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1、人教新目标版八年级英语上册Unit 3单元培优、拔高练习试题(含答案)人教新目标版八年级英语上册Unit 3单元培优.拔高练习题形容词、副词用法1、分类:形容词和副词有原级、比拟级和最高级三级。原级变为比拟级和最高级有规那么变化和不规那么变化两种。2、规那么变化:(1)单音节和局部双音节形容词和副词,在原级的后面加上er, est构成比拟级和最高级。(a)直接加 er, est :(b)以重读闭音节结尾的,要双写最后一个辅音字母,后加er, est:(c)以辅音字母+y结尾的,先把y改为i再加上er, est:(2)两个音节或两个以上的音节的,在原级前加more / most.3、不规那么变化

2、:原级比拟级最高级good好的well好;(身体)好的,better更好的best最好的bad,badly糟糕的,糟 糕地山(身体)不舒服的worse更糟糕的,更糟糕 地;(身体)更不舒服的worst最糟糕的,最糟糕 地;(身体)最不舒服的many许多的(可数)much许多的(不可 数);非常more更多的;更most最多的;最little少的less更少的least最少的far远的;远地farther更远的;更远地farthest最远的;最远地further进步的(地)furthest最深刻的(地)1/14人教新目标版八年级英语上册Unit 3单元培优、拔高练习试题(含答案)Jack jum

3、ps a little than Tom.A. higherB. highC. tallD. taller二、完形填空(共10小题;共15.0分)Tina and Tara are twin sisters. They look 7. 8 they also have some differences.One day their grandfather came to see them with two gifts(礼物).When he came into the house, he saw Tina and 2 her a gift. After a while, when he got

4、into the garden, he saw IO granddaughter nTaraM. In fact that was Tina. When he gave the other gift to her, she said, Yougave me one just now.” No, I gave a gift to your sister Tina.” Oh, grandfather, Im Tina.” Just then Tara came into the garden, H,Now, grandfather, can you tell the differences 12

5、us? HNo, I cant Can you 1 3 me? uYes. Look! Tara is a little 14 than me. Her hair is longer and curlier than 15, Now, grandfather, can yousee?” Yes, now I can tell you from Tara. Tara, here is the gift for you.” Thank you 16 your gift, grandfather/ With these words, they all laughed happily.7.A.same

6、B.the sameC.differentD.differences8.A.AndB.SoC.ButD.Because9.A.gaveB.tookc.broughtD.got10.A.othersB.anotherc.the otherD.the others11.A.eitherB.soc.alsoD.too12.A.asB.betweenc.fromD.with13.A.tellB.sayc.talkD.ask14.A.tallB.tallerc.tallestD.the tallest15.A.IB.mec.myD.mine10/14人教新目标版八年级英语上册Unit 3单元培优、拔高练

7、习试题(含答案)16. A. withB. ofC. forD. to16. A. withB. ofC. forD. to三、阅读理解(共10小题;共200分)Once Mr. King had a cat, and he loved it very much. He called it Sky, because he thought sky was the strongest name in the world.One day he had a meal at a restaurant with his cat. He met his old friend. He told him abo

8、ut his lovely cat and its name. His friend said, nHow foolish you are! Sky is not the strongest thing in the world. My cat is called Cloud because cloud is stronger than sky. After hearing this, Mr. King called his cat Wind, because he thought wind was stronger than cloud.After a few days he suddenl

9、y(突然)thought that wall was stronger than wind. And mouse(老鼠)was stronger than wall. So he went to his friend to ask for an idea. His friend said, nDont you think cat is stronger than mouse?” “Yes,but.”The man thought and thought and then decided his cats name had better be Cat because a mouse was al

10、ways afraid of a cat.Dont you think Mr.King is very silly(傻的)or funny?Mr. King his cat very much.A. didnft likeB. lovedA. didnft likeB. lovedC. hatedD. hitD. CloudD. CatHis cats first name was .D. CloudD. CatA.SkyB.CatC.WindHe decided his cats last name was .A.MouseB.WallC.CloudMr.King called his ca

