann atttacchmeent andd yoou ddont kknoww whho iit iis, donnt runn thhe ffilee, eeverr. IIt ccoulld bbe aa viiruss orr somme ootheer kkindd off naastyy pr

39、rogrramss. YYou cannt gett a virrus jusst bby rreaddingg e-maiil, youulll haave to phyysiccallly eexeccutee soome forrm oof pproggramm foor aa viiruss too strrikee. A siggnatturee iss a feaaturre oof mmanyy e-maiil pproggramms. A ssignnatuure is addded to thee ennd oof eeverry ee-maail youu seend ou

40、tt. YYou cann puut aa teext graaphiic, youur bussineess infformmatiion, annythhingg yoou wwantt. Imagiine thaat aa coompuuterr onn thhe IInteerneet iis aan iislaand in thee seea. Thee seea iis fillledd wiith milllioons of isllandds. Thiis iis tthe Intternnet. Immagiine an isllandd commmunnicaatess w

41、iith othher isllandd byy seendiing shiips to othher isllandds aand recceivvingg shhipss. TThe isllandd haas pportts tto aacceept andd seend outt shhipss. A commputter on thee Innterrnett haas aacceess noddes callledd poortss. AA poort is jusst aa symmbollic objjectt thhat alllowss thhe ccompputeer t

42、to ooperratee onn a nettworrk (or thee Intternnet). TThiss meethood iis ssimiilarr too thhe iislaand/oceean symmbollismm abbovee. Telneet rrefeers to acccesssingg poortss onn a serrverr diirecctlyy wiith a ttextt coonneectiion. Almmostt evveryy kiind of Intternnet funnctiion, liike acccesssingg weeb

43、 ppagees,chaattiing, aand e-mmaillingg iss doone oveer aa Teelneet cconnnecttionn. Telneettiing reqquirres a TTelnnet cliientt. AA teelneet pproggramm coomess wiith thee Winndowws ssysttem, soo Wiindoows useers cann acccesss ttelnnet by typpingg inn ttelnnet (wiithoout thee s) in thee ruun ddiallog.

44、 Liinuxx haas iit bbuillt iintoo thhe ccommmandd liine; tellnett. AA poopullar tellnett prrogrram forr Maacinntossh iis NNCSAA teelneet. Any sservver sofftwaare (weeb ppagee daaemoon, chaat ddaemmon) caan bbe aacceesseed vvia tellnett, aalthhouggh ttheyy arre nnot usuuallly mmeannt tto bbe aacceesse

45、ed iin ssuchh a mannnerr. Forr innstaancee, iit iis pposssiblle tto cconnnectt diirecctlyy too a maiil sservver andd chheckk youur mmaill byy innterrfaccingg wiith thee e-maiil sservver sofftwaare, buut iitss eaasieer tto usee ann e-maiil cclieent (off cooursse). Theree arre mmilllionns oof WWebPPag

46、ees tthatt coome froom aall oveer tthe worrld, yeet hhow willl yyou knoow wwhatt thhe aaddrresss off a pagge yyou wannt iis? Searcch eengiiness saave thee daay. A ssearrch engginee iss a verry llargge wwebssitee thhat alllowss yoou tto ssearrch its oown dattabaase of webbsittes. Foor iinsttancce, if

47、 youu wanntedd too fiind a wwebssitee onn doogs, yooudd seearcch ffor doog or doogs orr ddog infformmatiion. HHeree arre aa feew ssearrch-engginees. 1. Alltavvistta (htttp:/wwww.aaltaavissta.diggitaal.ccom) - Webb sppideer & Inndexxed2. Yaahooo (hhttpp:/wwww.yaahooo.coom) - WWeb spiiderr & Inddexeed

48、 CColllecttionn3. Exxcitte (htttp:/m) - Weeb sspidder & IIndeexedd4. Lyycoss (hhttpp:/wwww.lyycoss.coom) - WWeb spiiderr & Inddexeed5. Meetassearrch (htttp:/wwww.mettaseearcch.ccom) - Mulltipple seaarchhA webb sppideer iis aa prrogrram useed bby ssearrch engginees tthatt gooes froom ppagee too pagge

49、, folllowwingg anny llinkk itt caan pposssiblly ffindd. TThiss meeanss thhat a ssearrch engginee caan lliteerallly mapp ouut aas mmuchh off thhe IInteerneet aas iitss owwn ttimee annd speeed alllowss foor.An inndexxed colllecctioon uusess haand-addded linnks. Foor iinsttancce, on Yahhoos ssitee. You

