



1、1AutomationoftheAn exle of feedback control system-showerwatertemperature control system1AutomationoftheAn exle of feedback control system-showerwatertemperature control systemtempe Skin Measured (Nerve (BlockDiagramRepresen Definition of a control system:(pg.1,para.1) The collection of components c

2、onnected in such a way as to effect control over certain aspects of thewhich the system operates.roductiontoFeedbackition of final :erimexam:30%Finalexam:LinearControlSystems *应电楼课:网易网PIN:2 An improved verofopen-loopcontrol,inwhich major disturbanare measured and fed forward.Td Can reject measured d

3、isturbanevenfasternclosed- loop control.NoteffectiveforotherUsuallycombinedwithclosed-loopcontroltoform ite control (复合控制)But there are always inareal system! So, 2 An improved verofopen-loopcontrol,inwhich major disturbanare measured and fed forward.Td Can reject measured disturbanevenfasternclosed

4、- loop control.NoteffectiveforotherUsuallycombinedwithclosed-loopcontroltoform ite control (复合控制)But there are always inareal system! So, Closed-Open-Implemen Closed-loop: output variable is fed back. Open-loop:outputvariableisnotfedback.Td Open-loopcontrolofshowerwaterKnowing the exact relationship

5、 T =f(), it is determine according to desired temperature Td.Control(pg.1,Theuniformtreatmentofdifferentengineering control systems in a common format, such as blockdiagrams,differentialequations,transfer functions,se-space equations, etc.ofa control Transient/dynamic Steady-s eStab ut with bad dyna

6、micsGooddynamicsbutnon-zero No steady-s e errorsteady- e errorTo meet certain design goals, we need CONTROLYSIS Maingoal ofthisLearnhowtodesignagoodcontrolsystem(orcontroller,tobe How do you define “good” 3:Problem 1.1, 1.3*, *Replace the lastence the following one: “Draw a block 3:Problem 1.1, 1.3*

7、, *Replace the lastence the following one: “Draw a block diagram of the system indicating the principalelements. Then change this manual control systemo an automatic one.”Summary of the Feedback control ( = Closed-loop control = 按偏差控制) is the main-stream solution for control systems.Open-loop control can also work, but (in its basic form) is inferior erms of disturbance rejection.As an improvement of open-loop control, feedforward control ( 前 馈 控 制 , 按 扰 动 控 制 ) can reject the disturban ) very well, and is often comb


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