11、t Cat because he thought11/14人教新目标版八年级英语上册Unit 3单元培优、拔高练习试题(含答案)a cat was always afraid of a mousehe liked this beautiful namethe name had more meaningsa mouse was always afraid of a catMr.King gave his cat names in all (,总共).A. sixB. fiveC. fourD. twoThe last Thursday of November is Thanksgiving Da

12、y. It is a holiday in the USA. Usually, family members and friends get together for a dinner. People sometimes drive their cars a long way for a family reunion(团 聚).Many people also take Friday off and make it a long weekend holiday, because most Americans do not work on Saturdays or Sundays.Thanksg

13、iving Day began in 1621, when the first English settlers(定居者)reached the New World, they didnt have enough food. But the American Indians helped the white men and taught them to farm.In the autumn after the English settlers came to America, they had a good harvest. They were so pleased. They decided

14、 to invite their Indian friends to have dinner in order to thank them for their help.As far as family reunions, Thanksgiving Day is even more important than Christmas or New Years Eve to most Americans.If November 1 is Monday, when is Thanksgiving Day?A. November 4. B. November 18. C. November 25. D

15、. December 2.Which of the following is true?The whole family get together for a big dinner on Thanksgiving Day.The Americans do not work on Thanksgiving Day.12/14人教新目标版八年级英语上册Unit 3单元培优、拔高练习试题(含答案)Some Americans still work on Saturdays and Sundays.Thanksgiving Day began in the sixteenth century(世纪).

16、When the first English settlers arrived in America,they .had a hard timelived a happy lifetaught American Indians how to farmhad a lot of things to eatThe underlined word invite in the third paragraph means stop somebody from doing somethinglet somebody do somethingmake somebody do somethingask some

17、body to do somethingWe can guess there are more family reunions .on Christmas Day than on Thanksgiving Dayon Thanksgiving Day than on Christmas Dayon New Years Day than on Thanksgiving Dayon New Years Eve than on Thanksgiving Day去字 co一、单项选择1. B 2. C 3. B 4. B 5. A6. A13/14人教新目标版八年级英语上册Unit 3单元培优、拔高练

18、习试题(含答案)7.B8.C9. A10. C11.D12. B13. A14. B 15. D二、完形填空16. C17. B18. A19. D20. D21. B22. C23. C24. A25. D三、阅读理解26. B14/14人教新目标版八年级英语上册Unit 3单元培优、拔高练习试题(含答案)(一)原级的用法1、只能修饰原级的词 very, quite, pretty, really, too, so, enough如: I am pretty(healthy). English is so(difficult).2、感叹句中用原级。如 What an(interesting)

19、 book!3、as+形容词/副词原级+as (与一样)4、not as/so +形容词/副词原级+as (A不如B.)如:He is as tall as me.=He is the same as me. 他与我一样高。He is as old as me.= He is the same as me.他与我一样大。He isn*t as/so old as me .他没我大。5、less+形容词/副词的原级+ than (A不如B.J可以与not as/so +形容词/副词原级+as互换。He isnt as old as I.= He is than me.=He is than me

20、. =Fm than he /him.He doesnt run as fast as L= He runs than me.= He runs than me.= I run than him, 他跑得没我快。Chinese isnt as difficult as English.二English is than Chinese.语文没有英语难。(二)比拟级的用法K than两者(人/物)进行比拟时用比拟级,表示一个比另一个更.喊较句式为:A+谓语动词+比拟级+than+B。如果上下文明确,比拟级也可单独使用。He is(tall) than his father .他比他父亲高。This

21、 shirt is too small. Do you have a(big) one?这件衬衣太小了。你有大一些的吗?2/14人教新目标版八年级英语上册Unit 3单元培优、拔高练习试题(含答案)2、or句式:特殊疑问句,A or B?如:Who is(young), Lucy or Lily?露西和莉莉,谁更小一些?3、修饰比拟级的词:a lot, much, far .得多 a little, a bit.一点儿 even 甚至 still 仍然如:Im a little(tall) than him.我比他高一点。That must be a lot(interesting) than