50、u caan cclicck oon CCompputeers & tthe Intternnet. Thhen youu caan cclicck oon Harrdwaare. Thhen youu caan cclicck oon MModeems, ettc., annd aalonng tthe wayy thrrouggh ssecttionns, theere aree siitess avvaillablle wwhicch rrelaate to whaat ssecttionn youuree inn. Metassearrch seaarchhes manny ssear

51、rch engginees aat tthe samme ttimee, ffinddingg thhe ttop chooicees ffromm abboutt 100 seearcch eengiiness, mmakiing seaarchhingg a lott moore efffecttivee.Once youu arre aablee too usse ssearrch engginees, youu caan eeffeectiivelly ffindd thhe ppagees youu waant. With thee arrrivval of nettworrkinn

52、g aand mullti useer ssysttemss, ssecuuritty hhas alwwayss beeen oon tthe minnd oof ssysttem devvelooperrs aand sysstemm opperaatorrs. Sinnce thee dawwn oof AAT&TT annd iits phoone nettworrk, hacckerrs hhavee beeen knoown by manny, hacckerrs wwho finnd wwayss alll tthe timme oof bbreaakinng iintoo sy

53、ysteems. Itt ussed to nott be thaat bbig of a pprobblemm, ssincce nnetwworkkingg waas llimiitedd too biig ccorpporaate commpanniess orr gooverrnmeent commputterss whho ccoulld aaffoord thee neecesssarry commputter seccuriity. The bbigggestt prrobllem noww-a-dayys iis pperssonaal iinfoormaatioon. Why

54、y shhoulld yyou be carrefuul wwhille mmakiing purrchaasess viia aa weebsiite? Leetss loook at howw thhe intternnet worrks, quuickkly. The uuserr iss trranssferrrinng ccreddit carrd iinfoormaatioon tto aa weebpaage. Loookss saafe, rigght? Noot nneceessaarilly. As thee usser subbmitts tthe infformmati

55、ion, itt iss beeingg strreammed thrrouggh aa seeriees oof ccompputeers thaat mmakee upp thhe IInteerneet bacckboone. Thhe iinfoormaatioon iis iin llitttle chuunkss, iin ppackkagees ccallled paccketts. Herress thhe pprobblemm: WWhille tthe infformmatiion is beiing traansfferrred thrrouggh tthiss bigg

56、 baackbbonee, wwhatt iss prreveentiing a hacckerr ffromm innterrcepptinng tthiss daata strreamm att onne oof tthe bacckboone poiintss? Big-bbrottherr iss noot wwatcchinng yyou if youu acccesss aa weeb ssitee, bbut useers shoouldd be awaare of pottenttiall thhreaats whiile traansmmitttingg prrivaate

57、infformmatiion. Thheree arre mmethhodss off ennforrcinng ssecuuritty, likke ppasssworrd pprottecttionn, aan mmostt impporttanttly, enncryyptiion.Encryyptiion meaans scrrambblinng ddataa innto a ccodee thhat cann onnly be unsscraamblled on thee ootheer eend. BBrowwserrs likke NNetsscappe CCommmuniica

58、ttor andd Innterrnett Exxploorerr feeatuure enccrypptioon ssuppportt foor mmakiing on-linne traansfferss. SSomee enncryyptiionss woork bettterr thhan othherss. TThe mosst aadvaanceed enccrypptioon ssysttem is callledd DEES (Datta EEncrrypttionn Sttanddardd), andd itt waas adoopteed bby tthe US Deffe

59、nsse DDepaartmmentt beecauuse it wass deeemeed sso ddiffficuult to crrackk tthatt thhey connsiddereed iit aa seecurrityy riisk if it wouuld falll iintoo annothher couuntrriess haandss. A DEES uusess a sinnglee keey oof iinfoormaatioon tto uunloock an enttiree doocummentt. TThe proobleem iis, theere

60、aree 755 trrilllionn poossiiblee keeys to usee, sso iit iis aa hiighlly ddiffficuult sysstemm too brreakk. OOne doccumeent wass crrackked andd deccodeed, butt itt waas aa coombiinedd effforrt oof 114,0000 commputterss neetwoorkeed oveer tthe Intternnet thaat ttookk a whiile to do it, soo moost hacck


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