1、冀教版小学英语教案四年级 我们要让学生将英语看作是自己的母语一样去学习才能达到更好的效果,激发学生学习的爱好、教育信息化平台的延伸实现了教学的最优化,也为学生提供了更加优质的服务。今天在这给大家整理了一些冀教版小学英语教案四班级,我们一起来看看吧! 冀教版小学英语教案四班级1 教学目标: 1、能够掌握AB 部分Lets learn/read and write 的四会词。 2、能够听说认读AB 部分Lets talk 的单词和句型。 3、能够掌握AB部分Read and Write中的四会句型,并能灵活运用。 教学难点: 四会词句的掌握和听写能力 教学准备: Tape、 pictures an
2、d cards. 第一课时 Step one: Warm up Sing “colour song “ Step two :Presentation 1、 Show the object card and asking:” What colourit?”After reviseing it, the teacher point and guide: Whats this ? Its a T-shirt, a yellow T-shirt.” Teach the words shirt, brown jacket blue dress eg in the same way. 2、Notice t
3、he sentence: I like the white sweater with the green skirt. Understand and use the word: “with”。 3、Listen to the tape and read after it twice. Compare the pronunciation “shirt” and “skirt”。 4、Play a game: the students point to the card and say: ILike the white jacket I like the 。See who speak it flu
4、ently. 5、Practise in groups,draw and colour my favourite clothes . Encourage the students to use the phase from the text. ForExample: I have a skirtIts white. 6、Listen to the tape of “Lets do” then read after it. 7、Teacher says English , the children do actions. Have a match between the boys and the
5、 girls. See who do it better. Step three: Consolidation and extension. 1、Do exercises in Activity Book. 2、Try to let your classmates. Family do actions as you asked. 第二课时 Step one :Warm up 1、Listen to the tape for”Lets do” 2、Board the song “My clothes” Step two:Presentation 1、Show the card.Point the
6、 clothes from the song by asking: Is this your shirt ?Is that a skirt ?”Then guide. 2、 Point to the students clothes asking:Is this your Tshirt? Is that your T-shirt?” Write the sentence on the board then guide. 3、After listening to the tape and ask some quesentations .eg (1) Where s the Alices skir
7、t?What colour is it? (2) Wheres her fathers shirt? (3) Whose is it? 4、Read and act it out. 5、 Play a game draw personal clothes by himself and put it on the blackboard, pointing the students “Is this your shoes? Is this ?Answered in turn. 6、Practise in pairs. Ask “Is this your ?”Answer: ”Yes ,it is/
8、No, its not.” 7、Listen to the tape for Read and write. Then teach the children how to write sentences. Step three: Consolidation and extension 1、Do exercise in Activity Book. 2、Listen to tape “Lets talk? at home. 第三课时 Step one: Warm up Act out “Lets talk” Step two: Presentation 1、Teach the words “so
9、cks、shoes、pants” by asking “Where are my socks?” ”What colour ?” “White” Notice the usage of the verb “are” 2、 After chanting to the tap, asking question: What colour is your shirt/jacket/dress/sweater? What colour are your shoes/socks/pants? Teacher tell the usage of “is”and”are” 3、Listen to the ta
10、pe and read after it. 4、 Play a game design the clothes you like (on the board ) suppose youre going for trip .What do you went to wear Choose and say it 5、Play a guessing game. 6、Recite the sentence “Is this your T-shirt?” “No,it isnt.” Step three: Consolidation and extension 1、Do exercise in Activ
11、ity Book . 2、Write the words :red、 blue、yellow、green、brown、white. 3、Listen and chant. 第四课时 Step oneWarm up 1、Lets chant 2、Sing English song Step two : Presentation 1、Teacher point to the shoes and say: My shoes are brown , what about you? Help students to describe the shoes . 2、Teacher show a doll a
12、nd make a dialogue with students like this: T: Look,what colour are the shoes? Ss: They are black. T: Are they new? Ss: No, they arent. T: So, they are old. 3、Teach the word “old” 4、Teach the word “sock、 shorts、pants”in same way. 5、Game:Whats missing? 6、Good to know 7、Lets chant 8、Learn the song: My
13、 clothes Step three: Extension Fish the Activity Book 第五课时 Step one : Warm up 1、Lets sing: My clothes 2、Free talk Step two : Presentation and practice 1、Presentation and practice for “these” When having free talk with Ss, teacher points to a card and asks: Look at this . Whats this? Ss: Its a skirt.
