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1、Unit 9 What does he look like?复习课七年级下册Unit 9 What does he look like?复习巩固本单元词汇:curly, straight, tall, medium, be of medium height, thin, heavy, tonight, little, a little, cinema, glasses, later等。01 复习目标复习句型及答语:1)What does he look like? Hes really tall.2)What does she look like? She has long straight

2、hair.3) Do they have straight or curly hair? They have curly hair.4) Is he tall or short?He isnt tall or short. He is of medium height. 02复习语法:询问并描述人的外貌。0301 复习目标复习句型及答语:1)What does 知识梳理straight 直的 tall 高的heavy 重的 cinema 电影院glasses 眼镜 handsome 英俊的actor 演员 actress 女演员person 人 singer 歌手artist 艺术家 desc

3、ribe 描述differently 不同地 another 另一个real 真正的;真实的重点单词 知识梳理straight 直的 知识梳理1. differently adv. 意为“不同地”,主要修饰动词。 They think differently. 他们想的不同。 拓展:different为形容词,“不同的;有区别的”;反义词same,“相同的;同样的”,注意: same 作为形容词时往往用在名词之前,且之前往往有定冠词the。the same way 相同的方法;同样的路子;同样的方式the same person 同样的人;同一个人重点单词讲解 知识梳理1. different

4、ly adv. 意为 知识梳理2. another adj. 意为“另一” This sweater is too small. Please give me another big one. 另外,another 还可作代词,意为“另一个” We dont like this room. Lets ask for another. 知识梳理2. another adj. 意为“另一” 知识梳理重点短语回顾be of medium height 中等身高 a little 一点;少量in the end 最后 look like 看起来像go to the cinema 去看电影 first

5、of all 首先 be good at 擅长 知识梳理重点短语回顾be of medium heig 知识梳理1. a little1)一点+形容词:alittle+形容词=abit+形容词=alittlebit+形容词一点点+名词:alittle+名词=abitof+名词;如:Hishairisalittlelong.=Hishairisabitlong.她的头发有点长。HecanspeakalittleEnglish.=HecanspeakabitofEnglish.他会说一点英语。重点短语讲解 知识梳理1. a little重点短语讲解1)like 喜欢例:I like reading

6、 in bed. 我喜欢在床上看书.2)be like则是指 “品德,相貌”等,例如:What is he like? 他是个什么样的人?3)look like表示 “看起来像”, 指的是 “外观上像”的意思,例:You look like your father.你看起来象你爸爸辨析:like、be like 和look like 知识梳理1)like 喜欢辨析:like、be like 和look 知识梳理重点句型回顾1.Whatdoeshelooklike?他长什么样?Hesreallytall.他真的很高。2.Dotheyhavestraightorcurlyhair?他们留直发还是卷

7、发?Theyhavecurlyhair.他们留卷发。3.Ishetallorshort?他高还是矮?Heisnttallorshort.Hesofmediumheight.他不高不矮,他中等个子。4.ThemanwithapairofglassesismyEnglishteacher.那个戴眼镜的男人是我的英语老师。 知识梳理重点句型回顾1.Whatdoeshe 语法讲堂询问和描述人的外貌特征。1询问某人的外貌特征和长相的用语:Whatdoyoulooklike?或者Whatdoeshelooklike?即用:What助动词do/does主语looklike? 语法讲堂询问和描述人的外貌特征。

8、1询问某人的外貌特征 语法讲堂2描述某人的外貌特征的用语:“主语be描述人外貌特征的形容词”或者“主语have/has名词(名词的前面有多个形容词修辞)”例如:Whatdoyoulooklike?你长得怎么样?Iamtallandthin.我又高又瘦。Whatdoesyourmotherlooklike?你妈妈长得怎么样?Sheistall.Shehaslonghair.她个子高,长头发。 语法讲堂2描述某人的外貌特征的用语: 注意:描述人或事物的特点,性质还可以使用“be + of + 名词”结构,例如本单元学到的 He is of medium build / height.= He ha

9、s a medium build/ height. 语法讲堂 注意:描述人或事物的特点,性质还可以使用“be + of 话题写作话题分析:本单元的核心话题是谈论人的外表形象(look),教材内容围绕着描述人的外貌特点展开,让学生学会谈论人的身高、体重、发型、面部特征及着装特点,从而描述人的外貌特征,因此“sbslook”是教学话题写作内容。 话题写作话题分析:本单元的核心话题是谈论人的外表形象( 写作应用: 假如你在网上结识了一位名叫Lisa的网友,请根据她发给你的有关信息,向你的同学作一个她个人情况的简要介绍。要求词数不少于60个,语言流畅,符合逻辑。 姓 名Lisa年龄13国籍及居住地美国

10、、纽约学校No.3 Middle School外貌金黄色长卷发,中等身材,有点胖。爱好喜欢穿蓝色衣服,喜欢读书和讲笑话。 写作应用: 姓 名Lisa年龄13国籍及居住地美国One possible version: Hello, everyone! Im very glad because I make friends with a girl on the Internet. Her name is Lisa. She is thirteen years old. She has long blonde curly hair. She is of medium build, and a lit

11、tle heavy. But she is very lovely. She always wears blue clothes. She comes from New York, America. Now, she is in New York with her parents. She is in No.3 Middle School. She works hard. She likes reading and telling jokes. Im happy with her together. Would you like to make friends with her? Thanks

12、 for your listening.One possible version: Hello 典例精讲1. His father is tall and thin.(对画线部分提问) _ _ his father _ _?解析:对人物的外貌提问用句型:What助动词do/does主语looklike?主语his father为第三人称单数,故填What does; look like。 What does look like 典例精讲1. His father is tall a 典例精讲Bill, does your sister have brown hair or red hair? _ . She takes after my mother.A.Yes, she does B.No, she doesnt C.Brown hair D.I dont know解析:分析句子结构可知,问句是一个选择疑问句;选择疑问句不用Yes或No来回答,故排除A、B;由句意“比尔,你的妹妹留着棕色的头发好事红色的?_。她很像我的妈妈。”可知,C项符合语境,故选C。C 典例精讲Bill, does your sister 典例精讲3.What does your new classmate look like


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