



1、20192020年八年级英语上册Unit 2 Topic 3 Section D讲学稿仁爱版课题: Unit2 Topic3 Must do exercise to prevent the flu?. Section. D P49-50 第 4 课时学习目标与要求:1)总结归纳情态动词must和have to的用法以及反身代词的用法,并运用在作文上。模块一:温故知新一用 must / have to 填空。we exercise to prevent the flu ? Y es , we must . No , you don t .I do some reading .You do you

2、r homework first .模块二:自主学习.学习内容摘记(一)翻译以下句子。.好的,我会稍后给她打 。.您好,我可以找李医生接 吗? .我可以留个口讯吗? .你应该拒绝烟酒。(二)完成书本P49-la.把答案直接写在书本上。(三)知识点归纳3. 1. Your body needs the water for energy and for keeping cool .翻译:.注意:keep后接词。意为保持某种状态。Keep作系动词,也可作be替换。如:keep quiet !=Be quiet !拓展:keep sb /sth后接形容词表示:让某人某事处,于某种状态。练一练:(1)你

3、应该让房间保持干净。You should keep the .(2)请把窗户翻开。Keep , please !3. 2 It s necessary for you to Istudy hard .翻译:.注意:对你来说有必要做某事的句型:.练一练:对你来说有必要学好英语。It* sto learn .3. 3 We should stop exercising when we are hurt .翻译:观察划线局部并归纳:停止做某事的短语,表示停止正在做的事情。练一练:停止讲话,课堂上认真听课。_r_, listen to the teacher carefully .拓展:停下来去做一件

4、事情:Stop to do sth .表示有目的停下来做另外一件事。练一练:她停下来和我爸爸谈话。She stopped with my father .对子互 评等级:.(1-5力模块三:合作交流研讨内容Stepl通读天地-培养语感请同学们大声朗读P49functions,并理解大意.Step2交流研讨【研讨内容】讨论一:自主学习(一)知识点归纳3.1讨论二:自主学习(二)知识点归纳3.2 , 3.3Step4展示展示任务一:讨论一知识点归纳3.1建议:1、白板展示翻译短语或句子;2、口头展示:按照读-译-讲解-拓展的步骤进行讲解展示 (方式:全班读译,分组读译,个人读译PK等)展示任务三:

5、讨论二 知识点归纳3.2 3.3建议:1、白板展示重点句梳理;2、口头展示:按照读-译-讲解-拓展的步骤进行讲解展示。课堂评价要素:1、合理评价组员,全员参 与,有序展示;2、书写规 范,工整美观, 双色笔运用得 当;3、发音清 晰,声音洪亮;4、面向全 体,自然大方, 肢体语言运用 得当;5、展示生动活 泼,独具特色。模块四:精讲梳理(1)请把本节课的重点短语或句型写出来:(2)翻译 P50 How to Exercise well教学后记:模块五:当堂训练(独立完成)一根据首字母提示和句意用适当的词完成句子。The students enjoyed f kites in the park

6、last Sunday.As a student, we s study hard.You m do your homework first .Can I take a m?He said to h , “What should I do?”二单项选择题()1.Must I get up early tomorrow?No, .A. you mustn, t B. I don t think you should C. you can, t D. you needn* t ()2. Have a drink. You be thirsty after running.7 When the te

7、acher comes intothe classroom , the students stopA. shouldB. canC. willD. mustA to talk7 When the teacher comes intothe classroom , the students stopA to talkA to talkB talkedC talking D talks()3. There arc several students in our school.A to talkB talkedC talking D talksA. hundred. B. hundred ofC.

8、hundreds ofD.hundreds()4. It s the teacher, s dutyA. teachB. teachesthe students well.C. to tea.ch1).to teaching()5. The teachers often tel 1 us .A. to beB. be late for class.C. not to be1).not be()6. It, s necessary for you .A. finish your, homework .B. to .finish your homework .C.finishing your ho

9、mework .D. finishes your homework .)三 用方框里所给动词的适当形式填空。keep, lake, follow, wait, mean, fall, make, visit, finish, soundYou* d better until he comes back.The story interesting. I like it very much.Where are you going this summer holiday? I HangZhou.Be careful. Don t into the water. Don* t worry, Mom.I don t think watching TV a waste of time.rLook! The dog the old man.It us more than two hours to get to the farm.Tom thinks it hard his clothes clean.


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