14、 Ask and answer for several times, then go on as follows: T: Look at these, what are they? Ss: These are pants. 2、Teach the word”those”in same way. 3、Ss use Lets find out on page 32,or use the cards around the classroom, ask and answer in pairs. 4、Teach the dialogue. (1) Show a pair of baby shoes. T
15、: Look at these, what are they ? Ss: They are baby shoes. T: Whos are these baby shoes? Can you guess? Help students guess. (2)Draw a picture of house to teach the words“neighbour” (3)Get students show their baby clothes and say:”I have a baby clothes” 5、Put on the wall picture, play the tape. Stude
16、nts listen carefully and try to catch what the dialogue is. 6、Play the tape for the second time, Ss try to repeat. 7、Roal play. Step three: Consolidation and extension Finish the Ex.in Activity Book. 第六课时 Step one:Warm up 1、Free talk 2、Lets chant 3、Make a new chant Step two:Presentation 1、Write the
17、words 2、Teacher write some words on the board.(itwhite is what is colour it)Ask students rearrange the words. 3、Teach the sentence (1)Play VCD, get students to guess: blue skirt ? yellow dress? Green jacket? When students guess blue skirt or the other phrase, teacher write the phrase on the board. (
18、2)Get students read the phrases and teach the sentence: I have a new dress for my birthday. 4、Game :Circle words 5、Pronunciation (1) Play VCD (2) Read the chant: (3)Listen and write the words. Step three:Consolidation and extension 1、Lets check 2、Finish the Activity Book 冀教版小学英语教案四班级2 教学目标: 知识目标 掌握新
19、单词 :first , second, third , fourth , fifth , sixth , seventh , eighth ,ninth , tenth , eleventh , twelfth. 句型:Liming is the first . The girl is the second . The boy in red shorts is the third . January is the first month . 能力目标 使学生掌握本课所学序数词,并能实际运用序数词。 情感态度 关注学生的喜好、需求,营造宽松、民主、和谐的课堂氛围。通过多样性的活动,激发学生学习英
20、语的爱好,使学生在英语课堂中不断体验成功,感受乐趣,树立自信心,促进学生综合语言运用能力的进展。 教学重点: first , second, third , fourth , fifth , sixth , seventh , eighth , ninth , tenth , eleventh , twelfth. 教学难点: 序数词的英文拼写及实际运用。 教学准备: 幻灯片、单词图片、十二生肖图片、录音机、磁带、磁石、小奖品。 教学过程: Step 1 Warm-up T: Hello ! Boys and girls ! S: Hello ! Teacher ! T: Nice to me
21、et you ! S: Nice to meet you , too ! T: Good , sit down , please ! (设计目的:熟练掌握问候语,活跃课堂气氛,制造学习英语的氛围,拉近师生的距离。) Step 2 Preview 1. lets play a chant . T: Boys and girls , Let s have a chant “ one ,oneJanuary ” , together! A. 老师把学生分为三组,每组12个人,每组左边的学生说唱one,one ,右边的学生说唱January,以此类推。 One , one January Two, t
22、wo February Three, three March Four , four April Five , five May Six , sixJune Seven , sevenJuly Eight ,eight August Nine ,nine September Ten ,ten October Eleven ,eleven November Twelve , twelveDecember T: Now lets have a race . (老师演示比赛规则) B. 小组竞赛,每组第一位左面的学生说唱one,one,右面的学生说唱January,第二为学生说唱two,two 和F
23、ebruary , 以此类推,最准最快的一组获胜,给小组加一颗星。 【设计意图:通过数字、月份接龙这种学生喜闻乐见的形式复习学过的数字和月份,并为接下来学习第一至第十二的序数词做准备。】 Step 3 Presentation 1. Numbers. a. 老师出示课文Part1李明赛跑的幻灯片,讲序数词first,second,third. b. 读序数词。 (面对面拍手读、背靠背度、对着墙读、男女生对读、个别读等。) c. 老师及时纠正发音。 d. 练习first,second,third . 2. Teach the ordinal numbers from fourth to twel
