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1、37/37HYPERLINK /2011年厦门市高中毕业班质量检查英语试题本试卷分第一卷(选择题)和第二卷(非选择题)两部分。满分150.考试时刻120分钟。第一卷(选择题 共115分)第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)(略)第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)单项填空(共15小题;满分15分)21. Hi, how are you doing? _.A. Listening to musicB. Not exactlyC. Well doneD. Never better, thanks22. Where shall we sit, Linda?Near_ front of the

2、 bus, and well have _ better view.A. 不填;theB. 不填;aC. the; aD. the; the23. Barbara, Id like to share your tips on keeping a good figure. Follow a healthy diet and _ an hour per day to exercise.A. payB. spareC. take D. cost24. While making a purchase online, be_about your personal information!A. cauti

3、ousB. curiousC. anxiousD. generous25. There are some MP5s on sale in the Etown. Shall we go and buy_, Dad?A. itB. themC. thatD. one26. What was it that made Susan weep? _ cheating in the exam.A. Charged withB. Being accused ofC. Charging withD. Accusing of27. No goods shall be taken out the supermar

4、ket _ paid for.A. onceB. ifC. unlessD. when28. Why didnt you call me?Oh, my cellphone ran out of power, otherwise I _ you.A. would have calledB. would callC. calledD. had called29. Id like to meet you at 10 oclock this Sunday morning if it is convenient.Im afraid I _ an important conference.A. will

5、have attendedB. will be attendingC. have been attendingD. have attended30. Check your paper carefully to see_ you have made any spelling mistakes.A. whetherB. whatC. thatD. which31. The ceremony of the 83rd Academy Awards in Hollywood, _ by a young, attractive paid of Hollywood stars, was an eye-cat

6、ching feast.A. to be hostedB. to hostC. hostedD. hosting32. To my disappointment, not a single word _ when I told her my good grade in English.A. had Mom saidB. said MomC. Mom had saidD. did Mom say33. The fact that many college graduates get lower salary than some workers has _ an online debate.A.

7、set out B. set aboutC. set upD. set off34. Ad-makers choose words and brand names carefully_ a creative image of the product they are promoting.A. to makeB. makingC. madeD. make35. You havent heard from Claire for a long time? No, since he _ abroad.A. sentB. has sent C. was sentD. has been sent第二节 完

8、形填空 (20小题,满分30分)Do you wait for people to inspire you or do you take action to inspire yourself? If you wait, it may take a long time to come or it may not _36_ at all. If you inspire yourself, the frequency and possibility are all within your _37_.W. Mitchell is a good _38_. He suffered burns to ov

9、er 65 percent of his body in an_39_ and was paralyzed a few years later, but he never _40_. While Mitchell rose like a phoenix(凤凰) from his_41_, Australian skier Janine Shepherd also fought back with self-inspiration. Shepherd was training for the 1988 Calgary Winter Olympics _42_ a truck hit her. S

10、he had a broken neck, back and many other injuries. It was a miracle(奇迹) that she _43_. She was told she would never walk or ski again.“_44_” was a word Shepherd could not accept. She resisted any negative thought She fought back, even when_45_ setback, a blood disease occurred.She inspired herself

11、to live with_46_. She didnt want to be robbed of her life aims. Every time she _47_planes flying, she lifted her fighting spirit to a_48_ level. “If I can not walk, I am going to_49_,” she decided. She learned to fly even with one leg unable to operate a pedal. She was_50_that she could not have chi

12、ldren but went on to have two _51_. Having published the book about herself, Shepherd now gives speeches motivational, encouraging people not to_52_life.Mitchell and Shepherd_53_ have given in to their sufferings. But no, they did not want to give in so _54_. They did not want to lose or be defeated

13、 _55_ even trying in their new circumstances. Fortune always favors those with determination.36. A. happenB. workC. existD. appear37. A. limitB. controlC. mindD. target38. A. coachB. sportsmanC. storyD. example39. A. eventB. accidentC. incidentD. exercise40. A. gave outB. broke downC. gave upD. brok