22、 taking a bus.4、of the two比拟级前要加the用the +比拟级+ of the two (the twins/parents)特指两者中较(高/矮)的一个。Tina is(tall) of the twins.Mike is(smart) of the two boys.5、比拟级+and+比拟级 表示“越来越”单音节词:better and better 越来越好多音节词:more and more beautiful He is getting and(tall).他变得越来越高了。The film is and(interesting).这部电影越来越有趣了。6

23、 the +比拟级,the+比拟级 表示“越,越”如 The more, the better.越多越好。The(careful)you are, the(few) mistakes you make.7、any (范围外)/ any other(范围内)Shanghai is bigger than city in China.上海比中国的任何一个城市都要大。Shanghai is bigger than city in Japanese,上海比日本的任何一个城市都要大。8、两者相比比拟的对象要一致。He has longer hair than I (do).= His hair is l

24、onger than mine.There are more students in our class than in their class.My watch is(expensive)than(you).我的手表比你的贵。I have(few) story books than(you).我的故事书比你的少。3/14人教新目标版八年级英语上册Unit 3单元培优、拔高练习试题(含答案)9、not .any more=no more不再(次数的不再重复)not. any longer=no longer不再(时间 的不再延长)特色讲解1. Please listen as as possi

25、ble so that you wont make any mistakes.A. carefulB.A. carefulB.much carefullyPm not to lift the heavy box.A. short enoughB.enough tallWhich is, Li Lei or Wu Tong?A. strongB.strongestDo you have totell us?A. something newB.new somethingC. more carefullyD. carefullyC. health enoughD. strong enoughC. s

26、trongerD. the strongestC. anything newD. new anything5. Most of the people in Guangdong are gettingA. more and rich B. more rich and more richC. richer and richerC. richer and richerC. richer and richerD. rich and richC. richer and richerD. rich and rich解析:1.应为是as. o as,所以此题考的是副词的同级比拟,应选D。.此题考的是enou

27、gh的用法,其用于名词之前,形容词之后,此题的题意是我不是足够的强壮去 举起那个盒子,应选Do.此题考的是比拟级,应选C.此题考查不定代词和形容词位置关系,不定代词用于形容词之后,应选C.此题考查的单音节形容词表示越来越。的关系,应选C.当堂练习基础演练1 Your room isthan mine.A. three time bigB. three times big4/14人教新目标版八年级英语上册Unit 3单元培优、拔高练习试题(含答案)C. three times biggerD. bigger three times2 When spring comes, it gets.A. w

28、arm and warmB. colder and colderC. warmer and warmerC. warmer and warmerC. warmer and warmerD. shorter and shorterC. warmer and warmerD. shorter and shorter3 he read the book,he got in it.The more; the more interestingThe less; the more interestingC. The more; the more interestedThe more; the more i

29、nterestingThe less; the more interestingC. The more; the more interestedC. The more; the more interestedD. More; more interested10C. The more; the more interestedD. More; more interested1010Hikeone of the two books.A. the olderB. oldestC. the oldestD. olderWhich do you like,tea or coffee?A. wellB. b

30、etterC. bestD. mostThis work isA. difficultWho jumpedA. farLi Lei isA. tallTom is one ofA. tallestfor me than for you.B. most difficultof all?B. fartherstudent in our class.B. tallerboys in our class.B. tallerC. much difficult D. more difficultC. farthestC. tallestC. the tallestD. the most farD. the

31、 tallestD. the tallEnglish is one ofspoken in the world.10Hikeone of the two books.A. the olderB. oldestC. the oldestD. olderWhich do you like,tea or coffee?A. wellB. betterC. bestD. mostThis work isA. difficultWho jumpedA. farLi Lei isA. tallTom is one ofA. tallestfor me than for you.B. most diffic

32、ultof all?B. fartherstudent in our class.B. tallerboys in our class.B. tallerC. much difficult D. more difficultC. farthestC. tallestC. the tallestD. the most farD. the tallestD. the tallEnglish is one ofspoken in the world.A. the important languagesB. the most important languagesC. most important l

33、anguageA. the important languagesB. the most important languagesC. most important languageC. most important languageD. the most important languageC. most important languageD. the most important language巩固提高They were in my culture and they asked me a lot of questions, (interest)It is to teach a man t