24、fth . a. 老师让四名学生自告奋勇走出教室,然后排队进来,让学生运用序数词表达。由此引出序数词fourth. b. 老师出示其它序数词, Teacher use the same way to teach “sixth twelfth ”。 ( 备注:twelfth 多读几遍。) (设计意图:老师通过拍手读、面对面读、拍桌子读等多种读单词的方法,提高孩子们的学习爱好,帮助孩子们在轻松愉快的环境中掌握单词。) 3. Teacher lets students listen to the radio , then read after it . 老师让学生坐在桌子上跟读,学生当小老师领读 ,
25、边走边读,站在各个墙角读。 (设计意图:老师通过坐在桌子上读、背靠背读、男女生对读、学生当小老师领读 ,边走边读,站在各个墙角读等多种读单词的方法,调动孩子们的学习热情,提高他们的注意力,帮助孩子们在轻松愉快的环境中掌握单词。) Step4 Practice 1. Have a race : race to be first to guess the word . (老师出示幻灯片,请学生抢猜单词。) (老师把学生分为三组,抢猜单词最快最准最多的一组获胜,加一颗星。) 2. Pair work:talk about the month with your partners , then fis
26、h the match . 学生小组讨论并完成连线,老师巡视,然后订正答案。 (设计意图:通过小组讨论,使学生巩固所学序数词和月份,并能够运用到句子中。同时这种形式可以鼓舞更多学生参加到活动中,进而得到锻炼和表达的机会。) 3. Pair work: The twelve animals of Chinese zodiac. Teacher let them talk about the twelve animals with their partners. Who is the first ? Who is the second ? 。 S1: Who is the first ? S2:
27、The mouse is the first . 。 (老师在学生讨论的过程中巡视,纠正错误,请学生将十二生肖贴在对应的序数词边上。) (设计意图:通过小组讨论,使学生巩固所学序数词,并能够运用到句子中。同时这种形式可以鼓舞更多学生参加到活动中,进而得到锻炼和表达的机会。) Teacher invite three students to stick the twelve animals beside the ordinal numbers . Other students read after them . Mouse is the first . Cow is the second , S
28、1:Mouse is the first . Cow is the second , (备注每组选一名学生贴单词,4张卡片,其他学生站起来边做动作边说句子,选出贴的速度最快最准确的一组,加一颗星。) 4. 选出本堂课获胜的一组,每人再加一颗星。 Step 5 Consolidation and extension 1. 老师出示幻灯片,出示一些其他序数词的变换形式 : T:Look at these numbers , Read after me . Twentytwentieth thirtythirtieth fortyfortieth fiftyfiftieth Sixty sixtie
29、th seventyseventieth eightyeightieth ninetyninetieth Twenty-onetwenty-first thirtyfivethirty-fifth fifty-ninefifty-ninth 2. 总结序数词变化规律。 T: Look at the ordinal numbers ,what do you find ? S1: 从四开始末尾加th. S2:. S3:. T:Great! Youre wonderful ! Look here! Read after me ! 1,2,3 变体,th从4起,8加h,9去e,拿来f代ve,ty变成t
30、ie,几十几,只把个位变为序 。 (备注:老师和学生一起拍手读。) T: Now I will give you thirty second to remember it . Begin! S: 1,2,3 变体,th从4起,8加h,9去e,拿来f代ve,ty变成tie,几十几,只把个位变为序 。 T: Please recite it together ! S: 1,2,3 变体,th从4起,8加h,9去e,拿来f代ve,ty变成tie,几十几,只把个位变为序。 T: Very good ! (设计意图:让学生了解基数词整十和几十几变为序数词的规律。) Step 6 Homework T:
31、Take out your note book ,write down the homework . 1.Listen to the tape , read lesson 8 five times. 2.Finish activity books of this lesson. 3.Talk about the dates with your friends. The Writing on The Blackboard: Lesson 8 First,Second,Third First second third fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth
32、tenth eleventh twelfth Liming is the first . The girl is the second . The boy in red shorts is the third . January is the first month . 冀教版小学英语教案四班级3 教学目标: 知识与技能 1.Words and phrases: stomachache, cold, headache, fever, fall off, fell off. 2.Sentences: Sam had lots of chocolate biscuits yesterday. So
33、 today hes got a stomachache. 3.Grammar: Talking about illnesses. 教学重点: Words and phrases: stomachache, cold, headache, fever, fall off, fell off. 教学难点: Sentences: Sam had lots of chocolate biscuits yesterday. So today hes got a stomachache. Grammar: Talking about illnesses. 教学方法: 讲授、过去时 教学过程: (一)导入
34、:Step 1 Warm-up T: Hi, boys and girls. T: Lets sing a song, ok? Ss: Ok. T: Ok! London Bridge is falling down。 (Ss sing the song) T: You are clever boys and girls. Now lets have a Free Talk “What I did yesterday”, Ok? Ss introduce what they did yesterday (二)探究新知Step 2 Presentation and leading T: Who
