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1、 中 考 专 题 复 习 课 Writing (how to deal with the materials)如何处理作文要求中出现的材料2022/9/29 中 考 专 题 复 习 课 W绝望型抄写型奋斗型精英型绝望型抄写型奋斗型精英型Task 1: 1.Find out the mistakes in the compositions.Then write down and share with your partners.影响作文分数的因素:1. 审题:时态、人称2 作文主题与内容要点不相关;3 句子不通顺,句式单一;4 作文层次结构不清晰;5 拼写、语法等错误;6 书写不规范,卷面整洁度

2、;常见问题:中式英语作文现象严重段落之间缺少衔接句缺少有意义的结尾Task 1: 影响作文分数的因素:常见问题:自从实施教育新政,中学生有了更多自主支配的时间,但有些同学不知如何利用好这些时间,针对这种现象,你校广播室“校园英语之声”栏目就“如何更好地利用课余时间”进行征文。请你用英语给该栏目写一篇广播稿。内容要点包括:注意: 100词左右,广播的开头已给出,不计入总词数参考词汇: make good use of, interest groupsMobile Games, do sports 小练一 手范文解析Task 2. 仔细阅读作文要求,并作出写前分析。自从实施教育新政,中学生有了更多

3、自主支配的时间,但有些小练一自从实施教育新政,中学生有了更多自主支配的时间,但有些同学不知如何利用好这些时间,针对这种现象,你校广播室“校园英语之声”栏目就“如何更好地利用课余时间”进行征文。请你用英语给该栏目写一篇广播稿。内容要点包括:注意: 100词左右,广播的开头已给出,不计入总词数主题体裁人称主干结构时态字数已知信息未知信息以一般现在时为主第一步 审清题意we主干细节处理自从实施教育新政,中学生有了更多自主支配的时间,但有些同学不 the beginning the ending第三步 定 头尾Lets do sth.Task 3. 你能给出更多开头和结尾吗?Welcome to ou

4、r English Broadcasting Program.Its important to do sth. the beginning 第三步 定 头尾Let the beginning Main body the endingproblemsopinionssuggestionsWrite an outlineWe think合理安排时间 参加兴趣小组 -第二步 列出提纲作文结构: 总-分-总花太多时间在兴趣爱好上 迷恋手机游戏 -can/should/must some we the beginning 抓住要点,列关键词Problemsbe crazy about play comp

5、uter games spend too much time on their hobbies watch too much TV refuse to do homework Opinions not good for our health and studypay more attention to Suggestionsplan time carefully join interest groups do some sports take part in different after school activities achieve a balance between study an

6、d hobbies 主 干 解 析连词成句抓住要点,列关键词Problems主 干 解 析连词成句Problemsspend too much time on their hobbies be crazy about play Mobile Games Opinions Suggestionsplan time carefully join interest groups 抓住要点,列关键词第四步 主 干 解 析Task 4. Give more phrases(给出更多的未知信息)Problems抓住要点,列关键词第四步 主 干 解 第五步 集句成段,组段成篇 (提出建议)However,

7、how can we make better use of our spare time? For example,Besides these,And also注意添加主题句,连接词!we can do some sports. If we have time, we should help parents do some housework.There are many things we can do. we can plan our time carefully and try our best to achieve a balance between our study and hob

8、bies. We can set up and join different kinds of interest groups, take part in some good after-school activities. We can also第五步 集句成段,组段成篇 (提出建议)Howev Hello, everybody! Welcome to listen to our English Broadcasting Program.For us ,its important to make better use of our free time.So Todays topic is “

9、 How to Make Better Use of Our Spare Time”. Nowadays, we students have much more free time than before. But quite a number of students dont know how to use the time properly. They spend so much time on their hobbies that they cant finish their homework on time. Also some of them watch too much TV, W

10、hats worse, most of the students are crazy about the Mobile Grames. We dont think its good for their study and health. However, how can we make better use of our spare time? There are many things we can do. For example, we can plan our time carefully and try our best to achieve a balance between our

11、 study and hobbies. And also we can set up and join different kinds of interest groups, take part in some good after-school activities. Besides these, we can do some sports. If we have time, we should help parents do some housework. Lets make better use of our free time and make our life rich and co

12、lorful!范文展示 Hello, everybody! Welcome 中考作文评分标准:作文一律按档给分,与错误个数无直接关系。 Task 6: 1.组内互评,给出分数,简单说明扣分原因。中考作文评分标准: Task 6: 1.组内互评,给Complete the composition. 为了庆祝你校建校60周年, 你所在班级将要举行一次主题为What Can We Do For Our School?的英语演讲比赛。请写一篇英语演讲稿, 要求从以下几方面阐述,可适当举例。100词左右,开头已给出。1.作为我校学生, 首先要举止得体,有礼貌,尊敬老师,帮助同学。2.尽力保持校园环境清洁

13、美丽(人人爱护花草树木,形成随时把垃圾丢进垃圾箱的好习惯),如果人人做一件事,我们将使校园成为良好的学习和生活的地方。3.努力学习,锻炼身体,将来为国家做贡献,为母校争光(使母校引以为荣)参考词汇:校园 campus 尊重 respect 形成的习惯 form a habit of 垃圾箱 dustbin 开头以给出: Hello, everyone. Its nice to speak out what we can do for our school, and I think each of us can do something. Complete the composition. 总结

14、:写作文时易犯的错误1.审题不清 2.拼写错误 3.名词单复数问题:4.缺少动词 5.缺少介词、冠词等 6.代词的误用 7.句子不完整,句式单一 8.前后不一致,前后混乱9.时态、人称和数的搭配错误10.固定搭配错误11.书写不规范常见问题:中式英语作文现象严重段落之间缺少衔接句结构单一缺少有意义的结尾 总结:写作文时易犯的错误1.审题不清 常 Hello, everyone. Its nice to speak about what we can do for our school, and I think each of us can do something. The first thi

15、ng we can do is to make our campus more beautiful. Every one of us may plant a tree in the school, or organize a thorough cleaning on the campus. We can also form a good habit of putting the rubbish in the dusbin.The second thing we can do is to protect the facilities in our school. When we leave th

16、e classroom, we should never forget to turn off the light or close the door. We should not leave the tap water running or waste any materials in the laboratory class. If everyone does one thing for our school, I believe we will turn our school into a better place to Study and live in.Thank you for listening!/kmps/校园:ro彻


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