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1、Chinese Culture Introductionfrom a social view Zhang JianChina Foreign Affairs UniversityCulture Salon中国文化Chinese Culture IntroductionfJULY 2014General introduction of China 4 History: More than 5000 years 1 Population: 1.4 billion Chinese people 2 GDP:5.9 trillion US dollars 3 Area: 9.6 million squ

2、are kilometersLarge & Small, Old & New, Rich & PoorJULY 2014General introduction The Elements of Chinese Culture Painting OperaWriting BuildingFoodReligionTeaDressing Kong FuMusicMedicineArtsThe Elements of Chinese CulturHistory: continuity for 5000 years About 5000BCAbout 3000BC2100-1600BCXia Dynas

3、ty1600-1100BCXia Dynasty1100-771BCWest Zhou Dynasty771256BCEast Zhou Dynasty 221207BCQin Dynasty202BC-220Han Dynasty220-280Three Country226-420Jin DynastyHistory: continuity for 5000 yHistory: continuity for 5000 years- Cont420-589N&S Dynasty581-619Sui Dynasty618-907Tang Dynasty907-979Mass960-1279So

4、ng Dynasty1271-1368Yuan Dynasty 1368-1644Ming Dynasty1636-1912Qing Dynasty1912-NowRepublic of China1949-NowPeoples Republic of ChinaHistory: continuity for 5000 yBase of Culture: Yin Yang and Tai Chi Tai ChiYin (Female)Yang (Male)Big YinSmall YinSmall YangBig YangKunZhenKanDuiGenLiXunQianEarthSkyFir

5、eHillWaterWindMineSwampSimpleComplexUnbalanceBalance FightPeaceStillMoveBase of Culture: Yin Yang and OCT 2011OCT 2011Decoration: 4 Guard animals from GodNorthEastWestSouthTigerTortoiseTigerTigerDragon PhoenixTigerDecoration: 4 Guard animals frDragon: The Totem of ChineseDragon is A created animal w

6、hich will protect people Long long ago The symbol of emperor, only the Royal can use it In the dynasty age Means lucky together with phoenix specially in wedding Since 1911 The spirit of Struggle, hard working, and Harmony For now Dragon: The Totem of ChineseDrCharacter: a charming Heritage Chinese

7、character evolution Alberto 阿尔贝托 Cristina 克里斯蒂娜 Diana 迪亚娜 Fernando费尔南多 Juan 胡安 Julio 胡里奥 Lucio 卢西奥 Luis 路易斯 Lydia 莉迪亚 Manuel 曼努埃尔 Mara 玛利亚 Rubn 鲁本 Susana 苏珊娜 Tores 托雷斯 Translate foreign name by pronunciation Character: a charming HeritageBuilding: Brick and wood BrickWoodBuilding: Brick and wood Bri

8、cDressing: Classical mixed modern CheongsamChinese tunic suit Dressing: Classical mixed modChinese Medicine: Magical or Witchcraft ? Four Steps to deal with Patient Watch + Smell + Ask + CheckMedicine Cupping Acupuncture Scrapping Chinese Medicine: Magical or WChinese painting: a dream world The art

9、istic conception is more important than the details Chinese painting: a dream worlKong Fu: Strengthen body and soulInside Universe is the key Speed and Strength To be known by Bruce LeeIts not just a showKong Fu: Strengthen body and sTea: Its an art more than drinkSeven kinds of tea divided by color

10、s GoldenBlueYellowBlackWhiteGreenRedTea: Its an art more than driOpera: An dying art for young peopleThe face color means character Red-LoyaltyBlack-SeriousWhite-LiarBlue-RashPurple-Trustable Golden-Fairy Opera: An dying art for young Food: different style in regions Food: different style in regioCh

11、opsticksChopsticks are small tapered sticks used in pairs of equal length as the traditional eating utensils(用具) of China. Generally believed to have originated in ancient China, they can also be found in some areas of Tibet and Nepal that are close to Han Chinese populations. Chopsticks are most co

12、mmonly made of bamboo or plastic, but are also made of metal, bone, ivory, and various types of wood. The pair of sticks is maneuvered in one hand, between the thumb and fingers, and used to pick up pieces of food.ChopsticksChopsticks are smallLandscape: Various style Paradise Xin Jiang Shaan XiHei

13、LongjiangAn Hui Guang XiTibet Landscape: Various style Parad Philosophy Confucius Lao ZiShakyamuniConfucianismTaoismBuddhism Philosophy 2.3 Gift GivingGift giving is a big part of any culture. Especially growing up Chinese. Gifts are often used in “Guanxi to establish, or bring equilibrium to the re

14、lationship.Things to avoid. Do not give knives, scissors, letter openers, etc. It implies the severing of a relationship Do not expect that a gift will be opened immediately Avoid giving things to people in groups of four, since the number four in Chinese is a homonym for the word death . Never give

15、 a Chinese gentleman a green hat. It is associated with adultery. Do not wrap gifts in white, blue or black paper. Gifts may be refused three times before they are accepted. 2.3 Gift GivingGift giving is Politics Politics Communist Party of China The worlds largest political party (78 million member

16、s) Founded in July, 1921 The Party holds a National Congress every five years Communist Party of Ch Geography and Climate Geography and ClimateDo you see any difference between Chinese and Foreigners?Do you see any difference betwThe Tableware ChineseForeigners The Tableware ChineseForeignerThe food

17、ChineseForeigners The foodChineseForeigners The popular drinkChineseForeigners The popular drinkChineseForeigShower TimeChineseForeigners Shower TimeChineseForeigners The Transport ChineseForeigners The Transport ChineseForeignerThe character ChineseForeigners The character ChineseForeigneThe live m

18、ethodChineseForeigners The live methodChineseForeigneFor KidsChineseForeigners For KidsChineseForeigners In the PartyChineseForeigners In the PartyChineseForeigners In the Public placeChineseForeigners In the Public placeChineseForeIn the ticket officeChineseForeigners In the ticket officeChineseFor

19、For Public Relationship ChineseForeigners For Public Relationship ChinesAffect of RelationshipHow to establish relationship? Courtesy calls for reciprocity (礼尚往来:lshng wng li )Relationship starts with and builds on the trustworthiness of the individual or the company. Frequent contacts with each other foster understanding and emotional bonds and the Chinese often feel obligated to do business with th


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