14、e in41. A. sufferingB. discomfortC. diseaseD. anger42. A. sinceB. beforeC. whileD. when43. A. recoveredB. survivedC. succeededD. insisted44. A. SeldomB. EverC. NeverD. Forever45. A. longerB. smallerC. furtherD. shorter46. A. painB. sadnessC. lonelinessD. failure47. A. hadB. rememberedC. keptD. heard

15、48. A. lowerB. higherC. quickerD. deeper49. A. runB. quitC. flyD. drive50. A. warnedB. convincedC. blamedD. educated51. A. brothersB. daughtersC. petsD. planes52. A. make fun ofB. feel shamed ofC. catch hold ofD. let go of53. A. wouldB. shouldC. couldD. must54. A. easilyB. badlyC. unwillinglyD. anxi

16、ously55. A. byB. withoutC. exceptD. beyond第三部分 阅读理解 (20小题,满分40分)AMr. JONES, of the Manor Farm, had locked the hen-houses for the night, but was too drunk to remember to shut the door. With the ring of light from his lantern dancing from side to side, he drew himself a last glass of beer and made his

17、 way up to bed.As soon as the light in the bedroom went out, there was a big noise all through the farm buildings. Word had gone round during the day that old Major, the prize Middle White boar, had had a strange dream on the previous night and wished to communicate it to the other animals. It had b

18、een agreed that they should all meet in the big barn(谷仓) as soon as Mr. Jones was safely out of the way.At one end of the big barn, Major lay on his bed of straw comfortablely. He was twelve years old and had lately grown rather heavy, but he was still a nice-looking pig, with a wise and easy-going

19、appearance. Before long the other animals began to arrive and make themselves comfortable after their different fashions. First came the three dogs, Bluebell, Jessie, and Pincher, and then the pigs, who settled down in the straw immediately beside Major. The two cart-horses, Boxer and Clover, came i

20、n together, walking very slowly and setting down their vast hairy hoofs(蹄子) with great care for fear that there should be some small animal concealed in the straw. Clover was a motherly big horse approaching middle life, who had never quite got her figure back after her fourth kid. Boxer was an enor

21、mous beast, nearly eighteen hands high, and as strong as any two ordinary horses put together. A white stripe down his nose gave him a somewhat stupid appearance, and in fact he was not of first-rate intelligence, but he was well respected for his steadiness of character and extraordinary ability. A

22、fter the horses came Benjamin, the donkey. Benjamin got angry easily. He seldom talked, and when he did, it was usually to make such remarksfor instance, he would say that God had given him a tail to keep the flies off, but that he would rather have had no tail and no flies. Alone among the animals

23、on the farm he never laughed. If asked why, he would say that he saw nothing to laugh at. 56. All the animals came to the barn to_.A. vote for a farm masterB. listen to the Majors strange dreamC. discuss how to win a prizeD. share how to drive Mr. Jones away57. According to the passage, Clover was _

24、.A. considerate and in good shapeB. old-aged and out of shapeC. a fat horse with a gentle heartD. a pretty horse with a nice character58. What earned Boxer high respect?A. His strong build and great wisdomC. His calm character and great powers of workC. His good temper and strong buildD. His steady

25、character and quick mind59. Which remark could be to Benjamins taste?A. Life is like a box of sweetsC. Life is like a play in the theatreC. Life is like a boat in the seaD. Life is like ashes upon a deserted stoveBAlong Together, an amazing description of our changing relationship with technology, i

26、s written by Sherry Turkle, an MIT professor of the Social Studies of Science and Technology.In the books first half, devoted to robots, Turkle gives out toys like the Tumagotchi, Furby, and Zhu Zhu robotic hamster(仓鼠), then explores childrens deep attachments to the creatures and assessments of whe

27、ther they are alive. Such quasi-pets set the psychological stage for what Turkle is really worried about: robot lovers. One woman even says that if a robot acted like it cared, shes trade in her boyfriend.The books second half explores the “network” instant messages, social networks, confessional we