35、can tell me what happen to Daming in last Unit. Ss: Damings head was bumped. T: Lets play this story, ok? Ss: Ok. (Two students play in roles of “Daming” and “Sam”, others describe the story, the two students do the actions) The teacher writes the word “today” on the blackboard. What happened to Dam
36、ing, Sam, Amy and Lingling? Lead the students to use “to” and “and” to connect the two sentences. Step 3 Text Teaching T: Now, this class we are going to learn Module 10 Unit 2 Sam had lots of chocolate biscuits .First, listen to the tape and underline the new words. (Teach the new words cards) T: N
37、ow listen to the tape and repeat it. Are you clear? (The teacher writes these sentences on the blackboard) Sam had lots of chocolate biscuits yesterday. So today hes got a stomachache. T: Now listen to the tape again and tell me what happened to Sam, Lingling, Amy and Lingling. T: Look at these word
38、s: had, ate (三)巩固新知Step 4 Task-Fulfilling T: Lets play a game, ok? Ss: Ok. T: Lets play “I do you say”。 Ill ask four students to come to the front of the class, one student performs Daming eating chocolate biscuits and then having a stomachache, and others describe it, and so on. Step 5 Text Learnin
39、g T: Look at Part 4, answer these questions: What is wrong with Little Tommy? Whats wrong with Little Lingling? Whats wrong with Little Ben? T: Listen to the tape and repeat it. T: Lets read the poem together and do the actions, ok? Ss: Ok. (四)作业布置Homework (五)小结:过去时的用法 板书设计: Unit 2 Sam had lots of c
40、hocolate Sam had lots of chocolate biscuits yesterday. So today hes got a stomachache. 冀教版小学英语教案四班级4 【课题】Unit 5 How much is it? 【教学重点】理解掌握几种鞋的单词,学会用pair of描述鞋的数量,并在实际情境中运用。 【教学难点】在实际情境中运用词汇。 【教具准备】 1、本课生词的单词卡片 2、本课配套的教学录音带 3、本课配套教学课件 4、各种鞋的实物和图片 【教学过程】 (一)热身/复习(Warm-up/Revision) 1、A部分Let chant 学生跟录音
41、说一说,演一演 2、Lets talk 学生说一说,并进行角色表演。 3、Guessing game 老师将各种标有价钱的衣服放到一个大储物袋中,让学生猜一猜里面有什么,学生猜对后,取出并描述一下大小、价钱等。 (二)呈现新课 (Presentation) 1、老师出示大挂图,让孩子结合图说一说What can you see? 引出新的各种鞋的单词。 2、通过引入情景表演,描述图中的各种鞋,引出a pair of。 3、学生进行情景表演练习,并熟悉新的单词及a pair of的用法。 4、出示课件,让孩子观看课件(关掉声音),根据故事的内容给课件配音 5、播放课件,孩子看课件理解含义。 6、
42、孩子分角色跟读。 小组表演、各小组展示。 7、老师放录音,发布指令,老师根据录音内容举起相应的鞋图,并做出相应的动作。学生在老师的指导下做出相应的动作,熟悉各种鞋的名称。反复练习后学生边听录音做动作边试着发布指令。 (三)趣味操练 (Practice) 老师出示各种鞋的图片,然后将一图片藏起,并询问:What are they? 学生猜到后,找到该图片,用学过的知识描述被藏起来的鞋子。 (四) 扩展性活动(Add-activities) 学生运用学过的知识描述自己的鞋或其他同学的鞋。 冀教版小学英语教案四班级5 教学目标 1、掌握好一般疑问句的变化方法 2、 学习如何表达自己喜欢做某事 教学重
43、点 1.如何表达自己喜欢做某事。(like的用法) 2. Have/has的区别。 3. 一般疑问句的变化方法。 教学难点一般疑问句的变化方法 (一)词组 like to after school in a flat play computer games take a shower have meals watch TV read books do ones homework grow flowers Lets = let us have a bath (二)单词辨析 (1)some / any的用法区别 Any和some都有“一些”的意思,它们既可以修饰可数名词复数,又可以修饰 不可数名词。但是,它们在用法上有所区别 1. Some常用在肯定句种,而any常用于否定句中和疑问句中。 例如:I have some books. 我有一些书.(肯定句) I cant see any juice. 我没看见果汁.(否定句) Do you have any friends at school? 你在学校有朋友吗(疑问句) 2. 在表示请求、邀请、语气委婉、希望得到对方肯定回答时,多用some不 用any。此时,句中常出现情态动词can, may, could, would等。 例如:Would you like som
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