34、o fish than to give him fish. (good)If you are of confidence, youll be happy all the time, (fill)We are sure that China can hold the Olympic Games in 2008. (succeed)What a day it is today! Shall we have a picnic on the beach? (sun)The doctor told me to take training for at least 30 minutes every day

35、. (physics)5/14人教新目标版八年级英语上册Unit 3单元培优、拔高练习试题(含答案)Why are the birdies (小鸟)in the nest all looking at their mother?” asked little Joe. (hungry)The doctor said there was no cure (治疗方法)for Aids at present. (certainly)Many students go abroad to their studies, (far)Please close the windows. It is raining

36、. (heavy)参考答案:参考答案:1-5 CCCAB参考答案:1-5 CCCAB6-10 DCDCB1 .interesting 2.better 3.full4.successfully 5.sunny6.physical7.hungrily 8.certain 9. furtherlO.heavily当堂过关检测B档(提升精练)1. The turkey tastes the chicken.A, as better asB, much better thanC, as well as参考答案:1-5 CCCAB6-10 DCDCB1 .interesting 2.better 3.f

37、ull4.successfully 5.sunny6.physical7.hungrily 8.certain 9. furtherlO.heavily当堂过关检测B档(提升精练)1. The turkey tastes the chicken.A, as better asB, much better thanC, as well aslike Chinese because it sounds.A, wonderB, wonderingC, wonderfulD, the best toD, wonderfullyE-mailing is much than long distance c

38、alling.A, cheapB, cheaperC, cheapestD, the cheapestYour advice sounds. We41 all take your advice.A, wellB, carefullyC, wonderfulD, correctlyNick didnt do very in the final exam, but his scores are than last yearsA, good, better B, bad, worseC, well, worseD, well, better6/14人教新目标版八年级英语上册Unit 3单元培优、拔高

39、练习试题(含答案). The sand-storm from the north yesterday seemed to become in recent years.A, badB, badlyC, the worseD, worse. The leading actor felt when he saw a lot of people cheering him.A. happyB. happilyC. angrilyD. lovely.If you decide on the date to leave Shanghai, please tell me possible.A. as fas

40、t asB. as quickly asC. as swiftly asD. as soon as.The price of the flats in the housing estates 住宅区)located in the center of Shanghai must be veryA, bigB,hugeC, highA, bigB,hugeC, highD, expensive.People prefer to send e-mail than to post letters because e-mail are much than letters.fast and conveni

41、entC, fast and more convenientfast and convenientC, fast and more convenient参考答案:1-5 BCBCD二、完形填空faster and convenientD, faster and more convenient6-10 DADCDYears ago, I had a role to play as Ronald McDonald. We visited the community hospitals, bringing a little happiness into a place where no one ev

42、er looks forward to going. I loved the project, and I was very proud to be able to make a 37 to those who were experiencing some down time”.But I was given the rule that I could not 38 anyone within the hospital. I understood why they had this rule, but I didn*t like it. I believe that touching is t

43、he most honest form of communication we will ever know. Breaking the rule, I was told, meant I could lose my job.One day, as I was heading down a hallway, I heard a little voice, Ronald, Ronald.11 stopped. It was Billy, five years old, lying in his dads arms. I did a few magic tricks 戏 法 )for him. A

44、s I stepped back to say good-bye, Billy asked, HRonald, would you 32 me?*Such a simple request(要求).But what ran through my mind was that if I did that, I could lose my job. So I told Billy I could not do that right now, but I suggested that he and I color a picture. Upon completing7/14人教新目标版八年级英语上册U

45、nit 3单元培优、拔高练习试题(含答案)a wonderful piece of art, Billy again asked me to hold him. By this time my 40 was screaming(尖叫)yes! But my mind was screaming louder: nNo! You are going to lose your job!1Hold me.”I searched for anything 41 that would allow me to leave. I could not 42 a single one. It took me a moment to realize that losing my job may not be that bad after all.Just that if I lost my job, it probably would not be long 43 I would lose my car, thenmy home. But I realized that at the end of my life, the car and the house would have n


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