28、bsites, and the like and how it reshapes the self. Fifteen-year-olds send and receive close to 6000 messages a month. “They communicate all day but are not sure if they have connected. They develop friendships on social networking sites and then wonder if they are among friends.” In texting, a typic

29、al question is “Where are you?”, not an open-ended one like “How are you?” Just as robots produce confusion about whether one is alone or with another, Turkle sighs, “We are connected to each other, but strangely more alone.”“What cant be denied(否认)is that technology, with all its faults, makes life

30、 a lot easier. It allows us to get in touch with more people in less time; it can make conversation simple no small talk required. But are any of those feelings equal to the kind we feel when engaged in real, face-to-face setting? Online, you can ignore others feelings. In a text message, you can av

31、oid eye contact. A number of studies have found that this generation of teens is becoming unconcerned. That doesnt spell disaster, but it does mean we might want to start thinking about the way we want to live. Weve gone through terribly rapid change, and some of these things just need a little sort

32、ing out. ” Turkle says. This book is not to be missed and worthy of every dollar you spend.60. In her book, Turkle worries that _.A. the robotic creatures are not aliveB. all women would fall in love with robotsC. children are addicted to keeping animal petsD. more people are lost in the world of te

33、chnology61. What can be implied from the underlined sentence in Paragraph3?A. Internet sets us apart from each other.B. Social network is not the real world.C. Internet brings us closer to each otherD. Messages are used a lot in peoples daily life62. If a child keeps using messages a lot, he or she

34、may_.A. get engaged in small talksB. care little for others feelingsC. get stuck in many disastersD. well sort out personal relationship63. The purpose of writing this passage is to _.A. recommend a good book to readersB. urge people to keep away from technologyC. analyze the dangers of keeping robo

35、ts as loversD. explore the relationship between human and technologyC3 Strangest College Courses in AmericaCollege is viewed these days either as a diploma factory or a stepping stone to a better future. You may choose popular courses, for example, law in University of Chicago. However, theres not a

36、 lot of love for learning for learnings sake(缘故) anymore. Thus many colleges and online colleges compete to offer plenty of strange unique classes that go over non-standard educational topics. A few strange courses weve found sound like lots of fun, but with tuition (学费)costs skyrocketing is it real

37、ly worth it to spend thousands of dollars on these fun courses? Read on and decide.The Science of Harry Potter Frostburg State UniversityNot only does Frostburg State offer a course on the science of Harry Potter its an honors course. The class discusses topics, such as whether or not Fluffy the thr

38、ee headed dog, could be explained by genetic engineering or if antigravity research could actually produce a flying broomstick. The course is modeled after the book “The Science of Harry Potter: How Magic Really Works,” by Roger Highfield. The class is intended for non-science majors and, probably n

39、ot surprisingly, there is no lab work.Far Side Entomology Oregon State UniversityThe cartoon “The Far Side” described a rich universe filled with interesting animals and insects. Far Side Entomology professor Michael Burgett uses the cartoon as a teaching tool to explore relationship between humans

40、and insects. About the course, Burgett says “The cartoons make an immediate connection between insects and people Students take those connections farther, connecting to ideas and relationships they wouldnt have imagined in a straight systematic course.”The Art of Walking Centre CollegeThis might sou

41、nd like nonsense, but its actually a class dealing with art. The course offers a mixture of lectures and walks around the Danville, Kentucky area including nature preserves, battlefields, the nearby Shaker Village, campuses and farms. Students are also given walking assignments in addition to more t

42、raditional college work like reading and term papers.64. What do we learn from the first paragraph?A. People go to college only for a diplomaB. Fun courses cost more money than traditional coursesC. Not all the people are interested in learning for learnings sakeD. More colleges and online colleges

