1、为了让孩子不辍学Across the developing world , millions of children s lives are forever 1 ) blighted because they lack a basic human right , the right to a quality education. The right to an education begins before children go to primary school , because, if children don t know what to expect when they get t
2、o school , they re much more likely to either not enroll on time or to drop out.2)UNICEF and its partners are addressing this challenge with an innovative pilot program that shows pre-schoolers what to expect when they get to school. Called “ Getting Ready for School: A child-to-child approach ,” it
3、 was launched in 2007. It starts with teaching youngsters the very basics of school life so they ll be socially and academically prepared.What makes this program different is that the tutors orfacilitators are not much older than the children , so it builds on the natural phenomenon of children lear
4、ning from their older friends.Maekelech Gidey ( UNICEF Education Specialist ,Ethiopia ):( via translator ) The main reason for this is that theprogram was designed to work within our culture. It is our culture that neighbours work , eat and play together.The child-to-child pilot program has been int
5、roduced in 3)six countries. Pre-school education is rare in much of ruralEthiopia. Ba-ati Akor School is one of seven schools inEthiopia s Tigray region , where the child-to-child program isusing effective and innovative techniques to stimulate a child snatural desire to learn. In Tigray , nearly a
6、quarter of childrendrop out before completing a full year in the first grade. Withstrong community support , the child-tochild program isreversing that trend.Since the program began in Ethiopia in 2008 , it has grown rapidly. Children who are in the program perform better in school and drop out in f
7、ewer numbers than those who do not. And the benefits are not restricted to the pre-schoolers. Facilitators also find their lives improve sic. They earn respect amongst their peers and elders, and learn leadership and responsibility.在众多发展中国家里,有数百万儿童因为无法享受有水准的教育这项最基本的人权,他们的一生被彻底地毁了。孩子们受教育的权利从他们上小学之前就开
8、始了,因为如果他们不知道上学后会遇到些什么事情,他们就很可能不会适时报名上学或者会辍学。为了解决这一难题,联合国儿童基金会及其合作伙伴启动了一个创新的试点项目,让学龄前儿童了解他们上学后会面对什么。这个项目始于 2007 年,名叫“为上学作准备:一对一帮扶” ,它会让小孩子知道学生生活最基本的内容,那样他们在上学前不管是在与人交往方面,还是在学业上都可做好充分准备。这个项目的不同寻常之处在于其中的导师或者是辅导员,他们自身并不比小孩子大多少,因此它的实施是建立在大孩子教小孩子这种自然现象的基础上的。麦基利奇 ?吉地(联合国儿童基金会在埃塞俄比亚的教育专家):(通过翻译)这么做的目的是确保该项目
9、在我们的文化体系内发挥作用。在我们的文化传统里,邻居们本来就会在一起干活、吃饭、玩耍。 目前已经有六个国家引入了这个一对一的试点项目。在埃塞俄比亚的农村里,学前教育是非常罕见的。埃塞俄比亚的提格里地区共有七所学校推行这个一对一项目,而巴阿提阿哥就是其中的一所。在学校里,该项目采用有效的创新办法激发孩子的学习天性。在提格里州,几乎有四分之一的孩子还没有读完一年级就辍学了,而这个项目利用当地社区的有力支持,正在扭转这个趋势。该项目自从2008 年在埃塞俄比亚开展以来,发展迅速。与那些没有参加这个项目的孩子相比,参加了项目的孩子在学校有更出色的表现,而且辍学率更低。此外,从中得到好处的并不限于学龄前
10、儿童。项目中的辅导员也发觉他们自己的生活有所改善,因为他们赢得了同龄人和长辈的信任,自己也学会了如何当个领头人和承担责任。Despite her teaching commitment , Shefena has more time for her studies because her parents no longer give her as many household chores.Shefena: ( via translator ) It makes me very happybecause, while I make plans for my students , it allo
11、ws me to be focused on my studies as well.The simplicity of the child-to-child program is the key toits effectiveness. It s a low-cost way to bring pre-school education to children who would otherwise be vulnerable to failing almost as soon as they had begun.Building on the success , UNICEF and its
12、partners plan to expand the child-to-child program to other countries and regions and to integrate it into other UNICEF quality education programs, giving many more children the chance of a different life and a future where all their rights can be realized.希芬娜尽管肩负教其他孩子的责任,她却可以有更多学习的时间,因为父母不再像以前那样让她干许多家务活了。希芬娜:(通过翻译)这一切让我很开心,因为我在为我的学生制定学习计划的同时,可以专
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