



1、智能车辆基于双目视觉系统障碍物识别的研究张继晨(武汉理工大学汽车工程学院;汽研 1202 1049721202240)摘要:随着汽车的普及,交通运输问题日益严重,近年来人们对汽车的智能性的要求越来越迫切。与此同时,以实现无人、器进行环境感知因此利用多种传感器信息融合技术检测智能车辆前方障碍物是未来该领域的研究重点与难点。关键词:智能汽车;双目视觉;障碍物识别;信息融合The Study of Obstacle Detection Technology Based on BinocularStereovision for Intelligent VehicleZhang Jichen(Schoo

2、l of Automobile Engineering, Wuhan University of Technology, Class: 1202, Number: 1049721202240)With the popularization of the vehicle, traffic problem has increasingly become a hot problem. In recent years, people areexpecting a type of cars which can be intelligent. At the same time, the realizati

3、on of completely automatic and safe drivingintelligent vehicles is a new rapidly developed research area in recent years, and the key technology of it is automatically detect theobstacles. This article mainly aims at automatically detect the obstacles in front of the vehicle by use of the binocular

4、stereovisionobstacle detection technology. In addition, the obstacle can not be detected based on only one kind of sensor, many kinds ofinformation from different sensors must be employed. So the research focus in obstacle detection for intelligent vehicles is located atmulti-sensors data fusion. in

5、telligent vehicle; binocular stereovision; obstacle detection; data fusion引言 , 1. 基于视觉系统障碍物识别研究现状 ,信息, 于 ,方向,理内容,可- 1 - 图 P1C P PL1L1 P 1L P C 1LC P P L L1L1LC P L1L P 1P P C 1R1RC P RR1RP1C P L1LP P 1R 2RC P R1R 2. 双目视觉相关知识物,2.1)- 2 -O 、O ( , )x d x yxLRP) y y1P O x ,1LLl(x,y)xx d P O1RRx Pr1x -x l

6、rz faa x)z,d 值d zzrz f bx x alrzbx ar3. 双目视觉系统的技术难点及解决方法bxa x)rx xr ,lrP1离z为fbz )x xlr bfx -x Plr1离z , , , ,值,2.2) 在立体像对中,一对对应点 p(x,y),y )和p(x- 3 - , , , , 差距,研究,4. 总结与展望 1A.布洛基,M.布图兹,A.法斯莉,康特. 智能车辆智能交通系统的关键技术M. 版社,2002., ,昂贵,来, ,拓 ,23陆化普. M. 北京:人民交通出版社,2002.李宇. 基于双目视觉的障碍物识别研究D. 武汉:武汉理工大学,2007.4 崔艳茹. 基于双目视觉的障碍物识别与重建D. 南昌:南昌航空大学,2012.5王荣本,赵一冰等. 智能车辆障碍物检测研究方法综述J. 公路交通科技,2007 年,第24 109113.6李彩华


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