43、stop offering standard educational courses.65. Which topic is included in the course Far Side Entomology?A. Genetic engineeringB. The making of cartoons about a rich universeC. Protection of nature reservesD. The relationship between humans and insects.66. People who are interested in antigravity re

44、search may choose_.A. Frostburg State UniversityB. Oregon State UniversityC. Centre CollegeD. University of ChicagoDA mother is devastated, crying, yelling all she can in that dark corner. There was nobody to hear her yell and not a soul to calm her, because outside her house is a long winding lonel

45、y road. The wind was at rest and the leaves didnt rustle, silence filled the air. Loneliness was already killing her, but no one knows what made her cry?Losing something you love with all your heart isnt really the pain you can ever overcome. Radha lost her baby, her only means to live. She saw her

46、child getting killed and the accident was terrible. One lonely night, she was walkingdown the street to get a breath of fresh air with her child hugged tight in her arms. The whole time she walked with her child in her arms, the only thing that worried her was Aryanss future. She was imagining and f

47、eeling every day of the Childs growth, and figuring what she would have in store for him. But who knows whats in store for us tomorrow, life can change in a second. On that deserted road, were a few streetlights barely enough? It was this one light that could be seen from a distance, but as it came

48、closer it got brighter and brighter. That light changed radhas life into darkness forever. A speeding car came down that road. The driver came at a speed of 110kmph throwing beer bottles out of his half open window. He was definitely drunk, and the speed took everything in its path. Just then, there

49、 was a loud cry, and silence set in again. But the mother wasnt hurt. She opened her eyes, unable to focus her eyes, and didnt see Aryan. After a few minutes when her sight cleared up she looked all over in a panic for her baby, but alas! The child hadnt even seen life. Simple, dont drink and drive.

50、 You could take a life, but kill a number of people.67. The word “devasted” in Paragraph 1 would probably mean_. A. worriedB. scaredC. heart-brokenD. weather-beaten68. Which of the following statement is TRUE of Radha?A. She had expected much of Aryan.B. She got her eyes injured in the accident.C. S

51、he was bit by one bottle on the arm.D. She had everything ready for Aryans future.69. The last sentence underlined implies that _.A. drunk driving is absolutely forbiddenB. drunk driving is certain to kill a lot of peopleC. the driver killed Aryan and his motherD. there is more than one victim in a

52、car accident70. What would be the best title for passage?A. The Death of A Miserable ChildB. A Sad Mother on a Windy NightC. The Price for Another Mans MistakeD. Overspeeding from Drunk Driving EThe recent information shows that methane(甲烷)is up to 25 times more powerful, per ton, than CO2 in causin

53、g global warming. These calculations are based on averaging the heating effects of methane over 100 years. However, we ignore the fact that methane has an atmospheric lifetime of 12?3 years. If the calculations are averaged over a period of 20 years, methane will be rated as 72 times more powerful.L

54、arge amounts of methane are produced from natural sources such as wetlands, oceans, freshwater bodies, non-wetland soils; however, the majority of methane presence can be closely related to human activities. These activities include fossil fuel production, biomass burning, waste management and anima

55、l husbandry(畜牧业). The release of methane into the atmosphere by cattle and other large animals is estimated to account for 12 to 17% of the total global methane release. Recently, scientists developed a methane release measuring technique as a way of tracking the release of the gas without affecting

56、 the regular management of the cattle. This is part of a research study co-conducted by researcher from Agriculture and Agri-Food Canadas Lethbridge Research Centre, the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, and the University of Melbourne in Australia.Cattle were fitted with

57、 global positioning devices to track their movements and wind speed and direction were constantly measured. Unlike previous studies in which a few cattle were handled daily and methane measurements were taken directly, this technique centered on using open-path lasers to obtain a short-term measurem

58、ent of methane release from cattle. For instance, in one study, the technique was used to take repeated measurements of methane concentration every 10 minutes directly above the height of the 18 cattle on the farm. According to the results, the technique developed so well that it can account for 77% of methane release at a single point on a farm.Sean McGinee, the author of the study describes the te


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